Coldfusion - Redirect website if it hits /folder/index.cfm? - redirect

Very new to Coldfusion, but not to web development so hopefully this is an easy question.
We recently changed a link on our website that took us to /folder/index.cfm. I want to make sure that when someone types that it doesn't take them to /folder/index.cfm and instead to redirect them to another website.
Any pointers?

There are at least three ways it to do this.
Don't even bother with ColdFusion. Have your web server do the redirect. You are going to need to know if it Apache or IIS or whatever. You can then search for how that web server does it.
This might help you with some of that: Custom 404 error page not working on IIS 8.5
You can make a file at /folder/index.cfm and have a file that has
OR with cfscript
location("newpage.cfm", false, 301)
Note the addtoken and statuscode are optional. Add token helps because almost no CF website uses this kind of token. The status code helps because tells the browser that this is a permanent move.
You could intercept the request in application.cfc . In fact, in some systems all requested are checked for validity in application.cfc. You might still need a blank page at the target, but at least some ColdFusion is processed
Of all the options, 1 is my favorite, because there really isn't a lot that can be done with requests to missing pages. And the list of potential missing pages is unlimited.


How to prevent Google from indexing redirect URL I do not own

A domainname that I do not own, is redirecting to my domain. I don´t know who owns it and why it is redirecting to my domain.
This domain however is showing up in Googles search results. When doing a whois it also returns this message:
"Domain:http://[baddomain].com webserver returns 307 Temporary Redirect"
Since I do not own this domain I cannot set a 301 redirect, or disable it. When clicking the baddomain in Google it shows the content of my website but the stays visible in the URL bar.
My question is: How can I stop Google from indexing and showing this bad domain in the search results and only show my website instead?
Some thoughts:
You cannot directly stop Google from indexing other sites, but what you could do is add the cannonical tag to your pages so Google can see that the original content is located on your domain and not "bad domain".
For example check out :
Other actions can be taken SEO wise if the 'baddomain' is outscoring you in the search rankings, because then it sounds like your site could use some optimizing.
The better your site and domain rank in the SERPs, the less likely it is that people will see the scraped content and 'baddomain'.
You could however also look at the referrer for the request and if it is 'bad domain' you should be able to do a redirect to your own domain, change content etc, because the code is being run from your own server.
But that might be more trouble than it's worth as you'd need to investigate how the 'baddomain' is doing things and code accordingly. (properly iframe or similar from what you describe, but that can still be circumvented using scripts).
Depending on what country you and 'baddomain' are located in, there are also legal actions. So called DMCA complaints. This however can also be quite a task, and well - it's often not worth it because a new domain will just pop up.

Redirects in Ektron 8.6.1

Has anyone played with the new redirect feature in Ektron 8.6?
We tested it (in 8.6.0) before upgrading and were happy with it. But when it came time to do the upgrade, Ektron had released 8.6.1, so we upgraded directly to that.
Now we are having trouble with the redirect feature. (Yes, we should have tested everything again in 8.6.1 before upgrading)
Now if we try to add a redirect rule for an existing page in the CMS, it does not work.
But if we create a redirect rule for a page the does not exist, then try to hit that address, the redirect works fine.
We need the redirects to work for existing pages in the CMS.
To clarify what "working" and "not working" means...
If I have an existing page in the CMS with manual alias of "/erc/lucien.apsx", I can create an entry in the redirect table like this...
Adding this entry generates no errors, but when I visit the page, all I see is the regular old page I created. NOT the Google site it should be redirecting to. I do not get any 404 errors.
But if I create a redirect entry for a page that does not already exist, like this...
It works perfectly. If I try to visit the /erc/fake.apsx address, I end up on the Google site, as expected.
(FYI, we create a "fake" page in the CMS for external content so we can attach metadata to it and make it searchable in taxonomies, but then provide a link to the "real" page. I want to use redirects here so users don't have to do this extra click)
I suspect it might be cache related -- the original URL gets cached as an alias, then subsequent requests to that URL are redirected to the quicklink without the need for a db look up. When you add the redirect, it’s probably not clearing the old item from the cache. I'd try an IIS reset after you add the URL redirect and see if that clears up the issue.
An "outside the box" (of Ektron) answer to this is to place the redirect at the web server rather than in the Aliases section of the Ektron CMS.
The server I work on uses IIS and I have this set up for several pages.

How does google deal with

I tried to find out this, and got that uses 302(or 301) redirections(not sure if it really is).
and i also got that, the server side redirections(301 and 302) will not change the original referer, i.e. if i visit directly, then the request goes to, but nothing in the header can show that i come from
so i wonder how google do this.
People do this very often with servlets. The servlet would detect a certain pattern and issue a redirect to a conglomerated url. A redirect is directed at the browser. It's like the browser has activated/clicked on a new link.
It is like you entered on the url bar and then entered on the address bar after that. Due to privacy issues, the browser does not let the server know what previous URL it has visited.
Of course, if you are on the same session, going to the same site, google would have both server side and client side cookies tracking you that you just came from another google url. If were a web service provider, I Would certainly exploit knowing your browsing history.
So that, due to your browsing history www.whatever. com would redirect to different pages for different users or sessions.
"Due to privacy issues, the browser does not let the server know what previous URL it has visited." is not quite correct.
The more complete spec is
Clients SHOULD NOT include a Referer header field in a (non-secure) HTTP request if the referring page was transferred with a secure protocol.
Another reason why google forcing us to use https benefits us.
Redirect flow of non-secure http
Let's say we have
URL A has a link goto B with leads to URL B.
URL B is a redirect to URL C
The server of URL C will see the referer as URL A, not URL B. That is, the browsers will set the referer to URL A.
Redirect with cookies
I believe you should be able to include a setcookie header on a 30x redirect. I have not tried it so I do not know which browser will ignore or honour it.
I have great doubts that my answer is satisfactory for your question. I personally feel it is incomplete and I hope some one comes up with a better answer and you should choose that as the answer. In fact, I think you should unchoose this as the answer so that your question gets back into the pool of unanswered questions. Sorry.

Creating a new facebook application, no signed request is being sent through. Old app works

I have just created a new facebook application to use in a page tab. When I check for the signed_request it is empty.
So I checked another app that I have done in the past. It is on the same server and the only difference in the setup is the dir name. works
and doesn't
So I tried swapping the tab URLs in the apps over and app1 still works with app2s URL.
This lead me to believe there must be a problem with the way I have set up the application.
So I went through all the settings and made sure they were the same. They all are, except there are 2 that are not available on the app I just setup. They are "Encrypted Access Token" and "Requests 2.0 efficient" neither of which seem to relate to the problem.
I seem to remember in the past there was an option to pass through the signed request to canvas page, but I can no longer find it.
Has signed request been deprecated? I couldn't see any mention of that in the docs.
Any help/comment appreciated. Otherwise I am going to have to go back and re-use old apps with new content in them, and I only have about 15 more before I run out.
No, it wasn't deprecated.
There can be 2 issues that could cause this
You must have a trailing slash or a specific file on your page tab url.
Your server for the second app is redirecting the request which causes it to lose the POST variables.
You should check if there aren't any redirects which usually occur form mod_rewrite. (.htaccess and such)
This seems to have been resolved now, I can no longer replicate it with new applications.

Can RSS readers follow redirects if the url of the feed changes?

We are migrating to a Sharepoint solution and our urls are changing slightly.
Are most RSS readers able to follow redirect links without breaking the feed and making an update manually?
Most of the documentation I'm reading says that this will work for major RSS readers.
I have read in some places that a lot of RSS readers will treat a 301 as a temporary redirect and not update its stored url. Any truth to this?
Assuming you are using a 301 redirect, I would say yes, since any reader worth its salt is built on a compliant HTTP library which will honor the 301 status code and follow the redirect.
Of course, it's not that hard to test with the reader of your choice.
Pretty much every RSS reader - major or minor - will update the feed URL when it encounters a 301 redirect.
In my (limited) experience, most applications will ignore the "permanent" part of a permanent redirect and execute the same logic they would use for a temporary redirect.
It may be necessary to make its site velindekserede about. What to do so to preserve PageRank, link popularity and traffic?
As I understand it, so the solution is called a 301 redirect. It tells search engines that the URL has been permanently moved. How a redirect should be done in a special way. At this link there are different options depending on what kind of server technology you use:
I just tried it in practice. I use PHP itself on all my sites, so I used the PHP instructions:
I ripped all my old page for tags and content and put the small code snippet on the page. Prisoners of the new URL for the page, and saved it. Tested the page by typing the old URL and then redirects worked. To be absolutely sure that redirects are search engine friendly, I used this "Search Engine Friendly Redirect Checker":
There no disagreement about how well the 301-redirect is working and whether it can transfer an entire site to a new domain ( ... 135964.htm), but people's experience says that it is good enough. You just make sure that the new URL has the content as the old page had