Split Payment using Paypal payment option - paypal

Our use case is:
The seller sells the product to our platform, the buyer buys with PayPal and payment needs to get split to seller and owner of platform using PayPal
Any idea how to achieve this? We have found ways but they are depreciated in PayPal. Any alternative to achieve using Paypal.
Please help us to find it.
Thanks a lot

Two alternatives to implementing this feature are: Stripe Connect and Braintree Marketplace. These products enable you to choose how you manage the risk give most of the supporting features for a platform payments.
These are paid services, and the cost may prohibit your app. Another alternative is implementing this logic yourself, where you will have to keep track of the sales, the percentages to take for each one for taxes, commissions, fees, and the ledger to ensure money is not lost.
Some open source solutions can help you with the in-house implementation, such as QLedger. Other managed solutions offer pieces of this infrastructure as a service, such as Decimals [disclaimer: I'm the founder of Decimals]
You need to make sure you are aware of the risks of your platform. You won't be able to get money already sent to the seller Paypal account on chargebacks/refund requests, and will have to pay for them yourself.


Pay as you go with Paypal

I want to implement a pay as you go with Paypal, as I read the subscriptions API we need to create a plan and product, and as I understand it, it works based on the regular payments which obviously we don't want that we want if the user's budget is below a certain amount we recharge the user by a fixed amount again, can anybody guide me how to approach and implement pay as go using Paypal?
You are correct, subscriptions bill on a regular schedule whereas what you are describing is the ability to bill an arbitrary amount at any time.
That feature is called "reference transactions", or sometimes "billing agreements". It is not enabled for PayPal business accounts by default. To request the feature, the owner of the PayPal account should contact PayPal's general business support (note: not technical support) and explain the business need for this reference transactions feature.
If it's approved for the account, PayPal can then guide you on which API integration to use; potentially something like the newest v2/vault.

Integrate Paypal in multi merchant website

I have a multi merchant website and in that what i need to do is when customer purchase a product 5% of the money is gone to website paypal account for service and rest of the money will be gone to seller paypal account. I need to integrate paypal in that. As paypal adaptive payments is deprecated and paypal is not providing any other solution to do that.
Can anyone please tell me any paypal service which can make it possible.
Thanks in advance.
Sounds like you need marketplace APIs. If you need PayPal APIs in specific, you can look into PayPal for Marketplaces. Braintree (A PayPal service) has better APIs here.
Stripe Connect is also a competitor with good reputation.
With all these APIs, you can control funds disbursement by specifying percentages as you mentioned in your post. I don't know what your complete use case is. So I'd suggest researching all 3 of these and choosing the one that best fits your budget and business model.
Create a mathematical equation to give you the difference between
the total and your 5% (or the seller's 95%).
Process the entire amount into your account.
Pay the seller their (95%) share by transferring that amount to their account.

Payment Gateways: pay a percentage to two different accounts

For an e-commerce site I am building, for every transaction 90% needs to go to one account and 10% needs to go to another.
It looks as though Stripe can handle this using the 'Express' account using 'Connect', but it seems this account type is unavailable outside the US (we are based in Hong Kong).
It also looks like Paypal has 'Adaptive Payments' which would achieve the same result, but it says:
Important: Adaptive Payments is now a limited release product. It is restricted to select partners for approved use cases and should not be used for new integrations without guidance from PayPal.
As this is a very small website I don't want to go through the hassle of being a 'select partner' and they probably won't let me anyway. Is there any other way to achieve this?
If it makes any difference I will be using Drupal for the store.
Since adaptive payment is a limited release product, you may want to look at Braintree Marketplace. Basically, it works just like adaptive payment where you can split the payment. For availability, you will need to contact their sales team. For more information, refer this Braintree Marketplace

PayPal Recurring payments/subscription

I need to create a subscriptions system in my app, where users can subscribe to a certain package and they must be billed monthly.
Moreover, I need to charge their credit card automatically, and without requiring them to have a PayPal account.
I read about https://cms.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/?cmd=_render-content&content_ID=merchant/erp_overview, but is seems it's not available anymore as I click on sign up and it gives me an error ("Sorry, this feature is not available at this time.").
Then I've read about PayPal Standard Payments, which have a subscription method (https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/paypal-payments-standard/integration-guide/subscribe_buttons/)
From what I can read there is that this is what is suitable for my use case, and it says that I need to enable the above mentioned service, which it doesn't work.
Can someone point me in the right direction on what service should I use from PayPal in order to implement recurring payments (basically my users will subscribe themselves to a service on my website, and I need to charge them monthly).
Thank you.
If you're wanting to handle credit cards directly I would highly recommend going with Payments Pro w/ Recurring Payments APIs.
You'll have to pay a monthly fee to get it all activated, and it's a little bit more expensive than what you were looking at, but it will give you much greater flexibility building your application(s) into various experiences for your buyers.

Authorize.net, Paypal or Google Checkout, which one should I go with?

Which payment gateway should I choose from among Authorize.net, PayPal & Google Checkout?
Is there anything wrong if I provide all ? I'm planning for express checkout methods in all the three services, the direct credit card accepting service.
The more choices you offer, the more choices your customers have, so no, there is nothing wrong with offering all three.
If you potentially have customers from the EU or Asia, you may want to investigate options that are popular in those regions as well.
Keep in mind, PayPal tends to freeze money in account for some reason and have huge problems even answering email with 24 hours.
Paypal is of course the most well known and respected, however the answer actually depends on the amount of revenue your company will make (monthly and yearly averages), the average price per transaction and the number of debit card vs credit card payments you are likly to take. Without these figures it's nigh on impssible to determine which one is cheapest for you.
Authorize.Net is only a payment gateway, not a payment processor. You need to have a US based merchant account to use with Authorize.Net.
Paypal and Google Checkout are third party payment processors. They essentially are the payment gateway and merchant account rolled into one package.
It's worth noting, from the research I've done, using PayPal is cheaper than credit card processing directly. They charge less of a fee (I'm assuming because they process everything themselves, and don't go through some third party to get to the credit card company).