How can I get the RSA fingerprint dialog back? - google-chrome-devtools

I need to be able to resume debugging a webpage I wrote which is misbehaving in some of the browsers on my phone.
I have a Samsung A5 (2017) and Samsung phones apparently have some special challenges in getting connected to laptops for debugging, as discussed in this thread:
Fortunately, I was using the technique in the second suggested technique (by studocwho) and it was working well until I did a slight variation on his technique: when I changed the USB Connection from MTP (Media Transport Protocol) to Audio Source and the dialog about the RSA key appeared, I checked the checkbox thinking that this would cause the RSA fingerprint to be sent from my phone to my laptop automatically each time so that I wouldn't get the RSA fingerprint dialog any more, save a couple of seconds, and still connect to the laptop.
As it turns out, that is NOT what happened at all. For whatever reason, it stopped giving me the dialog and also failed to send the RSA fingerprint to the laptop AT ALL. The laptop just waits patiently for me to accept the debugging session on the phone (see screen shot) but the phone does absolutely nothing at all. Apparently, checking that checkbox prevents the RSA fingerprint from being sent so no debugging session can start at all.
How do I get that RSA dialog to appear again so that I can start my debug session? I have to believe there is SOME way to reverse the effect of checking that checkbox but I'm darned if I know what it is. I've tried rebooting the phone but that didn't do it.


cordova-plugin-ble-central autoconnect function always prompting user to pair the device

I'm currently working on an ionic capacitor app that needs to connect automatically with a ble device.
I'm using the ble ionic native plugin:
The goal is sending and receiving bluetooth info and commands to the ble device, which is a car alarm central that controls a few actions like lock and unlock the doors accordingly to the RSSI values on from the device.
So, I'm using the autoconnect function to auto-connect with the device as soon the device is close to range and all works perfectly in Android and iOS. The only issue is that everytime the device reachs the ble range and the ble plugin try connecting, the system prompts the user to accept pairing with the device again.
I need it to work without that pairing prompting everytime. I tried to pairing the device previous to initialize the app but it didn't worked as well. So is it a way to make this autoconnection work without prompting the pairing acceptance everytime it is disconnected?
The issue occurs on Android versions 9 and 10 and iOS.
I've changed my ble hardware interface to ask for a PIN code. I guessed the connection could be considered secure by the OS and prevent prompting the user to pair again. Didn't work as well.
Every connection started by the plugin seems like bounding and connecting as if it was the first time connecting to the device. Even connecting to a known device is prompt the user to input the PIN, which if not provided the OS forgets the device.
Any toughts? Anyone? Thank you!

Asynchronicity between behavior and flows on Mitmproxy

I am trying to reverse engineer the API of an IoT device using mitmproxy. My setup is an iphone, computer running on MacOS 10.14, and an IoT device (watering pump) that can only access the wireless network after being plugged into the computer via USB connection, i.e. a not genuinely WiFi device. My phone is configured to point to the computer, which is running mitmproxy on a standard configuration.
When I send instructions from the app controlling the device on my phone to the device itself, presumably these instructions are sent to the computer, to the device cloud server, and then to the device. With these assumptions, one would think that they would see the flow of POST requests in mitmproxy before observing the results of those instructions. That is, if you send an instruction to turn on the pump, you'd think you'd see POST request containing that instruction show up in the mitmproxy flows before you see the pump turn on.
However that is not the case here. What happens is that, when I send instructions from the app, I observe the expected behavior from the IoT device, and then the flow of requests appear on the mitmproxy console seemingly at random. There seems to be no determinate relationship between the instructions I send and the requests that appear; they show up 5 seconds later, 5 minutes later, or 30 minutes later. Is this an intentional security feature? To somehow jam MITMproxies so that hackers cannot easily isolate the knowledge of which packet is performing which instruction? Or is it just something that I am doing wrong? Does anyone have any ideas as to what could be happening hear and potential solutions for making the flow of requests appear in real time? Ty

How can I always allowing micrphone and camera access from local files in browser

I'm currently working on a project that uses raspberry pis to communicate with WebRTC. I want one pi to initiate a call with the press of a single button for emergency purposes. Initiating the call means, waking up, opening a browser full screen and starting the call. The problem is that Chromium has a pop up that asks if you want to allow the microphone and camera to be accessed by the browser. I would like to always allow this but the address is a local file and not a site I can add to Chromium's trusted list. Is there a way to circumvent this? Is there another browser I can trust to run quickly on a raspberry pi?
Thanks for your time!
"have you tried starting chrome with --use-fake-ui-for-media-stream? Caveat: will allow camera without prompt for everything – Philipp Hancke 19 hours ago" -first comment

Get rid of proxy popup in ios simulator

I'm behind a corporate firewall and all network traffic goes thru the main proxy. In my iOS simulator, I get proxy popups a few times each time I run my app. The thing is, my app doesn't make any network calls (yet), and doesn't import any network frameworks. In fact, I can reproduce this by making a new project in XCode using one of the standard templates and run it straight away; it'll still prompt for the proxy credentials every time.
In my OSX network settings, I've obviously set my proxy credentials in all the different protocols (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, Socks, RTSP, Gopher). I found that I needed to put the domain and backslash before my username to allow web access in any OSX browsers given that I did that and then the OSX proxy prompts went away and I was allowed access, I would have thought that the iOS simulator would just inherit those settings...?
Any ideas?
One more bit which may be unrelated: we haven't yet figured out how to get access to the App Store on this Mac; despite supposedly getting past the proxy, any use of the App Store just results in timeouts and we can't even see the "home page". I'm wondering if somehow the iOS simulator is making similar network calls using some other protocol that is like the App Store...? (I would have thought App Store would have been HTTPS but I don't know).
Any thoughts appreciated.
If you put * in your proxy passthrough list, the simulator will stop whining about it.
Like you, I can't get the Apple Store to work through our corporate proxy either. I've worked around it by using a wireless network that doesn't use a proxy when I have to use the App Store.
I've found plenty of other things in the OS that don't work through our proxy.
I had the same issue and found another way without touching the proxy settings!
I'm working on a Mac with OSX-El Capitan so maybe in other versions these steps might be slightly different:
Go to System Preferences
Go to Network
Choose your connection (Wireless/Ethernet/Thunderbolt-Ethernet)
Click on Advanced Options
Go to the tab Proxies
The two boxes Automatically detect proxy (for the internet connection on your mac) and Web-Proxy (HTTP)
Insert your login credentials at Web-Proxy (HTTP).
This reduced the occurence of the Proxy-PopUp greatly on all the 3 macs I work with. (At least it doesn't appear periodically anymore when I start my app from xcode)

Connect iPhone/iPad with Mac (the Apple way)

When Apple's Remote app tries to connect to a Mac (running iTunes) on a local network (using WiFi), the user needs to enter a passcode provided by the iPhone as a security measure. This approach has been adopted by a number of other apps (e.g., Rowmote, Pastebot, ...). Is there an API that provides this way of working?
Assuming Bonjour is in play, how does an iPhone checks if the passcode entered on a Mac is correct without resolving the NSNetService the Mac is publishing? Or does the iPhone resolve the NSNetService a Mac is publishing and waits for the passcode to be confirmed before processing any other packets that might be sent via the NSNetService (packets other than the passcode).
I have a solution for my problem, but I would like to know if there's an API I have overlooked that provides a ready-made solution.
Advice and pointers are welcome.
Thanks in advance,
I don't believe there is an Apple provided API for this. I simply use the Bonjour APIs to open a connection between two devices, then have one randomly create a 4 digit passcode and ask the other device for it. The other device presents a UI to ask the user for the passcode, then transmits it back and waits for an answer. If they match, the devices store each other's identifiers to skip over this process the next time they connect.
Edit: Thanks to tc for pointing out that this implementation isn't totally secure. I'm now having one device create a unique, random password, and send it over to the other device, then store the SHA1 hash of the password for future reference. Then the other device stores the password and sends it back over whenever it connects for authentication. The user does the number code thing once in order to let the devices know that they should trust each other in the future, but now in order for a reverse engineer to connect to a device they would have to know both the identifier of and password for a valid, connected device. (Or they'd have to have access to both devices and do the number code thing; there isn't really a way to stop anyone from doing that, obviously).