Node-postgres prepared statements with conditional arguments - postgresql

Is there a way to query something where you hava many conditions that can be undefined (not required)
const c = {
id?: number
type?: string
const sql = `SELECT * FROM smth WHERE id=$1 AND type=$2`
query(sql , [, c.type])

You could use
const sql = `SELECT * FROM smth WHERE ($1::int IS NULL OR id=$1) AND ($2::text IS NULL OR type=$2)`;
but in general this is the place where query builder libraries are the appropriate solution.


How to use bindings in a whereRaw query?

I have a table with two columns, 'first_name' and 'last_name' and I want to join both tables so that I can search a query against them with a LIKE query and using % wildcards.
I was able to do this when I used a string literal, however it is not working when I'm trying to use positional bindings. I am returned with nothing.
Is there a way to join the two columns without concat and a whereRaw function? And how would I write the binding correctly?
const searchUser = (query) => {
const name = query.toLowerCase();
return knex('users')
.whereRaw('concat(LOWER("first_name"), \' \' , LOWER("last_name")) LIKE \'%??%\'', [name]);
It appears that you may be trying to query two separate columns with the same value?
What you could do here is a orWhere chain which links multiple where statements together where it matches if just one is true.
For example:
const searchUser = (query) => {
return knex('users')
.where(knex.raw('first_name ILIKE ?', `%${query}%`))
.orWhere(knex.raw('last_name ILIKE ?', `%${query}%`));
This also uses "ILIKE" which gets you the same case insensitive matching that you're achieving with the LOWER function.
You may also find value using a named binding rather than positional bindings. This would look like this:
const searchUser = (query) => {
const bindings = { query: `%${query}%` };
return knex('users')
.where(knex.raw('first_name ILIKE :query', bindings))
.orWhere(knex.raw('last_name ILIKE :query', bindings));

Use LIKE in WHERE conditions in typeORM Typescript

I'm trying to query on a columns with SQL endswith in a Typescript app
cont tracking_code = '65432'
repo.findValidOne({ where: { tracking_code }});
I want to change it so the tracking_code value ends with the tracking value that I have available on the code
The SQL equivalent would be
FROM repo
WHERE tracking_code LIKE '%65432'
I have tried using a raw query, but it's not what I want.
You need to use Like find operator.
import {Like} from 'typeorm';
cont tracking_code = '65432';
repo.findValidOne({ where: { tracking_code: Like(`%${tracking_code}`) }});

Laravel Eloquent Many-To-Many Query Producing Extra null WHERE clause

I'm using Eloquent to produce results from a query comprised of three tables:
photos (id)
photos_to_photosets (photo_id, photoset_id)
photosets (id)
My models have their many-to-many relationships defined as:
class Photo extends Model
public function photosets()
return $this->hasMany(PhotoSet::class, 'photos_to_photo_sets');
class PhotoSets extends Model
public function photos()
return $this->belongsToMany(Photo::class, 'photos_to_photo_sets');
Now, to fetch results I'm forced to use the following Eloquent code:
$photoData = $this->photoSets->photos()
->orWhere('photo_set_id', '=', $id)
This produces the following query:
SELECT * FROM `photos`
INNER JOIN `photos_to_photo_sets`
ON `photos`.`id` = `photos_to_photo_sets`.`photo_id`
WHERE `photos_to_photo_sets`.`photo_set_id` is null
OR `photo_set_id` = ?
This query works, but I can't seem to remove WHERE `photos_to_photo_sets`.`photo_set_id` is null from the query.
I've tried to just use ->where('photo_set_id', '=', $id) but the null clause still remains; even worse it produces the following WHERE clause:
... WHERE `photos_to_photo_sets`.`photo_set_id` IS NULL
AND `photo_set_id` = ?
Is there any way, utilizing Eloquent, to remove this null WHERE clause segment?
Ideally, I'd like to end up with the following query:
SELECT * FROM `photos`
INNER JOIN `photos_to_photo_sets`
ON `photos`.`id` = `photos_to_photo_sets`.`photo_id`
WHERE `photo_set_id` = ?
Thank you in advance for any help!
Based off #Jonas Staudenmeir's answer, the null WHERE clause has been removed.
To achieve this, I set the photoSet's model ID prior to running the query. The resulting code was:
$this->photoSets->id = $photoset_id;
$photoData = $this->photoSets->photos()->get();
Which produced:
SELECT * FROM `photos`
INNER JOIN `photos_to_photo_sets`
ON `photos`.`id` = `photos_to_photo_sets`.`photo_id`
WHERE `photo_set_id` = ?
The injected model doesn't have an id:
$this->photoSet->id = $id;
Then you don't need the additional constraint:
$photoData = $this->photoSets->photos;

Error when using "ALL" operator when execute query

I need to execute following query using phalcon framework:
"SELECT id FROM table GROUP BY id HAVING '31' = ALL(array_agg(status))"
How can I execute this query using phalcon?
When I do following:
->having('31 = ALL(array_agg(status))')
I get this error message:
Syntax error, unexpected token ALL, near to '(array_agg(status)) ', when parsing: SELECT id FROM [SomeNameSpace\Model] GROUP BY [id] HAVING 31 = ALL(array_agg(status)) (137)
I'm not 100% sure which Postgres functions are supported, but you can try like this:
'ALL(array_agg(status)) AS statusCounter'
->having('31 = statusCounter')
Notice that I moved the aggregation functions in the select, rather in having clause.
UPDATE: here is an example of very custom query. Most functions used are not supported and it's sometimes cleaner just to write a simple SQL query and bind the desired Model to it:
public static function findNearest($params = null)
// A raw SQL statement
$sql = '
* COS(RADIANS(X(coords)))
* COS(RADIANS(Y(coords)) - RADIANS(:lng))
+ SIN(RADIANS(:lat))
* SIN(RADIANS(X(coords)))))
AS distance_in_km
FROM object_locations
ORDER BY distance_in_km ASC
LIMIT 0,5;
// Base model
$model = new ObjectLocations();
// Execute the query
return new \Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Resultset\Simple(
$model->getReadConnection()->query($sql, $params)
// How to use:
'lat' => 42.4961756,
'lng' => 27.471543300000008
You need to add ALL as dialect extension. Check this topic for example

Passing List<Integer> in spring data jpa native query

Using spring data JPA, I am trying to make this sort of query (it is more complex, this is a simple case)
#Query(nativeQuery = true,
value = "SELECT * FROM events WHERE typeId IN (?1)")
List<Event> findEventsByType(List<Integer> types);
When I launch the query, an exception raises:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Can't infer the SQL type to use for an instance of java.util.ArrayList. Use setObject() with an explicit Types value to specify the type to use.
I have tried List < Integer >, Integer[], Object[] and String but it is not working...
Can't I pass list of values?
Which is the best approach to make this sort of queries?
Try taking away the #Query and make the method name:
public List<Event> findByTypeIn(List<Integer> types);
See table 2.2 in the link:
I tried like below and it works for me.
#Query(value = "select * from events where type_id in :types", nativeQuery = true)
List<Event> findEventsByType(#Param("types") List<Integer> types);
#Query(value = "SELECT c from Company c where " +
"c.companyName IN (:company_names)")
List<Company> findCompaniesByName(#Param("company_names") List<String> companyNames);
This is the solution to your problem.
Here I am passing List which contains company names and I am querying DB and storing result in List.
Hope this hepls!
Use JPQL. A native query is or should be passed to the database exactly as you have created the SQL string, and unless your driver can take a serialized collection and understand that the single parameter needs to be interpreted as many, it just won't work. The collection you pass in needs the SQL expanded from (?) to (?, ?,...) based on the number of elements in a collection, and JDBC drivers just are not able to do this, and JPA providers are required to execute the string as is.
A JPQL query allows the JPA provider to create the SQL it needs dynamically based on the list passed in, so it can expand the collection for you.
Try this. It will work for Native Query in SpringBoot JPA:
#Query(value = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE columnName IN (:inputList)" ,
nativeQuery = true)
List<Object> findByObjectList(#Param("inputList") List<Object> inputList);
And also in case of JPA, try the below :
List<Object> findByObjectList(List<Object> inputList)
I know this is a little bit out of context (we use Update and not Select), but this can be usefull for others :
* Update the state of list of entities using their ids
* #param ids request ids
* #param state new state
* #return
#Query(value = "UPDATE AbstractRequest SET state = :state WHERE id IN (:ids)")
int updateStates(#Param("ids") List<Long> ids, #Param("state") InternalRequestStep state);
pass array this way inside IN Clause
#Query(value = "select name from teams where name in :names", nativeQuery = true)
List<String> getNames(#Param("names") String[] names);
Call this way
String[] names = {"testing team","development team"};
List<String> teamtest = teamRepository.getNames(names);
Remove brackets around (?1) parameter. Your query value should look like that:
#Query(value = "SELECT * FROM events WHERE typeId IN ?1")
try querying like this:
#Query(nativeQuery = true,
value = "SELECT * FROM events WHERE typeId = ?1")
List<Event> findEventsByType(List<Integer> types);
did it work?