Unable to install and configure a J-Link JTAG debugger on a Mac - jtag

I have a Segger J-Link which I am trying to use on a Macbook running MacOS Catalina 10.15.4, with openocd and GDB against an ESP32 board. The problem is that I can not seen the device:
$ ls /dev/cu.*
/dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port /dev/cu.JimsiPhone-WirelessiAP /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART /dev/cu.usbserial-0001
None of these is the J-Link. If I run lsusb I can see it:
$ lsusb
Bus 020 Device 002: ID 10c4:ea60 Cygnal Integrated Products, Inc. CP210x UART Bridge / myAVR mySmartUSB light
Bus 020 Device 003: ID 1366:0101 SEGGER J-Link ARM
I have installed the "J-Link Software and Documentation Pack" downloaded from Segger. I have checked the Mac "Security and privacy" settings and it does not report that it blocked any drivers or programs from being installed or run.
On the J-Link, the green LED is on, with a very brief flash about twice per second.
I'm sure I have a piece missing, and would appreciate some help.
UPDATE: I have been following instructions here:
OpenOCD Instructions
It all works until I get to step 6, and I follow these instructions:
Serial driver instructions
The problem is, a path for the driver never shows up, as I described above. I don't think I can run OpenOCD if I can't make it talk to my J-link.
When I run openocd-esp32, I get (full paste from openocd-esp32 output is below):
Error: No J-Link device found.
The contents of esp32-wroom-32.cfg is:
echo "WARNING: boards/esp-wroom-32.cfg is deprecated, and may be removed in a future release."
source [find target/esp32.cfg]
Here is the full paste:
Jims-MacBook-Pro-486:~ jim$ openocd -f interface/jlink.cfg -f board/esp-wroom-32.cfg -c "program_esp32 build/hello-world.bin 0x10000 verify exit"
Open On-Chip Debugger v0.10.0-esp32-20200420 (2020-04-20-16:15)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
WARNING: boards/esp-wroom-32.cfg is deprecated, and may be removed in a future release.
Info : Configured 2 cores
Error: No J-Link device found.
** OpenOCD init failed **
shutdown command invoked
Assertion failed: (jtag_trst == 0), function jtag_checks, file src/jtag/core.c, line 343.
Abort trap: 6
Running JLinkExe does find the J-Link:
Jims-MacBook-Pro-486:~ jim$ JLinkExe
SEGGER J-Link Commander V6.80b (Compiled Jun 5 2020 17:42:04)
DLL version V6.80b, compiled Jun 5 2020 17:41:46
Connecting to J-Link via USB...Updating firmware: J-Link V11 compiled Apr 23 2020 16:49:23
Replacing firmware: J-Link V11 compiled Aug 14 2019 16:21:09
Waiting for new firmware to boot
New firmware booted successfully
Firmware: J-Link V11 compiled Apr 23 2020 16:49:23
Hardware version: V11.00
S/N: 51000936
License(s): GDB
Type "connect" to establish a target connection, '?' for help
After doing the above I now get a different error message when running openocd-esp32 (perhaps because of the J-Link FW upgrade?). Initially it complained that there was not an adapter speed set, so I modified interface/jlink.cfg and added:
adapter_khz 3000
I now get a different error:
Error: JTAG scan chain interrogation failed: all ones
Which I have been Googling, and which could mean a bad board or still another configuration issue. There is no SD card in the SD card socket and no other SPI devices on the board, although the ESP32-WROVER-32U has SPI flash on it.
Here is the complete output from openocd-esp32:
Jims-MacBook-Pro-486:~ jim$ openocd -f interface/jlink.cfg -f board/esp-wroom-32.cfg -c "program_esp32 build/hello-world.bin 0x10000 verify exit"
Open On-Chip Debugger v0.10.0-esp32-20200420 (2020-04-20-16:15)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
adapter speed: 3000 kHz
WARNING: boards/esp-wroom-32.cfg is deprecated, and may be removed in a future release.
Info : Configured 2 cores
Info : J-Link V11 compiled Apr 23 2020 16:49:23
Info : Hardware version: 11.00
Info : VTarget = 0.000 V
Info : clock speed 3000 kHz
Error: JTAG scan chain interrogation failed: all ones
Error: Check JTAG interface, timings, target power, etc.
Error: Trying to use configured scan chain anyway...
Error: esp32.cpu0: IR capture error; saw 0x1f not 0x01
Warn : Bypassing JTAG setup events due to errors
Info : Listening on port 3333 for gdb connections
Error: JTAG scan chain interrogation failed: all ones
Error: Check JTAG interface, timings, target power, etc.
Error: Trying to use configured scan chain anyway...
Error: esp32.cpu0: IR capture error; saw 0x1f not 0x01
Warn : Bypassing JTAG setup events due to errors
Info : cpu0: Debug controller 0 was reset.
Info : cpu0: Core 0 was reset.
Error: esp32_soc_reset: Couldn't halt target before SoC reset
embedded:startup.tcl:449: Error: ** Unable to reset target **
in procedure 'program_esp32'
in procedure 'program_esp' called at file "/Users/jim/.espressif/tools/openocd-esp32/v0.10.0-esp32-20200420/openocd-esp32/share/openocd/scripts/target/esp32.cfg", line 64
in procedure 'program_error' called at file "/Users/jim/.espressif/tools/openocd-esp32/v0.10.0-esp32-20200420/openocd-esp32/share/openocd/scripts/target/esp_common.cfg", line 75
at file "embedded:startup.tcl", line 449
Warn : Flash driver of esp32.flash does not support free_driver_priv()
Warn : Flash driver of esp32.irom does not support free_driver_priv()
Warn : Flash driver of esp32.drom does not support free_driver_priv()
Success! This circuit used the Segger 10 pin needle connector. On that connector pin 1 is VTREF and on my board it was left floating, when it should have been connected to V3.3. I connected it and:
Jims-MacBook-Pro-486:~ jim$ openocd -f interface/jlink.cfg -f board/esp32-wrover.cfg
Open On-Chip Debugger v0.10.0-esp32-20200420 (2020-04-20-16:15)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
adapter speed: 1000 kHz
WARNING: boards/esp32-wrover.cfg is deprecated, and may be removed in a future release.
If your board is ESP32-WROVER-KIT, use board/esp32-wrover-kit-1.8v.cfg instead.
Info : Configured 2 cores
Info : Listening on port 6666 for tcl connections
Info : Listening on port 4444 for telnet connections
Info : J-Link V11 compiled Apr 23 2020 16:49:23
Info : Hardware version: 11.00
Info : VTarget = 3.290 V
Info : clock speed 1000 kHz
Info : JTAG tap: esp32.cpu0 tap/device found: 0x120034e5 (mfg: 0x272 (Tensilica), part: 0x2003, ver: 0x1)
Info : JTAG tap: esp32.cpu1 tap/device found: 0x120034e5 (mfg: 0x272 (Tensilica), part: 0x2003, ver: 0x1)
Info : esp32: Debug controller 0 was reset.
Info : esp32: Core 0 was reset.
Info : esp32: Debug controller 1 was reset.
Info : esp32: Core 1 was reset.
Info : Listening on port 3333 for gdb connections

I would suggest to validate your setup step by step - I personally do not like big bang integrations.
Verify that your the Segger software can see your JLink probe - the good thing is that lsusb can see it. JLink Commander should provide some useful information.
Launch openocd without any executable-related arguments: openocd -f interface/jlink.cfg -f board/esp-wroom-32.cfg
Verify that basic commands are working, i.e. resetting the CPU, displaying registers, reading/writing memory.
If you you are still experimenting issues, double-check your wiring - see here for more information.


HW Debugging ARM Controller with J-Link error (Truncated register 16 in remote 'g' packet*)

I tried to debug my code with eclipse with the j-link debugger and gdb sserver and client.
I tried different settings but couldn't solve the error.
Eclipse error:
Error in final launch sequence
Failed to execute MI command:
-target-select remote localhost:2331
Error message from debugger back end:
Truncated register 16 in remote 'g' packet
Connecting to J-Link...
J-Link is connected.
Firmware: J-Link LITE-Cortex-M-5V compiled Mar 3 2016 12:49:54
GDB Server output:
Hardware: V8.00
S/N: 638100545
Feature(s): GDB
Checking target voltage...
Target voltage: 5.03 V
Listening on TCP/IP port 2331
Connecting to target...Connected to target
Waiting for GDB connection...Connected to
Reading all registers
GDB closed TCP/IP connection
Any hint what could solve my problem?

debugging with OpenOCD reports Protocol error with Rcmd

I'm working on establishing a debug connection to a Renesas RZ/G2L MPU.
My OpenOCD connection appears to launch fine (and i can connect to it with gdb from the shell afterwards with (gdb) target remote localhost:3333 fine):
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.12.0-rc2+dev-00989-g9501b263e-dirty (2022-12-12-17:03)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
G2L - 0 CA57(s), 2 CA55(s), 0 CA53(s), 0 CR7(s), 1 CM33(s)
Boot Core - CA55
SMP targets: r9a07g044l.a55.0 r9a07g044l.a55.1
Info : Listening on port 6666 for tcl connections
Info : Listening on port 4444 for telnet connections
Info : J-Link V11 compiled Dec 5 2022 13:50:41
Info : Hardware version: 11.00
Info : VTarget = 1.812 V
Info : clock speed 4000 kHz
Info : JTAG tap: r9a07g044l.cpu tap/device found: 0x6ba00477 (mfg: 0x23b (ARM Ltd), part: 0xba00, ver: 0x6)
Info : r9a07g044l.a55.0: hardware has 6 breakpoints, 4 watchpoints
Info : starting gdb server for r9a07g044l.a55.0 on 3333
Info : Listening on port 3333 for gdb connections
Info : starting gdb server for r9a07g044l.m33 on 3334
Info : Listening on port 3334 for gdb connections
Info : gdb port disabled
I'm trying to hook it up with eclipse to debug Flash Writer which should allow me to bring up the system. I createda debug configuration, set the init commands under start up (per instructions from Renesas) and set the launch target to localhost:3333. Upon launch of a debug session from Eclipse however, I get the following error:
Error in final launch sequence:
Failed to execute MI command:
source /home/mistywest/git/rzg2_flash_writer/gdb_smarc_g2l_flash_writer
Error message from debugger back end:
/home/mistywest/git/rzg2_flash_writer/gdb_smarc_g2l_flash_writer:12: Error in sourced command file:
Protocol error with Rcmd
Failed to execute MI command:
source /home/mistywest/git/rzg2_flash_writer/gdb_smarc_g2l_flash_writer
Error message from debugger back end:
/home/mistywest/git/rzg2_flash_writer/gdb_smarc_g2l_flash_writer:12: Error in sourced command file:
Protocol error with Rcmd
Failed to execute MI command:
source /home/mistywest/git/rzg2_flash_writer/gdb_smarc_g2l_flash_writer
Error message from debugger back end:
/home/mistywest/git/rzg2_flash_writer/gdb_smarc_g2l_flash_writer:12: Error in sourced command file:
Protocol error with Rcmd
/home/mistywest/git/rzg2_flash_writer/gdb_smarc_g2l_flash_writer:12: Error in sourced command file:\nProtocol error with Rcmd
and on the OpenOCD console:
Info : accepting 'gdb' connection on tcp/3333
Info : r9a07g044l.a55.0 cluster 0 core 0 multi core
r9a07g044l.a55.0 halted in AArch64 state due to debug-request, current mode: EL3H
cpsr: 0x400003cd pc: 0x3a94
MMU: disabled, D-Cache: disabled, I-Cache: enabled
Info : New GDB Connection: 1, Target r9a07g044l.a55.0, state: halted
Warn : Prefer GDB command "target extended-remote :3333" instead of "target remote :3333"
Error: JTAG scan chain interrogation failed: all zeroes
Error: Check JTAG interface, timings, target power, etc.
Error: Trying to use configured scan chain anyway...
Error: r9a07g044l.cpu: IR capture error; saw 0x00 not 0x01
Warn : Bypassing JTAG setup events due to errors
Error: Invalid ACK (0) in DAP response
Info : Deferring arp_examine of r9a07g044l.a55.1
Info : Use arp_examine command to examine it manually!
Info : Deferring arp_examine of r9a07g044l.m33
Info : Use arp_examine command to examine it manually!
Error: Invalid ACK (0) in DAP response
Error: Debug regions are unpowered, an unexpected reset might have happened
Error: Could not initialize the APB-AP
Info : dropped 'gdb' connection
Oh I'm running this from a Fedora 36 host - if it matters

Intel Media Server Studio on CentOS7.2

I am trying to install and configure Intel Media Server Studio on a CentOS7.2 Machine with integrated VGA Graphics Card.
For validation of Successful installation(example), Metrics Monitor sample program fails with error code 1.
Command: ./_bin/metrics_monitor
ERROR: Failed to subscribe for metrics, error code 1
Test programs are also getting crashed, below are the machine specification:-
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3720QM CPU # 2.60GHz
(Intel Quick-Sync supported)
Graphics: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller
(lspci | grep VGA)
I am following this to install and configure. I have verified pre-requisite for this installation out of which below is not matching:
vainfo | grep -v 'unknown'
Output on my machine:
libva info: VA-API version 0.99.0
libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
libva info: User requested driver 'iHD'
libva info: Trying to open /opt/intel/mediasdk/lib64/iHD_drv_video.so
libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_0_32
libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
Can anybody tell what is wrong with the installation? as metric_monitor should give gpu usage.

Cannot run STM32 L1 Discovery board

I have fresh STM32 L1 discovery board, and it seems to be broken.
But I am not completely sure.
When connecting board via USB to the Linux machine, board starts
perfectly fine, and the demo works just as described by vendor.
But I am unable to actually connect to this board.
➜ lsusb -s 002:074
Bus 002 Device 074: ID 0483:3748 STMicroelectronics ST-LINK/V2
Board seems to be connected, big jumper (CN3) to switch between ST-LINK and DISCOVERY is set to DISCOVERY. But when I try to use st-link utility
I am receiving.
➜ stlink git:(master) ./st-flash --reset erase
libusb_handle_events() timeout
[!] send_recv
[!] send_recv
[!] send_recv
[!] send_recv
[!] send_recv
2015-12-25T19:24:57 INFO src/stlink-common.c: Loading device parameters....
[!] send_recv
[!] send_recv
[!] send_recv
2015-12-25T19:24:57 WARN src/stlink-common.c: unknown chip id! 0
fish: Job 1, './st-flash --reset erase' terminated by signal SIGSEGV (Address boundary error)
Also OpenOCD is unable to talk to the board.
openocd -f board/stm32ldiscovery.cfg
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.9.0 (2015-12-25-18:43)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
adapter speed: 300 kHz
adapter_nsrst_delay: 100
Info : The selected transport took over low-level target control. The results might differ compared to plain JTAG/SWD
none separate
srst_only separate srst_nogate srst_open_drain connect_deassert_srst
Info : Unable to match requested speed 300 kHz, using 240 kHz
Info : Unable to match requested speed 300 kHz, using 240 kHz
Info : clock speed 240 kHz
Error: reset device failed
in procedure 'init'
in procedure 'ocd_bouncer'
The chip on board is STM32L152RCT6. I worked with STM32F0..4 before and had never such problems, but I did not worked with L series before, so I am not sure if this is board problem or I am skipping something important here.
EDIT: Using OpenOCD i found out not expected behaviour. At first run I am receiving error:
Error: init mode failed (unable to connect to the target)
At second run:
Error: reset device failed
Then device dissapears from the system, dmesg leaves messages:
[ 1336.080239] usb 2-1.1: reset full-speed USB device number 4 using ehci-pci
[ 1336.154250] usb 2-1.1: device descriptor read/64, error -32
[ 1336.329341] usb 2-1.1: device descriptor read/64, error -32
[ 1336.503334] usb 2-1.1: reset full-speed USB device number 4 using ehci-pci
[ 1336.566330] usb 2-1.1: device descriptor read/64, error -32
[ 1336.741385] usb 2-1.1: device descriptor read/64, error -32
[ 1336.915427] usb 2-1.1: reset full-speed USB device number 4 using ehci-pci
[ 1337.317517] usb 2-1.1: device not accepting address 4, error -32
[ 1337.390532] usb 2-1.1: reset full-speed USB device number 4 using ehci-pci
[ 1337.792623] usb 2-1.1: device not accepting address 4, error -32
[ 1337.793110] usb 2-1.1: USB disconnect, device number 4
[ 1337.855642] usb 2-1.1: new full-speed USB device number 5 using ehci-pci
[ 1337.918651] usb 2-1.1: device descriptor read/64, error -32
[ 1338.093691] usb 2-1.1: device descriptor read/64, error -32
[ 1338.267730] usb 2-1.1: new full-speed USB device number 6 using ehci-pci
[ 1338.330727] usb 2-1.1: device descriptor read/64, error -32
[ 1338.505783] usb 2-1.1: device descriptor read/64, error -32
[ 1338.679823] usb 2-1.1: new full-speed USB device number 7 using ehci-pci
[ 1339.081921] usb 2-1.1: device not accepting address 7, error -32
[ 1339.154935] usb 2-1.1: new full-speed USB device number 8 using ehci-pci
[ 1339.557024] usb 2-1.1: device not accepting address 8, error -32
[ 1339.557168] usb 2-1-port1: unable to enumerate USB device
I think there might be a problem with adapter speed, but I am not sure for now.
EDIT2: I tried with Windows ST Link Utility and I am not able to connect to the board, board causing "Detection Error" or "Connection Error", software suggests changing SWD frequency or mode. I tired with literally every combination but none works.
EDIT3: If this helps somebody, board was sent back, I have got information that it is actually broken and I have got new one. New one works flawlessly as expected.
Sometimes I work with the same L1 Discovery board on GNU/Linux. Both texane/stlink and OpenOCD detect it flawlessly without any modification. You can see the outputs:
$ st-util
2016-01-08T21:55:59 INFO src/stlink-common.c: Loading device parameters....
2016-01-08T21:55:59 INFO src/stlink-common.c: Device connected is: L1 Med-density device, id 0x10186416
2016-01-08T21:55:59 INFO src/stlink-common.c: SRAM size: 0x4000 bytes (16 KiB), Flash: 0x20000 bytes (128 KiB) in pages of 256 bytes
2016-01-08T21:55:59 INFO gdbserver/gdb-server.c: Chip ID is 00000416, Core ID is 2ba01477.
2016-01-08T21:55:59 INFO gdbserver/gdb-server.c: Target voltage is 2917 mV.
2016-01-08T21:55:59 INFO gdbserver/gdb-server.c: Listening at *:4242...
$ openocd -f board/stm32ldiscovery.cfg
GNU ARM Eclipse 64-bits Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0-dev-00141-g09aeb96-dirty (2015-10-28-11:56)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
adapter speed: 300 kHz
adapter_nsrst_delay: 100
Info : The selected transport took over low-level target control. The results might differ compared to plain JTAG/SWD
none separate
srst_only separate srst_nogate srst_open_drain connect_deassert_srst
Info : Unable to match requested speed 300 kHz, using 240 kHz
Info : Unable to match requested speed 300 kHz, using 240 kHz
Info : clock speed 240 kHz
Info : STLINK v2 JTAG v25 API v2 SWIM v0 VID 0x0483 PID 0x3748
Info : using stlink api v2
Info : Target voltage: 2.913980
Info : stm32l1.cpu: hardware has 6 breakpoints, 4 watchpoints
Maybe your board is really broken but before recycle it I suggest you two different trials. (a) I think after your question you have another ST (as you mentioned STM32F0..4) board perhaps with ST-LINK adaptor. You can use it as an external ST-LINK (follow eg. this). (b) Try to upgrade your embedded ST-LINK firmware with the STSW-LINK005 which java version works also in GNU/Linux environment. The board performs well for me both before and after upgrade.

Debugging - GNU ARM Bare Metal Development

I am trying to debug a sample code given by Atmel. I have built the program successfully.
For debugging, I am using eclipse plusgdb plus JlinkGDBServer plus onboard Jtag.
Although the program can be downloaded to the board and is running well, I can't debug the program. Everytime I launch a debug session, the JLinkGDBServer will be terminated with an error as below:
Below are the messages shown in the console for each program termination:
SEGGER J-Link GDB Server V4.96g Command Line Version
JLinkARM.dll V4.96g (DLL compiled Feb 6 2015 17:54:32)
-----GDB Server start settings-----
GDBInit file: none
GDB Server Listening port: 2331
SWO raw output listening port: 2332
Terminal I/O port: 2333
Accept remote connection: localhost only
Generate logfile: on
Verify download: on
Init regs on start: on
Silent mode: off
Single run mode: on
Target connection timeout: 5 ms
------J-Link related settings------
J-Link Host interface: USB
J-Link script: none
J-Link settings file: none
------Target related settings------
Target device: Cortex-A5
Target interface: JTAG
Target interface speed: 1000kHz
Target endian: little
Connecting to J-Link...
J-Link is connected.
Firmware: J-Link OB-SAM3U128 V1 compiled Nov 28 2014 10:24:11
Hardware: V1.00
S/N: 480300770
Checking target voltage...
Target voltage: 3.30 V
Listening on TCP/IP port 2331
Connecting to target...
J-Link found 1 JTAG device, Total IRLen = 4
JTAG ID: 0x4BA00477 (Cortex-A5)
Connected to target
Waiting for GDB connection...Connected to
Reading all registers
Read 4 bytes # address 0x00000000 (Data = 0xE59FF070)
Target interface speed set to 1000 kHz
Resetting target
Halting target CPU...
...Target halted (PC = 0x00000000)
PC = 00000000, CPSR = 000001D3 (SVC mode, ARM FIQ dis. IRQ dis.)
R0 = 00000004, R1 = 0031E0C3, R2 = 00016AAD, R3 = 00016965
R4 = 0031FFA0, R5 = C0542A08, R6 = C0512000, R7 = C051DA90
USR: R8 =C051DD80, R9 =410FC051, R10=C0512000, R11 =0031FF94, R12 =003020C0
R13=BEBF5C70, R14=B6F12F1C
FIQ: R8 =9ABE0586, R9 =7E72A55E, R10=73DBFC6B, R11 =4F6717CF, R12 =05EDA809
R13=5AC81462, R14=24683958, SPSR=370D2C67
SVC: R13=0031FF80, R14=00300620, SPSR=000001D3
ABT: R13=C0542B4C, R14=C000DC80, SPSR=A0000193
IRQ: R13=00320000, R14=80000053, SPSR=80000053
UND: R13=C0542B58, R14=C000DB60, SPSR=60000093
Reading all registers
Select auto target interface speed (1000 kHz)
Flash breakpoints enabled
Semi-hosting enabled (VectorAddr = 0x08)
Semihosting I/O set to TELNET and GDB Client
Downloading 15488 bytes # address 0x00300000 - Verified OK
Writing register (PC = 0x00300080)
GDB closed TCP/IP connection
Connected to
Reading all registers
Read 4 bytes # address 0x00300080 (Data = 0xF1080100)
Resetting target
Writing register (PC = 0x00300000)
Writing register (PC = 0x00300000)
Starting target CPU...
GDB closed TCP/IP connection
Warning: the current language does not match this frame.
The target endianness is set automatically (currently little endian)
Semihosting and SWV
SEGGER J-Link GDB Server V4.96g - Terminal output channel
Connection closed by the GDB server.
The following is my debugging configuration:
Under the Run Commands, the commands in the box are as below:
target remote localhost:2331
monitor reset
mon reg pc = 0x300000
mon reg pc = 0x300000
I dont know what root cause is. I suspect that it is arm-none-eabi-gdb that causes the JLinkGDBServer to terminate with an exit code of -1.
Please help.
Edit 1
FYI, I am using SAMA5D3x-EK development board.
It is difficult to say, but looks like if the processor is having an exception while loading your code. I suggest to verify the load address of the sections of your ELF file, and review the linker settings of your project.
Hope it helps...