I send messages to applications running on remote computers.
I send messages this ways.
void web_data_work()
TcpClient client = new TcpClient(address, port);
Byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Format("{0}", message));
NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream();
if (message != "")
stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
Byte[] readingData = new Byte[256];
String responseData = String.Empty;
StringBuilder completeMessage = new StringBuilder();
int numberOfBytesRead = 0;
numberOfBytesRead = stream.Read(readingData, 0, readingData.Length);
completeMessage.AppendFormat("{0}", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(readingData, 0, numberOfBytesRead));
while (stream.DataAvailable);
responseData = completeMessage.ToString();
this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate ()
output_list.Items.Add(string.Format("Sended – {0}", responseData));
message = "";
this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate ()
output_list.Items.Add("Not sended");
message = "";
func web_data_work()
let address = address_box.stringValue
let port = port_box.intValue
let task = URLSession.shared.streamTask(withHostName: address, port: Int(port))
let data = message.data(using: .utf8)!
task.write(data as Data, timeout: 0)
error in
//om = "Not sended"
In c# i can read messages using TcpListener, how do i do it in swift?
Only two parameters are used:
"address" – ip address of the computer to which messages are sent and which is listened to by the TcpListener of that computer.
"port" – port of the sending and receiving between computers.
P.S. Preferably without additional libraries.
You can achieve this with just two classes: SocketPort & FileHandle.
Before you copy & paste the example below, please, read my comments at the end.
import Cocoa
class TcpEchoClient {
var readToEndOfFileCompletionHandler: (() -> Void)?
let fileHandle: FileHandle
var observer: NSObjectProtocol?
init(fileHandle: FileHandle) {
self.fileHandle = fileHandle
// Register observer for the data & EOF
self.observer = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: .NSFileHandleReadToEndOfFileCompletion,
object: fileHandle,
queue: OperationQueue.main) { [weak self] note in
self?.handleReadToEndOfFileCompletion(notification: note)
// Instruct the handle to read till the EOF & notify
func handleReadToEndOfFileCompletion(notification note: Notification) {
defer {
// No matter what happens, call the completion handle by the end
// Is there an error?
if let errorCode = note.userInfo?["NSFileHandleError"] as? NSNumber {
print("Client \(fileHandle.fileDescriptor) error: File handle error \(errorCode.intValue)")
// No error, we should have data available
guard let data = note.userInfo?[NSFileHandleNotificationDataItem] as? Data else {
print("Client \(fileHandle.fileDescriptor) error: Unable to get data")
// Convert them to UTF-8 string
guard let text = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) else {
print("Client \(fileHandle.fileDescriptor) error: Unable to convert data to UTF-8 string")
// Print the text
print("Client \(fileHandle.fileDescriptor) received: \(text)")
deinit {
// Remove observer for the data & EOF
if let observer = observer {
// Close the handle
try? fileHandle.close()
class TcpServer {
let port: SocketPort
let fileHandle: FileHandle
var clients: Dictionary<Int32, TcpEchoClient>
var observer: NSObjectProtocol?
init?(tcpPort: UInt16) {
guard let socketPort = SocketPort(tcpPort: tcpPort) else {
return nil
// Keep the socket port around otherwise you'll get error 38
port = socketPort
// No clients for now
clients = [:]
// Create handle from the socket
fileHandle = FileHandle(fileDescriptor: port.socket)
// Register observer for the connection accepted
observer = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: .NSFileHandleConnectionAccepted,
object: fileHandle,
queue: OperationQueue.main) { [weak self] note in
if let handle = note.object as? FileHandle {
// Ask immediately for another accepted connection notification
self?.handleConnectionAccepted(notification: note)
// Instruct the handle to accept connection & notify
func handleConnectionAccepted(notification note: Notification) {
// Is there an error?
if let errorCode = note.userInfo?["NSFileHandleError"] as? NSNumber {
print("Server error: File handle error \(errorCode.intValue)")
// No, we should have received the client file handle
guard let clientFileHandle = note.userInfo?[NSFileHandleNotificationFileHandleItem] as? FileHandle else {
print("Server error: Unable to get accepted connection file handle")
let fileDescriptor = clientFileHandle.fileDescriptor
// Create new client from the file handle
let client = TcpEchoClient(fileHandle: clientFileHandle)
// Once it finishes, remove it from the clients dictionary
client.readToEndOfFileCompletionHandler = { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.clients.removeValue(forKey: fileDescriptor)
print("Server: Client removed \(fileDescriptor) (total \(self.clients.count))")
// Store the client in the clients dictionary
clients[fileDescriptor] = client
print("Server: New client \(fileDescriptor) added (total \(self.clients.count))")
deinit {
// Remove all clients
// Close the file handle
try? fileHandle.close()
// Invalidate the socket port
// Remove connection accepted observer
if let observer = observer {
Then create a property (var server: TcpServer?) and initialize it (server = TcpServer(tcpPort: 8080)).
parallel -j 1 echo -n Foo '|' nc 8080 ::: {1..4}
Console output:
Server: New client 7 added (total 1)
Client 7 received: Foo
Server: Client removed 7 (total 0)
Server: New client 7 added (total 1)
Client 7 received: Foo
Server: Client removed 7 (total 0)
Server: New client 7 added (total 1)
Client 7 received: Foo
Server: Client removed 7 (total 0)
Server: New client 7 added (total 1)
Client 7 received: Foo
Server: Client removed 7 (total 0)
This example is only a basic skeleton you can start with.
Don't be misleaded with the parallel test command.
I'm using it if I want to run multiple commands at once (same commands).
Everything in this example operates on the main queue.
Read documentation of all these classes, methods and notifications I do use. There're gotchas, you have to be familiar with run loops, etc.
I am making an app that activates a VPN connection based on OpenVPN, retrieves a certificate from the database, and opens a tunnel using NEPacketTunnelProvider and NetworkExtension.
I used the following repository, and now my VPN is working fine.
But the problem is that I want to allow only one app to use this VPN when enabled (WhatsApp precisely), and I want to restrict all other apps of using it.
On Android it's possible by giving the bundle identifier of the allowed apps to the PackageManager.
Can you please help me?
This is my PacketTunnelProvider class:
import NetworkExtension
import OpenVPNAdapter
extension NEPacketTunnelFlow: OpenVPNAdapterPacketFlow {}
class PacketTunnelProvider: NEPacketTunnelProvider {
lazy var vpnAdapter: OpenVPNAdapter = {
let adapter = OpenVPNAdapter()
adapter.delegate = self
return adapter
let vpnReachability = OpenVPNReachability()
var startHandler: ((Error?) -> Void)?
var stopHandler: (() -> Void)?
override func startTunnel(options: [String : NSObject]?, completionHandler: #escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
// There are many ways to provide OpenVPN settings to the tunnel provider. For instance,
// you can use `options` argument of `startTunnel(options:completionHandler:)` method or get
// settings from `protocolConfiguration.providerConfiguration` property of `NEPacketTunnelProvider`
// class. Also you may provide just content of a ovpn file or use key:value pairs
// that may be provided exclusively or in addition to file content.
// In our case we need providerConfiguration dictionary to retrieve content
// of the OpenVPN configuration file. Other options related to the tunnel
// provider also can be stored there.
let protocolConfiguration = protocolConfiguration as? NETunnelProviderProtocol,
let providerConfiguration = protocolConfiguration.providerConfiguration
else {
guard let ovpnFileContent: Data = providerConfiguration["ovpn"] as? Data else {
let configuration = OpenVPNConfiguration()
configuration.fileContent = ovpnFileContent
// configuration.settings = [
// // Additional parameters as key:value pairs may be provided here
// ]
// Uncomment this line if you want to keep TUN interface active during pauses or reconnections
// configuration.tunPersist = true
// Apply OpenVPN configuration
let evaluation: OpenVPNConfigurationEvaluation
do {
evaluation = try vpnAdapter.apply(configuration: configuration)
} catch {
// Provide credentials if needed
if !evaluation.autologin {
// If your VPN configuration requires user credentials you can provide them by
// `protocolConfiguration.username` and `protocolConfiguration.passwordReference`
// properties. It is recommended to use persistent keychain reference to a keychain
// item containing the password.
guard let username: String = protocolConfiguration.username else {
// Retrieve a password from the keychain
// guard let password: String = ... {
// fatalError()
// }
let credentials = OpenVPNCredentials()
credentials.username = username
// credentials.password = password
do {
try vpnAdapter.provide(credentials: credentials)
} catch {
// Checking reachability. In some cases after switching from cellular to
// WiFi the adapter still uses cellular data. Changing reachability forces
// reconnection so the adapter will use actual connection.
vpnReachability.startTracking { [weak self] status in
guard status == .reachableViaWiFi else { return }
self?.vpnAdapter.reconnect(afterTimeInterval: 5)
// Establish connection and wait for .connected event
startHandler = completionHandler
vpnAdapter.connect(using: packetFlow)
override func stopTunnel(with reason: NEProviderStopReason, completionHandler: #escaping () -> Void) {
stopHandler = completionHandler
if vpnReachability.isTracking {
extension PacketTunnelProvider: OpenVPNAdapterDelegate {
// OpenVPNAdapter calls this delegate method to configure a VPN tunnel.
// `completionHandler` callback requires an object conforming to `OpenVPNAdapterPacketFlow`
// protocol if the tunnel is configured without errors. Otherwise send nil.
// `OpenVPNAdapterPacketFlow` method signatures are similar to `NEPacketTunnelFlow` so
// you can just extend that class to adopt `OpenVPNAdapterPacketFlow` protocol and
// send `self.packetFlow` to `completionHandler` callback.
func openVPNAdapter(_ openVPNAdapter: OpenVPNAdapter, configureTunnelWithNetworkSettings networkSettings: NEPacketTunnelNetworkSettings?, completionHandler: #escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
// In order to direct all DNS queries first to the VPN DNS servers before the primary DNS servers
// send empty string to NEDNSSettings.matchDomains
networkSettings?.dnsSettings?.matchDomains = [""]
// Set the network settings for the current tunneling session.
setTunnelNetworkSettings(networkSettings, completionHandler: completionHandler)
// Process events returned by the OpenVPN library
func openVPNAdapter(_ openVPNAdapter: OpenVPNAdapter, handleEvent event: OpenVPNAdapterEvent, message: String?) {
switch event {
case .connected:
if reasserting {
reasserting = false
guard let startHandler = startHandler else { return }
self.startHandler = nil
case .disconnected:
guard let stopHandler = stopHandler else { return }
if vpnReachability.isTracking {
self.stopHandler = nil
case .reconnecting:
reasserting = true
// Handle errors thrown by the OpenVPN library
func openVPNAdapter(_ openVPNAdapter: OpenVPNAdapter, handleError error: Error) {
// Handle only fatal errors
guard let fatal = (error as NSError).userInfo[OpenVPNAdapterErrorFatalKey] as? Bool, fatal == true else {
if vpnReachability.isTracking {
if let startHandler = startHandler {
self.startHandler = nil
} else {
// Use this method to process any log message returned by OpenVPN library.
func openVPNAdapter(_ openVPNAdapter: OpenVPNAdapter, handleLogMessage logMessage: String) {
// Handle log messages
This is the function used in my VPN View Model to start a tunnel:
func configureVPN(serverAddress: String, username: String, password: String) {
var configData:Data = Data.init()
self.getCertificate{certificate in
configData = certificate!
//If we want to read from a file
// let configData = self.readFile(name: "vtest2"),
let providerManager = self.providerManager
else {
self.providerManager?.loadFromPreferences { error in
if error == nil {
let tunnelProtocol = NETunnelProviderProtocol()
tunnelProtocol.username = username
tunnelProtocol.serverAddress = serverAddress
tunnelProtocol.providerBundleIdentifier = self.providerId // bundle id of the network extension target
tunnelProtocol.providerConfiguration = ["ovpn": configData]
tunnelProtocol.disconnectOnSleep = false
providerManager.protocolConfiguration = tunnelProtocol
providerManager.localizedDescription = "Slyfone Guard" // the title of the VPN profile which will appear on Settings
providerManager.isEnabled = true
providerManager.saveToPreferences(completionHandler: { (error) in
if error == nil {
providerManager.loadFromPreferences(completionHandler: { (error) in
do {
try providerManager.connection.startVPNTunnel(options: nil) // starts the VPN tunnel.
} catch let error {
As an engineer from Apple said:
The way to do it is to use Per-App VPN. See the Per-App VPN On Demand section in the NETunnelProviderManager documentation.
With NEPacketTunnelProvider on macOS (as of 10.15.4) you can set this up yourself with NEAppRule. A very generic example of setting up Safari to trigger the VPN would be:
var perAppManager = NETunnelProviderManager.forPerAppVPN()
/* ... */
NETunnelProviderManager.forPerAppVPN().loadFromPreferences(completionHandler: { error in
/* ... */
let proto = (perAppManager.protocolConfiguration as? NETunnelProviderProtocol) ?? NETunnelProviderProtocol()
proto.serverAddress = "server.vpn.com"
proto.providerBundleIdentifier = "com.perapp-vpn.macOSPacketTunnel.PacketTunnelTest"
var appRules = [NEAppRule]()
let appRule = NEAppRule(signingIdentifier: "com.apple.Safari", designatedRequirement: "identifier \"com.apple.Safari\" and anchor apple")
appRule.matchDomains = ["example.com"]
perAppManager.appRules = appRules
perAppManager.isOnDemandEnabled = true
perAppManager.protocolConfiguration = proto
perAppManager.isEnabled = true
perAppManager.localizedDescription = "Testing Per-App VPN"
self.perAppManager.saveToPreferences { saveError in
/* Proceed to connect */
That was a very generic case and forPerAppVPN() is only available on macOS. A more real-world case world case for iOS would be to create this process through MDM. That entire flow is explained in the documentation I mentioned previously. I would start by just creating a configuration profile in Configurator 2 and testing it out.
No idea if it works on OpenVPN
I tried the following code to create a framer that splits a stream of ASCII bytes into frames separated by the pipe ascii character: "|".
import Network
fileprivate let pipe = Character("|").asciiValue!
class PipeFramer: NWProtocolFramerImplementation {
static let label = "Pipe framer"
static let definition = NWProtocolFramer.Definition(implementation: PipeFramer.self)
var minLengthUntilNextMessage = 1 {
didSet { print("client: minLength set to", minLengthUntilNextMessage) }
required init(framer: NWProtocolFramer.Instance) {}
func start(framer: NWProtocolFramer.Instance) -> NWProtocolFramer.StartResult { .ready }
func handleInput(framer: NWProtocolFramer.Instance) -> Int {
while true {
var delimiterPosition: Int?
_ = framer.parseInput(minimumIncompleteLength: minLengthUntilNextMessage, maximumLength: 65535) { buffer, endOfMessage in
if let buffer = buffer {
print("client: parsing buffer: \"\(String(bytes: buffer, encoding: .utf8) ?? buffer.debugDescription)\"")
if let indexOfDelimiter = buffer.firstIndex(of: pipe) {
minLengthUntilNextMessage = 1
delimiterPosition = indexOfDelimiter
} else {
minLengthUntilNextMessage = buffer.count + 1
} else {
print("client: no buffer")
return 0
if let length = delimiterPosition {
guard framer.deliverInputNoCopy(length: length, message: .init(instance: framer), isComplete: true) else {
return 0
_ = framer.parseInput(minimumIncompleteLength: 1, maximumLength: 65535) { _,_ in 1 }
} else {
return minLengthUntilNextMessage
func handleOutput(framer: NWProtocolFramer.Instance, message: NWProtocolFramer.Message, messageLength: Int, isComplete: Bool) {
try! framer.writeOutputNoCopy(length: messageLength)
framer.writeOutput(data: [pipe])
func wakeup(framer: NWProtocolFramer.Instance) {}
func stop(framer: NWProtocolFramer.Instance) -> Bool { return true }
func cleanup(framer: NWProtocolFramer.Instance) { }
The problem is that from the moment I get a chunk that does not end with "|", the framer gets stuck on that chunk. So the other chunks that come after this incomplete chunk never fully arrive in the framer.parseInput(...) call. Because it always parses chunks of minimumIncompleteLength and hence never arrives to the point where the next "|" is.
Here is a simple reproduction of this problem:
Create a TCP server
Setup the server so that it sends chunks of messages when a client connects.
Connect to the server (created in 1.) using the framer from above.
Start receiving messages.
Swift Code:
import Network
let client = DispatchQueue(label: "Server")
let server = DispatchQueue(label: "Client")
let networkParameters = NWParameters.tcp
networkParameters.defaultProtocolStack.applicationProtocols.insert(NWProtocolFramer.Options(definition: PipeFramer.definition), at: 0)
let server = try! NWListener(using: .tcp)
server.newConnectionHandler = { connection in
print("server: new connection from", connection.endpoint)
print("server (client \(connection.endpoint)): state", connection.state)
connection.viabilityUpdateHandler = { viable in
print("server (client \(connection.endpoint)): state", connection.state)
if viable {
print("server: sending")
connection.send(content: "A|Be||Sea".data(using: .utf8)!, isComplete: false, completion: .idempotent)
serverQueue.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 5) {
print("server: sending second part")
connection.send(content: " is longer than expected|0|".data(using: .utf8)!, isComplete: true, completion: .idempotent)
serverQueue.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 8) {
print("server: sending last part")
connection.send(content: "Done|".data(using: .utf8)!, isComplete: true, completion: .idempotent)
connection.start(queue: serverQueue)
server.stateUpdateHandler = { state in
print("server:", state)
if state == .ready, let port = server.port {
print("server: listening on", port)
server.start(queue: serverQueue)
let client = NWConnection(to: .hostPort(host: "localhost", port: server.port!), using: networkParameters)
func receiveNext() {
client.receiveMessage { (data, context, complete, error) in
let content: String
if let data = data {
content = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) ?? data.description
} else {
content = data?.debugDescription ?? "<no data>"
print("client: received \"\(content)\"", context.debugDescription, complete, error?.localizedDescription ?? "No error")
client.stateUpdateHandler = { state in
print("client:", state)
if state == .ready {
print("client: receiving")
client.start(queue: clientQueue)
Results in:
server: waiting(POSIXErrorCode: Network is down)
server: ready
server: listening on 54894
client: preparing
client: ready
client: receiving
server: new connection from ::1.53179
server (client ::1.53179): state setup
server (client ::1.53179): state ready
server: sending
client: parsing buffer: "A|Be||Sea"
client: minLength set to 1
client: parsing buffer: "Be||Sea"
client: minLength set to 1
client: parsing buffer: "|Sea"
client: minLength set to 1
client: parsing buffer: "Sea"
client: minLength set to 4
client: parsing buffer: ""
client: minLength set to 1
client: received "A" Optional(Network.NWConnection.ContentContext) true No error
client: received "Be" Optional(Network.NWConnection.ContentContext) true No error
client: received "<no data>" Optional(Network.NWConnection.ContentContext) true No error
client: parsing buffer: "Sea"
client: minLength set to 4
server: sending second part
client: parsing buffer: "Sea "
client: minLength set to 5
client: parsing buffer: "Sea i"
client: minLength set to 6
server: sending last part
client: parsing buffer: "Sea is"
client: minLength set to 7
client: parsing buffer: "Sea is "
client: minLength set to 8
Notice that the fourth and fifth message are never received by the client. How should I write the Framer so that it receives messages after an incoming incomplete chunk?
A swift package containing the above code
Corresponding discussion on Developer Forums
I had exactly the same problem... The network protocol that I was working with also had a simple delimiter that separated each 'message' and the protocol had no header that told me what to expect. Often at the end of the buffer, there was only a partial message with no delimiter and needed to read more bytes to get the remainder of the message. Something like this:
1 2 4 5a 5b 6 7 8 9a 9b
delimiter = | - single character
lhsMessage = message 5a
rhsMessage = message 5b
Even after watching WWDC and looking at the other examples from Apple, I still do not completely understand how handleInput and parseInput are supposed to function.
I assumed I could simply return from handleInput with the (lhsMessage.count + 1) and it would keep the partial message in the current buffer AND add additional bytes into the buffer (ie from PACKET B) that parseInput could inspect.
However, it does appear to work that way. Instead I ended up storing the value of lhsMessage in a class var and then returned lhsMessage.count from parseInput, which I believe moves the ‘cursor’ in the buffer to end and forces handleInput to get the new packet (ie packet B).
As part of parseInput, I then check if I have a lhsMessage and then assume if I find a delimiter that it is in fact rhsMessage. I then join LHS and RHS to create a completeMessage. At this point, I also return from parseInput the value of (rhsMessage.count + 1) to move the cursor along again.
Now to send this completeMessage I could not use deliverInputNoCopy as the bytes that make up completeMessage were no longer in the buffer :-)
Instead handleInput sent the message back using deliverInput.
I have a command line app that does the following:
downloads an RSS feed with torrent links
stores it in a sqlite database and tags them as "added" or "ignored"
connects to a transmission server (in my local network)
loads items from sqlite marked as "added" and adds to transmission server
The above works fine in debug mode. However, when I build for release and try to run directly or from launchd, it always times out. The most relevant code is in main.swift which goes below.
private func getTransmissionClient() -> Transmission? {
let client = Transmission(
baseURL: serverConfig.server,
username: serverConfig.username,
password: serverConfig.password)
var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>()
let group = DispatchGroup()
print("[INFO] Connecting to client")
receiveCompletion: { _ in group.leave() },
receiveValue: { rpcVersion in
print("[INFO]: Successfully Connected! RPC Version: \(rpcVersion)")
.store(in: &cancellables)
let wallTimeout = DispatchWallTime.now() +
DispatchTimeInterval.seconds(serverConfig.secondsTimeout ?? 15)
let res = group.wait(wallTimeout: wallTimeout)
if res == DispatchTimeoutResult.success {
return client
} else {
return nil
public func updateTransmission() throws {
print("[INFO] [\(Date())] Starting Transmission Update")
let clientOpt = getTransmissionClient()
guard let client = clientOpt else {
print("[ERROR] Failed to connect to transmission client")
var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>()
let items = try store.getPendingDownload()
print("[INFO] [\(Date())] Adding \(items.count) new items to transmission")
let group = DispatchGroup()
for item in items {
let linkComponents = "\(item.link)".components(separatedBy: "&")
assert(linkComponents.count > 0, "Link seems wrong")
client.request(.add(url: item.link))
.sink(receiveCompletion: { completion in
if case let .failure(error) = completion {
print("[Failure] \(item.title)")
print("[Failure] Details: \(error)")
}, receiveValue: { _ in
print("[Success] \(item.title)")
do {
try self.store.update(item: item, with: .downloaded)
} catch {
print("[Error] Couldn't save new status to DB")
.store(in: &cancellables)
let wallTimeout = DispatchWallTime.now() +
DispatchTimeInterval.seconds(serverConfig.secondsTimeout ?? 15)
let res = group.wait(wallTimeout: wallTimeout)
if res == DispatchTimeoutResult.success {
print("Tasks successfully submitted")
} else {
print("Timed out")
Oddly enough, the code seemed to work fine before I added the database. The DispatchGroup was already there, as well as the Transmission-Swift client. I guess something that I did is being "optimized away" by the compiler? This is just speculation though after seeing some other questions on StackOverflow, but I am still not clear on it.
I am using macOS 10.15 and Swift 5.2.2.
Full code available in github (link to specific commit that has the bug)
I asked for help on Swift Forums at https://forums.swift.org/t/not-connecting-to-rpc-server-in-release-mode-but-works-fine-in-debug-mode/36251 and here is the gist of it:
Debug vs Release bugs are common in the Apple ecosystem.
One common reason for the above: the compiler has much more aggressive retain and release patterns in release mode.
My problem was exactly that: a certain class was being disposed of earlier than it should and it was exactly the cancellable for the subscription, so my server requests were being cancelled in the middle.
This commit fixes it and it basically does the following:
diff --git a/Sources/TorrentRSS/TorrentRSS.swift b/Sources/TorrentRSS/TorrentRSS.swift
index 17e1a6b..0b80cd5 100644
--- a/Sources/TorrentRSS/TorrentRSS.swift
+++ b/Sources/TorrentRSS/TorrentRSS.swift
## -63,6 +63,10 ## public struct TorrentRSS {
DispatchTimeInterval.seconds(serverConfig.secondsTimeout ?? 15)
let res = group.wait(wallTimeout: wallTimeout)
+ for cancellable in cancellables {
+ cancellable.cancel()
+ }
if res == DispatchTimeoutResult.success {
return client
} else {
## -117,6 +121,11 ## public struct TorrentRSS {
let wallTimeout = DispatchWallTime.now() +
DispatchTimeInterval.seconds(serverConfig.secondsTimeout ?? 15)
let res = group.wait(wallTimeout: wallTimeout)
+ for cancellable in cancellables {
+ cancellable.cancel()
+ }
if res == DispatchTimeoutResult.success {
print("Tasks successfully submitted")
} else {
Calling cancellable explicitly avoids the object being disposed of before it should. That specific location is where I meant to dispose of the object, not any sooner.
I've been fighting with NWConnection to receive data on a long-running TCP socket all day. I've finally got it working after inflicting the following errors on myself due to lack of documentation:
Incomplete data (due to only calling receive once)
Getting TCP data out-of-order (due to "polling" receive from a timer...resulting in multiple simultaneous closures waiting to get data).
Suffering infinite loops (due to restarting receive after receiving without checking the "isComplete" Bool--once the socket is terminated from the other end this is....bad...very bad).
Summary of what I've learned:
Once you are in the .ready state you can call receive...once and only once
Once you receive some data, you can call receive again...but only if you are still in the .ready state and the isComplete is false.
Here's my code. I think this is right. But if it's wrong please let me know:
queue = DispatchQueue(label: "hostname", attributes: .concurrent)
let serverEndpoint = NWEndpoint.Host(hostname)
guard let portEndpoint = NWEndpoint.Port(rawValue: port) else { return nil }
connection = NWConnection(host: serverEndpoint, port: portEndpoint, using: .tcp)
connection.stateUpdateHandler = { [weak self] (newState) in
switch newState {
case .ready:
debugPrint("TcpReader.ready to send")
case .failed(let error):
debugPrint("TcpReader.client failed with error \(error)")
case .setup:
case .waiting(_):
case .preparing:
case .cancelled:
func receive() {
connection.receive(minimumIncompleteLength: 1, maximumLength: 8192) { (content, context, isComplete, error) in
debugPrint("\(Date()) TcpReader: got a message \(String(describing: content?.count)) bytes")
if let content = content {
self.delegate.gotData(data: content, from: self.hostname, port: self.port)
if self.connection.state == .ready && isComplete == false {
I think you can use a short time connection many times. For example a client connects to the host and asks the host to do something and then tells the host to shutdown the connection. The host switches to the waiting mode to ready a new connection. See the diagram below.
You should have the connection timer to shutdown opened connection when the client don't send the close connection or answer event to the host for a particular time.
On a long-running TCP socket, you should implement customized heartbeat for monitor the connection status is alive or disconnected.
The heartbeat can as message or encrypt data to send, usually according to the server spec documents to implement.
Below as sample concept code to explain the flow for reference (without network packet content handler).
I can no guarantee is this common and correct way, but that's work for my project.
import Network
class NetworkService {
lazy var heartbeatTimeoutTask: DispatchWorkItem = {
return DispatchWorkItem { self.handleHeartbeatTimeOut() }
lazy var connection: NWConnection = {
// Create the connection
let connection = NWConnection(host: "x.x.x.x", port: 1234, using: self.parames)
connection.stateUpdateHandler = self.listenStateUpdate(to:)
return connection
lazy var parames: NWParameters = {
let parames = NWParameters(tls: nil, tcp: self.tcpOptions)
if let isOption = parames.defaultProtocolStack.internetProtocol as? NWProtocolIP.Options {
isOption.version = .v4
parames.preferNoProxies = true
parames.expiredDNSBehavior = .allow
parames.multipathServiceType = .interactive
parames.serviceClass = .background
return parames
lazy var tcpOptions: NWProtocolTCP.Options = {
let options = NWProtocolTCP.Options()
options.enableFastOpen = true // Enable TCP Fast Open (TFO)
options.connectionTimeout = 5 // connection timed out
return options
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "hostname", attributes: .concurrent)
private func listenStateUpdate(to state: NWConnection.State) {
// Set the state update handler
switch state {
case .setup:
// init state
debugPrint("The connection has been initialized but not started.")
case .waiting(let error):
debugPrint("The connection is waiting for a network path change with: \(error)")
case .preparing:
debugPrint("The connection in the process of being established.")
case .ready:
// Handle connection established
// this means that the handshake is finished
debugPrint("The connection is established, and ready to send and receive data.")
case .failed(let error):
debugPrint("The connection has disconnected or encountered an: \(error)")
case .cancelled:
debugPrint("The connection has been canceled.")
// MARK: - Socket I/O
func connect() {
// Start the connection
self.connection.start(queue: self.queue)
func disconnect() {
// Stop the connection
self.connection.stateUpdateHandler = nil
private func sendPacket() {
var packet: Data? // do something for heartbeat packet
self.connection.send(content: packet, completion: .contentProcessed({ (error) in
if let err = error {
// Handle error in sending
debugPrint("encounter an error with: \(err) after send Packet")
} else {
// Send has been processed
private func receiveData() {
self.connection.receive(minimumIncompleteLength: 1, maximumLength: 8192) { [weak self] (data, context, isComplete, error) in
guard let weakSelf = self else { return }
if weakSelf.connection.state == .ready && isComplete == false, var data = data, !data.isEmpty {
// do something for detect heart packet
// MARK: - Heartbeat
private func sendHeartbeat() {
// sendHeartbeatPacket
// trigger timeout mission if the server no response corresponding packet within 5 second
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 5.0, execute: self.heartbeatTimeoutTask)
private func handleHeartbeatTimeOut() {
// this's sample time out mission, you can customize this chunk
private func parseHeartBeat(_ heartbeatData: inout Data) {
// do something for parse heartbeat
// cancel heartbeat timeout after parse packet success
// send heartbeat for monitor server after computing 15 second
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 15.0) {
I am trying to make a simple echo UDP server that sends back all incoming datagrams prefixed with a UTF8 string.
In my attempts to reach this goal, I succeeded in sending back the incoming data, but when I try to prefix this data with the string: "You sent: ", I get an error writeDataUnsupported
This is my code:
I made a ChannelInboundHandler called Echo all it does is: For each incoming datagram, it sends the string "You sent: " and then the data of the incoming datagram.
final class Echo: ChannelInboundHandler {
typealias InboundIn = ByteBuffer
typealias OutboundOut = ByteBuffer
var wroteResponse = false
static let response = "You sent: ".data(using: .utf8)!
func channelRead(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, data: NIOAny) {
if !wroteResponse {
var buffer = ctx.channel.allocator.buffer(capacity: Echo.response.count)
buffer.write(bytes: Echo.response)
ctx.write(self.wrapOutboundOut(buffer), promise: nil)
wroteResponse = true
ctx.write(data, promise: nil)
func channelReadComplete(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext) {
wroteResponse = false
Then I made a single threaded event loop group and assigned a datagram bootsrap to it. Then I bound the bootstrap to port 4065.
let 🔂 = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numThreads: 1)
let bootstrap = DatagramBootstrap(group: 🔂)
.channelOption(ChannelOptions.socket(SocketOptionLevel(SOL_SOCKET), SO_REUSEADDR), value: 1)
.channelInitializer { $0.pipeline.add(handler: Echo()) }
defer {
try! 🔂.syncShutdownGracefully()
try bootstrap
.bind(host: "", port: 4065)
Why do I always get this writeDataUnsupported while trying to send the string: "You sent: "?
For DatagramChannel you need to wrap your ByteBuffer into an AddressEnvelope. Which also means your ChannelInboundHandler should operate on AddressedEnvelope<ByteBuffer>.
To make the ChannelInboundHandler operate on AddressedEnvelope<ByteBuffer>, as Norman Maurer suggests, you can rewrite Echo so it looks more like:
final class Echo: ChannelInboundHandler {
typealias InboundIn = AddressedEnvelope<ByteBuffer>
typealias OutboundOut = AddressedEnvelope<ByteBuffer>
static let response = "You sent: ".data(using: .utf8)!
func channelRead(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, data: NIOAny) {
var incomingEnvelope = unwrapInboundIn(data)
var buffer = ctx.channel.allocator.buffer(capacity: Echo.response.count + incomingEnvelope.data.readableBytes)
buffer.write(bytes: Echo.response)
buffer.write(buffer: &incomingEnvelope.data)
let envelope = AddressedEnvelope(remoteAddress: incomingEnvelope.remoteAddress, data: buffer)
ctx.write(wrapOutboundOut(envelope), promise: nil)
func channelReadComplete(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext) {