I want to run TRAP #8 on EASy68k, which by definition, "Returns the time in hundredths of a second since midnight in D1.L." My current code is below. How would I display it?
ORG $1000
MOVE #8,D0
TRAP #15
You can use Task #3 to display a string of numbers in a data register.
Here is an example of what you might do:
MOVE #8,D0
TRAP #15
MOVE #3,D0
TRAP #15
I am analyzing a lot of crash dumps with Pykd and I would like to get the process ID (PID) from the crash dump.
In WinDbg, I'd use the command | and use my brain to figure it out. Some time later, I'd come up with a command like
.foreach /pS 3 /ps 999 ( pid {|}) {.echo ${pid}}
which extracts the process ID for me.
Just a little bit smarter and I'd use a pseudo register instead:
.printf "%p", $tpid
How would I use PyKD to get the process ID from a user mode crash dump file (.dmp)?
Of course I can always do a pykd.dbgCommand(), but I'd like to use a more robust built-in way.
I have tried
pykd.getCurrentProcessId() but it returns 0.
pykd.reg("tpid") but it says "Invalid register name"
0:000> dx Debugger.Sessions.First().Processes
[0x294c] : wait.exe
0:000> .shell -ci ".echo " type f:\src\wait\pid.py
from pykd import *
print(hex(expr("#$tpid"))).shell: Process exited
0:000> !py f:\src\wait\pid.py
0:000> |
. 0 id: 294c examine name: F:\src\wait\wait.exe
The pseudo reguster idea was not that bad:
gives the process ID as a number. Format it as hexadecimal if it's needed in the same format as |.
try to use pykd.getProcessSystemID
getCurrentProcessId has sense if you are debugging several processes and need to switch they contexts ( like | command )
I am iterating through a large test matrix in MATLAB and calling second-party proprietary software (running in MATLAB) each time. I cannot edit the software source code. Sometimes, the software hangs, so I want to exit it after a certain amount of time and move on to the next iteration.
In pseudocode, I'm doing this:
for i = 1:n
output(i) = proprietary_software(input(i));
How can I skip to the next iteration (and possibly save output(i)='too_long') if the proprietary software is taking too long?
You will need to call Matlab from another instance of Matlab. The other instance of Matlab will run the command and release control to the first instance of Matlab to wait while it either saves the results or reaches a certain time. In this case, it will wait 30 seconds.
You will need 1 additional function. Make sure this function is on the Matlab path.
function proprietary_software_caller(input)
if hToc<30
You will need to modify your original script this way
[status,firstPID] = str2double(system('for /f "tokens=2 delims=," %F in (''tasklist /nh /fi "imagename eq Matlab.exe" /fo csv) do #echo %~F'')'));
for i = 1:n
system(['matlab.exe -nodesktop -r proprietary_software_caller\(',inputStr,'\)&']);
while hToc<30 || ~(exist('outfile.mat','file')==2)
if hToc>=30
output(i)= 'too_long';
[status,allPIDs]=str2double(system('for /f "tokens=2 delims=," %F in (''tasklist /nh /fi "imagename eq Matlab.exe" /fo csv) do #echo %~F'')'));
for a=1:numel(allPIDs)
[status,cmdout]=system(['taskkill /F /pid ' sprintf('%i',allPIDs(a))]);
elseif exist('outfile.mat','file')==2
I hope this helps.
You are essentially asking for a way to implement a timeout on MATLAB code. This can be surprisingly tricky to implement. The first thing to state is that if the MATLAB code in question cannot terminate itself, either by exiting cleanly or throwing an error, then it is not possible to terminate the code without quitting or killing the MATLAB process in question. For example, throwing an error in an externally created timer does not work; the error is caught.
The first question to ask is therefore:
Can the over-running code be made to terminate itself?
This depends on the cause to the over-run, and also your access to the source code:
If the program gets stuck in an infinite (or very long-running) loop, either in MATLAB code or a mex file for which you have source code, or which calls a user-defined callback each iteration, then you can get this code to terminate itself.
If the program gets stuck inside a MATLAB builtin, or a p-code file or mex file for which you don't have the source code, and doesn't have support for calling a callback regularly, then it won't be possible for you to get the code to terminate itself.
Let's address the first case. The easiest way to get the code to terminate itself is to get it to throw an error, which is caught by the caller, if it exceeds the timeout time. E.g. in the OP's case:
for i = 1:n
output(i) = proprietary_software(input(i));
with the following code somewhere in the over-running loop, or called in a loop callback or mex file:
assert(toc() < 10, 'Timed out');
Now for the second case. You need to kill this MATLAB process, so it makes sense for this to be a MATLAB process you have spawned from your current MATLAB session. You can do this using a system call similar to this:
system('matlab -nodisplay -r code_to_run()')
While it is possible for a MATLAB process to quit itself in some situations which could be of use here (e.g. a timer function calling quit('force')), the most reliable way of killing a MATLAB process is to do it with a system call, using taskkill (Windows) or kill (Linux/Mac).
A framework using the approach of spawning and killing timed-out MATLAB processes might work like this:
Using system calls, launch one or more new MATLAB processes from your MATLAB session, running the code you want.
Use the file system or a memory mapped file to communicate between the MATLAB processes the function inputs, loop progress, outputs, process ids and timeout times.
Use the original MATLAB process to check the timeout times haven't been reached, or if so to terminate the process in question and instantiate a new one.
Use the original MATLAB process to collect up the function outputs (either from the filesystem or memory mapped file) and exit. Workers should terminate when there is no more work left
I provide a sketch only because a full working implementation of this approach is fairly involved, and in fact it has already been implemented and is publicly available in the batch_job toolbox. In the OP's case, using this toolbox (with a 10 second timeout) you'd call:
output = batch_job(#proprietary_software, input(:)', '-timeout', 10);
Note that for the toolbox to work, its root directory needs to be on your MATLAB path at startup.
I am iterating through a large test matrix in MATLAB and calling second-party proprietary software (running in MATLAB) each time. I cannot edit the software source code. Sometimes, the software hangs, so I want to exit it after a certain amount of time and move on to the next iteration.
In pseudocode, I'm doing this:
for i = 1:n
output(i) = proprietary_software(input(i));
How can I skip to the next iteration (and possibly save output(i)='too_long') if the proprietary software is taking too long?
You will need to call Matlab from another instance of Matlab. The other instance of Matlab will run the command and release control to the first instance of Matlab to wait while it either saves the results or reaches a certain time. In this case, it will wait 30 seconds.
You will need 1 additional function. Make sure this function is on the Matlab path.
function proprietary_software_caller(input)
if hToc<30
You will need to modify your original script this way
[status,firstPID] = str2double(system('for /f "tokens=2 delims=," %F in (''tasklist /nh /fi "imagename eq Matlab.exe" /fo csv) do #echo %~F'')'));
for i = 1:n
system(['matlab.exe -nodesktop -r proprietary_software_caller\(',inputStr,'\)&']);
while hToc<30 || ~(exist('outfile.mat','file')==2)
if hToc>=30
output(i)= 'too_long';
[status,allPIDs]=str2double(system('for /f "tokens=2 delims=," %F in (''tasklist /nh /fi "imagename eq Matlab.exe" /fo csv) do #echo %~F'')'));
for a=1:numel(allPIDs)
[status,cmdout]=system(['taskkill /F /pid ' sprintf('%i',allPIDs(a))]);
elseif exist('outfile.mat','file')==2
I hope this helps.
You are essentially asking for a way to implement a timeout on MATLAB code. This can be surprisingly tricky to implement. The first thing to state is that if the MATLAB code in question cannot terminate itself, either by exiting cleanly or throwing an error, then it is not possible to terminate the code without quitting or killing the MATLAB process in question. For example, throwing an error in an externally created timer does not work; the error is caught.
The first question to ask is therefore:
Can the over-running code be made to terminate itself?
This depends on the cause to the over-run, and also your access to the source code:
If the program gets stuck in an infinite (or very long-running) loop, either in MATLAB code or a mex file for which you have source code, or which calls a user-defined callback each iteration, then you can get this code to terminate itself.
If the program gets stuck inside a MATLAB builtin, or a p-code file or mex file for which you don't have the source code, and doesn't have support for calling a callback regularly, then it won't be possible for you to get the code to terminate itself.
Let's address the first case. The easiest way to get the code to terminate itself is to get it to throw an error, which is caught by the caller, if it exceeds the timeout time. E.g. in the OP's case:
for i = 1:n
output(i) = proprietary_software(input(i));
with the following code somewhere in the over-running loop, or called in a loop callback or mex file:
assert(toc() < 10, 'Timed out');
Now for the second case. You need to kill this MATLAB process, so it makes sense for this to be a MATLAB process you have spawned from your current MATLAB session. You can do this using a system call similar to this:
system('matlab -nodisplay -r code_to_run()')
While it is possible for a MATLAB process to quit itself in some situations which could be of use here (e.g. a timer function calling quit('force')), the most reliable way of killing a MATLAB process is to do it with a system call, using taskkill (Windows) or kill (Linux/Mac).
A framework using the approach of spawning and killing timed-out MATLAB processes might work like this:
Using system calls, launch one or more new MATLAB processes from your MATLAB session, running the code you want.
Use the file system or a memory mapped file to communicate between the MATLAB processes the function inputs, loop progress, outputs, process ids and timeout times.
Use the original MATLAB process to check the timeout times haven't been reached, or if so to terminate the process in question and instantiate a new one.
Use the original MATLAB process to collect up the function outputs (either from the filesystem or memory mapped file) and exit. Workers should terminate when there is no more work left
I provide a sketch only because a full working implementation of this approach is fairly involved, and in fact it has already been implemented and is publicly available in the batch_job toolbox. In the OP's case, using this toolbox (with a 10 second timeout) you'd call:
output = batch_job(#proprietary_software, input(:)', '-timeout', 10);
Note that for the toolbox to work, its root directory needs to be on your MATLAB path at startup.
Is there a way to iterate through all frames in windbg? (or to run dv for each stack frame)
For example: ~*e !mk -cc will iterate through all threads and call !mk -cc
What I want is basically:
For each thread: switch to thread:
For each frame in that thread:
.frame 00
Just wondering if there is a way to automate this?
Currently I am able to generate a script to do:
.frame 00
.frame 01
.frame 02
But this is a multistep process, and I want to automate it all.
You can use the ~e command to execute a command per-thread. Then you can use !for_each_frame to execute a command for each call frame. For example:
~*e .echo Thread Frames and Locals:; !for_each_frame dv
The .echo command is included simply to mark where one thread ends and the next begins.
Can someone please post a code piece for multiplying two one-digit numbers in the programming language brainf*ck?
,>,< input numbers at cell #1 #2
> go to cell #2
->+>+<< move data to cell #3 #4
>> go to cell #4
-<<+>> move data to cell #2
<<< go to cell #1
- decrement cell #1
>>. output cell #3
Program read to cell #1, #2 and result will be appear in cell #3
I use BF interpreter where I can input numbers as numbers(not ASCII Symbols)
Well, I might not have the most efficient way around it, but it works. I did things in a specific ways so that it would work with all of these
So, here it is:
>, >, <<
convert from ascii
+++++ +
>----- ---
>----- ---
separate numbers
>[-]>+> >+++++ +++++<
- >- [>>>]+++++ +++++<<+
<+++++ +++++>>>[-<<<->>>]<<<
convert to ascii
<+++++ +
>+++++ +++>
[+++++ +++>]
I used this interpreter: http://esoteric.sange.fi/brainfuck/impl/interp/i.html
well, I was inspired by the first one and made it much more simple:
the 48+ in the end is for the bfdev to show it in ascii.
I know this was posted over eight years ago, but I’d still like to share my answer in case anyone else stumbles across this thread.
This uses eight cells of space which should all be initialized with zero (in case your using this in a larger program) and the pointer begins at the left most of the eight cells. It will take in two single digit ASCII numbers and output a single two digit ASCII number. By an ASCII number, I mean it will take in and output the ASCII values of the characters making up the number. When this program is done, the pointer will once again be at the left most end of the eight cells and all cells will have been returned to zero. The values this will produce on the tape in normal operation will not go below 0 or exceed 81, so you don’t need to worry about negatives or wrapping.
Kinda hard to understand, but it works
I know this question is 11 years old but this is for future readers.
Post was made 12 years ago but I’d still like to share my answer just incase someone else see this thread.
,>>+++ +++[<<-------->>-]
<,>+++ +++[<-------->-]
I found this VERY VERY simple version that outputs the answer in the second cell
This example multiplies 2 by 2 and the number of +s in the beginning and in the bracket loop are the numbers to be multiplied