Eclipse unable to add apache tomcat 10 - eclipse

For Jersey 3.x, I am forced to use Apache tomcat 10
If you want to use Jersey 3.x with Servlets, you need to use a servlet container that implements Servlet 5 API, e.g. Tomcat 10, Jetty 11, Glassfish 6.
So I have installed latest eclipse
But I am not able find an option to install Apache Tomcat 10

Well, tomcat is not officially launched into eclipse as of May 28, 2021. But you can use it 2 ways:
1. Download portable installer
Tomcat 10.0 is supported in portable installer
2. Use Eclipse Tomcat
Step 1: Goto Help > Eclipse Marketplace > Search Eclipse Tomcat > Install it.
Step 2: Restart Eclipse
b. Goto Windows > Preferences > Tomcat
Step 3: Select version 9.x(+)
Step 4: Browse the directory where Tomcat 10 is located.
(Image for step 3 and 4)
Step 5: Now, 3 Tomcat icons will be visible in Standard Toolbar. To start, stop and restart use those 3 icons
(Image for Step 5)

Maybe you can try installing Eclipse Tomcat Plugin in Eclipse Marketplace and then configure the path to the downloaded Tomcat10 directory.


How to use Glassfish 7 with eclipse?

I try to start an application using glassfish 7 on eclipse.
But I don't find how to add the server in window --> preferences --> server --> runtime environnements
When i click on add, glassfish is not in the list ><
Do you know how to do it ?
I want to start an application with eclipse and glassfish 7.
I can't find how to add glassfish in eclipse.

Eclipse Mars Tomcat 8 server disappeared

I'm trying to define a Tomcat 8.5.16 server but everytime I use the 7 I get an error and when I go into preference to use the newer server it tells me the v8 installation is expecting an 8 server although I am pointing it to my tomcat 8. Please help.
I click OK and get "The Apache Tomcat installation at this directory is version 8.5.16. A Tomcat 8.0 installation is expected."
This is under windows->preferences-> Adding a server.
I think Tomcat 8.5.16 cannot be added as Tomcat 8.0.
See also:
You may have to upgrade your eclipse or apply a patch, for example,

Install Tomcat v7.0.32 in Eclipse

I'm using Eclipse Juno and Apache Tomcat 7.0.32, but I can't add my Tomcat in Eclipse. I have installed the JST Server Adapter Plug-in Developer Resources, but when I try to add my Tomcat doesn't appear an option for Apache Tomcat v7.0. But appear v6.0 and earlier.
Make sure you have the latest version of WTP (Web Tools Platform) installed. It should bring Tomcat 7 straight away. It will even give you the option of downloading Tomcat directly from Eclipse (in your case you don't seem to need it, though)

Indigo Java EE with GlassFish bundle

I use Eclipse Indigo Java EE and I want to use the GlassFish 3 server. I am used to work with Tomcat which can easily be accessed from Eclipse.
I followed How to install the GlassFish 3 server adapter with Eclipse Helios 3.6 answer but I got the following error:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: GlassFish Java EE 5, Java EE 6 1.0.54 ( 1.0.54)
Missing requirement: GlassFish Java EE 5, Java EE 6 1.0.54 ( 1.0.54) requires ' [3.5.0,3.6.0)' but it could not be found
The solution for this problem is a dated link so I can't find any way to solve this issue.
Please provide me a up-to-date solution for this.
The information in the linked question is outdated.
You should
Download and unzip glassfish separately.
In Eclipse, choose Help -> Eclipse Marketplace..., and search for Glassfish. This will locate amongst others "GlassFish Java EE Application Server Plugin for Eclipse" which has an Install button. Use the button to install.
Restart Eclipse if prompted.
In the Servers view, right-click and choose New -> Server... Now you can choose to install a Glassfish server. Be certain to use exactly the adapter for the Glassfish server you have. Point to the glassfish folder inside the unpacked server.

eclipse - add tomcat

I want to add a tomcat server to eclipse.
I follow these instructions:
firstly, In Sever tabs I right click and there's New > Server
I select tomcat 7 and leave the other options default, which are host name, name, runtime environment. Here, I would expect to be prompted to specify installation path - like c:\tomcat or anything
I click finish
There's error popup - Could not load server configuration at conf.....
Thanks for helping me...
Probably missing JST Server Adapters from WTP available from eg.
Cft. Apache Tomcat Not Showing in Eclipse Server Runtime Environments
Worked for me. Was getting the same Could not load server configuration at conf message with Eclipse 3.7 Indigo (ColdFusion IDE).
Installed Tomcat 6 on Win 7.
Stop any Tomcat instances running.
Define a new server, choosing Tomcat 6.
Click Configure runtime environments...
Remove any environments.
Click Seach...
Point to Tomcat dir: C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0
(Should find it) Then click OK and Finish.
Start Tomcat from Eclipse.
FYI, Glassfish wasn't working for me in Eclipse so I went with Tomcat.