I'm pretty new to Quasar, but I really love it. I have been looking for ways to print on a POS Printer for several days but I can't find any solution using Capacitor. Can you give me any suggestion
exist Prints documents or HTML rendered content
npm install cordova-plugin-printer
npm install #ionic-native/printer
ionic cap sync
I'm attempting to follow these instructions to integrate the Bolt Mobile SDK into my Flutter project, where step 5a is, after opening my project in Android Studio:
Click File, select New, then select New Module.
However, I do not appear to have any such option:
Is there something I need to do to enable it? Was it moved somewhere else, or merged into another option (Import Module doesn't seem to cover it)? The Android web site confirms that it should be there, and that page was last updated 8 days ago as of this writing.
If you are trying to access the module into the main project than follow the instructions:
Move the module in your project directory.
Suppose if your module name is - library
In setting.gradle file add this lines
include ':library'
In build.gradle file, inside the dependencies block add this lines
implementation project (':library')
Happy coding :)
Follow the instructions on image
After that you will find multiple options, go to new and then at the top you will find New Module option. From there you can create new module or you can import, do as per your requirement.
Happy coding :)
I give a solution for this issue,
Just follow my steps :
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Feel free to ask if any problem comes.
Happy coding :)
I think you have to check your flutter sdk set up because when you set up your flutter sdk it will be added automatically.
And If you done this.
Then check that did you add flutter plugin into android studio ? If not then follow this step.
Go to setings
Then search plugin
then search flutter into plugin
Then click on install on install button into flutter plugin
Then restart your android studio
I hope this problem will be solved because this is probable solution for this problem .
Thank you .
There are many libraries I use every day from pub and they work. But today I run into a problem with qr_code_scanner. After installing it with flutter pub add qr_code_scanner and running flutter pub get, I get in code:
Same with auto import for classes from this file like QRViewController. What I also did is running flutter upgrade, flutter clean and everything else that came to my mind - still getting this error with that package.
Any other thoughts how can I solve it?
Some of the packages you are using are upgraded to flutter3 and some are still Flutter version < 3. Which is why you might be facing an issue. If you are trying to build an older project I would recommend you to downgrade your package versions which is compatible with flutter < 3 and use flutter version < 3. If you are adding any packages through pub add you might get an error if the pub get is not resolved. Please check the same in terminal.
For anyone who will have the same issue, I found a workaround. I've also tried few other libraries that beside the fact was installed couldn't access them from anywhere in code.
So after all every pub.dev lib is just the code right? You can download the source file and add it into your lib folder. Well, you have to upgrade it manually if needed but at the end it works and that's the main goal!
Another possible solution, as I found out, I did reset my Mac, upgraded environment (VS Code), done flutter clean and flutter pub get and looks like it's working as it should without mentioned workaround so probably the issue was around the coding environment rather than with Flutter and fetched libraries.
I've seen this problem on stack overflow few days ago, and the next day I have it too.
I am unable to create a new ionic project with cordova.
When the prompt ask me if I want to integrate cordova with the app and whatever my answer was (Yes or no), I have to wait hours and hours and nothing happens and just a folder with just single file (src) is created.
I am using the latest version of Node and NPM.
I tried to uninstall everything globally and re-install it again, but still having the same problem.
Any help would be appreciated. I can't provide any more details as this is what I got. I tried everything from removing/uninstalling all and then re-install. Restart computer, even change it. The internet speed is good (I don't think it has something to do with it).
I tried to add --no-git to the command and still doing the same thing:
ionic start proj tabs --no-git
Try with a --no-git. At least this helped this guy: github issue
I'm updating from MUI v0.15.0-alpha.2 to v0.15.0-beta.1, and the README says there's a codemod for automatically updating all of the import statements. However, if I follow the directions here:
...and run nam install material-ui-codemod as instructed, I get the following error back from NPM:
'material-ui-codemod is not in the npm registry.'
Is there something I'm missing here, or is this really busted? Manually updating all of the MUI calls in our code would be really time-consuming, especially since it's not obvious what all the new import statements should be, and the beta.1 documentation does not appear to be out anywhere.
Any help is appreciated!
Indeed it's not published on npm. But you can use it easily.
Copy this file to your project and follow the other steps from the docs (skipping the material-ui-codemod installing of course) and pointing the command to the new path.
I am trying to create a blackberry10 project with phonegap cordova command line tool. I am following through the phonegap document (http://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/2.9.0/guide_cli_index.md.html#The%20Cordova%20Command-line%20Interface) but keep running into the same problem.
When I run "cordova platform add blackberry10" in the terminal, it returns [Error: blackberry-nativepackager cannot be found on the path. Aborting]
Does anyone know why and what am I missing? Why is it trying to locate the blackberry-nativepackager, instead of the webwork sdk?
All I want to do its just loading up an external url in bb10. Any better suggestion? Does anyone has any good tutorial/walkthrough on how to create a blackberry10 project?
I'm pretty sure the nativepackager thing is needed to create a package, even with WebWorks. You'll find it in $BBNDK/host_10_x_xx_xxxx/linux/x86/usr/bin/blackberry-nativepackager (adapt to your OS). You'll need to add this folder to your path. Doing this depends on your OS.
The easiest way to do this is to run the bbndk-env script, located in your NDK root directory.
Here's some updated documentation to align with Cordova 3.0. It will cover all the steps needed (including the NDK setup, which seems to be currently missing in your environment).