How do I publish a UWP package to the Windows Store via Azure Devops? - azure-devops

I am using Desktop Bridge with a c# Winforms application to make a package to publish to the store.
If I make my package locally using Desktop Bridge then I can upload it to the windows store successfully.
I am also now able to build and create the package artifact using a pipeline and I can see it in the Artifacts explorer.
I am having trouble following the docs on how to get the package into the store.
It mentions
Does ps mean powershell?
How do I get the YAML?
Or am I meant to build a release pipeline?
I tried looking at the release tasks but could not find anything that mentioned the Store.

This is a great article on how to build your package and deploy it to Hockey App (now App Center) but can be used to deploy to the store as well. I'm not sure exactly how you would convert it to YAML, but it shouldn't be too difficult.
Once you have the package built following the instructions in the article (It sound's like you already have), skip the Hockey App steps and instead publish to the store with this Azure DevOps extension task step:
Instructions to use the extension are on the extensions web page. You'll have to have an Azure Active Directory account. If you don't have one, it's easy to set up and it's free!
To answer your questions
Does ps mean powershell? - I just browsed down through the article and I don't think so. Usually it's saying you need to give this value in a property in the build step.
YAML is pretty new, and there is not, as far as I know, an easy way to convert it to YAML.
You'll probably want to do this in two steps: 1) Build the package and upload the artifact. 2) Download and release the package. Step 1 should be done in a build, step 2 should be done in a release. I find splitting these steps into two very helpful when only the release fails. Then I don't have to rebuild the package to try again, I can just redeploy the release.


Azure Pipeline artifacts do not show under Storage

I have created a c++ pipeline where the output of the build pipeline is published to drop container. The structure is the following
My engineers will need to view drop folder and according to the version that needs to be manually deployed to a client the will download the dll file.
As far as I understand there is not any way to view them under Artifacts (what a shame). I go to the project settings under Storage but I cannot view them either there. Only place that I am able to find them is under the pipeline run and then I have to find in which version of the pipeline run a specific service version was produced. This is a maze. We have dozens of c++ projects and we have to keep track of which pipeline version run of each project matches the service version.
Is there any way to be able to access them like in a folder structure?
You could use Builds - List via rest API to get all the builds for a pipeline, then use : Artifacts - List rest API to get all the artifacts for a build. It will list all the download URL for artifacts, then you could download them together or choose the one you want to download.
Besides, you could use the publishLocation argument in publish build artifacts task to copy the artifacts to a file share (FilePath). And the file share must be accessible from the agent running the pipeline. In this way you could publish all your artifacts to the file share you want for better management.
In addition, you could also use Universal Package task to publish your artifacts to your feed for better review.

Azure DevOps Release Pipeline using Packaged Build and Publish Profile

I am trying to create a release pipeline in Azure DevOps. We already have a functioning build pipeline that works well, it is able to package the build with VSBuild and publish it as an artifact. Then in the release pipeline I am using an IIS Deployment job (which includes IIS Manage and IIS Deploy tasks) and it gets that artifact to deploy.
The problem is that we already have a publish profile (.pubxml) that should take care of pretty much everything the IIS Deployment is doing (at least as far I as I understand it). So to me it seems I have two options that don't require me to refactor the project configuration itself.
I can try to mimic the settings on the IIS Deployment job to match our .pubxml as closely as possible and manually applying any changes that aren't doable through the task settings. Obviously this is not ideal as that would require us to update both when ever we make changes and it introduces a large chance of the pipeline breaking down over time.
I can scrap the idea of using IIS Deployment and just use a VSBuild task that uses arguments /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:PublishProfile=Staging. This doesn't seem like best practices because it means my release pipeline isn't passing a build package to deploy, it is just creating a new one at each stage.
So is there a better option that would allow me to utilize the package I created with VSBuild and the .pubxml configuration together in a deploy? If that isn't possible then are either of my options the "correct" way to handle my situation or am I just missing another method of deployment I could use?
Thank you for any help or insight you can provide. Please let me know if there is any more information I can give that would be useful.
You can try using publish settings file (*.publishsettings) for your IIS deployment.
A publish settings file (.publishsettings) is different than a publishing profile (.pubxml) created in Visual Studio. A publish settings file is created by IIS or Azure App Service, or it can be manually created, and then it can be imported into Visual Studio.
To view more details, you can see:
Publish an application to IIS by importing publish settings in Visual Studio
Deploy your app to a folder, IIS, Azure, or another destination
So unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way I can achieve everything I wanted in this. The publish profiles are required for when we build the project so without making changes to how we configure those I need to build the project whenever I want to deploy. Ultimately I went with option #2. I essentially just copied most of the build tasks used in the testing pipeline and placed those in the release pipeline with a few modified commands to actually deploy the build once finished. It all seems to work just fine but still doesn't feel like best practices. If I am missing something please let me know and I will make updates as appropriate.

Is there an Azure Pipeline facility for releasing a standard Desktop Application?

Azure is well-suited to publicly releasing developer-oriented artifacts like NuGet packages. And it's great at deploying Web-Apps and things intended for VMs. Plenty of release templates for those. But I can't find much discussion on deploying a simple standard Windows desktop application installer. Does such a facility exist?
Because our pipelines produce two main artifacts we give to customers:
a NuGet packaged SDK for developers
an installer for a standard old Windows Desktop application for end users
Getting #1 out there is easy. But what do I do about #2?
I'm not sure what I was expecting. Maybe something like an Azure-provided publicly-facing page with a list of installer builds I had released. Something my pipeline could feed into directly. Maybe even some provision to require people to enter contact information to download the installer, or a customer-specific URL that would record for us who had downloaded it.
Does this sort of Azure facility exist? Or is this a case where we should just expose a downloads page directly from our own company website?
Is there an Azure Pipeline facility for releasing a standard Desktop Application?
I am afraid there is no such specific Azure Pipeline facility for releasing a standard Desktop Application.
When we release a standard Desktop Application, we could use the copy task or publish build artifact task to deploy standard Desktop Application build artifact, to a network drive folder or target machine directly.
You could check this document and my previous thread for some details.
So,there is no such specific Azure Pipeline facility for standard Desktop Application.
If you really want to use artifacts to manage standard Desktop Application, you could try to use the Universal Package, which store one or more files together in a single unit that has a name and version. we could also publish Universal Packages and download it.

How can I configure a Azure DevOps Release Pipeline to package PowerShell scripts?

I'm new to Azure DevOps and I'm trying to understand how to package a release of a PowerShell script project I'm working on.
I'm previously familiar with GitHub and the manual process for drafting a new release of my project repo. I'm now experimenting with Azure DevOps and what I want to achieve is a similar output to GitHub where my repo of PowerShell scripts are packaged into a zip file which I can publish for release.
I'm not familiar with the pipeline process in Azure DevOps or YAML as a newbie to proper release cycle tools. Previously I've just created scripts and shared them simply as they are or dropped them into a GitHub repo and manually packaged a release. I'm not likely to be turning out large numbers of builds and so have never had to come at this from an automated standpoint which seems to be the way Azure is driving me unless I'm missing something?
It's pretty simple. I prefer to do this using the old-fashing GUI (hint: there is a link when starting a new Build Pipeline that says Use the classic editor), and then convert to YAML after I get my Build Pipeline working.
1) Create your standard Build Pipeline.
2) Add the step to ZIP your files
3) Add properties to that Archive step. Specify the source to zip and target where you want the zip file to end up at.
4) Lastly, convert that single step to a YAML step by clicking in the upper-right corner on the link View YAML.
There are a lot of steps I am leaving out, but I hope this leads you into the right direction.

How to integrate powerapps with azure devops

I am doing some research for Powerapps integration with Azure DevOps.
However there is limitated information for it.
It is possible to integrate powerapps inside a Task for AzureDevops?
Based on, that we have a .zip file with the Powerapp, and we want to create a Build and Release/Deploy for several environments.
Thank You.
It is possible to integrate powerapps inside a Task for AzureDevops?
Yes it is.
You can leverage the Solution concept of the Microsoft Power Platform and the Power Apps BuildTools (preview) extension for Azure DevOps.
Update 11/2020: This is now GA and called Power Platform Build Tools
I've written a complete step-by-step guide on this topic:
A Continuous Delivery Approach for No-Code Solutions in Microsoft’s Power Platform
Bottom line:
With this build tool, you can automatically check-in a Solution into source control and deploy it using a continuous delivery approach with the help of Azure DevOps. See the screenshot for a sample configuration of the Export and Import Solution Task.
It works for everything you can organize inside a Solution, e.g.:
Power Apps
Power Automate Flows
AI Builder Models
Common Data Service Entities
It is possible to integrate powerapps inside a Task for AzureDevops?
I am afraid there is no such Task integrate powerapps for AzureDevops at this moment.
If you want to integrate powerapps with azure devops, you can follow the guide step by step:
Microsoft Teams – Integration with Visual Studio Team Services using PowerApps.
Besides, AFAIK, PowerApps should not be "Build/Deployed" through Azure Devops.
When you are developing with PowerApps, there is no way to do Source
Control. There are no source files. The only artifact you can version
control is the .zip file that you can export.
In PowerApps, you don’t have to build your code. Any change you make
to the application is live for you to test it. In that way it is very
productive. To publish the application you just click on the publish
button and it is live.
Check this great blog: PowerApps From A DevOps Perspective for some more details.
Hope this helps.
Solutions are a way to package your components in a single zip file and use Powerapps build tools to import your solution on to a different environment or tenant.
It is still a an improvement from manually importing each app or environment variable and then import it on to target system, but it lacks what we call as automation of deployment.
To provide an eg, I will explain what I have done, and what still constitutes of a manual task:
I created an enterprise level app using powerapp canvas model. My app consumes data from around 20 APIs. These API calls are implemented in power automate.
We have 4 environments, dev, sit, uat and prod. Now I cant keep on importing flows in each environment and change their api URLs to point to the deployed environment. So I used environment variables for each environment which stores api URLs for each environment. This can be done under solution.
Under the same solution, I added my app. So now my solution has 2 things, my app and the environment variable which consists of api URLs.
I then use powerapps build tools to move this solution from dev to sit.
Steps: use build tools tasks to perform the following
Export solution
Unpack it in git
Pack it
Import the solution.
This successfully moves my solution to sit.
But the solution environment variable still points to the dev url.
So I have to override environment variables to store sit URLs.
This manual intervention to edit environment variable is as good as doing all the tasks manually.
This was the case when PowerApps was first announced; however, this is no longer the case.
While it is technically true that there is no actual code that would be managed and deployed with a PowerApp or Flow but that doesn't mean that you can not use the power of Azure DevOps. Additionally, when creating a PowerApp / flow you would also be creating entities and even Model Driven apps - and these uses solutions - which naturally work well to deplooy within Azure DevOps.
Microsoft is building out this whole construct to enable all these to deploy...
While the whole incorporation of PowerApps and flows into Solutions is not fully baked yet - they are targeting to have this ready around the October time frame this year.
We have been talking to Microsoft about also enabling PowerApps and flows to follow the same expansion that solutions do so that they can take advantage of the full branching strategy.
So even though you would be simply exporting out zip files into your repo - you can still take advantage of the full devops pipeline which is highly recommended.
Use this component, it still on preview mode but is working fine on my side