How to stop a blocking call of WSAPoll - sockets

I have a case to handle. There is one thread calling WSAPoll() to receive data from TCP connection. The code looks like this:
int result = WSAPoll(fdSocket, 1, timeout);
if (result == 0)
// time out
else if (result == -1)
// socket error
If I set timeout to be a negative number, the thread will wait indefinitely. However, I want to make this function return a value, such as 0, directly to this thread if I call a function StopWait() from another thread.
So what can I do to make this work? Add an asynchronous procedure call to this blocking thread through function StopWait() bu the other thread? If it is, what to add can make it return the value I want?


Will an item submitted to the main `DispatchQueue` ever interrupt currently executing code on the main thread?

The below code is used to execute a long running calculation on a background thread:
enum CalculationInterface {
private static var latestKey: AnyObject? // Used to cancel previous calculations when a new one is initiated.
static func output(from input: Input, return: #escaping (Output?) -> ()) {
self.latestKey = EmptyObject()
let key = self.latestKey! // Made to enable capturing `self.latestKey's` value. {
do {
let output = try calculateOutput(from: input, shouldContinue: { key === self.latestKey }) // Function cancels by throwing an error.
DispatchQueue.main.async { if (key === self.latestKey) { `return`(output) } }
} catch {}
This function is called from the main thread like so:
/// Initiates calculation of the output and sets it to the result when finished.
private func recalculateOutput() {
self.output = .calculating // Triggers calculation in-progress animation for user.
CalculationInterface.output(from: input) { self.output = $0 } // Ends animation once set and displays calculated output to user.
I'm wondering if it's possible for the closure that's pushed to DispatchQueue.main to execute while the main thread is running my code. Or in other words execute after self.output = .calculating but before self.latestKey is re-set to the new object. If it could, then the stale calculation output could be displayed to the user.
I'm wondering if it's possible for the closure that's pushed to DispatchQueue.main to execute while the main thread is running my code
No, it isn't possible. The main queue is a serial queue. If code is running on the main queue, no "other" main queue code can run. Your DispatchQueue.main.async effectively means: "Wait until all code running on the main queue comes naturally to an end, and then run this on the main queue."
On the other hand, is not a serial queue. Thus it is theoretically possible for two calls to calculateOutput to overlap. That isn't something you want to have happen; you want to be sure that any executing instance of calculateOutput finishes (and we proceed to grapple with the latestKey) before another one can start. In other words, you want to ensure that the sequence
set latestKey on the main thread
perform calculateOutput in the background
look at latestKey on the main thread
happens coherently. The way to ensure that is to set aside a DispatchQueue that you create with DispatchQueue(label:), that you will always use for running calculateOutput. That queue will be a serial queue by default.

Asynchronous sending data using kqueue

I have a server written in plain-old C accepting TCP connections using kqueue on FreeBSD.
Incoming connections are accepted and added to a simple connection pool to keep track of the file handle.
When data is received (on EVFILT_READ), I call recv() and then I put the payload in a message queue for a different thread to process it.
Receiving and processing data this way works perfect.
When the processing thread is done, it may need to send something back to the client. Since the processing thread has access to the connection pool and can easily get the file handle, I'm simply calling send() from the processing thread.
This works 99% of the time, but every now and then kqueue gives me a EV_EOF flag, and the connection is dropped.
There is a clear correlation between the frequency of the calls to send() and the number of EV_EOF errors, so I have a feeling the EV_EOF due to some race condition between my kqueue thread and the processing thread.
The calls to send() always returns the expected byte count, so I'm not filling up the tx buffer.
So my question; Is it acceptable to call send() from a separate thread as described here? If not, what would be the right way to send data back to the clients asynchronously?
All the examples I find calls send() in the same context as the kqueue loop, but my processing threads may need to send back data at any time - even minutes after the last received data from the client - so obviously I can't block the kqueue loop for that time..
Relevant code snippets:
void *tcp_srvthread(void *arg)
[[...Bunch of declarations...]]
tcp_serversocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
setsockopt(tcp_serversocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &i, sizeof(int));
err = bind(tcp_serversocket, (const struct sockaddr*)&sa, sizeof(sa));
err = listen(tcp_serversocket, 10);
kq = kqueue();
EV_SET(&evSet, tcp_serversocket, EVFILT_READ | EV_CLEAR, EV_ADD, 0, 0, NULL);
while(!fTerminated) {
timeout.tv_sec = 2; timeout.tv_nsec = 0;
nev = kevent(kq, &evSet, 0, evList, NLIST, &timeout);
for (i=0; i<nev; i++) {
if (evList[i].ident == tcp_serversocket) { // new connection?
socklen = sizeof(addr);
fd = accept(evList[i].ident, &addr, &socklen); // accept it
if(fd > 0) { // accept ok?
uidx = conn_add(fd, (struct sockaddr_in *)&addr); // Add it to connected controllers
if(uidx >= 0) { // add ok?
EV_SET(&evSet, fd, EVFILT_READ | EV_CLEAR, EV_ADD, 0, 0, (void*)(uint64_t)(0x00E20000 | uidx)); // monitor events from it
if (kevent(kq, &evSet, 1, NULL, 0, NULL) == -1) { // monitor ok?
conn_delete(uidx); //, so delete it from my list also
} else { // no room on server?
else Log(0, "ERR: accept fd=%d", fd);
if (evList[i].flags & EV_EOF) {
uidx = (uint32_t)evList[i].udata;
conn_delete( uidx );
if (evList[i].filter == EVFILT_READ) {
if((nr = recv(evList[i].ident, buf, sizeof(buf)-2, 0)) > 0) {
uidx = (uint32_t)evList[i].udata;
recv_data(uidx, buf, nr); // This will queue the message for the processing thread
else {
// should not get here.
The processing thread looks something like this (obviously there's a lot of data manipulation going on in addition to what's shown) :
void *parsethread(void *arg)
int len;
tmsg_Queue mq;
char is_ok;
while(!fTerminated) {
if((len = msgrcv(msgRxQ, &mq, sizeof(tmsg_Queue), 0, 0)) > 0) {
if( process_message(mq) ) {
[[ processing will find the uidx of the client and build the return data ]]
send( ctl[uidx].fd, replydata, replydataLen, 0 );
Appreciate any ideas or nudges in the right direction. Thanks.
If you write to a socket after the peer closed the reading part of it, you will receive a RST, which triggered EVFILT_READ with EV_EOF set.
You should try aio_read and aio_write.

Winsock: DisconnectEx with IO Completion port

NB: the OP confirms in the comment thread that the problem was due to a typo, not shown in the posted code.
I was expecting to get a notification using GetQueuedCompletionStatus after scheduling an overlapped disconnect with DisconnectEx. I never get one - is this by design? If I specify a manual reset event in the OVERLAPPED structure this is signalled to indicate that the disconnect is complete, but GetQueuedCompletionStatus never returns.
My call to DisconnectEx looks a bit like this (note that context has an operator LPOVERLAPPED and ol is the first element in the structure):
context.ol.hEvent = hEvent;
BOOL result = DisconnectEx(context.socket, context, TF_REUSE_SOCKET, 0);
if (result)
// we completed synchronously:
ProcessCompletion(0, context, 0);
int error = WSAGetLastError();
if (error != ERROR_IO_PENDING)
throw ServerSocketException("DisconnectEx failed");
WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, INFINITE);
std::cout << "disconnected - event signalled\n";
I added the WaitForSingleObject when I found that GetQueuedCompletionStatus didn't return. What is the correct way to detect DisconnectEx completing? I want to use the socket again in a call to AcceptEx.
It appears that this was because of a typo on the OP's part.
(Posting an answer so other people don't have to read the comment thread...)

Async sockets in D

Okay this is my first question here on Stack Overflow, so bare over with it if I'm not asking properly.
Basically I'm trying to code some asynchronous sockets using std.socket, but I'm not sure if I've understood the concept correct. I've only ever worked with asynchronous sockets in C# and in D it seem to be on a much lower level. I've researched a lot and looked up a lot of code, documentation etc. both for D and C/C++ to get an understanding, however I'm not sure if I understand the concept correctly and if any of you have some examples. I tried looking at splat, but it's very outdated and vibe seems to be too complex just for a simple asynchronous socket wrapper.
If I understood correctly there is no poll() function in std.socket so you'd have to use SocketSet with a single socket on select() to poll the status of the socket right?
So basically how I'd go about handling the sockets is polling to get the read status of the socket and if it has a success (value > 0) then I can call receive() which will return 0 for disconnection else the received value, but I'd have to keep doing this until the expected bytes are received.
Of course the socket is set to nonblocked!
Is that correct?
Here is the code I've made up so far.
while (true)
auto events = cast(AsyncObject[int])ASYNC_EVENTS_READ;
foreach (asyncObject; events)
int poll = pollRecv(asyncObject.socket.m_socket);
switch (poll)
case 0:
throw new SocketException("The socket had a time out!");
if (poll <= -1)
throw new SocketException("The socket was interrupted!");
int recvGetSize = (asyncObject.socket.m_readBuffer.length - asyncObject.socket.readSize);
ubyte[] recvBuffer = new ubyte[recvGetSize];
int recv = asyncObject.socket.m_socket.receive(recvBuffer);
if (recv == 0)
removeAsyncObject(asyncObject.event_id, true);
asyncObject.socket.m_readBuffer ~= recvBuffer;
asyncObject.socket.readSize += recv;
if (asyncObject.socket.readSize == asyncObject.socket.expectedReadSize)
removeAsyncObject(asyncObject.event_id, true);
So basically how I'd go about handling the sockets is polling to get the read status of the socket
Not quite right. Usually, the idea is to build an event loop around select, so that your application is idle as long as there are no network or timer events that need to be handled. With polling, you'd have to check for new events continuously or on a timer, which leads to wasted CPU cycles, and events getting handled a bit later than they occur.
In the event loop, you populate the SocketSets with sockets whose events you are interested in. If you want to be notified of new received data on a socket, it goes to the "readable" set. If you have data to send, the socket should be in the "writable" set. And all sockets should be on the "error" set.
select will then block (sleep) until an event comes in, and fill the SocketSets with the sockets which have actionable events. Your application can then respond to them appropriately: receive data for readable sockets, send queued data for writable sockets, and perform cleanup for errored sockets.
Here's my D implementation of non-fiber event-based networking:

iphone thread sync

I am java developer and need to make thread synch in iPhone. I have a thread, it calls other one and need to wait for that child thread to end.
In java I use monitor, by calling wait/notify
How can I program this in iphone?
NSConditionLock does all job
Read about NSOperation dependencies and also NSNotification notifications.
Personally, I prefer pthreads. To block for a thread to complete, you want pthread_join Alternately, you could set up a pthread_cond_t and have the calling thread wait on that until the child thread notifies it.
void* TestThread(void* data) {
printf("thread_routine: doing stuff...\n");
printf("thread_routine: done doing stuff...\n");
return NULL;
void CreateThread() {
pthread_t myThread;
printf("creating thread...\n");
int err = pthread_create(&myThread, NULL, TestThread, NULL);
if (0 != err) {
//error handling
//this will cause the calling thread to block until myThread completes.
//saves you the trouble of setting up a pthread_cond
err = pthread_join(myThread, NULL);
if (0 != err) {
//error handling
printf("thread_completed, exiting.\n");