What is, and what use cases have the dot "." in helm charts? - kubernetes

im currently going through the docs of helm, and there have been at least 3 different uses for the dot (.), is there any specific definition for it? and does it have something in common with the bash use (actual folder/files)?
some cases in the documentation
This print the accesed files in the range called before?
{{- $files := .Files }}
{{- range tuple "config1.toml" "config2.toml" "config3.toml" }}
{{ . }}: |-
{{ $files.Get . }}
{{- end }}
This tells "mychart.app" to use the files in the current folder (bash-like behaviour)
{{ include "mychart.app" . | indent 4 }}
and this, i guess it takes the values from the whole folder??? i guess this is not correct since is not working (it has been made by another employee back then and i have to fix it)
{{- define "read.select-annot" -}}
{{- range $key, $value := . }}
{{ $key }}: {{ $value }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
thanks for the help

In general, . in Helm templates has nothing to do with files or directories.
The Helm templating language uses Go's text/template system. There are a couple of different ways a period character can appear there.
First of all, . can be a character in a string:
{{- range tuple "config1.toml" "config2.toml" "config3.toml" }}
{{/* ^^^^^^^^^^^^
this is a literal string "config1.toml" */}}
{{- end }}
Secondly, . can be a lookup operator. There aren't any solid examples in your question, but a typical use is looking up in values. If your values.yaml file has
key: value
then you can expand
{{ .Values.root.key }}
and the . before root and key navigates one level down in the dictionary structure.
The third use, and possibly the one that's confusing you, is that . on its own is a variable.
{{ . }}
You can do field lookups on it, and you have some examples of that: .Files is the same as index . "Files", and looks up the field "Files" on the object ..
You use . as a variable in several places:
{{- $files := .Files }} {{/* Get "Files" from . */}}
{{ . }} {{/* Write . as a value */}}
{{ include "mychart.app" . }} {{/* Pass . as the template parameter */}}
. is tricky in that it has somewhat contextual meaning:
At the top level, Helm initializes . to an object with keys Files, Release, Values, and Chart.
In a defined template, . is the parameter to the template. (So when you include or template, you need to pass . down as that parameter.)
In a range loop, . is the current item being iterated on.
In a with block, . is the matched item if it exists.
In particular, the interaction with range can be tricky. Let's look at a simplified version of your loop:
# {{ . }}
{{- range tuple "config1.toml" "config2.toml" "config3.toml" }}
- {{ . }}
{{- end }}
Outside the range loop, . is probably the top-level Helm object. But inside the range loop, . is the file name (each value from the tuple in turn). That's where you need to save values from . into local variables:
{{/* We're about to invalidate ., so save .Files into a variable. */}}
{{- $files := .Files }}
{{- range tuple "config1.toml" "config2.toml" "config3.toml" }}
{{/* This . is the filename from the "tuple" call */}}
{{ . }}: |-
{{/* Call .Get, from the saved $files, passing the filename .
as the parameter */}}
{{ $files.Get . }}
{{- end }}


Helm tpl function pass in file specific variable and global Values

Using the helm function tpl or other similar functions, how do you pass in a file specific variable and the top level Values? Here is a concrete example:
# values
template: "{{ .Values.name }} drinks {{ $drink }}"
name: "Tom"
# template
{{- $drink := "coffee" -}}
# how do I pass $drink into tpl???
{{ tpl .Values.template . }}
# expected output
Tom drinks coffee
It seems like when I do this it just passes in the .Values, but not the file specific $drink variable that's defined within the template and I get the error: error calling tpl. I don't see anything in the docs for how to merge these values together or just pass them both into the function.
Helm is using a slightly modified version of sprig functions. Most things from sprig are available.
You can use one of the dict functions to set the value or create a new dict that you pass as context.
{{ $_ := set .Values "drink" $drink }}
{{ tpl .Values.template . }}
In this case I have set a new key on the Values dict.
template: "{{ .Values.name }} drinks {{ .Values.drink }}"

Values context in an included helm named template

We have a helm chart that contains named templates to be used by other templates.
Originally, the helm chart containing the named templates has no "values.yaml" file, as all it has are "_function.tpl" files. But now, we would like to use a "values.yaml" file to define some values there instead of having to be passed by the caller like so after defining the dependency in the Chart.yaml.
{{ include "libchart.velero" (list . .Values.velero )}}
The named template then would have a definition, which converts those contexts passed as list to $root and "velero", so we can work comfortably with the caller passed context, like so:
{{- define "libchart.velero" -}}
{{- $root := index . 0 -}}
{{- $velero := index . 1 -}}
But question is, how could I define and consume the variables define in the "values.yaml" file present in the chart that contains the definition of the named template itself.
I've tried using things like {{ $.Values.local }} and {{ .Values.local }} to access "locally to the named template" defined variable, but no luck with those.
With that construction, the top-level Helm object (which contains Values, Release, Namespace, etc. fields) is in the $root variable inside the template.
Call with a list of two items, the top-level Helm object and the
.Values.velero chart configuration.
Outputs something only if the `local` top-level value is set.
{{- define "libchart.velero" -}}
{{- $root := index . 0 -}}
{{- $velero := index . 1 -}}
{{- if $root.Values.local -}} {{-/* <-- like this */-}}
... {{ $velero }} ...
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

How to filter out file names from a .File.Glob in a Helm Chart

I have the following snippet in a helm library which is supposed to add in all the files in a folder into a ConfigMap except for those ending in .tz.
{{- /*
add the contents of every file in the config folder of this IOC helm chart
into the config map - this must include start.sh the startup script.
The files must be text only. Any files ending in .tz are explicitly ommitted
*/ -}}
{{ (.Files.Glob "config/*[!.tz]").AsConfig | indent 2 }}
version.txt: |
IOC {{ .Release.Name }} version {{ .Chart.AppVersion }}
This does not quite work in that it filters out all files ending in . or t or z.
I cant see how to do this with Go globbing. I also cannot work out the syntax for using 'without' for the list created by .Files.Glob.
Can anyone enlighten me? Thanks!
Thanks #David Maze. This almost worked but the reference to .Files.Get failed and I think that is because the . context becomes the range counter within the range loop.
Adding $ to .Files within the loop got it working.
Also to fully replicate AsConfig I needed to extract the basename from
the path which I did by adding regexReplaceAll.
{{- range $path, $_ := .Files.Glob "config/*" }}
{{- if not (hasSuffix ".tz" $path) }}
{{ regexReplaceAll "(.*)/" $path "" }}: |
{{ $.Files.Get $path | indent 4 }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
The Helm documentation references the Go "github.com/gobwas/glob" package for the supported glob syntax; that doesn't support any sort of "except" cases, except for single characters.
What you can do instead is iterate over all of the files, and then use a normal conditional to exclude the ones you don't want. You have to construct the ConfigMap structure yourself rather than relying on the AsConfig helper.
{{- range $path, $_ := .Files.Glob "config/*" }}
{{- if not (hasSuffix ".tz" $path) }}
{{ $path }}: |
{{ .Files.Get $path | indent 4 }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}

Helm include templates

Please! Is it possible to squash multiple helm templates into one and then refer to it as a one-liner in a deployment file?
{{- define "foo.deploy" -}}
{{- include "foo.1" . | nindent 6 }}
{{- include "foo.2" . | nindent 6 }}
{{- include "foo.3" . | nindent 6 }}
And then do an {{- include "foo.deploy" . }} in a separate deployment file.
Which should then contain foo.1, foo.2 and foo.3, and their respective definitions.
As opposed to literally writing out all three different 'includes' especially if you've got loads.
Much appreciated,
A named template (sometimes called a partial or a subtemplate) is simply a template defined inside of a file, and given a name. We’ll see two ways to create them, and a few different ways to use them.
Template names are global. As a result of this, if two templates are declared with the same name the last occurrence will be the one that is used. Since templates in subcharts are compiled together with top-level templates, it is best to name your templates with chart specific names. A popular naming convention is to prefix each defined template with the name of the chart: {{ define "mychart.labels" }}.
More information about named templates you can find here: named-template.
Proper configuration file should look like:
{{/* Generate basic labels */}}
{{- define "mychart.labels" }}
generator: helm
date: {{ now | htmlDate }}
{{- end }}
In your case part of file should looks like:
{{- define "foo.deploy" -}}
{{- include "foo.1" . | nindent 6 }}
{{- include "foo.2" . | nindent 6 }}
{{- include "foo.3" . | nindent 6 }}
{{ end }}

Helm control input values

I'm looking for a solution to control the input values(defined in values.yaml). I would like to check if the input value is authorized.
provider: aws
- nginx
- varnish
- php
And in another file(maybe _helpers.tpl?)
- aws
- azure
- nginx
- php
And raise an error(custom message if it's possible) to indicate that the input values are not supported/authorized.
My goal is to avoid to generate a Kubernetes configmap with unsupported values(helm install works but this configuration will generate container errors).
I finally found a solution using "required" with some tricks.
Following my example with my values.yaml config file.
I define in _helpers.tpl:
Define the authorized Value for the parameter: .Values.provider
{{- define "authorized.provider" }}
{{- printf "aws,azure" }}
{{- end }}
Define the error message if the .Values.provider doesn't respect the authorized.provider condition.
{{- define "error.provider" }}
{{- $provider := include "authorized.provider" . }}
{{- printf "Invalid value set for .Values.provider - Must be one of %s" $provider }}
{{- end }}
Define the authorized Value for the parameter: .Values.services
{{- define "authorized.services" }}
{{- printf "nginx,php" }}
{{- end }}
Define the error message if the .Values.services doesn't respect the authorized.services condition.
{{- define "error.services" }}
{{- $services := include "authorized.services" . }}
{{- printf "Invalid value set for .Values.services - Authorized values are %s" $services }}
{{- end }}
And next, I've created another file: input-values-validation.yaml
{{- $provider := include "authorized.provider" . }}
{{- $errorProvider := include "error.provider" . }}
{{- if not (has .Values.provider (splitList "," $provider)) }}
{{ required $errorProvider .Values.foo }}
{{- end }}
{{- $services := include "authorized.services" . }}
{{- $errorServices := include "error.Services" . }}
{{- $root := . -}}
{{- range .Values.services }}
{{- if not (has . (splitList "," $services)) }}
{{ required $errorServices $root.Values.foo }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
Output if bad input value:
==> Linting
[ERROR] templates/: render error in "templates/input-values-validation.yaml": template: templates/input-values-validation.yaml:12:3: executing "templates/input-values-validation.yaml" at<required $errorServ...>: error calling required: Invalid value set for .Values.services - Authorized values are nginx,php
".Values.foo" must never be set in the values.yaml file. I used it to fail the "required" check and raise the error.
I've tried to put the content of "input-values-validation.yaml" in the _helpers.tpl file but this generate an error "[ERROR] templates/: rendering template failed: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference". It seems that the "required" function must be used only in yaml files.
So with this solution, I'm able to define the authorized values in the _helpers.tpl file and generate a "custom" error message. And if in the futur I support more providers/services(my example), I'll only need to modify the value in "authorized.provider" and "authorized.services".
I've not seen it done with helm2, at least not in a scan of the official charts, the attempt to define common functions in an incubator chart.
The trickiest bit is being able to give a good error - the closest I've seen is the sprig fail function
But helm3 should provide for this kind of validation, either with schemas or lua
Otherwise perhaps you could do it like:
nginx: false
varnish: false
php: true
So that the chart user chooses which services they want with a true/false