Entity framework PostgreSQL - entity-framework

Can someone tell me how can I get MS Entity Framework working with PostgreSQL.
Also: How does Entity Framewok work with Mono? Could you please suggest other similar ORM tools which would run on Mono and what is your opinion about them?

Entity framework also works with Npgsql - .Net Data Provider for Postgresql.
A tutorial on how to set it up can be found here:

Devart has a product that gives entity framework support for PostgreSQL. See:
There is a provider for mono for postgreSQL. See:


How to combine CosmosDB, Entity Framework and OData in .Net Core 6.0?

I have an application that uses Entity Framework, OData and SqlServer in a .Net core 3.1 scenario and it works great. Ultimately I want to use Cosmos DB on Azure in lieu of SQL Server.
While I can get the app to connect to Cosmos the application fails in calls to FromSqlRaw which the 3.1 compatible libraries do not support.
I've tried upgrading the project entirely to .Net core 6.0 and while this compiles without error I get problems loading assemblies using a package called MediatR (for injection) when the application starts.
My question is twofold: Do the .Net 6.0 compatible libraries for Cosmos DB correctly handle FromSqlRaw and/or is there a workaround for the problem if they do not.
If you are asking if you can send T-SQL or ANSI-SQL to FromRawSQL in EF with the Cosmos DB provider the answer is no.
Cosmos DB is a NoSQL database. The FromRawSQL is intended to allow users to send Cosmos DB's own dialect of SQL and was put in as a way to make the Cosmos provider higher compatible where the provider maybe lacked specific capabilities exposed by Cosmos DB itself.

EF 5/6 in ASP.NET Core 2.0

quick question really. Is the Entity Framework 5/6 supported in ASP.NET Core 2.0. I was told it is not supported and wanted to know if someone has tried it?
correct if you are targeting core. You could target the full framework though (even in your asp.net core application)
No, Entity Framework 6 is not supported by .net core 2.0
But you have some options:
Reference net461 in your project (as it described by user1859022). Then you will able to use full framework libraries, but only on Windows machines.
Reference "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer" nuGet package and use Entity Framework Core. It will let you to use it on Linux. But Entity Framework Core is not so good as Entity Framework 6 yet and unfortunately have some restrictions.

SQLite or SQL Server CE for Entity Framework migrations?

I'm starting a project and I will need to use the migrations provided by Entity Framework 6.
I found that SQLite does not have support for migrations.
SQL Server CE is the better option if I need to use the code-first migrations, or do I have other choices?
Remembering, I need a self-contained database engine.
No other choices, as far as I know

Entity Framework throws error generating output

I have used entity framework 5(ef5) with ado .net entity model for backend purposes. I just changed the project to ef 6 and i build the project it works fine .Now when i update a table using update from table datamodel.context.cs file and datamodel.tt everything related to entity shows error genearting output
I have also checked the packages installed Ef6.01 and EF 6.02 are installed .
I have surfed the net too .Couldnt get any solution .Can anyone please suggest some solution
I think it could be related to my following answer
Here, the problem was that the T4 templates were still from version 5

Entity Framework and ODBC

I have been working with Entity Framework with Microsoft SQL Server (via SqlClient) and recently required to connect to an external database via ODBC connection.
Here are my questions:
Is EF on ODBC doable?
IF yes, how? or If No, what other option if OBDC is a must.
Any sample EF on OBDC project for reference?