photo gallery using Composite c1 cms - content-management-system

I just started using composite C1 CMS. And I have built one sample site where I need to build the photo gallery. I was able to upload single single picture but confused to create gallery. I also need to upload multiple pictures one at a time.
So,I will be very thankful to the solution

Upload multiple files
You can upload multiple pictures using the "Upload Multiple" command instead of the "Upload File" command in the media archive. Here is how to:
On your computer select all the images you with to upload and make a ZIP file with them
In the C1 Console, on the Media perspective, execute the "Upload Multiple" command on the desired folder
In the dialog, browse to the ZIP from step 1 and upload.
UPDATE: This is now documented at
Getting an Image Gallery
There are pre-build galleries you can use. Consider using one of those rather than building your own.
Here is a guide on adding a blog and gallery to Composite. The gallery used here uses Picasa (an online service for picture storage). If you want to upload your pictures to the CMS instead, install one of these packages:
They are all available as C1 Packages you can install, evaluate and uninstall if you dislike them.


TinyMCE - Upload images, media and documents to your own server

I am using TinyMCE for publishing articles in some journalistic and cultural portals.
As for the media (images, audio, video, documents), everything will have to be uploaded and managed internally, without using external links to services such as YouTube and TinyPIC, which I have no control over to ascertain the permanence of the media.
I was already using the images_upload_url option for images but I cannot find a similar option for all other media or a general option that works for all media types.
For some current sites I am using the external responsivefilemanager plugin but I was hoping that in future releases of TnyMCE an internal option similar to images_upload_url would be integrated.
Is this an option I can't find or has it not yet been integrated and responsivefilemanager still needs to be used?
I recently had the same question, turns out if you are using a paid plan for TinyMCE, you could use their TinyDrive plugin & a TinyCloud account.
This allows to upload images, files and medias, plus it better integrates with their tools (ie you have a nice UI to access uploaded files by your text editor)
It may answer your need! I give you the link to their documentation: You have a nice example on this page, to try it :
Click on the Upload icon and upload your video
Click on Insert > Media > General
Click on the Upload icon and here is your video that you can add to your text content
Have a great day,

Download a directory from a blob URI using MSBuild

I am not positive that I am asking this question with the correct vocabulary, so I will try to give as much context as possible.
My goal is to download a directory from Github using MSBuild.
After searching, it does not appear that there is any easy inbuilt way to do this. Downloading individual files is easy, but entire directories is difficult.
My current attempt involves using an external tool: DownGit. This tool generates download links from GitHub. However, trying to use the DownloadFile MSBuild task does not give the expected results: it downloads the HTML of the webpage itself instead of getting the zip from the download link.
After further investigation, it looks like the actual download link itself is different from the initial link.
(Warning: link will download a zip if used.)
Initial Link:
Download Link: blob:
How can I go from the initial link (which is human readable and allows me to dynamically modify it as needed in MSBuild), to the actual download link (which will give me the directory I need, but appears to be unique each time)?

APIs/Services to Generate Thumbnails of Document

We have a website, which allows users to upload documents (word, pdf, PPT, etc.).
We are uploading files to Amazon S3. So, all files will have it's own web URL.
For these uploaded documents, we would like to generate thumbnails. This thumbnail needs to be generated based on it's content (like Google document viewer).
Is there any Service/API, which generates thumbnails of documents by it's URL?
Thanks and Regards,
Ashish Shukla
You could roll your own solution. I'm evaluating 2JPEG and it appears to support 275 formats including Word, Excel, Publisher & Powerpoint files. fCoder recommends running 2JPEG as a scheduled background task. The command line syntax is pretty comprehensive. I don't think it has the ability to process remote AWS files, but you could retain it locally temporarily, generate the thumbnail and then delete the local source file.
Here's a sample snippet to generate a thumbnail for a specific file:
2jpeg.exe -src "c:\files\myfile.docx" -dst "c:\files" -oper Resize size:"100 200" fmode:fit_width -options pages:"1" scansf:no overwrite:yes template:"{Title}_thumb.jpg" silent:yes
You should also take a look at AWS Lambda. In fact, this presentation from the AWS re:Invent 2014 conference shows a live example of using Lambda to generate thumbnail images. This solution will be very reliable, and very cost-effective, but has the downside that you'll be responsible for maintaining the code, or debugging issues.

how to create multiplatform file browser in ionic

I need help. I'm trying to create a multiplatform mobile application. One of the functionalities is a local file browser that will allow user to select a directory and create a list of file in this directory. I've already spent couple of hours on that issue and I can not find any solution for that.
I've checked
But if I understand it correctly it is used when I already have a file, it not allows user to pick the directory.
I don't need anything fancy, it should as simple as possible
The Cordova FileSystem plugin (and ngCordova's wrapper) provide the ability the read directories from the file system. They do not provide any UI, so you would use the plugin to ask for a list of directories and then render it as you see fit. (A UL, a table, whatever.) To "browse" you could use a click handler on the list of directories such that when clicked, you then get the files/subdirectories of that folder. Again, the FS plugin adds support for doing that.

Upload images with tinyMce

I have this plugin advImage which I use in tinyMce. I want the user to be able to upload images from his own computer. However, the plugin only allows images which are on the server to be uploaded. How can I change this? If I choose an image from my desktop for uploading, the path is Content/documents/editorImages/myImage.jpg. How to change this?
This might be what you are looking for. Give it a try.
There exists a plugin named MCImageManager from the developers of tinymce, but this is not free.