elastic search: How to retrieve the indexed data - import

In elastic search java api, suppose I am building the indexed data using this client
Node node = nodeBuilder().clusterName("es").node();
Client client = node.client();
IndexResponse response = client.prepareIndex("twitter", "tweet", "1")
.field("user", "kimchy")
.field("postDate", new Date())
.field("message", "trying out Elasticsearch")
This indexed data is stored in folder XYZ/elasticsearch/data.
My question is how to retrieve this indexed data in java from some other client or some other code. Is there any way in which I can give the path and the already indexed data can be imported, then I can perform queries on it?
Edit :
The code for client on other computer
Node node = nodeBuilder().clusterName("es").node();
Client client = node.client();
MatchQueryBuilder qb = QueryBuilders.matchQuery("user", "kimchy");
SearchRequestBuilder srb = client.prepareSearch("twitter").setTypes("tweet");
SearchResponse big = srb.setQuery(qb).execute().actionGet();
SearchHit[] results = big.getHits().getHits();
This shows
search.SearchPhaseExecutionException: Failed to execute phase [query], all shards failed

I'm not sure I understand the question, but if it's just querying in java here's an example :
MatchQueryBuilder qb = QueryBuilders.matchQuery("user", "kimchy);
SearchRequestBuilder srb = client.prepareSearch("twitter").setTypes("tweet");
SearchResponse response = srb.execute().actionGet();
//Here goes your code where you use response.getHits() that contains your items

The message you get by using my snippet usually indicates that your client doesn't manage to connect to your server. Check your server status (i.e. that you launched your server properly) and try using this.
Node node = NodeBuilder.nodeBuilder().client(true).node();
client = node.client();
I don't think you need to specify the clustername unless you have some custom configuration i'm not aware of. Also check your index name.


How to consolidate the results of Mono Objects in spring WebFlux?

Please look at the below code from controller(Added comments) which uses RestTemplate:
public Course getCourseDetails(#PathVariable Long courseid) {
// Get Course info (ID, Name, Description) from pre-populated Array List
CourseInfo courseInfo = getCourseInfo(courseid);
// Get Price info of a course from another microservice using RESTTemplate
Price price = restTemplate.getForObject("http://localhost:8002/price/"+courseid, Price.class);
// Get enrollment info of a course from another microservice using RESTTemplate
Enrollment enrollment = restTemplate.getForObject("http://localhost:8003/enrollment/"+courseid, Enrollment.class);
//Consolidate everything in to Course object and send it as response
return new Course(courseInfo.getCourseID(), courseInfo.getCourseName(), courseInfo.getCourseDesc(), price.getDiscountedPrice(),
Now I am trying to achieve the same using Reactive programming. I now use WebClient and Mono from Web-Flux. But, I am so confused as to how to combine the results? Take a look at the below code (Just using Mono Everywhere. Rest of the code remained same)
public Mono<Course> getCourseDetails(#PathVariable Long courseid) {
// Get Course info (ID, Name, Description) from pre-populated Array List
CourseInfo courseInfo = getCourseInfo(courseid);
// Get Price info of a course from another microservice using RESTTemplate
Mono<Price> price = webClient.get().uri("http://localhost:8002/price/{courseid}/",courseid).retrieve().bodyToMono(Price.class);
// Get enrollment info of a course from another microservice using RESTTemplate
Mono<Enrollment> inventory = webClient.get().uri("http://localhost:8003/enrollment/{courseid}/",courseid).retrieve().bodyToMono(Enrollment.class);
//Question : How do we Consolidate everything and form a Mono<Course> object and send it as response?
Question 1 : How do we Consolidate everything and form a Mono object and send it as response?
Question 2 : Does the statement "CourseInfo courseInfo = getCourseInfo(courseid);" cause blocking operation?
Answering to:
Question 1 : How do we Consolidate everything and form a Mono object and send it as response?
Mono.zip(..) is what you need to combine the two results. This diagram is from the doc :
Note that, zip will result in an empty Mono if one of A or 1 is empty! Use switchIfEmpty/defaultIfEmpty to protect against that case.
Thus the code looks like:
public Mono<Course> getCourseDetails(#PathVariable Long courseid) {
CourseInfo courseInfo = getCourseInfo(courseid);
Mono<Price> priceMono = webClient.get().uri("http://localhost:8002/price/{courseid}/",courseid).retrieve().bodyToMono(Price.class);
Mono<Enrollment> enrollmentMono = webClient.get().uri("http://localhost:8003/enrollment/{courseid}/",courseid).retrieve().bodyToMono(Enrollment.class);
return Mono.zip(priceMono, enrollmentMono).map(t -> new Course(courseInfo.getCourseID(), courseInfo.getCourseName(), courseInfo.getCourseDesc(), t.getT1().getDiscountedPrice(),
Now answering to:
Question 2 : Does the statement "CourseInfo courseInfo = getCourseInfo(courseid);" cause blocking operation?
Since you mentioned that Get Course info (ID, Name, Description) from pre-populated Array List, if it is just an in-memory Array containing the course information, then it's not blocking.
But (as #mslowiak also mentioned), if getCourseInfo contains logic which involves querying a database, ensure that you are not using a blocking JDBC driver. If so, then there is no point of using Webflux and Reactor. Use Spring R2DBC if that is the case.
restTemplate.getForObject returns simple object - in your case Price or Enrollment. To convert them to Mono you can simply Mono.just(object), however better solution would be to switch to Webclient which is default HTTP client for Spring Reactive
getCourseInfo it depends what is the logic behind this method. For sure if there is a JDBC connection behind that method it is blocking.
To make a final response with Mono<Course> you should think about zip operator which will help you with that.
For ex:
Mono<Course> courseMono = Mono.zip(price, enrollment)
.map(tuple -> new Course(courseInfo, tuple.getT1(), tuple.getT2()));

Clockify - Best way to get ALL data into excel or access using the REST api?

I am trying to get all data into excel using the Get data from web option but I am not sure how to properly configure it. I did get the API key.
Below is the path I use, but that is only the time entries for one user, I need them for ALL users.
Any help is appreciated.
EDIT: I didn't read that you wanted to use Power Query in Excel. The Advanced Editor only works with this code in Power BI Desktop.
You'll need to program the request in the Advanced Editor in Power Query.
Here is an example of connecting to the Get Workspace Clients endpoint:
baseUrl = "https://api.clockify.me/api/v1/",
apiKey = "your-api-key",
workspaceID = "5dfb421c1b30342708229760",
GetWorkspace = (workspaceID as text) =>
options = [Headers = [#"X-Api-Key"= apiKey, #"Content-Type" = "application/Json"],
RelativePath = "workspaces/" & workspaceID & "/clients"],
call = Web.Contents(baseUrl, options),
jsonParsed = Json.Document(call)
Using this function you just have to change the parameters you need according to the endpoint you want to hit.
The baseUrl will be the same, you'll need to change the RelativePath with the rest of the url and if you need to pass some query parameters, put them after RelativePath in a record, like this:
RelativePath = "workspaces/" & workspaceID & "/clients", Query = [page = "1"]],
I recommend using Postman to make the calls and Fiddler to track how the Url is being constructed. Then compare Postman requests with your power query requests, to check the differences.
Here are some other threads about the subject:
How to access Clockify API through Power Query
How to pull data from Toggl API with Power Query?

Why doesn't pymongo.encryption encrypt?

fle_opts = AutoEncryptionOpts(kms_providers, key_vault_namespace,
client = MongoClient(connection_string,
I'm running this to encrypt a document but when I see the base in Robo, can I see all the fields without encryption, will you know the reason?
I am using Mongo Enterprise

Sharing objects with all verticles instances

My application, an API server, is thought to be organized as follows:
MainVerticle is called on startup and should create all necessary objects for the application to work. Mainly a mongoDB pool of connections (MongoClient.createShared(...)) and a global configuration object available instance-wide. It also starts the HTTP Listener, several instances of a HttpVerticle.
HttpVerticle is in charge of receiving requests and, based the command xxx in the payload, execute the XxxHandler.handle(...) method.
Most of the XxxHandler.handle(...) methods will need to access the database. In addition, some others will also deploy additional verticles with parameters from the global conf. For example LoginHandler.handle(...) will deploy a verticle to keep user state while he's connected and this verticle will be undeployed when the user logs out.
I can't figure out how to get the global configuration object while being in XxxHandler.handle(...) or in a "sub"-verticle. Same for the mongo client.
Q1: For configuration data, I tried to use SharedData. In `MainVerticle.start() I have:
LocalMap<String, String> lm = vertx.sharedData().getLocalMap("conf");
lm.put("var", "val");
and in `HttpVerticle.start() I have:
LocalMap<String, String> lm = vertx.sharedData().getLocalMap("conf");
log.debug("var={}", lm.get("var"));
but the log output is var=null.... What am I doing wrong ?
Q2: Besides this basic example with a <String, String> map type, what if the value is a mutable Object like JsonObject which actually is what I would need ?
Q3: Finally how to make the instance of the mongo client available to all verticles?
Instead of getLocalMap() you should be using getClusterWideMap(). Then you should be able to operate on shared data accross the whole cluster and not just in one verticle.
Be aware that the shared operations are async and the code might look like (code in Groovy):
vertx.sharedData().getClusterWideMap( 'your-name' ){ AsyncResult<AsyncMap<String,String>> res ->
if( res.succeeded() )
res.result().put( 'var', 'val', { log.info "put succeeded: ${it.succeeded()}" } )
You should be able to use any Serializable objects in your map.

Inject a datasource using jrs-rest-java-client to a report

I am using JasperReports Server with its jrs-rest-java-client API. When I access the remote server I want to inject the datasource (in my case it is a database) that the report should use. I do not know if it is possible to do it using this API.
Yes, it is possible. This is how I do it in JasperReports Server v6.2.1 with the jrs-rest-java-client v6.2.3:
// build configuration object
RestClientConfiguration configuration = new RestClientConfiguration("http://localhost:8080/jasperserver");
// build client and authenticate
JasperserverRestClient client = new JasperserverRestClient(configuration);
Session session = client.authenticate("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin");
String reportUnitUri = "/path/to/reportUnit";
// first get the version of the reportUnit to prevent update conflicts from optimistic locking
OperationResult<ClientReportUnit> reportUnitOperationResult = session.resourcesService().resource(reportUnitUri).get(ClientReportUnit.class);
Integer reportUnitVersion = reportUnitOperationResult.getEntity().getVersion();
// build patchDescriptor with the dataSource field
PatchDescriptor patchDescriptor = new PatchDescriptor();
patchDescriptor.field("dataSource", "/path/to/repository/dataSource");
// apply the patchDescriptor
session.resourcesService().resource(reportUnitUri).patchResource(ClientReportUnit.class, patchDescriptor);