Can't connect to MongoDB on VPS - mongodb

I'm trying to connect from MongoDB compass to my database which is on VPS. MongoDB itself is working on the VPS. As well I allow firewall to connect from my IP. But it's still doesn't allow me to go. Error - connect ECONNREFUSED "ipaddress:port"
I also tried to use SSH tunnel with the same IP and port and I'm getting confused which SSH username and SSH password I need to use?
I'm using Ubuntu 18.04 on my VPS.
I checked so many resources on how to connect but doesn't find any helpful. First the problem was with Firewall and allowance of ports and IP. But now i'm 100% sure that I allow it in firewall.
For SSH Hostname - I use my IP
SSH Tunnel port - I use port which I allow
GOAL: Any solution how I can connect my MongoDB which is on VPS to MongoDB Compass? I'm really clueless on how to get it.
This error I receive after I'm trying to connect with MongoDB Compass -
Error creating SSH Tunnel: (SSH) Channel open failure: Connection refused
When I change the port I receive this error - Error creating SSH Tunnel: connect EADDRINUSE


How to Connect using Port Forwarding Database Postgrsql on Openshift 3

I Have a problem on Connect from Port Forwarding Database on Openshift :
Running Pods Postgresql :
I Try Connect to Container running the database to check process and psql command, then it works :
Next, I Try Port Forwarding for Try Connection from outside Openshift Cluster:
Then I Try Connect from Outside Cluster to connect Postgresql have Error: Connection Refuse
Im Using IP Based or Hostname / FQDN Not Working and Error Still Exist
And When I Try Check Firewall port it has been opened port 5432/TCP :
Anyone Can Help Me With This problem ?
Note: Before I have Been Looking Documentation but Not Working Resolve the Problem
Source Documentation:
"psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused" Error when connecting to remote database
The oc port-forward command is forwarding from only your loopback interfaces.
If you are running your client on the same machine where the cluster is running, then use localhost as your "Host".
If you are running your client on a different machine, they you need more network redirection to get this to work. Please see this post for more information as well as work-arounds for your problem: Access OpenShift forwarded ports from remote host

How to connect VPS to MongoDB Compass

I bought a VPS and I want to put MongoDB server there. I connect to VPS with ssh tunnel, install MongoDB and start it.
The question is, that how can I add VPS server to MongoDB Compass? Is it even possible?
I was trying to connect via hostname but I receive this error - connect ECONNREFUSED
Also was trying to connect via ssh tunnel in MongoDB Compass - doesn't work for me.
Maybe there is a problem with port?
I can connect to my VPS from terminal with ssh.
I was using this documentation to install MongoDB on ubuntu and I'm using MongoDB 4.2.8
EDIT2: When I install mongodb on VPS, MongoDB ip is how can I change it? I want it to set it for VPS ip address. If it's possible, otherwise I don't understand how I can connect to my DB on VPS.
Sorry if it's lame questions, just first time using VPS and it's pretty complex to me.
Before you can connect to vps with mongodb compass, you need to allow remote connections to mongodb from your vps.
It is recommended to secure your mongodb connection with a username and password
Edit the mongod.conf file located at
sudo nano /etc/mongod.conf
Enter a comma and append the IP address of the vps to the end of the bindIp field. This will allow remote connections to the mongodb instance
Save the file and restart the mongodb connection
sudo systemctl restart mongod
Setup the firewall to allow connections to port 27017 (the default mongodb port) from anywhere. (Please note that will expose your mongo database to the internet. Therefore it is recommended to close this port when shipping to production)
sudo ufw allow 27017
That's it for the vps.
You can now open up mongodb compass
Choose "fill in connection fields individually"
Fill in the hostname with the IP address of your vps, port is the port which you opened previously 27017 in this case and select authentication by username and password.
Enter the username and password of the mongodb admin which you should have created already.
Choose the authentication database (usually admin)
That's it. You should be connected. You can now view the collections and fields of your mongodb instance on your remote machine

How to configure and connect to a remote MongoDB server on a hosting provider server?

I've been trying to establish a connection to my MongoDB on my Cloud VPS hosting server.
I'm hosting my website on a Cloud VPS running Ubuntu 16.04 (my hosting provider is InMotion hosting if anyone knows them).
I've installed MongoDB on the server.
I've edited the /etc/mongo.conf file to bindIp:
Created an admin user db.createUser({user: "XXXXX",pwd: "XXXXX",roles: ["userAdminAnyDatabase", "dbAdminAnyDatabase", "readWriteAnyDatabase"],mechanisms:[ "SCRAM-SHA-1" ]})
Restarted the service and checked the status that it is Active
Now, I'm trying to connect using RoboMongo, putting the server IP, user, and password and it doesn't connect.
To be able to connect via SSH I had to generate a public SSH key and then load the private key to PuTTY, so I even tried to connect RoboMongo with SSH. I've attached screenshots of the settings I've tried in RoboMongo.
When trying to connect with SSH I get this error:
Failed to create SSH tunnel to XXX.XXX.XX.XXX:22.
Authentication by key (PATH/id_rsa.ppk) failed (Error -16)
When trying without SSH I get this:
Cannot connect to the MongoDB at XXX.XXX.XX.XXX:27017.
Network is unreachable.

Connect to EC2 mongo server

I have been facing this issue since so long. I want to connect to compass or any mongo GUI tool to EC2 mongo server. I have bind_ip in mongo.conf and don't want to open for all IP.
I have tried connecting to the server through SSH but get "MongoDB not running on the provided host and port" error. Please anyone can help to connect remotely to MongoDB server.

PostgreSQL SSH port forwarding via Windows/PuTTY

I have PostgreSQL 9.4 running on a Linux VPS, and I need to be able to connect to it over SSH from both Linux and Windows clients. (I will later need to connect to multiple servers, and so that all clients use the same port numbers, I'm forwarding to port 5551 for the first server, then I will use 5552, 5553, etc.)
From a Linux client I just run ssh -fNg -L 5551:localhost:5432 and connect to localhost:5551 with PGAdmin3 or any other client app. Works great.
On Windows, I'm using PuTTY and Pageant. I got the connection to via terminal working, then I went to the SSH Tunnels and added L5432 localhost:5551. Terminal connection still works, but when I try to connect with PGAdmin3 to localhost:5551 I get an error:
could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274AD/10061) Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5551?
I resolved it. Like many things, this is obvious in hindsight. I had things backward in the SSH Tunnels setup in PuTTY. It needs to be L5551