Spring boot mongo db index (unique=true) not working - mongodb

I have the below class as my document.
#Document(collection = "test")
public class TestData {
private String id;
private String name;
#Indexed(unique = true)
private String hash;
Even if I'm using Indexed with unique enabled, I'm able to insert duplicate documents into collection.
But if I generate index in mongo shell then it is working.
Is there any way where I can specify unique Index through code only?

This is how the compound index is used in my code
#CompoundIndex(name = "name_author_idx", def = "{'name' : 1, 'author' : 1}", unique = true, background = true)})
public class Book implements Transformer {
private String id;
#Field(name = "name")
private String name;
#Field(name = "author")
private String author;
#Field(name = "qty")
private Integer qty;
#Field(name = "price")
private Double price;
#Field(name = "created_time")
private LocalDateTime createdTime = LocalDateTime.now();

Please use following code on application.properties file on spring boot application it will work.
spring.data.mongodb.auto-index-creation: true
Thank you

If you're having a configuration component you should override the autoIndexCreation method like this:
public class MongoConfiguration extends AbstractMongoClientConfiguration
protected boolean autoIndexCreation() {
return true;


Spring Data MongoDB not able to load reference collection (#DocumentReference)

In Spring data findAll method reference object is coming as null
I am using Reactive Mongo Repository
Ex Parent Object
#Document(collection = "country")
public class CountryBean {
private String id;
private String name;
Child Object
#Document(collection = "city")
public class CityBean {
private String id;
#Field(name = "name")
private String name;
#Field(name = "city_code")
private String cityCode;
#Field(name = "show_city")
private boolean showCity;
#DocumentReference(lazy = false)
private StateBean state;
Country Collection
State Collection (Here we can see the country Attribute)
But When trying to fetch from DB, I am getting country attribute as null. Tried both lazy true/false, but not getting country object along with state object.
Flux<StateBean> allState() {
Flux<CountryBean> ct = countryRepository.findAll();
Flux<StateBean> bean= stateRepository.findByCountry(ct.blockFirst());
return bean;

How to append where clause to all queries that run with spring data MongoRepository?

I have entities that are persisted in MongoDB and use spring data MongoRepository to fetch data. Now i want to apply filter to all queries that executed on the entites, so i decided to use hibernate filter, something like this:
#Document(collection = "Opportunity")
#CompoundIndex(name = "productGroup_userId_uniqueness", def = "{'productGroupCode' : 1, 'userId': 1}", unique = true)
#FilterDef(name = "defaultFilter",parameters = #ParamDef(name = "unitCode",type = "string"))
#Filter(name = "defaultFilter" , condition = " unitCode like :unitCode")
public class Opportunity {
private String id;
private OpportunityStatus opportunityStatus = OpportunityStatus.OPEN;
private LeadType leadType;
private String userId;
private String productCode;
private String productGroupCode;
private Long actionId;
private String assigneeId;
private List<AbstractCommand> commandHistory = new ArrayList<>();
private Map<Long, Boolean> actionStatus = new HashMap<>();
private String unitCode;
and this is the repository class:
public interface OpportunityRepository extends MongoRepository<Opportunity, String>, QuerydslPredicateExecutor<Opportunity> {
// this repository contains more than 20 methods
// and all of theme removed for question brevity
And I enabled hibernate filter on session with this way:
Session session = (entityManager).unwrap(Session.class);
session.enableFilter(filterName).setParameter("unitCode", this.getCurrentUserUnitCode());
Now, when I call OpportunityRepository.findAll(Predicate predicate, Pageable pageable) i expected to apply the defined filter on the entity, but it didn't work.
I think the reason is that MongoRepository hasn't any sense of hibernate #Filter and i should use another way to append where clause to all mongo queries that running on the Opportunity entity.

Spring data MongoDB match, lookup and projection to select only required field from looked-up document

I have below two Document structures. In the structure CRMContact.orgGroupId == OrganizationGroup.id. I would like to fetch all the CRMContact document that matches with sharedGroupIds and also select only a few fields from CRMContact and only OrganizationGroup.groupownername from OrganizationGroup and match/populate groupId (with only one field [groupownername] populated). I have used below custom implementation but didn't work.
I have included aggregarionsNotWorking which is not working and aggregarions returning entire OrganizationGroup populated. How to achieve this i.e. just to populate groupownername field, using spring data mongodb?
#Document(collection = "ww_crm_contact")
public class CRMContact{
protected String id;
private String displayName;
private String firstName;
private String middleName;
private String lastName;
private OrganizationGroup groupId; //Ignore //Modified field name orgGroupId
#Indexed(name = "CRMCONTACT_SHAREDGROUPID_IDX",background = true)
private List<String> sharedGroupIds = new LinkedList<>();
#Indexed(name = "CRMCONTACT_ORGGROUPID_IDX",background = true)
private String orgGroupId;
#Document(collection = "ww_organization_groups")
public class OrganizationGroup {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 600049975643062552L;
protected String id;
private String groupName;
private int riaId;
private Boolean isPrivate;
private String description;
private Boolean deleted;
private int count;
private String groupownerid;
private String groupownername;
public class CustomCRMContactDAO {
MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;
public List<CRMContact> getContactsPresentInGroup(List<ObjectId> objectIds){
LookupOperation lookupOperation = LookupOperation.newLookup().from("ww_organization_groups").localField("orgGroupId").foreignField("_id").as("groupId");
ProjectionOperation fields = project("firstName","lastName", "primaryId","displayName","groupId.groupownername");
Aggregation aggregarionsNotWorking = Aggregation.newAggregation(Aggregation.match(Criteria.where("sharedGroupIds").in(objectIds)),lookupOperation,unwind("groupId"),fields); //Not Working even if I change the field only to groupownername
Aggregation aggregarions = Aggregation.newAggregation(Aggregation.match(Criteria.where("sharedGroupIds").in(objectIds)),lookupOperation,fields); //
List<CRMContact> crmContacts = mongoTemplate.aggregate(aggregarions, "ww_crm_contact",CRMContact.class).getMappedResults();
return crmContacts;

Spring Data MongoDB index declaration for field of field

I have the following Spring Data MongoDB document:
#Document(collection = "messages")
#CompoundIndexes({ #CompoundIndex(name = "chatId_messageId", def = "{'chatId': 1, 'messageId': 1}") })
public class Message implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1590112217771926691L;
private String id;
private Long chatId;
private Integer messageId;
private Post post;
the Post model(which is not Spring Data MongoDB document) looks like:
public class Post implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -886664249197573502L;
private String id;
I'd like to add index to the Message.post.id field.
How it can be done with Spring Data MongoDB and Message.post field declaration in Message document ?
If you want to add Message.post.id to an already compound index, then do it like
#Document(collection = "messages")
#CompoundIndexes({ #CompoundIndex(name = "chatId_messageId", def = "{'chatId': 1, 'messageId': 1, 'Message.post.id' : 1}") })
public class Message implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1590112217771926691L;
private String id;
private Long chatId;
private Integer messageId;
private Post post;
Compound indexes are indexes that have more than one indexed field, so ideally, the most restrictive field should be to the left of the B-tree. If you want to index by sex and birth, for instance, the index should begin by birth, as it is much more restrictive than sex.
Or if you want to treat it as a saperate index, then create index using #Indexed like
public class Post implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -886664249197573502L;
private String id;
For more info regarding how queries with sub fields of compound index works, check Documentation

Querying Embedded document in MongoDB using Mongo Template

I have the above domain structure where I have list of Companies in the product and the aim is not make entry in mongoDB when I have exact match for companies & productId already present in the DB.
public class Mobile {
private Integer id;
private String imei;
private Product productInfo;
// ...
public class Product {
private Integer id;
private String productId;
private List<Company<?>> companies;
// ...
#JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME,
include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "type")
#JsonSubTypes.Type(name= "samsung", value = Samsung.class),
#JsonSubTypes.Type(name= "htc",value = Htc.class)})
public class Company<T> implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8869676577723436716L;
private T companyInfo;
private String type;
// ...
I am using mongo template and I have tried to use find as shown below but id didn't work