How to disable caching in devart dotConnect for Orcale - .netCore 3.1 -

I have a licensed Devart dotConnect for Oracle.
I'm struggling to get new data from my Entities because they are always returning cached data!
And i can't find any way anywhere how to disable caching completely.
Question is: How to completely disable caching?
Env: .netCore 3.1
Version: Devart.Data.Oracle.EFCore 9.10

We recommend you to dispose current context object and create the new one to get updated data.
Also, refer to:


Is it possible to set a TTL on CosmosDB container in EF Core's OnModelCreating?

In EF Core, OnModelCreating scaffolds the entire database, but I don't see a way via the model builder to define a TTL; It seems like I would have to delete the container that gets created by EF Core.
Does anybody know of a better solution?
Eoleary. Although there is full support for Entity Framework Core and Cosmos DB including the EF Core Azure Cosmos DB Provider with almost full support for the CosmosClientOptions Class. The TTL component will not be available until v. 6.0 dotnet\efcore nugget package at the earliest. You can track this through the following dotnet\efcore Git Issue: Cosmos: Configure TTL per entity/entity type/collection
Version 3.1.9 is GA and version 5 release candidate is here. Additional information can be found on the dotnet/efcore project repository.
It looks like this is possible now.
entityTypeBuilder =>

Deploy EF Core SqlServer Database to Production Environment

Have developed new ASP.NET Core 1.1 MVC web site using Entity Framework Core and MSSQL LocalDB Server. I am new to the Entity Framework world as this is my first EF project. My production environment hosting provider creates an empty MSSQL database and then I must update that with whatever schema is needed. So how do I update or migrate the development schema into the empty production database on production server?
Is there someone or some document that can guide me thru this process. It would be much appreciated.
Check con this MVA:
I would recommend going over the whole course but you can focus on "Managing the Database" - "Code First Migrations". Hope this helps.

BreezeJS and Entity Framework 6.0.1

I'm trying to create a Breeze Web API controller and I'm wondering if it is possible with the default MVC/Web API project template that comes with Visual Studio 2013. Updating everything through the Nuget packet manager installs Entity Framework 6.0.1. Attempting to installing Breeze after that results in an error as it attempts to install EF 5 as a dependency, which is not possible given the fact that other parts of the template depend on EF6.
Do we have to wait for a new version of Breeze that works with EF6?
Edit: I want to do this the "breeze way" using [BreezeController] and Odata.
I just wanted to add that even without EF6.1, the MVC 5 updates released today with VS2013 also break breeze. It's hard to separate the pieces to determine which new piece is responsible. It could be MVC or the new odata. In any case, we anxiously anticipate the new version.
Updated 10/29/13
As of now, Breeze 1.4.5 has support for Microsoft's ASP.NET WebApi 2 and Entity Framework 6. Please see
Older post:
We don't yet support EF6 but it is coming ... soon...
There is a new package called Breeze.WebApi2 that is compatible with Web API2 and EntityFramework 6. It makes some of the existing Breeze packages obsolete. See for details.

How to register Firebird data provider for Entity Framework?

How do I register a Firebird data provider to use it with Entity Framework?
What should I do to make it appear in the Entity Data Model Wizard/Choose Data Source window?
(source: rafaelromao at
I expect it to appear in the Data sources: or Data provider: lists.
Is it possible? Or I need to configure this connection another way?
PS: The provider I'm trying to use is the FirebirdClient 2.5
You have to install DDEX Provider for Visual Studio
Starting with the Firebird .net Provider 3.0 and the DDEX Provider 3.0 there is an installer, where you can select for which VS versions you want the provider to be installed.

Entity framework PostgreSQL

Can someone tell me how can I get MS Entity Framework working with PostgreSQL.
Also: How does Entity Framewok work with Mono? Could you please suggest other similar ORM tools which would run on Mono and what is your opinion about them?
Entity framework also works with Npgsql - .Net Data Provider for Postgresql.
A tutorial on how to set it up can be found here:
Devart has a product that gives entity framework support for PostgreSQL. See:
There is a provider for mono for postgreSQL. See: