How to asyn get xpc result with timeout - dispatch-async

Here I am try to get xpc reply within a second. I don't want to block the whole application so I am try to check the result after 1 second. but it always crash in sleep(1). Does anyone know what is the best way to do like this?
I tried sleep(1), std::this_thread::sleep_for(2s); and dispatch_group_wait but no luck. Every time when the thread wake up it crash, following is the code I call xpc and retrive the value after 1 second.
// send message
static int result = ETIME;
xpc_connection_send_message_with_reply(mConn, msg, NULL, ^(xpc_object_t reply){
result = ENOTCONN;
if (xpc_get_type(reply) != XPC_TYPE_DICTIONARY) {
result = EINVAL;
result = (int)xpc_dictionary_get_int64(reply, sResult);
// wait 1 second for result
//dispatch_time_t timeout = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, NSEC_PER_SEC);
std::this_thread::sleep_for(2s); // crash happened

after a lot of research finally fix it. to achieve this the best way is to let GCD do the job as follow and the crash is not caused by sleep actually it is caused by xpc_release(reply); this should call in server side. More detail you need check at REPLY MESSAGES section. all in all check the fix:
static int result = ETIME;
dispatch_group_t group = dispatch_group_create();
xpc_connection_send_message_with_reply(mConn, msg, NULL, ^(xpc_object_t reply){
// reply will be release in server sige
// so never call xpc_release(reply) here
// or it will crash when it finish
result = ENOTCONN;
if (xpc_get_type(reply) != XPC_TYPE_DICTIONARY) {
result = EINVAL;
result = (int)xpc_dictionary_get_int64(reply, sResult);
// xpc_release(reply); !!! call this in server side or will crash here !!!
// wait 1 second for result
dispatch_time_t timeout = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, NSEC_PER_SEC);
dispatch_group_wait(group, timeout);


Asynchronous sending data using kqueue

I have a server written in plain-old C accepting TCP connections using kqueue on FreeBSD.
Incoming connections are accepted and added to a simple connection pool to keep track of the file handle.
When data is received (on EVFILT_READ), I call recv() and then I put the payload in a message queue for a different thread to process it.
Receiving and processing data this way works perfect.
When the processing thread is done, it may need to send something back to the client. Since the processing thread has access to the connection pool and can easily get the file handle, I'm simply calling send() from the processing thread.
This works 99% of the time, but every now and then kqueue gives me a EV_EOF flag, and the connection is dropped.
There is a clear correlation between the frequency of the calls to send() and the number of EV_EOF errors, so I have a feeling the EV_EOF due to some race condition between my kqueue thread and the processing thread.
The calls to send() always returns the expected byte count, so I'm not filling up the tx buffer.
So my question; Is it acceptable to call send() from a separate thread as described here? If not, what would be the right way to send data back to the clients asynchronously?
All the examples I find calls send() in the same context as the kqueue loop, but my processing threads may need to send back data at any time - even minutes after the last received data from the client - so obviously I can't block the kqueue loop for that time..
Relevant code snippets:
void *tcp_srvthread(void *arg)
[[...Bunch of declarations...]]
tcp_serversocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
setsockopt(tcp_serversocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &i, sizeof(int));
err = bind(tcp_serversocket, (const struct sockaddr*)&sa, sizeof(sa));
err = listen(tcp_serversocket, 10);
kq = kqueue();
EV_SET(&evSet, tcp_serversocket, EVFILT_READ | EV_CLEAR, EV_ADD, 0, 0, NULL);
while(!fTerminated) {
timeout.tv_sec = 2; timeout.tv_nsec = 0;
nev = kevent(kq, &evSet, 0, evList, NLIST, &timeout);
for (i=0; i<nev; i++) {
if (evList[i].ident == tcp_serversocket) { // new connection?
socklen = sizeof(addr);
fd = accept(evList[i].ident, &addr, &socklen); // accept it
if(fd > 0) { // accept ok?
uidx = conn_add(fd, (struct sockaddr_in *)&addr); // Add it to connected controllers
if(uidx >= 0) { // add ok?
EV_SET(&evSet, fd, EVFILT_READ | EV_CLEAR, EV_ADD, 0, 0, (void*)(uint64_t)(0x00E20000 | uidx)); // monitor events from it
if (kevent(kq, &evSet, 1, NULL, 0, NULL) == -1) { // monitor ok?
conn_delete(uidx); //, so delete it from my list also
} else { // no room on server?
else Log(0, "ERR: accept fd=%d", fd);
if (evList[i].flags & EV_EOF) {
uidx = (uint32_t)evList[i].udata;
conn_delete( uidx );
if (evList[i].filter == EVFILT_READ) {
if((nr = recv(evList[i].ident, buf, sizeof(buf)-2, 0)) > 0) {
uidx = (uint32_t)evList[i].udata;
recv_data(uidx, buf, nr); // This will queue the message for the processing thread
else {
// should not get here.
The processing thread looks something like this (obviously there's a lot of data manipulation going on in addition to what's shown) :
void *parsethread(void *arg)
int len;
tmsg_Queue mq;
char is_ok;
while(!fTerminated) {
if((len = msgrcv(msgRxQ, &mq, sizeof(tmsg_Queue), 0, 0)) > 0) {
if( process_message(mq) ) {
[[ processing will find the uidx of the client and build the return data ]]
send( ctl[uidx].fd, replydata, replydataLen, 0 );
Appreciate any ideas or nudges in the right direction. Thanks.
If you write to a socket after the peer closed the reading part of it, you will receive a RST, which triggered EVFILT_READ with EV_EOF set.
You should try aio_read and aio_write.

How to process all events emitted by RX Java regardless of error?

I'm using web framework to send a list of items to a downstream HTTP server.
records.records() emits 4 records and I have specifically set the web client to connect to the wrong I.P/port.
Processing... prints 4 times.
Exception outer! prints 3 times.
If I put back the proper I.P/port then Susbscribe outer! prints 4 times.
.flatMap(inRecord -> {
// Do stuff here....
Observable<Buffer> bodyBuffer = Observable.just(Buffer.buffer(...));
Single<HttpResponse<Buffer>> request = client
.post(..., ..., ...)
return request.toFlowable();
.subscribe(record -> {
System.out.println("Subscribe outer!");
}, ex -> {
System.out.println("Exception outer! " + ex.getMessage());
I now understand that on error RX stops right a way. Is there a way to continue and process all records regardless and get an error for each?
Given this article:
I have come up with this... Unless you see something wrong with this?
(inRecord -> {
Observable<Buffer> bodyBuffer = Observable.just(Buffer.buffer(inRecord.toString()));
Single<HttpResponse<Buffer>> request = client
.post("xxxxxx", "xxxxxx", "xxxxxx")
// So we can capture how long each request took.
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
return request.toFlowable()
.doOnNext(response -> {
// Capture total time and print it with the logs. Removed below for brevity.
long processTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
int status = response.statusCode();
if(status == 200)"Success!");
}).doOnError(ex -> {
long processTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
logger.error("Failed! Exception.", ex);
}).doOnTerminate(() -> {
// Do some extra stuff here...
}).onErrorResumeNext(Flowable.empty()); // This will allow us to continue.
).subscribe(); // Don't handle here. We subscribe to the inner events.
Is there a way to continue and process all records regardless and get
an error for each?
According to the doc, the observable should be terminated if it encounters an error. So you can't get each error in onError.
You can use onErrorReturn or onErrorResumeNext() to tell the upstream what to do if it encounters an error (e.g. emit null or Flowable.empty()).

How to stop a blocking call of WSAPoll

I have a case to handle. There is one thread calling WSAPoll() to receive data from TCP connection. The code looks like this:
int result = WSAPoll(fdSocket, 1, timeout);
if (result == 0)
// time out
else if (result == -1)
// socket error
If I set timeout to be a negative number, the thread will wait indefinitely. However, I want to make this function return a value, such as 0, directly to this thread if I call a function StopWait() from another thread.
So what can I do to make this work? Add an asynchronous procedure call to this blocking thread through function StopWait() bu the other thread? If it is, what to add can make it return the value I want?

Winsock: DisconnectEx with IO Completion port

NB: the OP confirms in the comment thread that the problem was due to a typo, not shown in the posted code.
I was expecting to get a notification using GetQueuedCompletionStatus after scheduling an overlapped disconnect with DisconnectEx. I never get one - is this by design? If I specify a manual reset event in the OVERLAPPED structure this is signalled to indicate that the disconnect is complete, but GetQueuedCompletionStatus never returns.
My call to DisconnectEx looks a bit like this (note that context has an operator LPOVERLAPPED and ol is the first element in the structure):
context.ol.hEvent = hEvent;
BOOL result = DisconnectEx(context.socket, context, TF_REUSE_SOCKET, 0);
if (result)
// we completed synchronously:
ProcessCompletion(0, context, 0);
int error = WSAGetLastError();
if (error != ERROR_IO_PENDING)
throw ServerSocketException("DisconnectEx failed");
WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, INFINITE);
std::cout << "disconnected - event signalled\n";
I added the WaitForSingleObject when I found that GetQueuedCompletionStatus didn't return. What is the correct way to detect DisconnectEx completing? I want to use the socket again in a call to AcceptEx.
It appears that this was because of a typo on the OP's part.
(Posting an answer so other people don't have to read the comment thread...)

NodeJS Node-apn implementation as daemon

I have a node-apn nodejs script running as a daemon on AmazonWS. The daemon runs fine and the script stays up and comes back when it goes down but I believe I am having a synchronous execution and exiting issue with node.js. When I release the process with process.exit(); even though all console.logs output saying they have sent my messages, they never are received on the phone. I decided to remove the exit and let the process "hang" after execution and all messages were sent successfully. This led me to do the following implementation using an ASYNC function, but the same result seems to be happening. Can anyone provide insight to this? There are no errors being thrown from APN or anywhere else.
function closeDB()
connection.end(function(err) {
if (err) {
console.log("ERROR: " + util.inspect(err, false, 5));
console.log("APNS-PUSH: COMPLETED.");
setTimeout(function(){process.exit();}, 50);
} // End of closeDB()
function apnsError(err, notification)
function async(arg, callback)
setTimeout(function() { callback(1); }, 100);
* Our MySQL query callback.
function queryCB(err, results)
//error in our all, report and exit
if (err) {
console.log("ERROR: " + util.inspect(err, false, 5));
if(results.length == 0)
var notes = [];
var count = 0;
try {
for( var i = 0; i < results.length; i++ ) {
var myDevice = new apns.Device(results[i]['udid']);
var note = new apns.Notification();
note.expiry = Math.floor( / 1000) + 3600; // Expires 1 hour from now.
note.badge = results[i]["notification_count"];
note.sound = "ping.aiff";
note.alert = results[i]["message"];
note.device = myDevice;
connection.query('UPDATE `tbl_notifications` SET `sent`=1 WHERE `id`=' + results[i]["id"] , function(err, results) {
console.log("ERROR: " + util.inspect(err, false, 5));
} catch( err ) {
console.log('error: ' + err)
notes.forEach(function(nNode) {
async(nNode, function(result) {
if(count == notes.length) {
} // End of queryCB()
I had the same problem where killing the process also killed the open socket connections and didn't allow the notifications to be sent. The solution I came up with isn't an an ideal solution but it will work in your situation as well. I looked into the node-apn code and found that the Connection object inherited from EventEmitter so you can monitor events on the object like so:
var apnsConnection = new apn.Connection(options)
apnsConnection.on('transmitted', function(){
apnsConnection.on('error', function(){
This is monitoring the socket that the notification is sent through so I don't know how accurate it is at determining when a notification has successfully been passed off to Apple's APNS servers but it has worked pretty well for me.
The reason you are seeing this problem is that when you use #pushNotification it buffers the notification inside the module and handles sending it asynchronously.
Listening for "transmitted" is valid and this is emitted when the notification has been written to the socket. However, if your objective is to close the socket after all notifications have been sent then the easiest way to accomplish this is using the connectionTimeout property when creating your connection.
Simply set connectionTimeout to something around 1000 (milliseconds) and assuming you have no other connections open then the process will exit automatically. Or you can set an event listener on the timeout event and call process.exit() from there.