Optimal control of Euler equations of gas dynamics in Matlab - matlab

I am trying to solve the optimal control for the Euler equations of gas dynamics with the cost functional of the tracking type function. The idea is optimal solutions must match the target solutions at a final time by updating the control function using the steepest descent method. I have done the program using Matlab, but the result doesn't achieve the goal; I have attached the part of the code where the issue is. The problem is mainly with the optimization loop. Any help or advice will be appreciated.
alphaAD0 = 2.9*[1,1,1]; % optim step for adjoint
ObjwAD = costfunction(rho,m,E,rhod,md,Ed,par);
for iter = 2:maxIter
alphaAD = alphaAD0;
rhoinv = rhoT(end:-1:1,:);
minv = mT(end:-1:1,:);
Einv = ET(end:-1:1,:);
[p,q] = initbackward(rho,m,E,rhod,md,Ed,par);
[pp,qq] = backwardsolve(p,q,rhoinv,minv,Einv,par);
[ADgradJrho0,ADgradJm0,ADgradJE0] = qradcost(pp,qq,rho0,m0,E0,par);
% Update data
rho00 = rho0 - alphaAD(1)*ADgradJrho0;
m00 = m0 - alphaAD(2)*ADgradJm0;
E00 = E0 - alphaAD(3)*ADgradJE0;
[rhoT,mT,ET] = forwardsolve(rho00,m00,E00,par);
rho = rhoT(end,:);
m = mT(end,:);
E = ET(end,:);
u = m./rho;
p = (par.G - 1)*(E - 0.5*rho.*u.^2);
Objfunc_1 = ObjwAD(iter-1);
Objfunc = costfunction(rho,m,E,rhod,md,Ed,par);
while Objfunc>Objfunc_1 || isnan(Objfunc)
alphaAD = alphaAD/2;
rho00 = rho0 - alphaAD(1)*ADgradJrho0;
m00 = m0 - alphaAD(2)*ADgradJm0;
E00 = E0 - alphaAD(3)*ADgradJE0;
[rhoT,mT,ET] = forwardsolve(rho00,m00,E00,par);
rho = rhoT(end,:);
m = mT(end,:);
E = ET(end,:);
u = m./rho;
p = (par.G - 1)*(E - 0.5*rho.*u.^2);
Objfunc = costfunction(rho,m,E,rhod,md,Ed,par);
rho0 = rho00; m0 = m00; E0 = E00;


Issues with maximum likelihood estimation of realGARCH(1,1) in matlab

I am having some trouble estimating the parameter for the log-linear realized Garch(1,1) model. The parameter values which I get from the optimisation are different from those derived in the paper and I'm not sure where I am going wrong. Any help would be great. The specification of the model from (Hansen et al. (2012)) is:
Realized GARCH specification
And the likelihood function is given by:
Log Likelihood
I am using the same data as used by Hansen and co-authors which can retrieved from the rugarch package with the command data(spyreal).
My matlab code is
function output = loglikRV(param, data)
r = data.SPY_OC;
RV = data.SPY_RK;
logRV = log(RV);
T = numel(RV); % time sample size
alpha0 = param(1);
alpha1 = param(2);
alpha2 = param(3);
omega0 = param(4);
omega1 = param(5);
omega2 = param(6);
omega3 = param(7);
sigmamu2 = param(8);
z = zeros(T,1);
logh = zeros(T,1);
u = zeros(T,1);
llhs = zeros(T,1);
logh(1) = 8.8296e-05;
u(1) = 0.005;
z(1) = 0.005;
llhs(1) = 0.005;
for i = 2:T
logh(i) = alpha0 + alpha1*logh(i-1) + alpha2*logRV(i-1);
z(i) = r(i) / sqrt(exp(logh(i)));
u(i) = logRV(i) - omega0 - omega1*logh(i) - omega2*z(i) - omega3*(z(i)^2 - 1);
llhs(i) = -(1/2)*(log(2*pi) + logh(i) + z(i)^2) - (1/2)*(log(2*pi) + log(sigmamu2) + u(1)^2 / sigmamu2);
output = sum(llhs(2:T-1));
And I am optimising this using the Matlab fmincon function with the code as shown below:
clear;close all;
RVfinal = readtable('spyreal.xlsx');
objfun = #(param)(-loglikRV(param,RVfinal)); % negative of the log-likelihood function
param0 = [0.07048753,0.43272574,0.52944743,-0.19368728,1.02540217,-0.06100213, 0.07437231, 0.38];
% constraints in the optimization
A = []; b = []; % no inequality constraints
Aeq=[]; beq=[]; % no equality constraints
% -- MLE Optimization using "fmincon" --
optim_options = optimset('Display','off','TolX',1e-4,'TolFun',1e-4);
[mymle,fval] = fmincon(objfun,param0,A,b,Aeq,beq,[],[],[],optim_options);
Thank You!

MATLAB - Adaptive Step Size Runge-Kutta

I've programmed in MATLAB an adaptive step size RK4 to solve a system of ODEs. The code runs without error, however it does not produce the desired curve when I try to plot x against y. Instead of being a toroidal shape, I simply get a flat line. This is evident from the fact that r is outputting a constant value. After checking the outputs of each line, they are not outputting constants or errors or inf or NaN, rather they are outputting both a real and imaginary component (complex numbers). I have no idea as to why this is occurring and I believe it to be the source of my trouble.
function AdaptRK4()
parsec = 3.08*10^18;
r_1 = 8.5*1000.0*parsec; % in cm
theta_1 = 0.0;
a = 0.5*r_1;
gam = 1;
grav = 6.6720*10^-8;
amsun = 1.989*10^33;
amg = 1.5d11*amsun;
gm = grav*amg;
u_1 = 20.0*10^5;
v = sqrt(gm/r_1);
time = 0.0;
epsilon = 0.00001;
m1 = 0.5;
m2 = 0.5;
m3 = 0.5;
i = 1;
nsteps = 50000;
deltat = 5.0*10^12;
angmom = r_1*v;
angmom2 = angmom^2.0;
e = -2*10^5.0*gm/r_1+u_1*u_1/2.0+angmom2/(2.0*r_1*r_1);
for i=1:nsteps
deltat = min(deltat,nsteps-time);
fk3_1 = deltat*u_1;
fk4_1 = deltat*(-gm*r_1*r_1^(-gam)/(a+r_1)^(3- gam)+angmom2/(r_1^3.0));
fk5_1 = deltat*(angmom/(r_1^2.0));
r_2 = r_1+fk3_1/4.0;
u_2 = u_1+fk4_1/4.0;
theta_2 = theta_1+fk5_1/4.0;
fk3_2 = deltat*u_2;
fk4_2 = deltat*(-gm*r_2*r_2^(-gam)/(a+r_2)^(3-gam)+angmom2/(r_2^3.0));
fk5_2 = deltat*(angmom/(r_2^2.0));
r_3 = r_1+(3/32)*fk3_1 + (9/32)*fk3_2;
u_3 = u_1+(3/32)*fk4_1 + (9/32)*fk4_2;
theta_3 = theta_1+(3/32)*fk5_1 + (9/32)*fk5_2;
fk3_3 = deltat*u_3;
fk4_3 = deltat*(-gm*r_3*r_3^(-gam)/(a+r_3)^(3-gam)+angmom2/(r_3^3.0));
fk5_3 = deltat*(angmom/(r_3^2.0));
r_4 = r_1+(1932/2197)*fk3_1 - (7200/2197)*fk3_2 + (7296/2197)*fk3_3;
u_4 = u_1+(1932/2197)*fk4_1 - (7200/2197)*fk4_2 + (7296/2197)*fk4_3;
theta_4 = theta_1+(1932/2197)*fk5_1 - (7200/2197)*fk5_2 + (7296/2197)*fk5_3;
fk3_4 = deltat*u_4;
fk4_4 = deltat*(-gm*r_4*r_4^(-gam)/(a+r_4)^(3-gam)+angmom2/(r_4^3.0));
fk5_4 = deltat*(angmom/(r_4^2.0));
r_5 = r_1+(439/216)*fk3_1 - 8*fk3_2 + (3680/513)*fk3_3 - (845/4104)*fk3_4;
u_5 = u_1+(439/216)*fk4_1 - 8*fk4_2 + (3680/513)*fk4_3 - (845/4104)*fk4_4;
theta_5 = theta_1+(439/216)*fk5_1 - 8*fk5_2 + (3680/513)*fk5_3 - (845/4104)*fk5_4;
fk3_5 = deltat*u_5;
fk4_5 = deltat*(-gm*r_5*r_5^(-gam)/(a+r_5)^(3-gam)+angmom2/(r_5^3.0));
fk5_5 = deltat*(angmom/(r_5^2.0));
r_6 = r_1-(8/27)*fk3_1 - 2*fk3_2 - (3544/2565)*fk3_3 + (1859/4104)*fk3_4-(11/40)*fk3_5;
u_6 = u_1-(8/27)*fk4_1 - 2*fk4_2 - (3544/2565)*fk4_3 + (1859/4104)*fk4_4-(11/40)*fk4_5;
theta_6 = theta_1-(8/27)*fk5_1 - 2*fk5_2 - (3544/2565)*fk5_3 + (1859/4104)*fk5_4-(11/40)*fk5_5;
fk3_6 = deltat*u_6;
fk4_6 = deltat*(-gm*r_6*r_6^(-gam)/(a+r_6)^(3-gam)+angmom2/(r_6^3.0));
fk5_6 = deltat*(angmom/(r_6^2.0));
fm3_1 = m1 + 25*fk3_1/216+1408*fk3_3/2565+2197*fk3_4/4104-fk3_5/5;
fm4_1 = m2 + 25*fk4_1/216+1408*fk4_3/2565+2197*fk4_4/4104-fk4_5/5;
fm5_1 = m3 + 25*fk5_1/216+1408*fk5_3/2565+2197*fk5_4/4104-fk5_5/5;
fm3_2 = m1 + 16*fk3_1/135+6656*fk3_3/12825+28561*fk3_4/56430-9*fk3_5/50+2*fk3_6/55;
fm4_2 = m2 + 16*fk4_1/135+6656*fk4_3/12825+28561*fk4_4/56430-9*fk4_5/50+2*fk4_6/55;
fm5_2 = m3 + 16*fk5_1/135+6656*fk5_3/12825+28561*fk5_4/56430-9*fk5_5/50+2*fk5_6/55;
R3 = abs(fm3_1-fm3_2)/deltat;
R4 = abs(fm4_1-fm4_2)/deltat;
R5 = abs(fm5_1-fm5_2)/deltat;
err3 = 0.84*(epsilon/R3)^(1/4);
err4 = 0.84*(epsilon/R4)^(1/4);
err5 = 0.84*(epsilon/R5)^(1/4);
if R3<= epsilon
time = time+deltat;
fm3 = fm3_1;
i = i+1;
deltat = err3*deltat;
if R4<= epsilon
time = time+deltat;
fm4 = fm4_1;
i = i+1;
deltat = err4*deltat;
if R5<= epsilon
time = time+deltat;
fm5 = fm5_1;
i = i+1;
deltat = err5*deltat;
plot(x,y, '-k');
TeXString = title('Plot of Orbit in Gamma Potential Obtained Using RK4')
You are getting complex values because at some point npts - time < 0. You may want to print out the values of deltat to check the error.
Also, your code doesn't seem to take into account the case when the error estimate is larger than your tolerance. When your error estimate is greater than your tolerance you have to:
Shift back the time AND solution
calculate a new step-size based on a formula, and
recalculate your solution and error estimate.
The fact that you don't know how many iterations you will have to go through makes the use of a for-loop for adaptive runge Kutta a bit awkward. I suggest using a while loop instead.
You are using "i" in your code. "i" returns the basic imaginary unit. "i" is equivalent to sqrt(-1). Try to use another identifier in your loops and only use "i" or "j" in calculations where complex numbers are involved.

The method of characteristics for two dimensional advection equation

Given the following function to solve the two-dimensional advection equation in a rectangle:
function qnew = SemiLagrAdvect(u,v,q,qS,qN,qW,qE)
global N M
global dx dy
global dt Re
u = reshape(u,N,M);
v = reshape(v,N,M);
q = reshape(q,N,M);
qq = zeros(N+2,M+2);
qq(2:N+1,2:M+1) = q;
%...set the ghost values (four edges)
qq(1,2:M+1) = 2*qW-qq(2,2:M+1);
qq(N+2,2:M+1) = 2*qE-qq(N+1,2:M+1);
qq(2:N+1,1) = 2*qS-qq(2:N+1,2);
qq(2:N+1,M+2) = 2*qN-qq(2:N+1,M+1);
%...set the ghost values (four corners)
qq(1,1) = -qq(2,2);
qq(N+2,1) = -qq(N+1,2);
qq(N+2,M+2) = -qq(N+1,M+1);
qq(1,M+2) = -qq(2,M+1);
q1 = qq(2:N+1,2:M+1);
q2p = qq(3:N+2,2:M+1);
q2m = qq(1:N,2:M+1);
q3p = qq(2:N+1,3:M+2);
q3m = qq(2:N+1,1:M);
q4pp = qq(3:N+2,3:M+2);
q4mm = qq(1:N,1:M);
q4pm = qq(3:N+2,1:M);
q4mp = qq(1:N,3:M+2);
xi = -u*dt/dx;
eta = -v*dt/dy;
Q2 = q2p.*(xi>0) + q2m.*(xi<0);
Q3 = q3p.*(eta>0) + q3m.*(eta<0);
Q4 = q4pp.*((xi>0) & (eta>0)) + q4mm.*((xi<0) & (eta<0)) + ...
q4pm.*((xi>0) & (eta<0)) + q4mp.*((xi<0) & (eta>0));
qnew = (1-abs(xi)).*(1-abs(eta)).*q1 + ...
abs(xi).*(1-abs(eta)).*Q2 + ...
abs(eta).*(1-abs(xi)).*Q3 + ...
qnew = qnew(:);
Having elementary knowledge in MATLAB, how can I modify it to solve the equation in a composite domain?
you need to use continuity on the interface.Depending on your method.
In the method of characteristics the interface is part of the initial curve.

integral2Calc>integral2t/tensor & Warning: Reached the maximum number of function evaluations (10000)

I am trying to do a set of integrations for a particular value of psi and theta. These integrations are then combined into a formula to give P. The idea is then to do this for a set of psi and theta from 0 to pi/2 and then plot the results of P against a function of theta and psi.
I get two errors, firstly
not sure how to change the integral to make it the right dimensions to psi no longer being a scalar.
I also get Warning: Reached the maximum number of function evaluations (10000) for i3, is this a serious error, (as in has the integration not been computed) I tried changing the type of integration or changing the error tolerance and this seemed to have no effect on removing the actual error..
eta = input('Enter Dielectric Constant 1.5-4: ');
sdev = input('Enter STD DEV (roughness) maybe 0.1: ');
psi = [0:0.01:pi/2];
theta = [0:0.01:pi/2];
r = sqrt((sin(psi)).^2+(sin(theta).*(cos(psi))).^2);
calpha = (cos(theta+dtheta)).*(cos(psi+dpsi));
rp01 = calpha-sqrt(eta-1+((calpha).^2));
rp02 = calpha+sqrt(eta-1+((calpha).^2));
rperp = (rp01./rp02).^2;
rp11 = ((eta.*calpha)-sqrt(eta-1+((calpha).^2)));
rp12 = ((eta.*calpha)+sqrt(eta-1+((calpha).^2)));
rpar = (rp11./rp12).^2;
qthingy1 = ((sin(psi+dpsi)).^2)-((sin(theta+dtheta)).^2).*((cos(psi+dpsi)).^2);
qthingy2 = ((sin(psi+dpsi)).^2)+((sin(theta+dtheta)).^2).*((cos(psi+dpsi)).^2);
qthingy = qthingy1./qthingy2;
wthingy1 = (sin(2*(psi+dpsi))).*(sin(theta+dtheta));
wthingy2 = ((sin(psi+dpsi)).^2)+(sin((theta+dtheta)).^2).*((sin(psi+dpsi)).^2);
wthingy = wthingy1./wthingy2;
roughness = (cos(psi)./(2*pi*(sdev.^2))).*exp(-((cos(psi).*dtheta).^2+(dpsi).^2)/(2*sdev.^2));
fun = matlabFunction((rpar+rperp).*roughness,'vars',{dtheta,dpsi});
fun2 = matlabFunction(roughness,'vars',{dtheta,dpsi});
fun3 = matlabFunction((rpar+rperp).*roughness.*qthingy,'vars',{dtheta,dpsi});
fun4 = matlabFunction((rpar+rperp).*roughness.*wthingy,'vars',{dtheta,dpsi});
thetamax = (pi/2) - theta;
psimax = (pi/2) - psi;
A = integral2(fun2,-pi/2,pi/2,-pi/2,pi/2);
i1 = (integral2(fun,-pi/2,thetamax,-pi/2,psimax))./A;
q = 2 - i1;
i2 = (integral2(fun3,-pi/2,thetamax,-pi/2,psimax))./A;
i3 = (integral2(fun4,-pi/2,thetamax,-pi/2,psimax))./A;
P = sqrt(i2.^2+i3.^2)./i1
plot(P, r);

Has fminsearch too many parameters?

I run this code in matlab to minimize the parameters of my function real_egarchpartial with fminsearch:
data = xlsread('return_cc_in.xlsx');
SPY = data(:,25);
dailyrange = xlsread('DR_in.xlsx');
drSPY= dailyrange(:,28);
startingVals = [mean(SPY); 0.041246; 0.70121; 0.05; 0.04; 0.45068; -0.1799; 1.0375; 0.06781; 0.070518];
T = size(SPY,1);
options = optimset('fminsearch');
options.Display = 'iter';
estimates = fminsearch(#real_egarchpartial, startingVals, options, SPY, drSPY);
[ll, lls, u]=real_egarchpartial(estimates, SPY, drSPY);
And I get this message:
Exiting: Maximum number of function evaluations has been exceeded
- increase MaxFunEvals option.
I put the original starting values. So I assumed they are corrects. I used fminsearch and not fmincon because my function hasn't constraints and with fminunc my function gets a lot of red messages.
the real_egarchpartial function is the following:
function [ll,lls,lh] = real_egarchpartial(parameters, data, x_rk)
mu = parameters(1);
omega = parameters(2);
beta = parameters(3);
tau1 = parameters(4);
tau2 = parameters(5);
gamma = parameters(6);
csi = parameters(7);
phi = parameters(8);
delta1 = parameters(9);
delta2 = parameters(10);
%Data and h are T by 1 vectors
T = size(data,1);
eps = data-mu;
lh = zeros(T,1);
h = zeros(T,1);
u = zeros(T,1);
%Must use a back Cast to start the algorithm
lh(1) = log(h(1));
z= eps/sqrt(h(1));
u(1) = rand(1);
lxRK = log(x_rk);
for t = 2:T;
lh(t) = omega + beta*lh(t-1) + tau1*z(t-1) + tau2*((z(t-1).^2)-1)+ gamma*u(t-1);
z = eps/sqrt(h(t));
for t = 2:T
u(t)= lxRK(t) - csi - phi*h(t) - delta1*z(t) - delta2*((z(t).^2)-1);
lls = 0.5*(log(2*pi) + lh + eps.^2./h);
ll = sum(lls);
Could someone explain what is wrong? Is there another function more efficient for my estimation? Any help will be appreciated! Thank you.