How do I add Sonarqube scans to NativeScript apps? - azure-devops

Has anyone ever integrated Sonarqube scans in their CI pipeline to scan Nativescript apps?
My current scenario is I have 3 separate build jobs.
Build the Angular website
Cloud - Windows
Build the android apk and publish the artifact (tns build android...)
Cloud - Mac
Build the ios ipa and publish the artifact (tns build ios)
The problem I face is that I want to run a sonarqube scan, which needs to run on-premise, which is fine because I can download the artifacts (apk file or ipa), or I can download the source. The real issue is that I do now know what to scan exactly. I don't know what to put in my (sonar.sources). Does anyone have a clue?

The sonar.sources paths are the directories containing main source files. The path is relative to the file. Defaults to ..
So you can download the source code, and set the path of sonar.sources to the source code folder.
For example, if the source files reside in mysource folder which is in the same directory of your file. You can set the sonar.sources=mysource.
Please check the document
Analysis Parameters and
SonarScanner for more information.
You can also check this thread, you may find it helpful.
You can also check out this tutorial to integrate Sonarque with azure devops pipeline. Managing technical debt with SonarQube and Azure DevOps


Azure Pipeline artifacts do not show under Storage

I have created a c++ pipeline where the output of the build pipeline is published to drop container. The structure is the following
My engineers will need to view drop folder and according to the version that needs to be manually deployed to a client the will download the dll file.
As far as I understand there is not any way to view them under Artifacts (what a shame). I go to the project settings under Storage but I cannot view them either there. Only place that I am able to find them is under the pipeline run and then I have to find in which version of the pipeline run a specific service version was produced. This is a maze. We have dozens of c++ projects and we have to keep track of which pipeline version run of each project matches the service version.
Is there any way to be able to access them like in a folder structure?
You could use Builds - List via rest API to get all the builds for a pipeline, then use : Artifacts - List rest API to get all the artifacts for a build. It will list all the download URL for artifacts, then you could download them together or choose the one you want to download.
Besides, you could use the publishLocation argument in publish build artifacts task to copy the artifacts to a file share (FilePath). And the file share must be accessible from the agent running the pipeline. In this way you could publish all your artifacts to the file share you want for better management.
In addition, you could also use Universal Package task to publish your artifacts to your feed for better review.

How do I publish a UWP package to the Windows Store via Azure Devops?

I am using Desktop Bridge with a c# Winforms application to make a package to publish to the store.
If I make my package locally using Desktop Bridge then I can upload it to the windows store successfully.
I am also now able to build and create the package artifact using a pipeline and I can see it in the Artifacts explorer.
I am having trouble following the docs on how to get the package into the store.
It mentions
Does ps mean powershell?
How do I get the YAML?
Or am I meant to build a release pipeline?
I tried looking at the release tasks but could not find anything that mentioned the Store.
This is a great article on how to build your package and deploy it to Hockey App (now App Center) but can be used to deploy to the store as well. I'm not sure exactly how you would convert it to YAML, but it shouldn't be too difficult.
Once you have the package built following the instructions in the article (It sound's like you already have), skip the Hockey App steps and instead publish to the store with this Azure DevOps extension task step:
Instructions to use the extension are on the extensions web page. You'll have to have an Azure Active Directory account. If you don't have one, it's easy to set up and it's free!
To answer your questions
Does ps mean powershell? - I just browsed down through the article and I don't think so. Usually it's saying you need to give this value in a property in the build step.
YAML is pretty new, and there is not, as far as I know, an easy way to convert it to YAML.
You'll probably want to do this in two steps: 1) Build the package and upload the artifact. 2) Download and release the package. Step 1 should be done in a build, step 2 should be done in a release. I find splitting these steps into two very helpful when only the release fails. Then I don't have to rebuild the package to try again, I can just redeploy the release.

Setting up build and deployment for a solution which have three web projects that needs to be deployed with Azure DevOps

I have a solution in VS where I have multiple projects but three of them need to be deployed in different azure web applications.
I have read tutorials where all of them show you these simple steps:
Setting up a build (pointing a .sln file)
Getting an artifact in a .zip file
Setting up a release pipeline where you select the artifacts (.zip file) and select the azure web application you want to deploy the artifact.
All that is fairly simple and works well when you have one web application in your solution. In my case it doesn't work because I think the artifacts have multiple application and I'm not giving any information to the deployment pipeline how it will select only one application from the zip file for each Azure Web Application.
How is the better way to approach it?
You have to change your way of build. Instead of building the solution (.sln) you can use (.csproj) (assuming you have a common .sln file which is having multiple .csporj)
Setting up the build - pointing projectA.csproj
Setting up the build - pointing projectB.csproj
Setting up the build - pointing projectC.csproj
Getting all the artifact in a separate zip ( 3 zip)
During the release you can deploy the corresponding artifact (zip) to your azure web apps
Lets say if you have a common .sln which is having a 3 separate .sln solutions. you can follow my answer here

Programatically run a load test without having the app in VSTS source control

We're using an on-prem VCS and CI pipeline, and don't have plans to switch to VSTS right now. However, I'd be very interested in running cloud-based load-tests against our app as part of our CI pipeline. In order to do this, I'd have to be able to programmatically upload the loadtest script and invoke it from VSTS.
Is this possible?
Yes, it is possible, the workflow like this:
1.Create a valid loadtest file. You can use the load test file from an earlier run through Visual Studio for this.
2.Create a location to upload the file(s). This location is a drop folder on Azure Blob and is below referred to as "TestDrop".
3.Upload the loadtest file and any other files required for the run, this includes the webtest files, settings file, etc. to this location or "TestDrop".
4.Create a Test Run using the Testdrop from the previous step as all the files required for a run are now available at the drop location.
5.Start the run.
6.Once finished, download the results to your local machine. This will be a gzip file. Uncompress it to get the results file.
7.Use Visual Studio to view the downloaded results.
More information, you can refer to this article, which contains samples.

VSTS: Release Management Deploying Artifacts to IIS on Premise

I am using VSTS Release management to deploy artifacts to IIS websites. I have several Web applications and web services to be deployed. So, i am trying to figure out what sort of tasks that best fits my situation.
I have created a build definition with Visual Studio Build Task for projects as this one:
which works fine but i need to add a task for copying the artifacts Under IIS Website Directory.
The other approach is to use IIS web deployment as a task in Release definition, so I created the build definition as:
However, it expects a Publish Profile (the build fails because it can't find it). I don't need to create a publish profile for each project in the application because this would be too much work.
Is there is a workaround for that or what is preferred approach for this?
You can update your build definition to generate a web deployment package and upload it to artifacts. And then in Release Management, add a task to run "projectname.deploy.cmd" in the deployment package to deploy it to your IIS server. Refer to this link for details: How to: Install a Deployment Package Using the deploy.cmd File Created by Visual Studio.
And you can also enable FTP Publishing on your IIS server and add a task in your release to publish the artifacts via FTP. You may need this task:
FTP Uploader.
My Continuous Delivery with TFS / VSTS – Server Configuration and Application Deployment with Release Management blog post (with reference to some previous posts) has all the details you need for deploying your artefacts to target nodes using Windows Machine File Copy tasks then use PowerShell on Target Machines tasks to get them in to correct locations and to do token replacement and anything else that's required.
I would recommend using PowerShell DSC so that IIS is properly configured before deployment but that's not required. Where possible for web apps I favour keeping things very simple by creating artefacts that contain all the web files that are needed for a particular folder and then just using plain xcopy for the deployment.
If you need more control you can also use my MSDeploy VSTS extension to deploy a MSDeploy package