I would like to use the loop trough my dbase and create_mydynamic event in MAIN for different process flows. I have to insert a function where it will only pick the pallets with the specified ID. So the different pallet types (ID) which I insert into my process with the source block should have the same ID like the pallets I will pick based on my database. So something like that:
agent.typeID= tor77_kunde1.id
Can you help me if it is possible?
List< Tuple > amounts =selectFrom( tor77_kunde1 ).list();
for( Tuple tup : amounts ) {
Date today=date();
Date future=tup.get(tor77_kunde1.picktime);
long diff = future.getTime() - today.getTime();
int n =tup.get(tor77_kunde1.n);
process.create_MyDynamicEvent(diff, MILLISECOND, n);
process1.create_MyDynamicEvent(diff, MILLISECOND, n);
Currently, you are freeing the last agent in the "wait" object. You need to free the one that has typeID == n in your DE.
So change your loop to something like:
for (MyAgentTypeWaitingInWait currentAgent : wait.getAgent()) {
if (currentAgent.typeID == n) {
MyCurrentAgentType is the type of the agents waiting in "wait". (Uppercase!). Read on the "enhanced for-loop" as well to understand better
I'm estimating last mile delivery costs in an large urban network using by-route distances. I have over 8000 customer agents and over 100 retail store agents plotted in a GIS map using lat/long coordinates. Each customer receives deliveries from its nearest store (by route). The goal is to get two distance measures in this network for each store:
d0_bar: the average distance from a store to all of its assigned customers
d1_bar: the average distance between all customers common to a single store
I've written a startup function with a simple foreach loop to assign each customer to a store based on by-route distance (customers have a parameter, "customer.pStore" of Store type). This function also adds, in turn, each customer to the store agent's collection of customers ("store.colCusts"; it's an array list with Customer type elements).
Next, I have a function that iterates through the store agent population and calculates the two average distance measures above (d0_bar & d1_bar) and writes the results to a txt file (see code below). The code works, fortunately. However, the problem is that with such a massive dataset, the process of iterating through all customers/stores and retrieving distances via the openstreetmap.org API takes forever. It's been initializing ("Please wait...") for about 12 hours. What can I do to make this code more efficient? Or, is there a better way in AnyLogic of getting these two distance measures for each store in my network?
Thanks in advance.
//for each store, record all customers assigned to it
for (Store store : stores)
distancesStore.print(store.storeCode + "," + store.colCusts.size() + "," + store.colCusts.size()*(store.colCusts.size()-1)/2 + ",");
//calculates average distance from store j to customer nodes that belong to store j
double sumFirstDistByStore = 0.0;
int h = 0;
while (h < store.colCusts.size())
sumFirstDistByStore += store.distanceByRoute(store.colCusts.get(h));
distancesStore.print((sumFirstDistByStore/store.colCusts.size())/1609.34 + ",");
//calculates average of distances between all customer nodes belonging to store j
double custDistSumPerStore = 0.0;
int loopLimit = store.colCusts.size();
int i = 0;
while (i < loopLimit - 1)
int j = 1;
while (j < loopLimit)
custDistSumPerStore += store.colCusts.get(i).distanceByRoute(store.colCusts.get(j));
Firstly a few simple comments:
Have you tried timing a single distanceByRoute call? E.g. can you try running store.distanceByRoute(store.colCusts.get(0)); just to see how long a single call takes on your system. Routing is generally pretty slow, but it would be good to know what the speed limit is.
The first simple change is to use java parallelism. Instead of using this:
for (Store store : stores)
{ ...
use this:
stores.parallelStream().forEach(store -> {
this will process stores entries in parallel using standard Java streams API.
It also looks like the second loop - where avg distance between customers is calculated doesn't take account of mirroring. That is to say distance a->b is equal to b->a. Hence, for example, 4 customers will require 6 calculations: 1->2, 1->3, 1->4, 2->3, 2->4, 3->4. Whereas in case of 4 customers your second while loop will perform 9 calculations: i=0, j in {1,2,3}; i=1, j in {1,2,3}; i=2, j in {1,2,3}, which seems wrong unless I am misunderstanding your intention.
Generally, for long running operations it is a good idea to include some traceln to show progress with associated timing.
Please have a look at above and post results. With more information additional performance improvements may be possible.
I would like to use the loop trough my dbase and create_mydynamicevent in MAIN for different process flows. So by means of my dynamic event I will release the type of pallets (id) to specified times which I insert into my source block. Because of that I can use my create_mydynamicevent function for different processes. My question is either what is wrong at the myDE and should I also adapt the create_dynamicevent function in Main?
Agent Type: Pallet: agent.typeID = pallet types
n = number of pallets I would like to release to the specified time of the dbase
flowchart Agent Type = Pallet
My Dynamic event and wait block are in my custom flowchart Agent Type "Store_and_Pick"
Main to create the dynamic event:
List< Tuple > amounts =selectFrom( tor77_kunde1 ).list();
for( Tuple tup : amounts ) {
Date today=date();
Date future=tup.get(tor77_kunde1.picktime);
long diff = future.getTime() - today.getTime();
int n =tup.get(tor77_kunde1.n);
process.create_MyDynamicEvent(diff, MILLISECOND, n);
process1.create_MyDynamicEvent(diff, MILLISECOND, n);
I am using a collection to represent available trucks in a system. I am using a 1 or 0 for a given index number, using a 1 to say that indexed truck is available. I am then trying to assign that index number to a customer ID. I am trying to randomly select an available truck from those listed as available. I am getting an error saying the left-hand side of an assignment must be a variable and highlighting the portion of the code reading Available_Trucks() = 1. This is the code:
agent.ID = randomWhere(Available_Trucks, Available_Trucks() = 1);
The way you are doing it won't work... randomWhere when applied to a collection of integers, will return the element of the collection (in this case 1 or 0).
So doing
randomWhere(Available_Trucks,at->at==1); //this is the right synthax
will return 1 always since that's the value of the number chosen in the collection. So what you need is to get the index of the number of the collection that is equal to 1. But you will have to create a function to do that yourself... something like this (probably not the best way but it works: agent.ID=getRandomAvailbleTruck(Available_Trucks);
And the function getRandomAvailbleTruck will take as an argument a collection (arrayList probably).. it will return -1 if there is no availble truck
int availableTrucks=count(collection,c->c==1);
if(availableTrucks==0) return -1;
int rand=uniform_discr(1,availableTrucks);
int i=0;
int j=0;
return j;
return -1;
Now another idea is to instead of using 0 and 1 for the availability, you can use correlative numbers: 1,2,3,4,5 ... etc and use a 0 if it's not available. For instance if truck 3 is not availble, the array will be 1,2,0,4,5 and if it's available it will be 1,2,3,4,5.
In that case you can use
But you will get an error if there is no available truck, so check that.
Nevertheless, what you are doing is horrible practice... And there is a much easier way to do it if you put the availability in your truck if your truck is an agent...
Then you can just do
Truck truck=randomWhere(trucks,t->t.available==1);
I'm still having troubles with AnyLogic...I'm developing an epidemic SIRS model and I want to define my own network.
In particular, I have this matrix that defines the daily average number of contacts between age class
and therefore I want every agent to establish contact with other agents according to this matrix...it is driving me crazy :S
AgeClass is a parameter calculated with the following function
I thought to setup an event that occurs once at the beginning with the following code
Now I am saying "connect n times to a random agent"...what I want to say is "connect n times to a random agent with AgeClass k" is there a way to do so?
thanks for the support!
ps when I write int i = AgeClass i takes the value of the parameter AgeClass of the agent that is running the code, right? So i it will be different for different agents?
Probably, you have already found a solution. Here a way to do it:
Regarding age, you don't need that big if/else if sequence. Just do something like this:
int ageClass = 0; // a variable of agents
ageClass = (int) floor(age / 5.0);
if (age >= 70.0 ) ageClass == 14; // just to be sure that max class is 14
return ageClass;
Regarding the network. I would create a function named setup, so that you can put it in agent actions, on startup, e.g. setup();
You can create a link to agents object at the agent level (Person in my code, I use a connection object named contacts). The function would be something like:
// loop through age groups
for (int i = 0; i < network[0].length; i++) {
ArrayList<Person> ageGroupPeople = new ArrayList<Person>();
for (Person p : population ) {
if ( p.ageClass == i ) { ageGroupPeople.add(p) } \\ create pool of potential alters by age
\\ create network per agent
for (Person ego : population ) {
for (int k = 0; k < poisson(network[ego.ageClass][i]); k++) {
Person alter = randomFrom(ageGroupPeople);
if ( ego != alter ) { ego.contacts.connectTo(alter);}
I haven't checked the code and how slow might be, it is just one way to do it.
In AnyLogic, you can represent a matrix as two-dimensional Java array:
After initializing the matrix, you may define custom contact network using the element 'Link to agents':
Apologies if the question is poorly phrased, I'll do my best.
If I have a sequence of values with times as an Observable[(U,T)] where U is a value and T is a time-like type (or anything difference-able I suppose), how could I write an operator which is an auto-reset one-touch barrier, which is silent when abs(u_n - u_reset) < barrier, but spits out t_n - t_reset if the barrier is touched, at which point it also resets u_reset = u_n.
That is to say, the first value this operator receives becomes the baseline, and it emits nothing. Henceforth it monitors the values of the stream, and as soon as one of them is beyond the baseline value (above or below), it emits the elapsed time (measured by the timestamps of the events), and resets the baseline. These times then will be processed to form a high-frequency estimate of the volatility.
For reference, I am trying to write a volatility estimator outlined in http://www.amazon.com/Volatility-Trading-CD-ROM-Wiley/dp/0470181990 , where rather than measuring the standard deviation (deviations at regular homogeneous times), you repeatedly measure the time taken to breach a barrier for some fixed barrier amount.
Specifically, could this be written using existing operators? I'm a bit stuck on how the state would be reset, though maybe I need to make two nested operators, one which is one-shot and another which keeps creating that one-shot... I know it could be done by writing one by hand, but then I need to write my own publisher etc etc.
I don't fully understand the algorithm and your variables in the example, but you can use flatMap with some heap-state and return empty() or just() as needed:
int[] var1 = { 0 };
source.flatMap(v -> {
var1[0] += v;
if ((var1[0] & 1) == 0) {
return Observable.just(v);
return Observable.empty();
If you need a per-sequence state because of multiple consumers, you can defer the whole thing:
Observable.defer(() -> {
int[] var1 = { 0 };
return source.flatMap(v -> {
var1[0] += v;
if ((var1[0] & 1) == 0) {
return Observable.just(v);
return Observable.empty();