Install Tomcat v7.0.32 in Eclipse - eclipse

I'm using Eclipse Juno and Apache Tomcat 7.0.32, but I can't add my Tomcat in Eclipse. I have installed the JST Server Adapter Plug-in Developer Resources, but when I try to add my Tomcat doesn't appear an option for Apache Tomcat v7.0. But appear v6.0 and earlier.

Make sure you have the latest version of WTP (Web Tools Platform) installed. It should bring Tomcat 7 straight away. It will even give you the option of downloading Tomcat directly from Eclipse (in your case you don't seem to need it, though)


Start WildFly server in Eclipse Juno

I read many answers like this. But in start server window (Jboss Community item) I can chose only JBoss Runtime server. There is no WildFly server item.
How can I add it?
I installed JBoss Tools 4.0.1.Final version cause I use Eclipse Juno. Should I install JBoss Tools 4.2.0.Final even without Eclipse Luna 4.4?
WildFly support in JBoss Tools 4.2.x is for Eclipse Luna only. So, it's not possible to use on Eclipse Kepler.

How to configure Tomcat v8.0 server in Eclipse IDE?

I am using Eclipse Juno and I've installed Apache Tomcat/8.0.0-RC5 in my PC via windows installer. When I try to define a new server in Eclipse, under Apache, I don't have Tomcat v8.0 option. It stops at Tomcat v7.0. How can I get Apache Tomcat v8.0 running in Eclipse?
Keep an eye on . Support for 8.0 hasn't been added just yet.

Indigo Java EE with GlassFish bundle

I use Eclipse Indigo Java EE and I want to use the GlassFish 3 server. I am used to work with Tomcat which can easily be accessed from Eclipse.
I followed How to install the GlassFish 3 server adapter with Eclipse Helios 3.6 answer but I got the following error:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: GlassFish Java EE 5, Java EE 6 1.0.54 ( 1.0.54)
Missing requirement: GlassFish Java EE 5, Java EE 6 1.0.54 ( 1.0.54) requires ' [3.5.0,3.6.0)' but it could not be found
The solution for this problem is a dated link so I can't find any way to solve this issue.
Please provide me a up-to-date solution for this.
The information in the linked question is outdated.
You should
Download and unzip glassfish separately.
In Eclipse, choose Help -> Eclipse Marketplace..., and search for Glassfish. This will locate amongst others "GlassFish Java EE Application Server Plugin for Eclipse" which has an Install button. Use the button to install.
Restart Eclipse if prompted.
In the Servers view, right-click and choose New -> Server... Now you can choose to install a Glassfish server. Be certain to use exactly the adapter for the Glassfish server you have. Point to the glassfish folder inside the unpacked server.

Jboss 7 and eclipse indigo plug in giving error while starting server?

I installed Eclipse indigo and jboss 7 server and jboss server plugins installed for struts2 application.
I created simple application with jsp page and deployed in to jboss7 server ( i installed server ,run from out side of eclipse and i saw new features of jboss 7 ) after deploying application .
I want to start the server but server giving error like " Error:no server JVM at c:\java\jre1.6\bin\server\jvmdll"
help me for this issue.
I also had this problem and did not find where I could set the JVM for JBoss in Eclipse Indigo. I got JBoss 7 working by removing the JRE6 from installed JREs in Eclipse and only having JDK6 there. I also changed JRE6 to JDK6 by double clicking the JBoss server -> Open launch configuration -> Classpath -> Bootstrap Entries.
After this I readded JRE6 to Eclipse for the projects that used it.
change jvm in jboss's tomcat conf from
C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\server\jvm.dll
C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\client\jvm.dll
I posted the below answer here
I've just been struggling with this same problem in Eclipse and I noted that as suggested by the answer above the JBoss site has a thread on this issue saying the same as the answer above to copy files from the jdk to the jre folder.
I noticed that you can avoid having to do this if you define the runtime to be the jdk when you create the server. I didn't find how to edit an existing server though.

What steps are necessary to get Eclipse and a Java servlet container integrated on Ubuntu 9.10?

What's the easiest way for me to get Eclipse running with a Java servlet container on Ubuntu 9.10?
I've tried a number of things, hitting dead ends each time. The best setup would use Ubuntu packages as much as possible, not require running Eclipse as root, and be able to debug running servlets.
Dead ends so far include run-jetty-run, the Sysdeo Tomcat plugin, and Eclipse WTP with tomcat6.
A big part of the problem is that the Ubuntu tomcat6 installation is non-standard, splitting directories such that they're not all in TOMCAT_HOME. Eclipse is also non-standard, and the usual plugin installation methods don't work. I got close by installing the WTP through a PPA, but I stumbled when trying to get it to recognize tomcat.
Ubuntu recently includes a pretty full Eclipse package that you can install via Synaptic or such. But I prefer to download my own.
I download from the Eclipse download site. If I choose Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers then I have server environments for all Web app containers already built in. If I set up one for Tomcat (in Eclipse), Eclipse will download and install Tomcat for me. It's quite convenient, although I sometimes have trouble finding Tomcat or its files. Eclipse squirrels them away somewhere.
The server setup menus become accessible to you once you create a Web project (not plain Java project).
You should "apt-get install sun-java6-jdk", download and use the Java EE version of Eclipse, and then create a dynamic web project. In the web project create a jsp page, and right click -> "Run -> Run on server" where you may then install a server connector.
Some connectors are included in Java EE, some must be downloaded. Choose the one corresponding to the server you have downloaded and unpacked, and point Eclipse to the directory.
If all succeedes, the JSP page should then show up in a browser served from the started server.