Custom class loader wtih Infinispan 9.4.x - infinispan-9

We have been using old version of infinispan and wildfly ( 10.x and infinispan 6.x ). The cache has been used as embedded cache, e.g it was started from the application code ( which was actually the wildfly module ).Whenever cache was created in clustered mode the code created a Decorated Cache with specific class loader which allowed to handle remote data transfer and provided all the required classes.
In inifinspan 9.4.x the with(ClassLoader) is deprecated on both AdvancedCache and DecoratedCache and while checking the code we have found that it does nothing.
As result when the cache item is stored and sent to remote node remote exception is occuring (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException)
15:32:45,028 ERROR [org.infinispan.interceptors.impl.InvocationContextInterceptor] (jgroups-10,ip-10-0-0-82-23088) ISPN000136: Error executing command PrepareCommand on Cache 'ra-data-SipRA'
, writing keys [1-14341#]: org.infinispan.remoting.RemoteException: ISPN000217: Received exception from ip-10-0-0-82-50680, see cause for remote stack trace
at org.infinispan.remoting.transport.ResponseCollectors.wrapRemoteException(
at org.jboss.modules.ModuleClassLoader.findClass(
at org.jboss.modules.ConcurrentClassLoader.performLoadClassUnchecked(
at org.jboss.modules.ConcurrentClassLoader.performLoadClass(
at org.jboss.modules.ConcurrentClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(
at org.jboss.marshalling.AbstractClassResolver.loadClass(
at org.jboss.marshalling.AbstractClassResolver.resolveClass(
at org.jboss.marshalling.river.RiverUnmarshaller.doReadClassDescriptor(
at org.jboss.marshalling.river.RiverUnmarshaller.doReadNewObject(
at org.jboss.marshalling.river.RiverUnmarshaller.doReadObject(
at org.jboss.marshalling.river.RiverUnmarshaller.doReadObject(
at org.jboss.marshalling.AbstractObjectInput.readObject(
at org.infinispan.marshall.core.ExternalJBossMarshaller.objectFromObjectStream(
at org.infinispan.marshall.core.GlobalMarshaller.readUnknown(
at org.infinispan.marshall.core.GlobalMarshaller.readNonNullableObject(
at org.infinispan.marshall.core.GlobalMarshaller.readNullableObject(
Source code shows that global configuration is storing class loader now and it is provided from wildfly. Is there any way to provide the custom class loader for infinispan 9.x or at least define which one to use on remote operation handling
Yulian Oifa


JBoss automatic .war redeployment can't start application properly - Error on Keycloak redirection

A colleague of mine wants to automate their JBoss (JBoss EAP v7.4.0) deployments.
So far the process they followed manually was:
Shutdown Jboss entirely
Copy the new .war file under /jboss-eap-7.4.0/standalone/deployments directory
Restart the server by executing
This process, although a bit 'dump', manages to deploy the application with no issues.
I on the other hand, tried to make use of JBoss's auto-redeployment feature, so I simply pasted the new .war file under the /jboss-eap-7.4.0/standalone/deployments directory.
JBoss indeed picks up the new .war and automatically starts the redeployment process.
From the server.log file, it seems at first that the application deploys successfully.
However when I try to access it from my browser, it crashes and gives a code 500 response (See error logs at the end of the post). The expected behavior would be to redeploy me to keycloak in order to login.
The exact same error occurs if I try to manually undeploy and deploy the .war from the jboss.cli.
Any hints on the issue?
I can't figure out if the error is on the server or the application side.
It seems a bit odd that it should require a full JBoss server restart in order for the application to be properly deployed.
Thank you in advance.
Server logs:
2022-06-14 17:22:25,850 WARN [] (default task-1) The input bytes to the digest operation are null. This may be due to a problem with the Reference URI or its Transforms.
2022-06-14 17:22:25,879 ERROR [io.undertow.request] (default task-1) UT005023: Exception handling request to /myapplication: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not create authentication request.
at org.keycloak.keycloak-saml-adapter-core#15.0.2//org.keycloak.adapters.saml.AbstractInitiateLogin.challenge(
at org.keycloak.keycloak-saml-wildfly-elytron-adapter#15.0.2//org.keycloak.adapters.saml.elytron.ElytronHttpFacade.noAuthenticationInProgress(
at org.keycloak.keycloak-saml-wildfly-elytron-adapter#15.0.2//org.keycloak.adapters.saml.elytron.KeycloakHttpServerAuthenticationMechanism.evaluateRequest(
at io.undertow.servlet#2.2.5.Final-redhat-00001//
at io.undertow.core#2.2.5.Final-redhat-00001//io.undertow.server.handlers.DisableCacheHandler.handleRequest(
at io.undertow.core#2.2.5.Final-redhat-00001//io.undertow.server.handlers.PredicateHandler.handleRequest(
at io.undertow.core#2.2.5.Final-redhat-00001//
at io.undertow.core#2.2.5.Final-redhat-00001//
at io.undertow.servlet#2.2.5.Final-redhat-00001//
at io.undertow.servlet#2.2.5.Final-redhat-00001//
at io.undertow.core#2.2.5.Final-redhat-00001//
at io.undertow.core#2.2.5.Final-redhat-00001//io.undertow.server.handlers.PredicateHandler.handleRequest(
at org.wildfly.extension.undertow#7.4.0.GA-redhat-00005//
at io.undertow.core#2.2.5.Final-redhat-00001//io.undertow.server.handlers.PredicateHandler.handleRequest(
at org.wildfly.extension.undertow#7.4.0.GA-redhat-00005//org.wildfly.extension.undertow.deployment.GlobalRequestControllerHandler.handleRequest(
at io.undertow.servlet#2.2.5.Final-redhat-00001//io.undertow.servlet.handlers.SendErrorPageHandler.handleRequest(
at io.undertow.core#2.2.5.Final-redhat-00001//io.undertow.server.handlers.PredicateHandler.handleRequest(
at io.undertow.servlet#2.2.5.Final-redhat-00001//io.undertow.servlet.handlers.ServletInitialHandler.handleFirstRequest(
at io.undertow.servlet#2.2.5.Final-redhat-00001//io.undertow.servlet.handlers.ServletInitialHandler.access$100(
at io.undertow.servlet#2.2.5.Final-redhat-00001//io.undertow.servlet.handlers.ServletInitialHandler$
at io.undertow.servlet#2.2.5.Final-redhat-00001//io.undertow.servlet.handlers.ServletInitialHandler$
at io.undertow.servlet#2.2.5.Final-redhat-00001//io.undertow.servlet.core.ServletRequestContextThreadSetupAction$
at io.undertow.servlet#2.2.5.Final-redhat-00001//io.undertow.servlet.core.ContextClassLoaderSetupAction$
at org.wildfly.extension.undertow#7.4.0.GA-redhat-00005//org.wildfly.extension.undertow.deployment.UndertowDeploymentInfoService$UndertowThreadSetupAction.lambda$create$0(
at org.wildfly.extension.undertow#7.4.0.GA-redhat-00005//org.wildfly.extension.undertow.deployment.UndertowDeploymentInfoService$UndertowThreadSetupAction.lambda$create$0(
at org.wildfly.extension.undertow#7.4.0.GA-redhat-00005//org.wildfly.extension.undertow.deployment.UndertowDeploymentInfoService$UndertowThreadSetupAction.lambda$create$0(
at org.wildfly.extension.undertow#7.4.0.GA-redhat-00005//org.wildfly.extension.undertow.deployment.UndertowDeploymentInfoService$UndertowThreadSetupAction.lambda$create$0(
at org.wildfly.extension.undertow#7.4.0.GA-redhat-00005//org.wildfly.extension.undertow.deployment.UndertowDeploymentInfoService$UndertowThreadSetupAction.lambda$create$0(
at io.undertow.servlet#2.2.5.Final-redhat-00001//io.undertow.servlet.handlers.ServletInitialHandler.dispatchRequest(
at io.undertow.servlet#2.2.5.Final-redhat-00001//io.undertow.servlet.handlers.ServletInitialHandler.access$000(
at io.undertow.servlet#2.2.5.Final-redhat-00001//io.undertow.servlet.handlers.ServletInitialHandler$1.handleRequest(
at io.undertow.core#2.2.5.Final-redhat-00001//io.undertow.server.Connectors.executeRootHandler(
at io.undertow.core#2.2.5.Final-redhat-00001//io.undertow.server.HttpServerExchange$
at org.jboss.threads#2.4.0.Final-redhat-00001//
at org.jboss.threads#2.4.0.Final-redhat-00001//org.jboss.threads.EnhancedQueueExecutor.safeRun(
at org.jboss.threads#2.4.0.Final-redhat-00001//org.jboss.threads.EnhancedQueueExecutor$ThreadBody.doRunTask(
at org.jboss.threads#2.4.0.Final-redhat-00001//org.jboss.threads.EnhancedQueueExecutor$
at org.jboss.xnio#3.8.4.Final-redhat-00001//org.xnio.XnioWorker$WorkerThreadFactory$1$
at java.base/
Caused by: org.apache.xml.serializer.utils.WrappedRuntimeException: class org.apache.xml.serializer.ToXMLSAXHandler cannot be cast to class org.apache.xml.serializer.SerializationHandler (org.apache.xml.serializer.ToXMLSAXHandler is in unnamed module of loader 'deployment.myapplication.war' #15a25903; org.apache.xml.serializer.SerializationHandler is in unnamed module of loader 'deployment.myapplication.war' #68ae4310)
at deployment.myapplication.war//org.apache.xml.serializer.SerializerFactory.getSerializer(
at deployment.myapplication.war//org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerIdentityImpl.createResultContentHandler(
at deployment.myapplication.war//org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerIdentityImpl.transform(
at org.keycloak.keycloak-saml-core#15.0.2//org.keycloak.saml.common.util.DocumentUtil.getNodeAsString(
at org.keycloak.keycloak-saml-core#15.0.2//org.keycloak.saml.common.util.DocumentUtil.getDocumentAsString(
at org.keycloak.keycloak-saml-core#15.0.2//org.keycloak.saml.BaseSAML2BindingBuilder.getSAMLResponse(
at org.keycloak.keycloak-saml-core#15.0.2//org.keycloak.saml.BaseSAML2BindingBuilder.buildHtmlPostResponse(
at org.keycloak.keycloak-saml-core#15.0.2//org.keycloak.saml.BaseSAML2BindingBuilder$BasePostBindingBuilder.getHtmlRequest(
at org.keycloak.keycloak-saml-adapter-core#15.0.2//org.keycloak.adapters.saml.SamlUtil.sendSaml(
at org.keycloak.keycloak-saml-adapter-core#15.0.2//org.keycloak.adapters.saml.profile.AbstractSamlAuthenticationHandler$3.sendAuthnRequest(
at org.keycloak.keycloak-saml-adapter-core#15.0.2//org.keycloak.adapters.saml.AbstractInitiateLogin.challenge(

How do I install google cloud jdbc driver manually for the flyway cli?

Looking at this reference:
It says the Google Cloud SQL drivers need to be installed manually for the flyway cli, but how do I install them manually? I can't find any documentation on it.
I added this to my flyway.conf: flyway.jarDirs=/Users/my/flyway
Then I downloaded the driver into that folder:
mvn dependency:get -Ddest=/Users/my/flyway
but when I try to use it I get this error:
The SocketFactory class provided could not be instantiated.
EDIT: this is the debug output when running flyway baseline against my DB
Flyway Community Edition 7.10.0 by Redgate
DEBUG: AWS SDK available: false
DEBUG: Google Cloud Storage available: true
DEBUG: Scanning for filesystem resources at 'sql'
ERROR: Skipping filesystem location:sql (not found).
ERROR: Unexpected error
Unable to obtain connection from database (jdbc:postgresql:///mydb ?unixSocketPath=/var/run/cloudsql/ &cloudSqlInstance=my-gcp-project:us-central1:my-cloudsql-instance & &user=jenkins-flyway &password=******************************************) for user 'null': The SocketFactory class provided could not be instantiated.
SQL State : 08006
Error Code : 0
Message : The SocketFactory class provided could not be instantiated.
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.jdbc.JdbcUtils.openConnection(
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.jdbc.JdbcConnectionFactory.<init>(
at org.flywaydb.core.Flyway.execute(
at org.flywaydb.core.Flyway.baseline(
at org.flywaydb.commandline.Main.executeOperation(
at org.flywaydb.commandline.Main.main(
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: The SocketFactory class provided could not be instantiated.
at org.postgresql.core.SocketFactoryFactory.getSocketFactory(
at org.postgresql.core.v3.ConnectionFactoryImpl.openConnectionImpl(
at org.postgresql.core.ConnectionFactory.openConnection(
at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgConnection.<init>(
at org.postgresql.Driver.makeConnection(
at org.postgresql.Driver.connect(
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.jdbc.DriverDataSource.getConnectionFromDriver(
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.jdbc.DriverDataSource.getConnection(
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.jdbc.JdbcUtils.openConnection(
... 5 more
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.base/java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.base/java.lang.Class.forName(
at org.postgresql.util.ObjectFactory.instantiate(
at org.postgresql.core.SocketFactoryFactory.getSocketFactory(
... 13 more
This is for Postgres on Google Cloud, yes?
The intention is that you put driver JARs into the drivers folder inside the Flyway product (not 100% sure for v4.0 as that's very elderly now - 7.11 is current). jarDirs should work, but it's the intended place for Java-based migrations.
However, it looks like a problem within the driver. Are you making sure to put all dependencies of the driver there too? Could you provide a full debug log (that is, flyway migrate -X) with exception details so we could take a look?
EDIT: It's definitely a problem within the driver, looking at that debug log - it's not able to instantiate a class internal to the driver.

Error invoking a remote EJB method from a JSF managed bean in a portlet

I am trying to deploy a JSF portlet into a Liferay portal 6.2 running on top of a JBoss EAP 6.4, with OpenJDK 8. The portlet is deployed as a WAR file, but invokes some methods of an EJB through a remote interface. The EJB is deployed as an EAR file directly on JBoss.
On my developing machine it is working fine. But in a test machine it is not. There are exactly the same WAR and EAR files, the standalone.xml setup is almost the same for both machines, and also the JBoss modules are the same.
The stacktrace printed in the log is the following:
JBWEB000236: Servlet.service() for servlet Adminis Servlet threw exception: javax.portlet.faces.BridgeException: javax.faces.FacesException
at com.liferay.faces.bridge.BridgePhaseRenderImpl.execute( [liferay-faces-bridge-impl-3.2.4-ga5.jar:3.2.4-ga5 (Ephesus / Feb 15, 2014 AD)]
at com.liferay.faces.bridge.BridgeImpl.doFacesRequest( [liferay-faces-bridge-impl-3.2.4-ga5.jar:3.2.4-ga5 (Ephesus / Feb 15, 2014 AD)]
at [rt.jar:1.8.0_121]
Caused by: javax.faces.FacesException
at com.sun.faces.context.ExceptionHandlerImpl.handle( [jsf-impl-2.1.28.redhat-8.jar:2.1.28.redhat-8]
at org.icefaces.impl.application.ExtendedExceptionHandler.handle( [icefaces-3.3.0.jar:]
... 194 more
Caused by: java.util.NoSuchElementException
at java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextNode( [rt.jar:1.8.0_121]
at java.util.HashMap$ [rt.jar:1.8.0_121]
at org.jboss.ejb.client.EJBClientContext.getEJBReceiver( [jboss-ejb-client-1.0.30.Final-redhat-1.jar:1.0.30.Final-redhat-1]
at org.jboss.ejb.client.EJBInvocationHandler.invoke( [jboss-ejb-client-1.0.30.Final-redhat-1.jar:1.0.30.Final-redhat-1]
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy459.obtenerUsuarioPorCodigo(Unknown Source)
at com.sofis.adminis.delegates.PermisosDelegate.obtenerUsuarioPorCodigo( [adminis-delegate-1.0.jar:]
at [classes:]
at [classes:]
at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.Phase.handleAfterPhase( [jsf-impl-2.1.28.redhat-8.jar:2.1.28.redhat-8]
at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.Phase.doPhase( [jsf-impl-2.1.28.redhat-8.jar:2.1.28.redhat-8]
... 198 more
I rised the log level to "org.jboss.ejb.client" and now I see two interesting messages just before the stactrace:
22:13:16,684 DEBUG [org.jboss.ejb.client.EJBClientContext] (ajp-/ deployment node selector selected node for appname=SS-ADMINIS-ear-1.0,modulename=SS-ADMINIS-MAVEN-EJB-1.0,distinctname=
22:13:16,687 DEBUG [org.jboss.ejb.client.EJBClientContext] (ajp-/ Selected node doesn't belong to eligible receivers. Continuing with a random eligible receiver
Note that there is no node name in both messages (two blanks before "node").
In my developing machine, where it works, the first message does include a node name, and the second message does not appear:
18:56:37,902 DEBUG [org.jboss.ejb.client.EJBClientContext] (http-/ deployment node selector selected spio node for appname=SS-ADMINIS-ear-1.0,modulename=SS-ADMINIS-MAVEN-EJB-1.0,distinctname=
The only diference is that in my machine I am going directly with the browser to the server ([Browser] -- HTTP --> [JBoss]) while in the testing machine I go through a load balancer ([Browser] -- HTTP --> [Apache] -- AJP --> [JBoss]). That is reflected in the messages (ajp-/ vs http-/
The exception is thrown when I try to invoke a method from the EJB through the remote interface. The reference to the local stub is gotten by means of a lookup, and the result is not null. There are no errors at deploy and the lookup does not throw an error neither.
What can be happening or what am I missing?
A friend of mine found the solution.
Something a did't say is that the testing machine was in fact a docker container. And it seems that there is a bug in JBoss with docker making the former to not read the hostname to pick a node name, so de node name when it starts is empty. So the message above a empty name node being selected is shown, and then the error.
The workaround is to specify a node name with the parameter to JBoss. I put that setting in the standalone.conf, restarted the JBoss and it worked fine. Now, the first message shows the name I specified, and the second message does not appear, nor the exception.

Trouble saving session when mixing spring-security-gemfire and spring-security-oauth2

Background: I have a web app that utilizes AngularJS, spring-mvc, and spring-rest for delivering the UI. I have a requirement to load balance using an Elastic LB and it is not using sticky sessions; requests are round robin. I implemented session replication using spring-session with gemfire for session storage. This works well.
I need to integrate with an OAuth2 auth server (and eventually multiple OAuth2 servers) purely for authentication and the passing of userInfo. I attempted to use the spring cloud oauth2 #EnableOAuth2Sso on the web-app and hit some session serialization issues. The mere addition of the oauth2ClientContext to the session seemed to cause ClassCastException problems during session saving.
I attempted to pull down the following samples and they worked well out of the box, Particularly the UI and the Authserver.
However, when I added spring session into the mix, trying to serialize to a gemfire server, I encountered the exact same issue.
Here is the stacktrace highlight:
java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot assign instance of to field org.springframework.aop.scope.DefaultScopedObject.beanFactory of type org.springframework.beans.factory.config.ConfigurableBeanFactory in instance of org.springframework.aop.scope.DefaultScopedObject
Below is abbreviated stacktrace:
ERROR o.a.c.c.C.[.[.[/].[dispatcherServlet] : Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherServlet] in context with path [] threw exception
org.springframework.dao.DataAccessResourceFailureException: remote server on machine(gemfire:21800:loner):57660:9d1f3438:gemfire: : While performing a remote put; nested exception is com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.client.ServerOperationException: remote server on machine(gemfire:21800:loner):57660:9d1f3438:gemfire: : While performing a remote put
at ~[spring-data-gemfire-1.7.4.RELEASE.jar:1.7.4.RELEASE]
at ~[spring-data-gemfire-1.7.4.RELEASE.jar:1.7.4.RELEASE]
at ~[spring-data-gemfire-1.7.4.RELEASE.jar:1.7.4.RELEASE]
at ~[spring-session-1.2.1.RELEASE.jar:na]
at ~[spring-session-1.2.1.RELEASE.jar:na]
at org.springframework.session.web.http.SessionRepositoryFilter$SessionRepositoryRequestWrapper.commitSession( ~[spring-session-1.2.1.RELEASE.jar:na]
at org.springframework.session.web.http.SessionRepositoryFilter$SessionRepositoryRequestWrapper.access$100( ~[spring-session-1.2.1.RELEASE.jar:na]
at org.springframework.session.web.http.SessionRepositoryFilter.doFilterInternal( ~[spring-session-1.2.1.RELEASE.jar:na]
at org.springframework.session.web.http.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter( ~[spring-session-1.2.1.RELEASE.jar:na]
... tomcat filter chain and spring filter stuff
Caused by: com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.client.ServerOperationException: remote server on machine(gemfire:21800:loner):57660:9d1f3438:gemfire: : While performing a remote put
... gemfire internal stuff
at ~[spring-data-gemfire-1.7.4.RELEASE.jar:1.7.4.RELEASE]
... 31 common frames omitted
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot assign instance of to field org.springframework.aop.scope.DefaultScopedObject.beanFactory of type org.springframework.beans.factory.config.ConfigurableBeanFactory in instance of org.springframework.aop.scope.DefaultScopedObject
at$FieldReflector.setObjFieldValues( ~[na:1.7.0_80]
at ~[na:1.7.0_80]
... stuff
at org.springframework.aop.framework.AdvisedSupport.readObject( ~[spring-aop-4.3.2.RELEASE.jar:4.3.2.RELEASE]
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor224.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[na:na]
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[na:1.7.0_80]
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[na:1.7.0_80]
at ~[na:1.7.0_80]
... stuff
at com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.InternalDataSerializer.basicReadObject( ~[gemfire-8.1.0.jar:na]
at com.gemstone.gemfire.DataSerializer.readObject( ~[gemfire-8.1.0.jar:na]
at$GemFireSessionAttributes.readObject( ~[spring-session-1.2.1.RELEASE.jar:na]
at$GemFireSessionAttributes.fromDelta( ~[spring-session-1.2.1.RELEASE.jar:na]
at$GemFireSession.fromDelta( ~[spring-session-1.2.1.RELEASE.jar:na]
at com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.EntryEventImpl.processDeltaBytes( ~[gemfire-8.1.0.jar:na]
... gemfire internal stuff
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( [na:1.7.0_80]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ [na:1.7.0_80]
at com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.tier.sockets.AcceptorImpl$1$ ~[gemfire-8.1.0.jar:na]
... 1 common frames omitted
I found the following,, which encouraged me to update some of the jars to the newest versions, hoping the spring boot versions were simply behind, however it didn't seem to help.
Version info:
spring-cloud-starter-parent: Brixton.SR4
spring-cloud-security: 1.1.2.RELEASE
spring-core: 4.3.2.RELEASE
spring-security-oauth2: 2.0.10.RELEASE
spring-session: 1.2.1.RELEASE
I've considered a few options: rewiring the OAuth2 framework to no longer use ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES (seems daunting), use Redis vs. Gemfire, write the entire client from scratch (I've done it before... wasn't fun).
FWIW I've already added the RequestContextFilter as recommended here: OAuth2ClientContext (spring-security-oauth2) not persisted in Redis when using spring-session and spring-cloud-security
Does anyone have any guidance?
I don't know if this speaks to your problem directly but I had/have a similar problem and I think I have all the same versions as you. Seems that there are so many Spring projects and they all try to keep up with each other so sometimes there seem to be compatibility issues. I found the steps outlined here by Rob Winch fixed my issue -

LogManager Exception in JBOSS AS 7.1 with java.util.Logger

I created a java application and initialize a java.util.Logger with that application and run that application as -javaagent with jboss AS 7 server and i got IllegalStateException (i am using eclipse IDE).Here follows my logger initialization code
static public void setup() throws IOException {
// Get the global logger to configure it
Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Logger.GLOBAL_LOGGER_NAME);
fileTxt = new FileHandler("C:/Users/abc/Desktop/ATAGENT/Logging.txt");
fileHTML = new FileHandler("C:/Users/abc/Desktop/ATAGENT/Logging.html");
// create txt Formatter
formatterTxt = new SimpleFormatter();
// create HTML Formatter
formatterHTML = new BMITHtmlFormatter();
When i create -javaagent jar appended with above lines of code and run with jboss as7 server i got following exception
WARNING: Failed to load the specified log manager class org.jboss.logmanager.LogManager
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.jboss.modules.Main.main(
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: The LogManager was not properly installed (you must set the "java.util.logging.manager" system property to "org.jboss.logmanager.LogManager")
at org.jboss.logmanager.Logger.getLogger(
at org.jboss.logmanager.log4j.BridgeRepositorySelector.(
... 7 more
And i serched in fourms and i got a solution which is Open the launch configuration for the server definition.
and add -logmodule org.jboss.logmanager to the program arguments before
But it results the same exception with some additional warning. Here follows the exception
WARNING: -logmodule is deprecated. Please use the system property 'java.util.logging.manager' or the 'java.util.logging.LogManager' service loader.
WARNING: Failed to load the specified log manager class org.jboss.logmanager.LogManager
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.jboss.modules.Main.main(
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: The LogManager was not properly installed (you must set the "java.util.logging.manager" system property to "org.jboss.logmanager.LogManager")
at org.jboss.logmanager.Logger.getLogger(
at org.jboss.logmanager.log4j.BridgeRepositorySelector.(
... 7 more
I had the same problem with JBOSS EAP 6, it took me 2 days for find a solution !.
The cause is that your agent need to create a Logger at statup, he need to be able to access the logmanager classes before JBOSS Modules has been initialized. You need to add JBoss LogManager to the boot classloader. Then, there will be a conflict between LogManager available via ModuleClassLoader and classes loaded via system classloader.
The solution is to make Java Agent and JBoss Modules use the same classloader to load the LogManager classes.
For EAP 6, In your standalone.conf (or domain) (It must be close for your version)
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.jboss.logmanager.LogManager"
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xbootclasspath/p:$JBOSS_HOME/modules/org/jboss/logmanager/main/jboss-logmanager-1.3.1.jar"
and for make Java Agent and JBoss Modules use the same classloader
modify this piece of code in adding org.jboss.logmanager like this :
if [ "x$JBOSS_MODULES_SYSTEM_PKGS" = "x" ]; then
Hope this will help.
I found the solution after searching for couple of days in the below link.
I have to tweak a little bit to get is work in Windows 7.
Open Eclipse.
Add Jboss 7.1 Runtime 1 server.
Select the Server and press F3.
Click on Open Launch Config.
Goto VM arguments.
Add the below two entries.
Now select the Classpath TAB
Select User Entries
Click Add External Jars
Select the three jar files
a) jboss-logmanager-1.2.0.GA.jar
b) jboss-logmanager-log4j-1.0.0.GA.jar
c) log4j-1.2.16.jar
This will start the standalone jboss without any issues.
In EAP 6.4, the correct logmanager's path should be