Customize a VM image from the shared gallery for use in batch - azure-batch

I would like to take an image from the Azure shared image gallery, customize it by adding additional software and use it for my batch pool. More specific, I would like to use the Azure batch rendering image for Windows machines and add additionall software. I still need to book the licenses for the preinstalled software through Azure batch.
What I have tried so far:
Create a VM using the Azure batch rendering image for Windows from the shared image gallery
Create a snapshot from this VM as an image
Create my own shared image gallery and add the image to this gallery
Create a pool on my batch account, specifing the previously created image from my gallery
The result is an error message when resizing the pool to contain a node: "Deployment allocation failed due to missing image plan information in the request. You need to create custom image based on first party image which does not require image plan."
Are there any steps I can take to get this running?
Thanks in advance!


how to deploy large sized deep learning model using streamlit?

I have saved an (.h5) model with size about 85GB. I am trying to build a webapp using streamlit. However, I face the problem or loading my model, as I can not upload it to github. I tried to shrink the size of the saved model using tensorflow lite, but it only reduced the size to about 80GB. Is there a way to deploy my model for free using streamlit or other tools with my saved model.
The code and the issue is at
Thank you
Even when using the Git Large File Storage, you can't use larger files than 5GB with Github. I think the easiest way for you would be to save your model in Gdrive and provide the url to your streamlit application.
An easy way to download public files from gdrive in python is the library gdown.
If the model should remain private, you would need to rely on the google drive api and the usage of streamlits secrets to pass the credentials.

flutter web on s3 static hosting not able to display images

When I do a
flutter web build
and created a static website on s3, the flutter app tries to access images via /assets but the build puts them inside 2 nested assets folders
other images
I put a sample build on github where the assets are
and the build assets are here
I'm not sure if this is a bug or if I am just doing something wrong.
When using , , or , the browser automatically blocks access to pixels when it knows that an image is coming from another site and the CORS policy disallows access to data.
WebGL requires access to the image data in order to be able to render the image. Therefore, images to be rendered using WebGL must only come from servers that have a CORS policy configured to work with the domain that serves your application.
For more information:
Displaying images on the web

Multi-store: Product image (default) import, base, small, thumbnail images are not setting in (non-default) store

I have multi-website instance. I imported product images via Magento2 (default) tool under admin->system->import....
The images imported successfully, and I can see, each imported image set as base, small and thumbnail, under product (default) store.
However, if I switch to another store via (Store View), the image exists, but did not set as base, small and thumbnail.
Please help.
Please confirm your OS, like Windows or Ubuntu?
If uploading CSV from Ubuntu, then please re-import via Windows.
Sometimes, import makes issue due to the OS.

photo gallery using Composite c1 cms

I just started using composite C1 CMS. And I have built one sample site where I need to build the photo gallery. I was able to upload single single picture but confused to create gallery. I also need to upload multiple pictures one at a time.
So,I will be very thankful to the solution
Upload multiple files
You can upload multiple pictures using the "Upload Multiple" command instead of the "Upload File" command in the media archive. Here is how to:
On your computer select all the images you with to upload and make a ZIP file with them
In the C1 Console, on the Media perspective, execute the "Upload Multiple" command on the desired folder
In the dialog, browse to the ZIP from step 1 and upload.
UPDATE: This is now documented at
Getting an Image Gallery
There are pre-build galleries you can use. Consider using one of those rather than building your own.
Here is a guide on adding a blog and gallery to Composite. The gallery used here uses Picasa (an online service for picture storage). If you want to upload your pictures to the CMS instead, install one of these packages:
They are all available as C1 Packages you can install, evaluate and uninstall if you dislike them.

How to display .mbtiles on a hosted server

I am using the containerized deployment of openmaptiles. I downloaded all the basic included base maps, (dark-matter, positron, etc..). Then I downloaded the satellite tiles separately from . Now I have a satellite.mbtiles that I have placed in the same location as my config.json and osm-2017-07-03-v3.6.1-planet.mbtiles. But when I hit the hosted page that shows the available tiles I have, the satellite files are not there. What do I need to do to pull these satellite files I have?
To link to the current dark-matter tiles I am using something like: http://localhost/styles/dark-matter/{z}/{x}/{y}.png , what would I need for the satellite?
Also we do have a business package purchased from these guys so nothing should hamper any of this.
TLDR: How do I utilize two .mbtiles at once, using the hosted deployment.