snapshot.ConnectionState is always waiting in the FutureBuilder using provider package - flutter

I am using cloud firestore as a backend and the provider package for state management for my app. I have a BooksProvider class (ChangeNotifierProvider) which I use to fetch, add, update and delete data. In this class, I have an async method to fetch data from cloud firestore.
Future<void> fetchAndSetData() async {
try {
final response = await bookCollection.getDocuments();
List<Book> loadedBooks = [];
final querySnapshot = response.documents;
if (querySnapshot.isEmpty) {
querySnapshot.forEach((book) {
id: book.documentID,
category: CategoryName.values[['category_index']],
_booksList = loadedBooks;
} catch (e) {
throw e;
I am trying to use it with the future builder but it doesn't work as it is always stuck in ConnectionState.waiting case.
class BooksScreen extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// final booksData = Provider.of<BooksProvider>(context);
// final books = booksData.booksList;
// final _noContent = Center(child: Text('No books are available.'));
return FutureBuilder(
future: Provider.of<BooksProvider>(context).fetchAndSetData(),
builder: (ctx, dataSnapshot) {
switch (dataSnapshot.connectionState) {
case ConnectionState.waiting:
return Text('waiting'); //always returning waiting
case ConnectionState.done:
return Text('done');
case ConnectionState.none:
return Text('none');
return Text('default');
I don't know what might be wrong, I tried to change the return type of the async method so that it returns a list of Book but it didn't work. I also used if statement instead of the switch case and the same thing kept happening.
In addition, I tried it with if (dataSnapshot.hasdata) as it is suggested by on of the answers, and it worked!, but i want to use a spinner while waiting and when i tried it, the same problem occurred again.
I tried the same method with another approach where i used stateful widget and didChangeDependencies() method to fetch the data and it worked just fine, and I am trying future builder approach because I don't know how to handle errors with didChangeDependencies() approach.
so if you please can help me with the future builder or error handling with the latter approach. Thank you in advance.

Use dataSnapshot.hasData instead of dataSnapshot.connectionState


How to set multiple StateNotifierProvider (s) with dynamicaly loaded async data?

I'm completely stuck with the task below.
So, the idea is to solve these steps using Riverpod
Fetch data from db with some kind of Future async while pausing the app (display SomeLoadingPage() etc.)
Once the data has loaded:
2.1 initialize multiple global StateNotifierProviders which utilize the data in their constructors and can further be used throughout the app with methods to update their states.
2.2 then show MainScreen() and the rest of UI
So far I've tried something like this:
class UserData extends StateNotifier<AsyncValue<Map>> { // just <Map> for now, for simplicity
UserData() : super(const AsyncValue.loading()) {
Future<void> init() async {
state = const AsyncValue.loading();
try {
final HttpsCallableResult response =
await FirebaseFunctions.instance.httpsCallable('getUserData').call();
state = as Map<String, dynamic>);
} catch (e) {
state = AsyncValue.error(e);
final userDataProvider = StateNotifierProvider<UserData, AsyncValue<Map>>((ref) => UserData());
final loadingAppDataProvider = FutureProvider<bool>((ref) async {
final userData = await;
return userData.isNotEmpty;
class LoadingPage extends ConsumerWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
return FutureBuilder(
builder: (ctx, AsyncSnapshot snap) {
// everything here is simplified for the sake of a question
final Widget toReturn;
if (snap.connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting) {
toReturn = const SomeLoadingPage();
} else {
snap.error != null
? toReturn = Text(snap.error.toString())
: toReturn = const SafeArea(child: MainPage());
return toReturn;},);}}
I intentionally use FutureBuilder and not .when() because in future i may intend to use Future.wait([]) with multiple futures
This works so far, but the troubles come when I want to implement some kind of update() methods inside UserData and listen to its variables through the entire app. Something like
late Map userData = state.value ?? {};
late Map<String, dynamic> settings = userData['settings'] as Map<String, dynamic>;
void changeLang(String lang) {
for (final key in settings.keys) {
if (key == 'lang') settings[key] = lang;
state = state.whenData((data) => {});
SomeLoadingPage() appears on each changeLang() method call.
In short:
I really want to have several StateNotifierProviders with the ability to modify their state from the inside and listen to it from outside. But fetch the initial state from database and make the intire app wait for this data to be fetched and these providers to be initilized.
So, I guess I figured how to solve this:
final futureExampleProvider = FutureProvider<Map>((ref) async {
final HttpsCallableResult response =
await FirebaseFunctions.instance.httpsCallable('getUserData').call();
return as Map;
final exampleProvider = StateNotifierProvider<Example, Map>((ref) {
// we get AsyncValue from FutureNotifier
final data =;
// and wait for it to load
return data.when(
// in fact we never get loading state because of FutureBuilder in UI
loading: () => Example({'loading': 'yes'}),
error: (e, st) => Example({'error': 'yes'}),
data: (data) => Example(data),
class LoadingPage extends ConsumerWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
return FutureBuilder(
// future:,
builder: (ctx, AsyncSnapshot snap) {
final Widget toReturn;
if ( != null) {
snap.error != null
? toReturn = Text(snap.error.toString())
: toReturn = const SafeArea(child: MainPage());
} else {
// this is the only 'Loading' UI the user see before everything get loaded
toReturn = const Text('loading');
return toReturn;
class Example extends StateNotifier<Map> {
Example(this.initData) : super({}) {
// here comes initial data loaded from FutureProvider
state = initData;
// it can be used further to refer to the initial data, kinda like cache
Map initData;
// this way we can extract any parts of initData
late Map aaa = state['bbb'] as Map
// this method can be called from UI
void ccc() {
// modify and update data
aaa = {'someKey':'someValue'};
// trigger update
state = {...state};
This works for me, at least on this level of complexity.
I'll leave question unsolved in case there are some better suggestions.

Is there any easy way to use a Future (which performs an http connection) inside a stateful widget without having it reconnect on every screen build?

Every time the screen is rebuilt the getJSONfromTheSite seems to get invoked. Is seems because the future is placed inside the Widget build that every time I rebuild the screen it's just calling the apiResponse.getJSONfromTheSite('sitelist') future. But When I try to simply move the apiResponse.getJSONfromTheSite('sitelist') call outside the Widget and into the initState it doesn't work at all.
I'm not fully grasping the interplay of Futures in relation to a stateful widget, but in this case I need to keep the widget stateful because Im using a pull to refresh function to rebuild my state
class _SitelistScreenState extends State<SitelistScreen> {
RemoteDataSource _apiResponse = RemoteDataSource();
void initState() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
child: FutureBuilder(
future: _apiResponse.getJSONfromTheSite('sitelist'),
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<Result> snapshot) {
if ( is SuccessState) {
AppData sitelistCollection = ( as SuccessState).value;
// (Do some UI stuff)
class RemoteDataSource {
//Creating Singleton
static final RemoteDataSource _apiResponse =
factory RemoteDataSource() => _apiResponse;
MyClient client = MyClient(Client());
void init() {}
Future<Result> getJSONfromTheSite(String call, {counter = 0}) async {
debugPrint('Network Attempt by getJSONfromTheSite');
try {
final response = await client
.request(requestType: RequestType.GET, path: call)
.timeout(const Duration(seconds: 8));
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
return Result<AppData>.success(AppData.fromRawJson(response.body));
} else {
return Result.error(
title: "Error", msg: "Status code not 200", errorcode: 1);
} catch (error) {
if (counter < 3) {
counter += 1;
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 1000));
return getJSONfromTheSite(call, counter: counter);
} else {
return Result.error(
title: "No connection", msg: "Status code not 200", errorcode: 0);
void dispose() {}
A FutureBuilder, as the name suggests, wants to build you something using a FUTURE value that you provide. For that to happen, you should perform an operation outside the build method (for example, in the State class or in the initState function) and store its Future value (like a promise in javascript), to be used later on the FutureBuilder.
You have access to this value inside the FutureBuilder on the variable, as I can see you already know by looking at your code. The way I coded the following solution, you should no longer have issues about multiple requests to the website each time it builds the widget UI (getJSONfromTheSite will only be called once and the result from this call will be available to you inside the FutureBuilder!)
The solution:
class _SitelistScreenState extends State<SitelistScreen> {
RemoteDataSource _apiResponse = RemoteDataSource(); // I left this here because I'm not sure if you use this value anywhere else (if you don't, simply delete this line)
// when creating the widget's state, perform the call to the site once and store the Future in a variable
Future<Result> _apiResponseState = RemoteDataSource().getJSONfromTheSite('sitelist');
void initState() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
child: FutureBuilder<SuccessState>(
future: _apiResponseState,
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<Result> snapshot) {
if ( is SuccessState) {
AppData sitelistCollection = ( as SuccessState).value;
EDIT: Edited answer to use Result as the inner type of the Future (instead of SuccessState).
The FutureBuilder's behavior can be expected as following according to the documentation
The future must have been obtained earlier, e.g. during State.initState, State.didUpdateWidget, or State.didChangeDependencies.
It must not be created during the or method call when constructing the FutureBuilder.
If the future is created at the same time as the FutureBuilder, then every time the FutureBuilder's parent is rebuilt, the asynchronous task will be restarted.
As stated above, if the future is created at the same time as the FutureBuilder, the FutureBuilder will rebuilt every time there's change from the parent. To avoid this change, as well as making the call from initState, one easy way is to use another Widget call StreamBuilder.
An example from your code:
class RemoteDataSource {
final controller = StreamController<AppData>();
void _apiResponse.getJSONfromTheSite('sitelist') {
// ... other lines
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
// Add the parsed data to the Stream
// ... other lines
In your SiteListScreen:
class _SitelistScreenState extends State<SitelistScreen> {
RemoteDataSource _apiResponse = RemoteDataSource();
void initState() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
child: StreamBuilder<AppData>(
stream:, // Listen to the Stream using StreamBuilder
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasData) {
AppData sitelistCollection =;
This StreamBuilder is a popular concept through out most of Flutter's apps nowadays (and is the basis of many Flutter's architecture), so it's a good idea to take a good look and use the best of it.
There is a simple way you do not need to change too much coding. Like
class RemoteDataSource {
Result _result;
//Creating Singleton
static final RemoteDataSource _apiResponse =
factory RemoteDataSource() => _apiResponse;
MyClient client = MyClient(Client());
void init() {}
Future<Result> getJSONfromTheSite(String call, {counter = 0}) async {
debugPrint('Network Attempt by getJSONfromTheSite');
if (_result != null) {
return _result;
try {
final response = await client
.request(requestType: RequestType.GET, path: call)
.timeout(const Duration(seconds: 8));
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
_result = Result<AppData>.success(AppData.fromRawJson(response.body));
return _result;
} else {
return Result.error(
title: "Error", msg: "Status code not 200", errorcode: 1);
} catch (error) {
if (counter < 3) {
counter += 1;
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 1000));
return getJSONfromTheSite(call, counter: counter);
} else {
return Result.error(
title: "No connection", msg: "Status code not 200", errorcode: 0);
void dispose() {}
I only store the success result to _result, I do not sure that you want store the error result. When you rebuild the widget, it will check if it already get the success result. If true, return the stored result, it not, call api.

Flutter secure routes with a flutter-fire authentication guard and avoid unnecessary rebuilds

I currently face an issue where I route to an authentication guard view as my default route.
My authentication guard view:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import '../models/user.dart';
import '../services/services.module.dart';
import '../widgets/common/async_stream.dart';
import 'landing_screen/landing_screen.dart';
import 'tabs_screen/tab_screen.dart';
/// The [ViewAuthGuard] decides whether to display the [LandingScreenView] or the [TabsScreenView].
class ViewAuthGuard extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
print('ViewAuthGuard build called: $context');
FirebaseAuthService authService = Provider.of<AuthService>(context, listen: false);
return AsyncStreamWidget<User>(
stream: authService.onAuthStateChanged,
child: (User user) => TabsScreenView(),
emptyWidget: LandingScreenView(),
loadingWidget: null,
errorWidget: null,
and my AsyncStreamWidget:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import '../../../models/base_model.dart';
import '../../error/future_error.dart';
import '../../loading.dart';
class AsyncStreamWidget<T extends BaseModel> extends StatelessWidget {
final Stream<T> stream;
final T initialData;
Widget _loading;
Widget _empty;
Widget Function(Object) _error;
Widget Function(T) child;
#required this.child,
Widget loadingWidget,
Widget emptyWidget,
Widget Function(Object) errorWidget,
}) {
if (loadingWidget == null) {
_loading = Loading();
} else {
_loading = loadingWidget;
if (errorWidget == null) {
_error = (Object error) => FutureErrorWidget(error: error);
} else {
_error = errorWidget;
if (emptyWidget == null) {
_empty = Center(child: Text('No data available.'));
} else {
_empty = emptyWidget;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return StreamBuilder<T>(
initialData: initialData,
stream: stream,
builder: (_, AsyncSnapshot<T> snapshot) {
switch (snapshot.connectionState) {
case ConnectionState.waiting:
return _loading;
case // check if different behavior is needed for active and done
case ConnectionState.done:
// error state
if (snapshot.hasError) {
// todo more throughout error checking and specialized error widget
return _error(snapshot.error);
// data state
if (snapshot.hasData) {
T data =;
return child(data);
// empty state
return _empty;
case ConnectionState.none:
print('E: Received Future [$stream] was null or else.');
return _error('Unknown error.');
The FirebaseAuthService wraps the auth.FirebaseAuth.instance. My stream is constructed as follows:
User _userFromFirebase(auth.User user) {
if (user == null) {
return null;
return User(
uid: user.uid,
displayName: user.displayName,
photoUrl: user.photoURL,
Stream<User> get onAuthStateChanged => _firebaseAuth.authStateChanges().map(_userFromFirebase);
I currently provide all my services above the ViewAuthGuard.
I wrapped my Material app with a ThemeProvider ChangeNotifier (in case that could be an issue).
My issue is that all widgets below the ViewAuthGuard are rebuild and their state is reset. This occurs to me while developing. When a hot reload occurs, all the children are rebuild. The TabsScreenView contains the initial navigation for my flutter app and always reset to index zero during development.
Question: How do I avoid the unnecessary reloads at this point?
What I tested so far:
I wrapped my named route for TabsScreenView with FutureBuilder / StreamBuilder and set it as the default route (Route Guards in Flutter)
Listening to the stream in didComponentUpdate and pushing named routes on User change
The solution provided above
Please drop me a comment if you need more information, code, console prints or else to support me. Thank you!
I was able to fix it myself. For anyone interested, this was the process:
The stream is the pivot element which decides if the AsyncStreamWidget rebuilds its child or not. So I did check if the stream changed across hot reloads by printing its hashCode attribute (and yes, it did change).
Subsequently, I did change my ViewAuthGuard to a StatefulWidget and used the didChangeDependencies method to store the stream in the state.
(I also started instantiating the widgets in the initState method and store them in the state as well so that they are created only once.)
EDIT And I should mention that my ViewAuthGuard has no dependencies. So it is not rebuilt due to a change of dependencies.

How to display a Firebase list in REAL TIME using BLoC Pattern?

I have a TODO List function (Alarmas), but I feel I'm not taking advantage of Firebase's Realtime features enough.
The Widget displays the list very well, however when someone puts a new task from another cell phone, I am not being able to show it automatically, but I must call the build again by clicking on the "TODO button" in the BottomNavigationBar.
Is there a way that the new tasks are automatically displayed without doing anything?
I'm using BLOC Pattern and Provider to get Data through Streams...
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
///---Scaffold and others
return StreamBuilder(
stream: alarmaBloc.alarmasStream,
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<List<AlarmaModel>> snapshot){
if (snapshot.hasData) {
final tareasList =;
if (tareasList.length == 0) return _imagenInicial(context);
return ListView(
children: [
for (var itemPendiente in tareasList)
_crearItem(context, alarmaBloc, itemPendiente),
//more widgets
} else if (snapshot.hasError) {
return Text(snapshot.error.toString());
return Center (child: Image(image: AssetImage('Preloader.gif'), height: 200.0,));
#puf published a solution in How to display a Firebase list in REAL TIME? using setState, but I don't know how to implement it because I can't use setState inside my BLoC pattern page.
My BLoC Pattern looks like this...
class AlarmaBloc {
final _alarmaController = new BehaviorSubject<List<AlarmaModel>>();
final _alarmaProvider = new AlarmaProvider();
Stream <List<AlarmaModel>> get alarmasStream =>;
Future<List<AlarmaModel>> cargarAlarmas() async {
final alarmas = await _alarmaProvider.cargarAlarmas();
return alarmas;
dispose() {
And my PROVIDER looks like this...
Future<List<AlarmaModel>> cargarAlarmas() async {
final List<AlarmaModel> alarmaList = new List();
Query resp = db.child('alarmas');
resp.onChildAdded.forEach((element) {
print('Provider - Nuevo onChild Alarma ${element.snapshot.value['fecha']} - ${element.snapshot.value['nombreRefEstanque']} - ${element.snapshot.value['pesoPromedio']}}');
final temp = AlarmaModel.fromJson(Map<String,dynamic>.from(element.snapshot.value));
temp.idAlarma = element.snapshot.key;
alarmaList.add(temp); // element.snapshot.value.
await resp.once().then((snapshot) {
print("Las Alarmas se cargaron totalmente - ${alarmaList.length}");
return alarmaList;
How can I display a List from Firebase in "true" Real Time using BLoC Pattern?

StreamBuilder data == null

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final user = Provider.of<User>(context);
return StreamBuilder<UserData>(
stream: DatabaseService(uid: user.uid).currentUserData,
builder: (context, snapshot) {
print(; // return null
DatabaseService class
class DatabaseService {
final String uid;
//collection reference
CollectionReference userCollection = Firestore.instance.collection('user');
//get user data stream
Stream<UserData> get currentUserData {
return userCollection.document(uid).snapshots().map(_userDataFromSnapshot);
//user data from snapshot
UserData _userDataFromSnapshot(DocumentSnapshot snapshot) {
return UserData(
The data that I expected to get is Instances of the object I called.
it return flutter: null.
When I tried in my practice app it return I/flutter (11395): Instance of 'UserData'
I don't know where the source of the problem, please kindly help. I'm new in Flutter.
As we are using Streams it is possible that at the time of widget rendering no data has been fetched yet. So we need to check the state of the stream before trying to access the data like below
if (snapshot.hasError){
// access error using snapshot.error
// check for stream state
switch (snapshot.connectionState) {
case ConnectionState.none:
case ConnectionState.waiting:
case // access in this case
case ConnectionState.done:
For more reference, you can have a look at the document of StreamBuilder