How to resolve 'internet connection' error for pydev configuration in eclipse market place? - pydev

I have tried with below setting but not working
Window-> Preferences-> General->Network connection->Active provider- Manual
Error details:
Cannot open eclipse market place
Cannot install eclipse market place location:
Connection failed
This most often caused by a problem with your internet connection.

I'm not sure why it happens to you (I guess you probably have a spotty net connection or some firewall in place).
Other things you can try:
install without using the marketplace client. See: for details (i.e.: you can use as the update site).
download a .zip from sourceforge ( and then extract it yourself in the Eclipse dropins folder (and restart Eclipse).


Can't connect to Eclipse Marketplace

I am trying to install log4j Eclipse Plugin.
But I'm Getting this error message :
Unable to read repository at Received fatal alert: handshake_failure
I had the same issue for yet another plugin hosted on SourceForge. It seems to be a common issue.
As stated in the comments above, this solution helped me: But I had to go some extra steps to find which JRE my Eclipse installation was using. So here are all the steps put together. This instructions worked on my Mac, using Eclipse Neon. But other OS and versions of Eclipse will have really similar operations:
1./ Check the JRE used by Eclipse:
Click the "help" menu -> Installation Details -> Configuration
Then look for the -vm argument
2./ Open a finder/file explorer to the JRE's .../lib/security sub-folder
And make a backup of local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar. Just in case.
3./ Download the Java Cryptography Extension from Oracle:
And unzip it.
4./ Copy local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar just just downloaded into the JRE's .../lib/security sub-folder
5./ Restart Eclipse
Then retry the installation. It should be fine this time.

how to add tomcat in eclipse luna

I tried answers in this thread, but it doesn't work.
I checked that I do have JST Server Adapters and the extensions installed, but when I go to Window/Preferences/Server/Runtime Enviroments and click "add", the selections are still not there. Could there be a conflict or I should somehow configure Eclipse? Or is it possible to add manually, what folder should I look for? I installed tomcat8 and also downloaded the .zip, but neither folder is correct.
Eclipse Version: Luna Service Release 1 (4.4.1), and I'm using windows 7.
It seems that now nothing is correct about Eclipse, I installed plugin like AWS toolkit, but it's also nowhere to be found. Now often install new plugin or even update will likely to fail because either of lack of a dependency or can no be found in repository.
Thanks a lot.
There is a link on that preferences page called "Download additional server adapters". Have you tried that, too?

How do I fire up the Subversion Connections Discovery after installing the plugin in Eclipse?

I manually installed Eclipse Juno Java EE on my Ubuntu 12.04, inside the /usr/lib folder, then proceeded creating a link to the eclipse executable under /usr/bin and finally successfully started the program.
After installing the Subversive plugin, a prompt asked me to restart Eclipse, that I did since I know it's important to immediately install the connectors. However, with this setup I didn't get the Subversion Connection Discovery window on startup, nor any error in the error log view.
Now I have the Subversive plugin correctly installed, but no connector set up, and I seem not to be able to find a way for the Connection Discovery window to show up.
I would like not to use backup solutions (i.e. manually installing connectors from repositories) but solve this issue and get the normal procedure, since this is an installation I'll have to deal with for a while, and I feel this problem is a symptom of something wrong in my setup.
Create a dummy project, use Team -> Share, select SVN. The dialog should come up automatically now.
Alternatively install the connectors without the discovery dialog as described in several other SO question like: Subversive SVN Connectors does not appear in eclipse juno. You have to make sure that the update site matches your version of eclipse.
At least in my Eclipse (4.5), there is a button "Get Connectors" in the "Connectors" tab, if I visit Window/Preferences/Team/SVN. That button did the trick for me.
You will get the Subversion Connector Discovery from
Windows- Preference- Team- SVN -Svn Connector - Click on Get Connection Buttion

Problem Installing EGIT

I have the following configuration
OS: Win XP
Eclipse: Galileo
And i want to install EGIT on it (i already have subclipse). I tried going to Help -> Install New Software but EGIT was not on the list. I tried downloaing from the site but download link is not opening in the browser (chrome)
Please help me how to install Egit.
If the update site (see below) really don't work, you still can try the zip download option.
But you should be able to declare and use the Egit update site, as illustrated in the Egit tutorial, provided you have the right Network connection preferences, allowing you Internet access.
Use the Eclipse Update manager to install the EGit plugin from
I had a very similar problem to this.
I hadn't realised, but the problem was that I still had a proxy server configured (which was no longer turned on).
To solve, I went to Window > Preferences > General > Network Connections.
Would have nice for Eclipse to actually tell me there was a problem to do with the proxy server rather than throwing/reporting some obscure exception...
You need to add the egit link to Eclipse, so it searches it. In the text box it presents (when you go to Install New Software on the Help menu) enter the egit URL and hit enter - it should find the egit plugin and allow it to be selected for install.

How can I get an SVN Connector installed and working with the Subversive Eclipse plugin without an internet connection?

My workplace uses a closed network, so all software tools have to be manually transferred. I've installed Subversive (version 0.7.9) successfully, and brought in the latest archive for the connectors from here: Polarion SVN Connector download site. I was able to install the connectors in Helios Eclipse by going to Help | Install New Software... | Add... | Archive..., and choosing the connectors zip file. The installation appeared to complete successfully, then it asked me to restart Eclipse. Now, when Eclipse starts up, it pops up the discovery dialog, but then pops up an error dialog with 'Unexpected exception'. When I close that, it pops up another dialog that says something like 'Could not find any connectors. Check your internet connection and try again.'. When I look at the error in the error log, the stack trace starts out like this:
After I close the dialog, Subversive acts as though I have no connectors installed (the connector drop-down is blank in the SVN preferences), even though by inspecting the installed software list and plugins directory, it looks like they're all present. It seems as though the discovery module insists upon trying to find the connectors on the internet, and won't recognize local update sites.
Any help is very much appreciated!
According to this (original german, translated), the Helios version is not compatible with the Polarion connectors you're using. Try using the ones from the update site. Watch out that your javaHL matches your JAVA/machine architecture (32/64 bit) if you use it, otherwise will cause serious issues.