Weights of graph as length of line in matlab plot - matlab

I'm trying to construct a kind of graph in matlab:
For each vertex I know its neighbours (thus, I have the edge list), and the distance between vertex-neighbour. This distance is saved as weight of the edge.
So, the weights are actually the physical distances between the nodes.
For now I could only associate a wider line to bigger weights but is not enough.
I actually would like having longer lines associated to a bigger weights, so that I could visually construct a suitable geometry from my data.
Any tips?
EDIT: The distances are such that the drawing is possibile.


Why do we need to triangulate a convex polygon in order to sample uniformly from it?

Suppose I want to uniformly sample points inside a convex polygon.
One of the most common approaches described here and on the internet in general consists in triangulation of the polygon and generate uniformly random points inside each triangles using different schemes.
The one I find most practical is to generate exponential distributions from uniform ones taking -log(U) for instance and normalizing the sum to one.
Within Matlab, we would have this code to sample uniformly inside a triangle:
vertex=[0 0;1 0;0.5 0.5]; %vertex coordinates in the 2D plane
mix_coeff=rand(10000,size(vertex,1)); %uniform generation of random coefficients
x=-log(x); %make the uniform distribution exponential
x=bsxfun(#rdivide,x,sum(x,2)); %normalize such that sum is equal to one
unif_samples=x*vertex; %calculate the 2D coordinates of each sample inside the triangle
And this works just fine:
However, using the exact same scheme for anything other than a triangle just fails. For instance for a quadrilateral, we get the following result:
Clearly, sampling is not uniform anymore and the more vertices you add, the more difficult it is to "reach" the corners.
If I triangulate the polygon first then uniform sampling in each triangle is easy and obviously gets the job done.
But why? Why is it necessary to triangulate first?
Which specific property have triangle (and simplexes in general since this behaviour seems to extend to n-dimensional constructions) that makes it work for them and not for the other polygons?
I would be grateful if someone could give me an intuitive explanation of the phenomena or just point to some reference that could help me understand what is going on.
I should point out that it's not strictly necessary to triangulate a polygon in order to sample uniformly from it. Another way to sample a shape is rejection sampling and proceeds as follows.
Determine a bounding box that covers the entire shape. For a polygon, this is as simple as finding the highest and lowest x and y coordinates of the polygon.
Choose a point uniformly at random in the bounding box.
If the point lies inside the shape, return that point. (For a polygon, algorithms that determine this are collectively called point-in-polygon predicates.) Otherwise, go to step 2.
However, there are two things that affect the running time of this algorithm:
The time complexity depends greatly on the shape in question. In general, the acceptance rate of this algorithm is the volume of the shape divided by the volume of the bounding box. (In particular, the acceptance rate is typically very low for high-dimensional shapes, in part because of the curse of dimensionality: typical shapes cover a much smaller volume than their bounding boxes.)
Also, the algorithm's efficiency depends on how fast it is to determine whether a point lies in the shape in question. Because of this, it's often the case that complex shapes are made up of simpler shapes, such as triangles, circles, and rectangles, for which it's easy to determine whether a point lies in the complex shape or to determine that shape's bounding box.
Note that rejection sampling can be applied, in principle, to sample any shape of any dimension, not just convex 2-dimensional polygons. It thus works for circles, ellipses, and curved shapes, among others.
And indeed, a polygon could, in principle, be decomposed into a myriad of shapes other than triangles, one of those shapes sampled in proportion to its area, and a point in that shape sampled at random via rejection sampling.
Now, to explain a little about the phenomenon you give in your second image:
What you have there is not a 4-sided (2-dimensional) polygon, but rather a 3-dimensional simplex (namely a tetrahedron) that was projected to 2-dimensional space. (See also the previous answer.) This projection explains why points inside the "polygon" appear denser in the interior than in the corners. You can see why if you picture the "polygon" as a tetrahedron with its four corners at different depths. With higher dimensions of simplex, this phenomenon becomes more and more acute, again due partly to the curse of dimensionality.
Well, there are less expensive methods to sample uniform in the triangle. You're sampling Dirichlet distribution in the simplex d+1 and taking projection, computing exponents and such. I would refer you to the code sample and paper reference here, only square roots, a lot simpler algorithm.
Concerning uniform sampling in complex areas (quadrilateral in your case) general approach is quite simple:
Triangulate. You'll get two triangles with vertices (a,b,c)0 and (a,b,c)1
Compute triangle areas A0 and A1 using, f.e. Heron's formula
First step, randomly select one of the triangles based on area.
if (random() < A0/(A0+A1)) select triangle 0 else select triangle 1. random() shall return float in the range [0...1]
Sample point in selected triangle using method mentioned above.
This approach could be easily extended to sample for any complex area with uniform density: N triangles, Categorical distribution sampling with probabilities proportional to areas will get you selected triangle, then sample point in the triangle.
We have to triangulate because we know good (fast, reliable, only 2 RNG calls, ...) algorithm to sample with uniform density in triangle. Then we could build on it, good software is all about reusability, and pick one triangle (at the cost of another rng call) and then back to sample from it, total three RNG calls to get uniform density sampling from ANY area, convex and concave alike. Pretty universal method, I would say. And triangulation is a solved problem, and
basically you do it once (triangulate and build weights array Ai/Atotal) and sample till infinity.
Another part of the answer is that we (me, to be precise, but I've worked with random sampling ~20years) don't know good algorithm to sample precisely with uniform density from arbitrary convex more-than-three-vertices closed polygon. You proposed some algorithm based on hunch and it didn't work out. And it shouldn't work, because what you use is Dirichlet distribution in d+1 simplex and project it back to d hyperplane. It is not extendable even to quadrilateral, not talking to some arbitrary convex polygon. And I would state conjecture, that even such algorithm exist, n-vertices polygon would require n-1 calls to RNG, which means there is no triangulation setup, but each call to get a point would be rather expensive.
Few words on complexity of the sampling. Assuming you did triangulation, then with 3 calls to RNG you'll get one point sampled uniformly inside your polygon.
But complexity of sampling wrt number of triangles N would be O(log(N)) at best. YOu basically would do binary search over partial sums of Ai/Atotal.
You could do a bit better, there is O(1) (constant time) sampling using Alias sampling of the triangle. The cost would be a bit more setup time, but it could be fused with triangulation. Also, it would require one more RNG calls. So for four RNG calls you would have constant point sampling time independent of complexity of your polygon, works for any shape

matlab: limiting erosion on binary images

I am trying to erode objects in a binary image such that they do not become smaller than some fixed size. Consider, for instance, a binary map composed of connected components (blobs), wherein one defines blob size by either the minimal or maximal antipolar (anti-perimetric) distance (i.e., the distance between two points that are as far from one another as they can be on the perimeter or contour of the blob; if the contour consists of N consecutively numbered points, then the distances evaluated would be those between points 1 and N/2+1, points 2 and N/2+2, etc.). Given such an arrangement, I seek to erode these blobs until the distance metric reaches a specified limit. If the blobs were simple circles, then the effect could be realized by ultimate erosion followed by dilation to a fixed size; however, the contour of an irregular object would be lost by such a procedure. Is there a way to achieve such an effect for connected, irregular components using built-in functions in MATLAB?
With no image and already tried code presented I can understand you wrong, but may be iterative using bwmorph with 'thin','skel' or 'shrink' will help you.
while(cond < cond_threshold)
bw=bwmorph(bw,...,1); %one of the options above
cond = calc_cond(bw);

Summing squared area changes from Voronoi cells given area of triangles in 3D?

I have a list of triangles in 3D that form a surface (ie a triangulation). The structure is a deformed triangular lattice. I want to know the change in area of the deformed hexagons of the voronoi tessalation of the lattice with respect to the rest area of the undeformed lattice cells (ie with respect to a regular hexagon). In fact, I really want the sum of the squared change in area of the hexagonal unit cells associated with those triangles.
Background/Math details:
I'm approximating a curved elastic sheet by a triangular lattice. One way to tune the poisson ratio (elastic constant) of the sheet is by adding a 'volumetric' strain energy term to the energy. I'm trying to compute a 'volumetric' strain energy of a deformed, elastic, triangular lattice, defined as: U_volumetric = 1/2 T (e_v)^2, where e_v=deltaV/V is determined by the change in area of a voronoi cell with respect to its reference area, which is a known constant.
Reference: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/265853755_Finite_element_implementation_of_a_non-local_particle_method_for_elasticity_and_fracture_analysis
Sum[ (DeltaA/ A).^2 ] over all hexagonal cells.
My data is stored in the variables:
xyz = [ x1,y1,z1; x2,y2,z2; etc] %the vertices/particles in 3D
TRI = [ vertex0, vertex1, vertex2; etc] %
where vertex0 is the row of xyz for the particle sitting at vertex 0 of the first triangle.
NeighborList = [ p1n1, p1n2, p1n3, p1n4, p1n5,p1n6 ; p2n1...]
% where p1n1 is particle 1's first nearest neighbor as a row index for xyz. For example, xyz(NL(1,1),:) returns the xyz location of particle 1's first neighbor.
AreaTRI = [ areaTRI1; areaTRI2; etc]
I am writing this in MATLAB.
As of now, I am approximating the amount of area attributed to each vertex as 1/3 of the triangle's area, then summing over the 6 nearest neighbor triangles. But a voronoi cell area will NOT be exactly equal to Sum_(i=0,1,...5) 1/3* areaTRI_i, so this is a bad approximation. See the image in the link above, which I think makes this clearer.
You can do this using the DUALMESH-submission on the file exchange:
DUALMESH is a toolbox of mesh processing routines that allow the construction of "dual" meshes based on underlying simplicial triangulations. Support is provided for various planar and surface triangulation types, including non-Delaunay and non-manifold types.
Simply use the following commands to generate a vector areas of all the dual elements' areas. The ordering will correspond to the nodes xyz.
[cp,ce,pv,ev] = makedual2(xyz, TRI);
[~,areas(cp(:,1))] = geomdual2(cp,ce,pv,ev);
You might want to have a look at the boundary areas using:
trisurf(TRI, xyz(:,1), xyz(:,2), areas);
The dual cells of boundary nodes theoretically are unbounded and thus should have infinite area. This submission handles it differently however: Instead of an unbounded cell it will return the intersection of the unbounded cell with the original mesh.
Also mind that your question is not well defined if the mesh you are working with is not planar, as the dual mesh cells will be planar and won't scale the same way as the triangles. So this solution will probably only work correctly if your mesh is really 2D. (From what I can tell, the paper you mention is also only for the 2D-case.)

How to make "well" a ridge-shape from a given 2d line? (gaussian, matlab)

My goal is to make a ridge(mountain)-like shape from the given line. For that purpose, I applied the gaussian filter to the given line. In this example below, one line is vertical and one has some slope. (here, background values are 0, line pixel values are 1.)
Given line:
Ridge shape:
When I applied gaussian filter, the peak heights are different. I guess this results from the rasterization problem. The image matrix itself is discrete integer space. The gaussian filter is actually not exactly circular (s by s matrix). Two lines also suffer from rasterization.
How can I get two same-peak-height nice-looking ridges(mountains)?
Is there more appropriate way to apply the filter?
Should I make a larger canvas(image matrix) and then reduce the canvas by interpolation? Is it a good way?
Moreover, I appreciate if you can suggest a way to make ridges with a certain peak height. When using gaussian filter, what we can do is deciding the size and sigma of the filter. Based on those parameters, the peak height varies.
For information, image matrix size is 250x250 here.
You can give a try to distance transform. Your image is a binary image (having only two type of values, 0 and 1). Therefore, you can generate similar effects with distance transform.
%Create an image similar to yours
%Distance transform
distImg(distImg>5)=0; %5 is set manually to achieve similar results to yours
distImg=5-distImg; %Get high values for the pixels inside the tube as shown
%in your figure
distImg(distImg==5)=0; %Making background pixels zero
To get images with certain peak height, you can change the threshold of 5 to a different value. If you set it to 10, you can get peaks with height equal to the next largest value present in the distance transform matrix. In case of 5 and 10, I found it to be around 3.5 and 8.
Again, if you want to be exact 5 and 10, then you may multiply the distance transform matrix with the normalization factor as follows.
normalizationFactor=(newValue-minValue)/(maxValue-minValue) %self-explanatory
Only disadvantage I see is, I don't get a smooth graph as you have. I tried with Gaussian filter too, but did not get a smooth graph.
My result:

Matlab: find major axis of binary area

the output of some processing consists of a binary map with several connected areas.
The objective is, for each area, to compute and draw on the image a line crossing the area on its longest axis, but not extending further. It is very important that the line lies just inside the area, therefore ellipse fitting is not very good.
Any hint on how to do achieve this result in an efficient way?
If you have the image processing toolbox you can use regionprops which will give you several standard measures of any binary connected region. This includes
You can also get the tightest rectangular bounding box, centroid, perimeter, orientation. These will all help you in ellipse fitting.
Depending on how you would like to draw your lines, the regionprops function also returns the length for major and minor axes in 2-D connected regions and does it on a per-connected-region basis, giving you a vector of axis lengths. If you specify 4 neighbor connected you are fairly sure that the length will be exclusively within the connected region. But this is not guaranteed since `regionprops' calculates major axis length of an ellipse that has the same normalized second central moment as the connected region.
My first inclination would be to treat the pixels as 2D points and use principal components analysis. PCA will give you the major axis of each region (princomp if you have the stat toolbox).
Regarding making line segments and not lines, not knowing anything about the shape of these regions, an efficient method doesn't occur to me. Assuming the region could have any arbitrary shape, you could just trace along each line until you reach the edge of the region. Then repeat in the other direction.
I assumed you already have the binary image divided into regions. If this isn't true you could use bwlabel (if the regions aren't touching) or k-means (if they are) first.