Allow only certain apps to use my VPN - Swift - swift

I am making an app that activates a VPN connection based on OpenVPN, retrieves a certificate from the database, and opens a tunnel using NEPacketTunnelProvider and NetworkExtension.
I used the following repository, and now my VPN is working fine.
But the problem is that I want to allow only one app to use this VPN when enabled (WhatsApp precisely), and I want to restrict all other apps of using it.
On Android it's possible by giving the bundle identifier of the allowed apps to the PackageManager.
Can you please help me?
This is my PacketTunnelProvider class:
import NetworkExtension
import OpenVPNAdapter
extension NEPacketTunnelFlow: OpenVPNAdapterPacketFlow {}
class PacketTunnelProvider: NEPacketTunnelProvider {
lazy var vpnAdapter: OpenVPNAdapter = {
let adapter = OpenVPNAdapter()
adapter.delegate = self
return adapter
let vpnReachability = OpenVPNReachability()
var startHandler: ((Error?) -> Void)?
var stopHandler: (() -> Void)?
override func startTunnel(options: [String : NSObject]?, completionHandler: #escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
// There are many ways to provide OpenVPN settings to the tunnel provider. For instance,
// you can use `options` argument of `startTunnel(options:completionHandler:)` method or get
// settings from `protocolConfiguration.providerConfiguration` property of `NEPacketTunnelProvider`
// class. Also you may provide just content of a ovpn file or use key:value pairs
// that may be provided exclusively or in addition to file content.
// In our case we need providerConfiguration dictionary to retrieve content
// of the OpenVPN configuration file. Other options related to the tunnel
// provider also can be stored there.
let protocolConfiguration = protocolConfiguration as? NETunnelProviderProtocol,
let providerConfiguration = protocolConfiguration.providerConfiguration
else {
guard let ovpnFileContent: Data = providerConfiguration["ovpn"] as? Data else {
let configuration = OpenVPNConfiguration()
configuration.fileContent = ovpnFileContent
// configuration.settings = [
// // Additional parameters as key:value pairs may be provided here
// ]
// Uncomment this line if you want to keep TUN interface active during pauses or reconnections
// configuration.tunPersist = true
// Apply OpenVPN configuration
let evaluation: OpenVPNConfigurationEvaluation
do {
evaluation = try vpnAdapter.apply(configuration: configuration)
} catch {
// Provide credentials if needed
if !evaluation.autologin {
// If your VPN configuration requires user credentials you can provide them by
// `protocolConfiguration.username` and `protocolConfiguration.passwordReference`
// properties. It is recommended to use persistent keychain reference to a keychain
// item containing the password.
guard let username: String = protocolConfiguration.username else {
// Retrieve a password from the keychain
// guard let password: String = ... {
// fatalError()
// }
let credentials = OpenVPNCredentials()
credentials.username = username
// credentials.password = password
do {
try vpnAdapter.provide(credentials: credentials)
} catch {
// Checking reachability. In some cases after switching from cellular to
// WiFi the adapter still uses cellular data. Changing reachability forces
// reconnection so the adapter will use actual connection.
vpnReachability.startTracking { [weak self] status in
guard status == .reachableViaWiFi else { return }
self?.vpnAdapter.reconnect(afterTimeInterval: 5)
// Establish connection and wait for .connected event
startHandler = completionHandler
vpnAdapter.connect(using: packetFlow)
override func stopTunnel(with reason: NEProviderStopReason, completionHandler: #escaping () -> Void) {
stopHandler = completionHandler
if vpnReachability.isTracking {
extension PacketTunnelProvider: OpenVPNAdapterDelegate {
// OpenVPNAdapter calls this delegate method to configure a VPN tunnel.
// `completionHandler` callback requires an object conforming to `OpenVPNAdapterPacketFlow`
// protocol if the tunnel is configured without errors. Otherwise send nil.
// `OpenVPNAdapterPacketFlow` method signatures are similar to `NEPacketTunnelFlow` so
// you can just extend that class to adopt `OpenVPNAdapterPacketFlow` protocol and
// send `self.packetFlow` to `completionHandler` callback.
func openVPNAdapter(_ openVPNAdapter: OpenVPNAdapter, configureTunnelWithNetworkSettings networkSettings: NEPacketTunnelNetworkSettings?, completionHandler: #escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
// In order to direct all DNS queries first to the VPN DNS servers before the primary DNS servers
// send empty string to NEDNSSettings.matchDomains
networkSettings?.dnsSettings?.matchDomains = [""]
// Set the network settings for the current tunneling session.
setTunnelNetworkSettings(networkSettings, completionHandler: completionHandler)
// Process events returned by the OpenVPN library
func openVPNAdapter(_ openVPNAdapter: OpenVPNAdapter, handleEvent event: OpenVPNAdapterEvent, message: String?) {
switch event {
case .connected:
if reasserting {
reasserting = false
guard let startHandler = startHandler else { return }
self.startHandler = nil
case .disconnected:
guard let stopHandler = stopHandler else { return }
if vpnReachability.isTracking {
self.stopHandler = nil
case .reconnecting:
reasserting = true
// Handle errors thrown by the OpenVPN library
func openVPNAdapter(_ openVPNAdapter: OpenVPNAdapter, handleError error: Error) {
// Handle only fatal errors
guard let fatal = (error as NSError).userInfo[OpenVPNAdapterErrorFatalKey] as? Bool, fatal == true else {
if vpnReachability.isTracking {
if let startHandler = startHandler {
self.startHandler = nil
} else {
// Use this method to process any log message returned by OpenVPN library.
func openVPNAdapter(_ openVPNAdapter: OpenVPNAdapter, handleLogMessage logMessage: String) {
// Handle log messages
This is the function used in my VPN View Model to start a tunnel:
func configureVPN(serverAddress: String, username: String, password: String) {
var configData:Data = Data.init()
self.getCertificate{certificate in
configData = certificate!
//If we want to read from a file
// let configData = self.readFile(name: "vtest2"),
let providerManager = self.providerManager
else {
self.providerManager?.loadFromPreferences { error in
if error == nil {
let tunnelProtocol = NETunnelProviderProtocol()
tunnelProtocol.username = username
tunnelProtocol.serverAddress = serverAddress
tunnelProtocol.providerBundleIdentifier = self.providerId // bundle id of the network extension target
tunnelProtocol.providerConfiguration = ["ovpn": configData]
tunnelProtocol.disconnectOnSleep = false
providerManager.protocolConfiguration = tunnelProtocol
providerManager.localizedDescription = "Slyfone Guard" // the title of the VPN profile which will appear on Settings
providerManager.isEnabled = true
providerManager.saveToPreferences(completionHandler: { (error) in
if error == nil {
providerManager.loadFromPreferences(completionHandler: { (error) in
do {
try providerManager.connection.startVPNTunnel(options: nil) // starts the VPN tunnel.
} catch let error {

As an engineer from Apple said:
The way to do it is to use Per-App VPN. See the Per-App VPN On Demand section in the NETunnelProviderManager documentation.
With NEPacketTunnelProvider on macOS (as of 10.15.4) you can set this up yourself with NEAppRule. A very generic example of setting up Safari to trigger the VPN would be:
var perAppManager = NETunnelProviderManager.forPerAppVPN()
/* ... */
NETunnelProviderManager.forPerAppVPN().loadFromPreferences(completionHandler: { error in
/* ... */
let proto = (perAppManager.protocolConfiguration as? NETunnelProviderProtocol) ?? NETunnelProviderProtocol()
proto.serverAddress = ""
proto.providerBundleIdentifier = "com.perapp-vpn.macOSPacketTunnel.PacketTunnelTest"
var appRules = [NEAppRule]()
let appRule = NEAppRule(signingIdentifier: "", designatedRequirement: "identifier \"\" and anchor apple")
appRule.matchDomains = [""]
perAppManager.appRules = appRules
perAppManager.isOnDemandEnabled = true
perAppManager.protocolConfiguration = proto
perAppManager.isEnabled = true
perAppManager.localizedDescription = "Testing Per-App VPN"
self.perAppManager.saveToPreferences { saveError in
/* Proceed to connect */
That was a very generic case and forPerAppVPN() is only available on macOS. A more real-world case world case for iOS would be to create this process through MDM. That entire flow is explained in the documentation I mentioned previously. I would start by just creating a configuration profile in Configurator 2 and testing it out.
No idea if it works on OpenVPN


SwiftUI: Check if Firebase RealtimeDatabase has a specific Child the register the value or return error

I am currently building an app with an account system.
Firebase is very new to me, that's why I watched a lot of tutorials, and now its working fine.
I want to implement that the user can choose a unique username at the registration. My problem is, I really don't know how to check if this name is already taken.
I found some code for that, but that's not working, I will show you the code for the RegistrationService file.
I hope someone can explain to me how to implement this username verification. It should return an error if the username is already taken and do continue the registration if its a valid username.
Thank you!
import Combine
import Firebase
import FirebaseDatabase
import Foundation
enum RegistrationKeys: String {
case firstName
case lastname
case info
case username
protocol RegisterService {
func register(with details: RegistrationDetails) -> AnyPublisher<Void, Error>
final class RegisterServiceImpl: RegisterService {
func register(with details: RegistrationDetails) -> AnyPublisher<Void, Error> {
Deferred {
Future { promise in
password: details.password
) { res, error in
if let err = error {
} else {
// Success on User creation
if let uid = res?.user.uid {
let values =
RegistrationKeys.firstName.rawValue: details.firstName,
RegistrationKeys.lastname.rawValue: details.lastName,,
] as [String: Any]
let db = Database.database(url: "theurl")
Database.database(url: "the url")
.child("\([ details.username] as [String : Any])")
// here should be the check and then continue if its valid
.updateChildValues(values) { error, ref in
if let err = error {
} else {
} else {
promise(.failure(NSError(domain: "Invalid user ID", code: 0, userInfo: nil)))
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
I can see two possibilities to solve your problem:
If the e-mail can serve as the username
Firebase authentication already sends back an error message in case the e-mail (the one used when creating the user) already exists. If the e-mail passed in the following function is not unique, an error will be thrown:
password: details.password
) { res, error in
if let err = error {
If an additional username besides the e-mail is required
If you need usernames in addition to the e-mails, you can store them under a node "usernames", like we see in your example. Personally, I would hash them instead of storing them plain.
The structure could simply be:
usernames: {
username_1: true,
username_2: true,
username_n: true
The example below checks to see if a new username exists and stores the result in the variable isUsernameTaken:
let db = Database.database(url: "the url").reference()
let newUsername = "seeIfItIsTaken"
db.child("usernames").child(newUsername).getData() { error, snapshot in
guard error == nil else {
print("Found error \(error)")
let isUsernameTaken = snapshot.exists()

Screen Sharing using Twilio in iOS

I am using Twilio iOS framework to connect in the group room.
On the click on connect room button below is the code which I used
let recorder = RPScreenRecorder.shared()
recorder.isMicrophoneEnabled = false
recorder.isCameraEnabled = false
// The source produces either downscaled buffers with smoother motion, or an HD screen recording.
videoSource = ReplayKitVideoSource(isScreencast: true, telecineOptions: ReplayKitVideoSource.TelecineOptions.disabled)
screenTrack = LocalVideoTrack(source: videoSource!,
enabled: true,
name: "Screen")
recorder.startCapture(handler: { (sampleBuffer, type, error) in
if error != nil {
print("Capture error: ", error as Any)
switch type {
self.videoSource?.processFrame(sampleBuffer: sampleBuffer)
case RPSampleBufferType.audioApp:
case RPSampleBufferType.audioMic:
// We use `TVIDefaultAudioDevice` to capture and playback audio for conferencing.
}) { (error) in
if error != nil {
print("Screen capture error: ", error as Any)
} else {
print("Screen capture started.")
if (accessToken == "TWILIO_ACCESS_TOKEN") {
do {
accessToken = try TokenUtils.fetchToken(url: tokenUrl)
} catch {
let message = "Failed to fetch access token"
logMessage(messageText: message)
// Prepare local media which we will share with Room Participants.
// Preparing the connect options with the access token that we fetched (or hardcoded).
let connectOptions = ConnectOptions(token: accessToken) { (builder) in
// Use the local media that we prepared earlier.
builder.audioTracks = self.localAudioTrack != nil ? [self.localAudioTrack!] : [LocalAudioTrack]()
builder.videoTracks = self.localVideoTrack != nil ? [self.localVideoTrack!, self.screenTrack!] : [LocalVideoTrack]()
// Use the preferred audio codec
if let preferredAudioCodec = Settings.shared.audioCodec {
builder.preferredAudioCodecs = [preferredAudioCodec]
// Use the preferred video codec
if let preferredVideoCodec = Settings.shared.videoCodec {
builder.preferredVideoCodecs = [preferredVideoCodec]
// Use the preferred encoding parameters
if let encodingParameters = Settings.shared.getEncodingParameters() {
builder.encodingParameters = encodingParameters
// Use the preferred signaling region
if let signalingRegion = Settings.shared.signalingRegion {
builder.region = signalingRegion
builder.roomName = self.roomTextField.text
// Connect to the Room using the options we provided.
room = TwilioVideoSDK.connect(options: connectOptions, delegate: self)
logMessage(messageText: "Attempting to connect to room \(String(describing: self.roomTextField.text))")
When I connected in the group with remote participant I want to share the screen with remote participant.
To implement this feature I have referred the “ReplayKitExample” with in-app capture method. But not able to do that.
Remote participant not able to see the screen share content.
Nothing is happening related to screen share with this, and looking for inputs on implementing it.
I want to share the screen to remote participant.
Its happening because you are trying to send "cameraSource" and "videoSource" both data at the same time you have to unsubscribe the "cameraSource" before sending "viseoSource".
Heres my code you can refer:
//MARK: - Screen Sharing via replaykit
extension CallRoomViewController: RPScreenRecorderDelegate {
func broadCastButtonTapped(){
guard screenRecorder.isAvailable else {
print("Not able to Broadcast")
print("Can Broadcast")
if self.videoSource != nil {
} else {
func publishVideoTrack(){
if let participant =,
let videoTrack = self.localVideoTrack {
func unpublishVideoTrack(){
if let participant =,
let videoTrack = self.localVideoTrack {
func stopConference() {
self.localVideoTrack = nil
self.videoSource = nil
self.localVideoTrack = LocalVideoTrack(source: cameraSource!, enabled: true, name: "Camera")
screenRecorder.stopCapture{ (captureError) in
if let error = captureError {
print("Screen capture stop error: ", error as Any)
} else {
print("Screen capture stopped.")
func startConference() {
self.localVideoTrack = nil
// We are only using ReplayKit to capture the screen.
// Use a LocalAudioTrack to capture the microphone for sharing audio in the room.
screenRecorder.isMicrophoneEnabled = false
// Use a LocalVideoTrack with a CameraSource to capture the camera for sharing camera video in the room.
screenRecorder.isCameraEnabled = false
// The source produces either downscaled buffers with smoother motion, or an HD screen recording.
self.videoSource = ReplayKitVideoSource(isScreencast: true,
telecineOptions: ReplayKitVideoSource.TelecineOptions.p60to24or25or30)
self.localVideoTrack = LocalVideoTrack(source: videoSource!,
enabled: true,
name: "Screen")
let videoCodec = Settings.shared.videoCodec ?? Vp8Codec()!
let (_, outputFormat) = ReplayKitVideoSource.getParametersForUseCase(codec: videoCodec,
isScreencast: true,
screenRecorder.startCapture(handler: { (sampleBuffer, type, error) in
if error != nil {
print("Capture error: ", error as Any)
switch type {
self.videoSource?.processFrame(sampleBuffer: sampleBuffer)
case RPSampleBufferType.audioApp:
case RPSampleBufferType.audioMic:
// We use `TVIDefaultAudioDevice` to capture and playback audio for conferencing.
print(error ?? "screenRecorder error")
}) { (error) in
if error != nil {
print("Screen capture error: ", error as Any)
} else {
print("Screen capture started.")
And you can connect room from viewDidLoad()
func connectToChatRoom(){
// Configure access token either from server or manually.
// If the default wasn't changed, try fetching from server.
accessToken = self.callRoomDetail.charRoomAccessToken
guard accessToken != "TWILIO_ACCESS_TOKEN" else {
let message = "Failed to fetch access token"
print( message)
// Prepare local media which we will share with Room Participants.
// Preparing the connect options with the access token that we fetched (or hardcoded).
let connectOptions = ConnectOptions(token: accessToken) { (builder) in
// The name of the Room where the Client will attempt to connect to. Please note that if you pass an empty
// Room `name`, the Client will create one for you. You can get the name or sid from any connected Room.
builder.roomName = self.callRoomDetail.chatRoomName
// Use the local media that we prepared earlier.
if let audioTrack = self.localAudioTrack {
builder.audioTracks = [ audioTrack ]
if let videoTrack = self.localVideoTrack {
builder.videoTracks = [ videoTrack ]
// Use the preferred audio codec
if let preferredAudioCodec = Settings.shared.audioCodec {
builder.preferredAudioCodecs = [preferredAudioCodec]
// Use the preferred video codec
if let preferredVideoCodec = Settings.shared.videoCodec {
builder.preferredVideoCodecs = [preferredVideoCodec]
// Use the preferred encoding parameters
let videoCodec = Settings.shared.videoCodec ?? Vp8Codec()!
let (encodingParams, _) = ReplayKitVideoSource.getParametersForUseCase(codec: videoCodec,
isScreencast: true,
builder.encodingParameters = encodingParams
// Use the preferred signaling region
if let signalingRegion = Settings.shared.signalingRegion {
builder.region = signalingRegion
builder.isAutomaticSubscriptionEnabled = true
builder.isNetworkQualityEnabled = true
builder.networkQualityConfiguration = NetworkQualityConfiguration(localVerbosity: .minimal,
remoteVerbosity: .minimal)
// Connect to the Room using the options we provided.
room = TwilioVideoSDK.connect(options: connectOptions, delegate: self)
print( "Attempting to connect to room \(self.callRoomDetail.chatRoomName ?? ""))")
self.showRoomUI(inRoom: true)
You can get ReplayKitVideoSource file and other files from twilio repository
I work at Twilio and I can confirm that you should be able to publish video tracks for both camera and screen at the same time without issue.
It is difficult to identify why this is not working for you without a completely functional example app.
However I have tested this using one of our reference apps and confirmed it is working. More details are here:
Hopefully this is a useful example for how to publish both camera and screen video at the same time.

MSAL integration B2C AD in Swift Xcode Getting Error after hitting Authorize "Could not acquire token

There are some similar question however none of those solve my problem.
Using Xcode 11.1
MacOS Cataline 10.15
I clone this "active-directory-b2c-ios-swift-native-msal" and try to run getting Error "Could not acquire token: Error Domain=MSALErrorDomain Code=-50000 "(null)" UserInfo={MSALErrorDescriptionKey=Failed to start an interactive session, MSALInternalErrorCodeKey=-42008, MSALCorrelationIDKey=C9207A45-6A7D-416B-90E4-93E08F28A637}"
After changing B2C details same issue getting .
Please let me know what is issue, Is this issue for Xcode/OS/MSAL version or some issue with Code??
I tried with default configuration mention in git repo "active-directory-b2c-ios-swift-native-msal" and also tried after below changed let kTenantName = "" // Your tenant name
let kClientID = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" // Your client ID from the portal when you created your application
let kSignupOrSigninPolicy = "B2C_1-policy" // Your signup and sign-in policy you created in the portal
let kEditProfilePolicy = "b2c_1_edit_profile" // Your edit policy you created in the portal
let kResetPasswordPolicy = "B2C_1_reset_password" // Your reset password policy you created in the portal
let kGraphURI = "" // This is your backend API that you've configured to accept your app's tokens
let kScopes: [String] = [""] // This is a scope that you've configured your backend API to look for.
// tried with this scope format as well, let kScopes: [String] = [""] // This is a scope that you've configured your backend API to look for.
let kTenantName = "" // Your tenant name
let kClientID = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" // Your client ID from the portal when you created your application
let kSignupOrSigninPolicy = "B2C_1-policy" // Your signup and sign-in policy you created in the portal
let kEditProfilePolicy = "b2c_1_edit_profile" // Your edit policy you created in the portal
let kResetPasswordPolicy = "B2C_1_reset_password" // Your reset password policy you created in the portal
let kGraphURI = "" // This is your backend API that you've configured to accept your app's tokens
let kScopes: [String] = [""] // This is a scope that you've configured your backend API to look for.
// tried with this scope format as well, let kScopes: [String] = [""] // This is a scope that you've configured your backend API to look for
// DO NOT CHANGE - This is the format of OIDC Token and Authorization endpoints for Azure AD B2C.
let kEndpoint = ""
var application: MSALPublicClientApplication!
var accessToken: String?
#IBOutlet weak var loggingText: UITextView!
#IBOutlet weak var signoutButton: UIButton!
#IBOutlet weak var callGraphApiButton: UIButton!
#IBOutlet weak var editProfileButton: UIButton!
#IBOutlet weak var refreshTokenButton: UIButton!
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
do {
Initialize a MSALPublicClientApplication with a MSALPublicClientApplicationConfig.
MSALPublicClientApplicationConfig can be initialized with client id, redirect uri and authority.
Redirect uri will be constucted automatically in the form of "msal<your-client-id-here>://auth" if not provided.
The scheme part, i.e. "msal<your-client-id-here>", needs to be registered in the info.plist of the project
let authority = try self.getAuthority(forPolicy: self.kSignupOrSigninPolicy)
// Provide configuration for MSALPublicClientApplication
// MSAL will use default redirect uri when you provide nil
let pcaConfig = MSALPublicClientApplicationConfig(clientId: kClientID, redirectUri: nil, authority: authority)
self.application = try MSALPublicClientApplication(configuration: pcaConfig)
} catch {
self.updateLoggingText(text: "Unable to create application \(error)")
This button will invoke the authorization flow and send the policy specified to the B2C server.
Here we are using the `kSignupOrSignInPolicy` to sign the user in to the app. We will store this
accessToken for subsequent calls.
#IBAction func authorizationButton(_ sender: UIButton) {
do {
authority is a URL indicating a directory that MSAL can use to obtain tokens. In Azure B2C
it is of the form `https://<instance/tfp/<tenant>/<policy>`, where `<instance>` is the
directory host (e.g., `<tenant>` is a
identifier within the directory itself (e.g. a domain associated to the
tenant, such as, and `<policy>` is the policy you wish to
use for the current user flow.
let authority = try self.getAuthority(forPolicy: self.kSignupOrSigninPolicy)
Acquire a token for a new account using interactive authentication
- scopes: Permissions you want included in the access token received
in the result in the completionBlock. Not all scopes are
gauranteed to be included in the access token returned.
- completionBlock: The completion block that will be called when the authentication
flow completes, or encounters an error.
let webViewParameters = MSALWebviewParameters(parentViewController: self)
let parameters = MSALInteractiveTokenParameters(scopes: kScopes, webviewParameters: webViewParameters)
parameters.promptType = .selectAccount
print( parameters.promptType = .selectAccount)
parameters.authority = authority
debugPrint( parameters.authority = authority)
application.acquireToken(with: parameters) { (result, error) in
guard let result = result else {
self.updateLoggingText(text: "Could not acquire token: \(error ?? "No error informarion" as! Error)")
self.accessToken = result.accessToken
self.updateLoggingText(text: "Access token is \(self.accessToken ?? "Empty")")
self.signoutButton.isEnabled = true
self.callGraphApiButton.isEnabled = true
self.editProfileButton.isEnabled = true
self.refreshTokenButton.isEnabled = true
} catch {
self.updateLoggingText(text: "Unable to create authority \(error)")
#IBAction func editProfile(_ sender: UIButton) {
do {
authority is a URL indicating a directory that MSAL can use to obtain tokens. In Azure B2C
it is of the form `https://<instance/tfp/<tenant>/<policy>`, where `<instance>` is the
directory host (e.g., `<tenant>` is a
identifier within the directory itself (e.g. a domain associated to the
tenant, such as, and `<policy>` is the policy you wish to
use for the current user flow.
let authority = try self.getAuthority(forPolicy: self.kEditProfilePolicy)
Acquire a token for a new account using interactive authentication
- scopes: Permissions you want included in the access token received
in the result in the completionBlock. Not all scopes are
gauranteed to be included in the access token returned.
- completionBlock: The completion block that will be called when the authentication
flow completes, or encounters an error.
let thisAccount = try self.getAccountByPolicy(withAccounts: application.allAccounts(), policy: kEditProfilePolicy)
let webViewParameters = MSALWebviewParameters(parentViewController: self)
let parameters = MSALInteractiveTokenParameters(scopes: kScopes, webviewParameters: webViewParameters)
parameters.authority = authority
parameters.account = thisAccount
application.acquireToken(with: parameters) { (result, error) in
if let error = error {
self.updateLoggingText(text: "Could not edit profile: \(error)")
} else {
self.updateLoggingText(text: "Successfully edited profile")
} catch {
self.updateLoggingText(text: "Unable to construct parameters before calling acquire token \(error)")
#IBAction func refreshToken(_ sender: UIButton) {
do {
authority is a URL indicating a directory that MSAL can use to obtain tokens. In Azure B2C
it is of the form `https://<instance/tfp/<tenant>/<policy>`, where `<instance>` is the
directory host (e.g., `<tenant>` is a
identifier within the directory itself (e.g. a domain associated to the
tenant, such as, and `<policy>` is the policy you wish to
use for the current user flow.
let authority = try self.getAuthority(forPolicy: self.kSignupOrSigninPolicy)
Acquire a token for an existing account silently
- scopes: Permissions you want included in the access token received
in the result in the completionBlock. Not all scopes are
gauranteed to be included in the access token returned.
- account: An account object that we retrieved from the application object before that the
authentication flow will be locked down to.
- completionBlock: The completion block that will be called when the authentication
flow completes, or encounters an error.
guard let thisAccount = try self.getAccountByPolicy(withAccounts: application.allAccounts(), policy: kSignupOrSigninPolicy) else {
self.updateLoggingText(text: "There is no account available!")
let parameters = MSALSilentTokenParameters(scopes: kScopes, account:thisAccount)
parameters.authority = authority
self.application.acquireTokenSilent(with: parameters) { (result, error) in
if let error = error {
let nsError = error as NSError
// interactionRequired means we need to ask the user to sign-in. This usually happens
// when the user's Refresh Token is expired or if the user has changed their password
// among other possible reasons.
if (nsError.domain == MSALErrorDomain) {
if (nsError.code == MSALError.interactionRequired.rawValue) {
// Notice we supply the account here. This ensures we acquire token for the same account
// as we originally authenticated.
let webviewParameters = MSALWebviewParameters(parentViewController: self)
let parameters = MSALInteractiveTokenParameters(scopes: self.kScopes, webviewParameters: webviewParameters)
parameters.account = thisAccount
self.application.acquireToken(with: parameters) { (result, error) in
guard let result = result else {
self.updateLoggingText(text: "Could not acquire new token: \(error ?? "No error informarion" as! Error)")
self.accessToken = result.accessToken
self.updateLoggingText(text: "Access token is \(self.accessToken ?? "empty")")
self.updateLoggingText(text: "Could not acquire token: \(error)")
guard let result = result else {
self.updateLoggingText(text: "Could not acquire token: No result returned")
self.accessToken = result.accessToken
self.updateLoggingText(text: "Refreshing token silently")
self.updateLoggingText(text: "Refreshed access token is \(self.accessToken ?? "empty")")
} catch {
self.updateLoggingText(text: "Unable to construct parameters before calling acquire token \(error)")
#IBAction func callApi(_ sender: UIButton) {
guard let accessToken = self.accessToken else {
self.updateLoggingText(text: "Operation failed because could not find an access token!")
let sessionConfig = URLSessionConfiguration.default
sessionConfig.timeoutIntervalForRequest = 30
let url = URL(string: self.kGraphURI)
var request = URLRequest(url: url!)
request.setValue("Bearer \(accessToken)", forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization")
let urlSession = URLSession(configuration: sessionConfig, delegate: self, delegateQueue: OperationQueue.main)
self.updateLoggingText(text: "Calling the API....")
urlSession.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, error in
guard let validData = data else {
self.updateLoggingText(text: "Could not call API: \(error ?? "No error informarion" as! Error)")
let result = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: validData, options: [])
guard let validResult = result as? [String: Any] else {
self.updateLoggingText(text: "Nothing returned from API")
self.updateLoggingText(text: "API response: \(validResult.debugDescription)")
#IBAction func signoutButton(_ sender: UIButton) {
do {
Removes all tokens from the cache for this application for the provided account
- account: The account to remove from the cache
let thisAccount = try self.getAccountByPolicy(withAccounts: application.allAccounts(), policy: kSignupOrSigninPolicy)
if let accountToRemove = thisAccount {
try application.remove(accountToRemove)
} else {
self.updateLoggingText(text: "There is no account to signing out!")
self.signoutButton.isEnabled = false
self.callGraphApiButton.isEnabled = false
self.editProfileButton.isEnabled = false
self.refreshTokenButton.isEnabled = false
self.updateLoggingText(text: "Signed out")
} catch {
self.updateLoggingText(text: "Received error signing out: \(error)")
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
if self.accessToken == nil {
signoutButton.isEnabled = false
callGraphApiButton.isEnabled = false
editProfileButton.isEnabled = false
refreshTokenButton.isEnabled = false
func getAccountByPolicy (withAccounts accounts: [MSALAccount], policy: String) throws -> MSALAccount? {
for account in accounts {
// This is a single account sample, so we only check the suffic part of the object id,
// where object id is in the form of <object id>-<policy>.
// For multi-account apps, the whole object id needs to be checked.
if let homeAccountId = account.homeAccountId, let objectId = homeAccountId.objectId {
if objectId.hasSuffix(policy.lowercased()) {
return account
return nil
The way B2C knows what actions to perform for the user of the app is through the use of `Authority URL`.
It is of the form `https://<instance/tfp/<tenant>/<policy>`, where `<instance>` is the
directory host (e.g., `<tenant>` is a
identifier within the directory itself (e.g. a domain associated to the
tenant, such as, and `<policy>` is the policy you wish to
use for the current user flow.
func getAuthority(forPolicy policy: String) throws -> MSALB2CAuthority {
guard let authorityURL = URL(string: String(format: self.kEndpoint, self.kTenantName, policy)) else {
throw NSError(domain: "SomeDomain",
code: 1,
userInfo: ["errorDescription": "Unable to create authority URL!"])
return try MSALB2CAuthority(url: authorityURL)
func updateLoggingText(text: String) {
self.loggingText.text = text
After run getting error above
The sample has been updated and should be working as expected now. It is now updated to handle * and now adds sui_si and edit profile to the known authorities list.
let siginPolicyAuthority = try self.getAuthority(forPolicy: self.kSignupOrSigninPolicy)
let editProfileAuthority = try self.getAuthority(forPolicy: self.kEditProfilePolicy)
// Provide configuration for MSALPublicClientApplication
// MSAL will use default redirect uri when you provide nil
let pcaConfig = MSALPublicClientApplicationConfig(clientId: kClientID, redirectUri: nil, authority: siginPolicyAuthority)
pcaConfig.knownAuthorities = [siginPolicyAuthority, editProfileAuthority]
self.application = try MSALPublicClientApplication(configuration: pcaConfig)
func getAuthority(forPolicy policy: String) throws -> MSALB2CAuthority {
guard let authorityURL = URL(string: String(format: self.kEndpoint, self.kAuthorityHostName, self.kTenantName, policy)) else {
throw NSError(domain: "SomeDomain",
code: 1,
userInfo: ["errorDescription": "Unable to create authority URL!"])
return try MSALB2CAuthority(url: authorityURL)

VPN in Swift - loadFromPreferences not running handler

I am trying to connect programmatically to a VPN. I got the code below on this website:
I am trying to develop a command line application for macOS to connect programatically to a VPN.
import Foundation
import NetworkExtension
class VPN {
let vpnManager = NEVPNManager.shared();
let userName: String;
let passString: String;
let secret: String;
let server: String;
init (_ user: String, _ pass: String, _ secret: String, _ server: String){
userName = user
passString = pass
self.secret = secret
self.server = server
private var vpnLoadHandler: (Error?) -> Void { return
{ (error:Error?) in
if ((error) != nil) {
print("Could not load VPN Configurations")
print ("me! me! ")
let p = NEVPNProtocolIPSec()
p.username = self.userName
p.serverAddress = self.server
p.authenticationMethod = NEVPNIKEAuthenticationMethod.sharedSecret
let kcs = KeychainService(); "SHARED", value: self.secret ) "VPN_PASSWORD", value: self.passString)
p.sharedSecretReference = kcs.load(key: "SHARED")
p.passwordReference = kcs.load(key: "VPN_PASSWORD")
p.useExtendedAuthentication = true
p.disconnectOnSleep = false
p.localIdentifier = "uio"
self.vpnManager.protocolConfiguration = p
self.vpnManager.localizedDescription = "Contensi"
self.vpnManager.isEnabled = true
self.vpnManager.saveToPreferences(completionHandler: self.vpnSaveHandler)
} }
private var vpnSaveHandler: (Error?) -> Void { return
{ (error:Error?) in
if (error != nil) {
print("Could not save VPN Configurations")
} else {
do {
try self.vpnManager.connection.startVPNTunnel()
} catch let error {
print("Error starting VPN Connection \(error.localizedDescription)");
public func connectVPN() {
//For no known reason the process of saving/loading the VPN configurations fails.On the 2nd time it works
do {
self.vpnManager.loadFromPreferences(completionHandler: self.vpnLoadHandler)
// self.vpnManager.saveToPreferences(completionHandler: nil)
public func disconnectVPN() ->Void {
public func status() -> NEVPNStatus {
return vpnManager.connection.status
My problem is that I my completion handlers are not working. Take the function connectVPN(), for instance. It's completion handler is vpnLoadHandler. However, I never get that handler executed. See the print statement on the handler? Nothing ever gets printed.
Reading Apple's documentation, I know that I have to configure XCode with an entitlement in order to allow VPN - I haven't got the "capabilities"-tab, so I don't know how to add that entitlement. I am not sure if that's the problem, since the app compiles file and executes. I just don't get the completion handler to execute.
So, basically:
why isn't the handler being called? And what can I do to debug?
Could this be due the lack an entitlement to allow the configuration of a personal vpn in xcode? If so, how can I configure that?
UPDATE I actually managed to create the entitlements file, and I guess it has the proper settings to allow a personal vpn. So I guess that part is solved. But why isn't the completion handler called?

Having trouble with query-based Realms

Sorry, my subject isn't very specific.
I'm dealing with managing multiple users in my realm and having some problems. I have a user register with their email and name, then when realm logs in and creates a SyncUser, I create a new YpbUser object with the email, name, and SyncUser.current.identity in
When a user logs in, I want to use their email to look up whether there's an existing YpbUser for their email. I'm doing it this way so in the future if someone uses username/password and then uses Google auth (not yet implemented), those SyncUsers can get to the same YpbUser.
Below is my code for checking for an existing YpbUser, along with my realm setup code. The problem I'm having is that it usually, but not always, fails to find a YpbUser even if that user exists (I'm looking at the YpbUser list in realm studio and the user with that email is definitely there!)
Inspecting from within existingUser(for:in:), users is usually 0, but it sometimes non-zero.
I assume the issue lies somewhere in the fact that I'm pretty much just guessing on how to use SyncSubscription.observe.
Please help?
fileprivate func openRealmWithUser(user: SyncUser) {
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
let config = user.configuration(realmURL: RealmConstants.realmURL, fullSynchronization: false, enableSSLValidation: true, urlPrefix: nil)
self?.realm = try! Realm(configuration: config)
let songSub = self?.realm?.objects(Song.self).subscribe()
let usersSub = self?.realm?.objects(YpbUser.self).subscribe()
self?.usersToken = usersSub?.observe(\.state, options: .initial) { state in
if !(self?! {
self?.findYpbUser(in: (self?.realm)!)
self?.performSegue(withIdentifier: Storyboard.LoginToNewRequestSegue, sender: nil)
fileprivate func findYpbUser(in realm: Realm) {
if proposedUser != YpbUser() { // gets set from the login method
let existingUser = YpbUser.existingUser(for: proposedUser, in: realm)
guard existingUser == nil else { // If we find the YpbUser, set as current:
try! realm.write {
pr("YpbUser found: \(existingUser!)")
YpbUser.current = existingUser }
pr("YpbUser not found.") // i.e., SyncUser set, but no YpbUser found. i.e., creating a new YpbUser
createNewYpbUser(for: proposedUser, in: realm)
extension YpbUser {
class func existingUser (for proposedUser: YpbUser, in realm: Realm) -> YpbUser? {
let users = realm.objects(YpbUser.self)
let usersWithThisEmail = users.filter("email = %#",
if let emailUser = usersWithThisEmail.first {
return emailUser
return nil