LiquidSoap - modifying stream meta description to match schedule - streaming

So using LiquidSoap for driving my radio station. I have 3 playlists defined and a schedule to switch between them:
pl1 = nrj(playlist("/var/www/html/"))
pl2 = nrj(playlist("/var/www/html/"))
pl3 = nrj(playlist("/var/www/html/"))
radio = switch([ ({22h-7h}, pl1), ({7h-19h}, pl2), ({19h-22h}, pl3) ])
host = "localhost",
port = 8000,
password = "xxxx",
mount = "mymount",
description="**Current show description**",
I'd like to modify the description of the stream according to the current schedule.
But I can't work out how this can be achieved with LiquidSoap. I've been staring at for hours!
Can anyone help?

It's a pity, but Icecast does not support updating the server information like name or description during a source connection.
The reason for this is that those information are sent via HTTP headers when the source client connects to the server. For more information have a look at the protocol.
Here are the sources backing up my answer:


Milo: get IP of client

Is there a way to get a Clients IP in Context of a write?
I want to get the IP of an Client that writes to my Milo-OPCUA-Server, so I can handle these writes differently based on the Clients IP (local Clients should be able to write directly on the Server, whilst other writes should get forwarded to another Server)
Okay, this is not part of any official API right now, so it almost certainly will break in the future, but:
With the OperationContext you get when implementing AttributeManager#write(WriteContext, List<WriteValue>):
context.getSession().ifPresent(session -> {
UaStackServer stackServer = context.getServer().getServer();
if (stackServer instanceof UaTcpStackServer) {
ServerSecureChannel secureChannel = ((UaTcpStackServer) stackServer)
Channel channel = secureChannel.attr(UaTcpStackServer.BoundChannelKey).get();
SocketAddress remoteAddress = channel.remoteAddress();
I'll have to add some official API to do this, probably something hanging off the Session object.

Is there a way to fetch latest email from "Mail reader sampler" or "Beanshell Sampler"

I am able to fetch email from my email account using POP3 via "Mail Reader Sampler" listener. But its not retrieving latest email.
Is it possible to extract the latest email using Beanshell Sampler. If yes, can you please share the code if this is achievable.
As per below discussion - looks like it is not doable. But, wanted to check if this is achievable using any means?
Stackoverflow Discussion on how to fetch required email
You can do this programmatically, check out the following methods:
Folder.getMessageCount() - Get total number of messages in this Folder
Folder.getMessage(int msgnum) - Get the Message object corresponding to the given message number
According to the JavaDoc
Messages are numbered starting at 1 through the total number of message in the folder.
So the number of the last message will always be the same as the total number of messages in the given folder.
Example code which reads last email using POP3 protocol
import javax.mail.Folder
import javax.mail.Message
import javax.mail.Session
import javax.mail.Store
String host = "host"
String user = "username"
String password = "password"
Properties properties = System.getProperties();
Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(properties)
Store store = session.getStore("pop3")
store.connect(host, user, password)
Folder inbox = store.getFolder("Inbox")
int msgCount = inbox.getMessageCount()
Message last = inbox.getMessage(msgCount)
//do what you need with the "last" message
I would also recommend forgetting about Beanshell, whenever you need to perform scripting - use JSR223 Elements and Groovy language as Groovy has much better performance, it is more Java-compliant and it has some nice language features. See Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It guide for more details.

elastic search: How to retrieve the indexed data

In elastic search java api, suppose I am building the indexed data using this client
Node node = nodeBuilder().clusterName("es").node();
Client client = node.client();
IndexResponse response = client.prepareIndex("twitter", "tweet", "1")
.field("user", "kimchy")
.field("postDate", new Date())
.field("message", "trying out Elasticsearch")
This indexed data is stored in folder XYZ/elasticsearch/data.
My question is how to retrieve this indexed data in java from some other client or some other code. Is there any way in which I can give the path and the already indexed data can be imported, then I can perform queries on it?
Edit :
The code for client on other computer
Node node = nodeBuilder().clusterName("es").node();
Client client = node.client();
MatchQueryBuilder qb = QueryBuilders.matchQuery("user", "kimchy");
SearchRequestBuilder srb = client.prepareSearch("twitter").setTypes("tweet");
SearchResponse big = srb.setQuery(qb).execute().actionGet();
SearchHit[] results = big.getHits().getHits();
This shows
search.SearchPhaseExecutionException: Failed to execute phase [query], all shards failed
I'm not sure I understand the question, but if it's just querying in java here's an example :
MatchQueryBuilder qb = QueryBuilders.matchQuery("user", "kimchy);
SearchRequestBuilder srb = client.prepareSearch("twitter").setTypes("tweet");
SearchResponse response = srb.execute().actionGet();
//Here goes your code where you use response.getHits() that contains your items
The message you get by using my snippet usually indicates that your client doesn't manage to connect to your server. Check your server status (i.e. that you launched your server properly) and try using this.
Node node = NodeBuilder.nodeBuilder().client(true).node();
client = node.client();
I don't think you need to specify the clustername unless you have some custom configuration i'm not aware of. Also check your index name.

Redis Connection via socket on Node.js

Because of shared hosting, my redis server on the target host does not run on a port, but on a very specific socket, which can be connected to via the socket file, only accessible to my user.
However, I have not found how I can specify connection via a socket in the node_redis and connect-redis packages, the ones I want to use.
Anyone know how to do it?
Update: My answer below is not really correct. It turns out that the solution in the issue I mention below actually still works. It's more of a coincidence, IMO, but you can do something like this, and it should work:
var redis = require('redis'),
client = redis.createClient('/tmp/redis.sock');
As you see from the code snippet below, this will get passed to net.createConnection which will connect to the unix socket /tmp/redis.sock.
Old answer:
There is a closed issue about this node_redis/issues/204. It seems, thought, that the underlying node.js net.createConnection API has since changed. It looks as though it would be a quite small fix in node_redis' exports.createClient function:
exports.createClient = function (port_arg, host_arg, options) {
var port = port_arg || default_port,
host = host_arg || default_host,
redis_client, net_client;
net_client = net.createConnection(port, host);
redis_client = new RedisClient(net_client, options);
redis_client.port = port; = host;
return redis_client;
It seems as though net.createConnection will attempt to connect to a unix socket if it's called with one argument, that looks like a path. I suggest you implement a fix and send a pull request, since this seems like something worth supporting.
There is no longer a connect string...
var client = redis.createClient(9000); // Open a port on localhost
var client = redis.createClient('/tmp/redis.sock'); // Open a unix socket
var client = redis.createClient(9000, '');
This, and options are documented on the README.

Knowing from which udp socket the Radius request came. Using FreeRadius

I know the question isn't very well. Sorry my english.
I want to setup a (one instance of) FreeRadius server to listen to several ports (with a bunch of 'listen' sections) and then pass the that udp port as a parameter along with User-Name and User-Password to a script that I want to use to make the authentication.
The basic idea is make some kind of domain separation. Some Firewall use radius port 2000 to make authentication. Some other different firewall (with a different set of users) use radius port 2020, for example. At the end, all the request fall in the same script that has the knowledge of both set of users and use one or the other according to the given extra attribute (port number)
I know that is possible making a virtual server per 'domain'. but I prefer not to replicate configuration files. and i think is shorter to add a little 'listen' section for every domain I want.
I tried to add an atribute this way:
listen {
ipaddr = *
port = 0
type = auth
update control {
Login-TCP-Port = 1812
and tried to read it:
autorize {
if ("%{User-Name}" == "bob") {
update reply {
Reply-Message = "This is only %{Login-TCP-Port} an example."
update control {
Cleartext-Password := "bob"
But don't work.
How can i make it right?
Is this posible?
Hope you can help me.
I'm answering myself. I found (looking a like further on google) that the Packet-Dst-Port attribute have the data that I want.
I get it from here (now that I found it, look pretty obvious :P)