Unity Error CS1519 in Simple Activator Menu - unity3d

New to Unity. Had a problem with GUI, had to change it to UI. GUIText has been changed to Text to resolve previous error message:
link here to photo
Assets\Standard Assets\Utility\SimpleActivatorMenu.cs(10,5): error CS1519: Invalid token '{' in class, struct, or interface member declaration

You already have a '{' on line 9, but you also have one on line 10. Remove the bracket from line 10.
Also, for future reference, post your code using the code tags and not as an image.


"unable to resolve class GradleException" Error

I am creating my project and when trying to run it it shows me this error, I have not programmed anything I just wanted to run the default app
bug image
The complete error message reads
Unexpected token. u # line 12, column 2
And if you look in line 12, right below the text "unable to resolve class GradleException", then you see a closing bracket and an extra "u".
Apparently this is an accidental typo. Remote that u and try again

Overlapping Rounded Rectangles causes error in FPDF

I am creating a PDF using the script 35 version of the Rounded rectangle function (Author: Christophe Prugnaud) and it works fine.
However, I require a filled rounded rectangle to be drawn inside an outline rounded rectangle and this causes an error e.g.
$this->pdf->RoundedRect($this->myleftmargin, $this->currenty, $this->mywidth, $totalheight, 8, '1234', 'D');
$this->pdf->RoundedRect($this->myleftmargin+2, $this->currenty+2, $this->mywidth-4, $totalheight-4, 8, '1234', 'DF');
In investigating the problem I find that if the top and left edges move in, but the right and bottom do not, there is no problem.
$this->pdf->RoundedRect($this->myleftmargin, $this->currenty, $this->mywidth, $totalheight, 8, '1234', 'D');
$this->pdf->RoundedRect($this->myleftmargin+2, $this->currenty+2, $this->mywidth-2, $totalheight-2, 8, '1234', 'DF');
Is this solvable?
Addendum: This may not be the problem I thought it was, but it is still a problem. Running the code via Insomnia appears to return a PDF without problems - for either of the two sets of code above. BUT using the same URL via an Axios call (in Vue) causes an error in the first case but not in the second.
Oliver (below), fairly, asked what the error is. Unfortunately I am not getting back anything useful for this. From the php error log I know that the problem is with the call ... $this->pdf->Output('a.pdf','I'); ... which create the error that a header has already been sent - but there is no other error before this in the log to know where that header is coming from. Logically the header must come from a error but (as you can see from the code) the difference in the working and failing code is just the value of a number.
Whilst I don't know why the code that worked, worked ... I now have a generic solution. The problem was that the Yii2 code that the PDF code was part of was trying to return a header from the controller. So rather than...
which returned a PDF to Insomnia, used...
return Yii::$app->response->sendContentAsFile($this->pdf->Output('S'), 'a.pdf');
which returned the data in a form that the axios call could then use to download.

How to debug DataFlow exception

I am receiving the following error condition in an Azure Data Factory data flow that looks like the picture below.
{"message":"DSL stream has parsing errors\nLine 11 Position 207: token recognition error at: '\\n'. Details:DSL stream has parsing errors\nLine 11 Position 207: token recognition error at: '\\n'","failureType":"UserError","target":"df_ReplicaSync","errorCode":"DFExecutorUserError"}
How does one debug this? It has no reference to any activity, operation, or parameter? I tried looking at the line in the JSON code for each activity in the data flow but no help.
There was a line feed in the expression builder window where you build the T-SQL. It will not complain about it but it will add a new line character that will cause this issue at runtime.
When viewing the script as Mark suggested
DSL is referring to the data flow script (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-factory/data-flow-script) that is behind the map. You can see it by clicking on the Script button on the top right. If you click on it for your data flow, you can find the location of the error via Line 11, Pos 207.

Warning message identifier

I would like to include the warning() command in my MATLAB code. Ironically, in doing so, I get a warning message in the code editor that I'm unable to shift.
If I use the line warning('Warning message!'), the code editor tells me I need to include a 'message identifier' as the first argument. So, I consulted help warning, which informs me that 'message identifier' is simply a string.
If I use the following line:
warning('identifier','Warning message!'), I still get complaints from the editor. First of all, it still wants me to add a 'message identifier' as the first argument. In addition, it now tells me that 'the format string might not agree with the argument count'.
How do I resolve this?
I'm using MATLAB 2012a.
Try something like this:
warning('myfun:warncode','Warning message!')

Getting an error while writing a custom velocity macro

When creating my own macro, and trying to add it so that anyone can use it, I get the following error:
Error number 4001 in 4: Error while parsing velocity page /templates/docdoesnotexist.vm
Wrapped Exception: Cannot start the Velocity engine
I do not change that file, but I do change xwiki/templates/macros.txt and /macros.vm by adding recentChanges=velocity:recentChanges: and #macro(recentChanges) respectively (yes, I do add working content after #macro(recentChanges))
That looks like a syntax error in macros.vm. You should revert to the original macros.vm and first try to write your custom macro in a wiki page. Once it works, you can move it to macros.vm and restart the server.
macros.txt shouldn't be edited, it's a legacy file used by the older WYSIWYG editor.