Helm tpl function pass in file specific variable and global Values - kubernetes

Using the helm function tpl or other similar functions, how do you pass in a file specific variable and the top level Values? Here is a concrete example:
# values
template: "{{ .Values.name }} drinks {{ $drink }}"
name: "Tom"
# template
{{- $drink := "coffee" -}}
# how do I pass $drink into tpl???
{{ tpl .Values.template . }}
# expected output
Tom drinks coffee
It seems like when I do this it just passes in the .Values, but not the file specific $drink variable that's defined within the template and I get the error: error calling tpl. I don't see anything in the docs for how to merge these values together or just pass them both into the function.

Helm is using a slightly modified version of sprig functions. Most things from sprig are available.
You can use one of the dict functions to set the value or create a new dict that you pass as context.
{{ $_ := set .Values "drink" $drink }}
{{ tpl .Values.template . }}
In this case I have set a new key on the Values dict.
template: "{{ .Values.name }} drinks {{ .Values.drink }}"


helm --set to select environment

Struggling with some helm templating...
I'm trying to pass a separate yaml file with springboot parameters to helm, and have them split by environment... then I want to pass the environment to helm using --set env=staging
Feels like I've tried everything but clearly I'm lacking a fundamental understanding...
My _helpers.tpl contains these:
{{- define "env" }}
{{- printf "%s" .Values.env }}
{{- end }}
{{ define "configmap.metadata" }}
name: {{ .Values.name }}-config
{{ end }}
{{ define "configmap.properties" }}
{{ index .Values.environment (include "env" .) "properties" | indent 4 }}
{{ end }}
The template for the config map:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
{{ include "configmap.metadata" . }}
app.properties: |-
{{ include "configmap.properties" .}}
And the yaml file containing the properties looks like this:
url: something
username: something
password: something
key: something
secret: something
baseUri: something
bootstrap_server: something
bootstrap_port: something
registry_schema: something
etc, etc
And then I want to select the environment using set. I'm testing with:
helm template test . -f values.yaml -f properties.yaml --set env=staging
I think I've just tried so many things that I just can't see the wood for the trees! The error I'm seeing is:
Error: template: microservice/templates/configmap.yaml:7:7: executing "microservice/templates/configmap.yaml" at <include "configmap.properties" .>: error calling include: template: microservice/templates/_helpers.tpl:56:76: executing "configmap.properties" at <4>: wrong type for value; expected string; got map[string]interface {}
After tweaking, I'm still getting an error, but I'm seeing something in the configmap.. but I wonder if the error is due to the 8 spaces on the first line..
app.properties: |-
bootstrap_port: something
bootstrap_server: something
registry_schema: something
baseUri: something
key: something
secret: something
password: something
url: something
username: something
I think your actual error message is around the way you're using the .Values.environment.production.properties value. It's a YAML map, but the indent function expects it to be a string. You should be able to see some odd indentation and maybe an odd [map spring [map datasource ...]] string if you use the helm template --debug option.
When you go to render the ConfigMap, you need to make sure to do two things. Since the data you have is structured properties, you need to use the lightly-documented toYaml function to convert it back to YAML. This will begin at the first column, so you need to apply the indent function to it, and then you need to make sure the markup that invokes it is also at the first column (indent should be the only thing that supplies indentation).
app.properties: |-
{{ include "configmap.properties" . | indent 4}}
{{/*- starts at column 1, but includes the `indent` function */}}
{{ define "configmap.properties" }}
{{- index .Values.environment (.Values.env) "properties" | toYaml }}
{{/*- starts at first column, includes `toYaml`, does not include `indent` */}}
{{- end }}

Detect if variable is dict / array / list

I've the following values.yaml:
name: foo
key: bar
Now, in the deployment I've the following lines to specify the environment:
{{- range $name, $item := .Values.env }}
- name: {{ $name }}
{{- $item | toYaml | nindent 14 }}
{{- end }}
This works as long as "NODES" is no list because they are not allowed as env variable, but I would like to specify them as list in the values.yaml. So the question is, how I can test if $item.value is a dict or a simple string.
I tried using typeOf, but it tells me that NODES is "[]interface {}". So I wonder what's the correct way to test?!
My goal is, if I see an array in the env of my deployment to join them using ";", e.g. value: {{ join ";" .env.NODES.value | quote }}.
Helm has some template functions to inspect object types (from the Sprig support library) but these quickly get into the underlying Go type system.
For the specific thing you're asking, you might try the Helm/Sprig kindIs function. This passes through to the underlying Go reflect package but in particular it does distinguish slice (list) and map (dict) as specific kinds.
{{- if and $item.value (kindIs "slice" $item.value) }}
value: {{ join ";" $item.value }}
{{- end }}
Rather than trying to have your Helm values directly reflect the Kubernetes object structure, you might consider having configuration values like this list of nodes as top-level configuration values.
# values.yaml
# not inside an `env:` block, at the top level
Then you can construct these from a known format in your template. This will be much more straightforward than trying to use the reflection functions.
- name: NODES
value: {{ join ";" .Values.nodes }}

Helm's v3 Example Doesn't Show Multi-line Properties. Get YAML to JSON parse error

In Helm's v3 documentation: Accessing Files Inside Templates, the author gives an example of 3 properties (toml) files; where each file has only one key/value pair.
The configmap.yaml looks like this. I'm only adding one config.toml for simplicity.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: {{ .Release.Name }}-config
{{- $files := .Files }}
{{- range tuple "config.toml" }}
{{ . }}: |-
{{ $files.Get . }}
{{- end }}
This works fine, until I add a second line to the config.toml file.
Then I get an Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: YAML parse error on deploy/templates/configmap.yaml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 9: could not find expected ':'
Any thoughts will be appreciated.
Helm will read in that file, but it is (for good or bad) a text templating engine. It does not understand that you are trying to compose a YAML file and thus it will not help you. That's actually why you will see so many, many templates in the wild with {{ .thing | indent 8 }} or {{ .otherThing | toYaml }} -- because you need to help Helm know in what context it is emitting the text
Thus, in your specific case, you'll want the indent filter with a value of 4 because your current template has two spaces for the key indent level, and two more spaces for the value block scalar
{{- $files := .Files }}
{{- range tuple "config.toml" }}
{{ . }}: |-
{{ $files.Get . | indent 4 }}
{{/* notice this ^^^ template expression is flush left,
because the 'indent' is handling whitespace, not the golang template itself */}}
{{- end }}
Also, while this is the specific answer to your question, don't overlook the .AsConfig section on that page which seems much more likely to be what you really want to happen, and requires less indent math

Use variable to define other variables

Iā€™m trying to defines some variables in order to make my helm chart non-repeatable
I created a helpers file which contains the following section:
{{ $config := .Values.service }}
{{- range .Values.services }}
{{ $config.$serviceName }}
{{- define "{{ $serviceName }}.selectorLabels" -}}
app.kubernetes.io/name: {{ .name }}
app.kubernetes.io/instance: {{ .instance }}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
- service1
- service2
- service3
- service1:
name: service1
- service2:
name: service2
- service3:
name: service3
but it keeps prompting an error for bad character U+0024 ā€˜$ā€™
Do you know how can I define a variable by other variable?
Neither the Go text/template language, the Sprig extensions, nor Helm's local extensions have a way to define a template with a dynamic name. The name in a define call must be a fixed string. The text/template documentation notes (under "Nested template definitions"):
Template definitions must appear at the top level of the template.... The define action names the template being created by providing a string constant.
However, templates take a (single) parameter. Instead of trying to define a separate template for each dynamically-specified value, you could define a single template that produces this content, and then call it with the dynamic settings.
{{- define "selectorLabels" -}}{{/* <-- fixed name */-}}
{{/* .name is relative to the template parameter . */-}}
app.kubernetes.io/name: {{ .name }}
app.kubernetes.io/instance: {{ .instance }}
{{- end -}}
{{- range .Values.services }}
{{-/* . is one item from the services list */}}
{{ include "selectorLabels" . }}
{{- end -}}
You may find a simpler Helm values structure easier to work with as well. If you decompose .Values.service, it is a list, where each list is a single-item dictionary, where the key comes from a separate list. You might structure this as a single flat list of settings dictionaries, embedding the item name as a name: value within the structure (like for example the containers: list in a pod spec).
- name: service1
instance: foo
- name: service2
instance: bar
- name: service3
instance: baz

What is, and what use cases have the dot "." in helm charts?

im currently going through the docs of helm, and there have been at least 3 different uses for the dot (.), is there any specific definition for it? and does it have something in common with the bash use (actual folder/files)?
some cases in the documentation
This print the accesed files in the range called before?
{{- $files := .Files }}
{{- range tuple "config1.toml" "config2.toml" "config3.toml" }}
{{ . }}: |-
{{ $files.Get . }}
{{- end }}
This tells "mychart.app" to use the files in the current folder (bash-like behaviour)
{{ include "mychart.app" . | indent 4 }}
and this, i guess it takes the values from the whole folder??? i guess this is not correct since is not working (it has been made by another employee back then and i have to fix it)
{{- define "read.select-annot" -}}
{{- range $key, $value := . }}
{{ $key }}: {{ $value }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
thanks for the help
In general, . in Helm templates has nothing to do with files or directories.
The Helm templating language uses Go's text/template system. There are a couple of different ways a period character can appear there.
First of all, . can be a character in a string:
{{- range tuple "config1.toml" "config2.toml" "config3.toml" }}
{{/* ^^^^^^^^^^^^
this is a literal string "config1.toml" */}}
{{- end }}
Secondly, . can be a lookup operator. There aren't any solid examples in your question, but a typical use is looking up in values. If your values.yaml file has
key: value
then you can expand
{{ .Values.root.key }}
and the . before root and key navigates one level down in the dictionary structure.
The third use, and possibly the one that's confusing you, is that . on its own is a variable.
{{ . }}
You can do field lookups on it, and you have some examples of that: .Files is the same as index . "Files", and looks up the field "Files" on the object ..
You use . as a variable in several places:
{{- $files := .Files }} {{/* Get "Files" from . */}}
{{ . }} {{/* Write . as a value */}}
{{ include "mychart.app" . }} {{/* Pass . as the template parameter */}}
. is tricky in that it has somewhat contextual meaning:
At the top level, Helm initializes . to an object with keys Files, Release, Values, and Chart.
In a defined template, . is the parameter to the template. (So when you include or template, you need to pass . down as that parameter.)
In a range loop, . is the current item being iterated on.
In a with block, . is the matched item if it exists.
In particular, the interaction with range can be tricky. Let's look at a simplified version of your loop:
# {{ . }}
{{- range tuple "config1.toml" "config2.toml" "config3.toml" }}
- {{ . }}
{{- end }}
Outside the range loop, . is probably the top-level Helm object. But inside the range loop, . is the file name (each value from the tuple in turn). That's where you need to save values from . into local variables:
{{/* We're about to invalidate ., so save .Files into a variable. */}}
{{- $files := .Files }}
{{- range tuple "config1.toml" "config2.toml" "config3.toml" }}
{{/* This . is the filename from the "tuple" call */}}
{{ . }}: |-
{{/* Call .Get, from the saved $files, passing the filename .
as the parameter */}}
{{ $files.Get . }}
{{- end }}