Conversational Actions quick start guide - failing - actions-on-google

First timer here and I'm stuck :(
I'm trying to get a project of the ground by following the quick start guide. I've tried countless different ways of creating a project in the Actions Console. I believe that it should be New project -> Game -> Blank project (for smart display). I have enabled the Actions API for that project.
I created the project like this gactions init interactive-canvas --dest test-canvas
I have updated the file sdk/settings/settings.yaml with my project ID.
When I try to push my project with gactions push I get a couple of warnings and especially this one Custom actions can only be specified in Conversational Actions projects:
Waiting for server to respond...
[WARNING] Server found validation issues (however, your files were still pushed):
Locale Validation Result
Custom actions can only be specified in Conversational Actions projects.
en Short description is required
en Long description is required
When I try to run gactions deploy preview I get the following error:
Deploying files in the project "test-canvas" to Actions Console for preview. This may take a few minutes.
Sending configuration files...
Sending resources...
Waiting for server to respond. It could take up to 1 minute if your cloud function needs to be redeployed.
[ERROR] Server did not return HTTP 200.
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Request contains an invalid argument.",
"details": [
"#type": "",
"fieldViolations": [
"description": "Custom actions can only be specified in Conversational Actions projects."
How do I create a Conversational Actions project? I thought that I was doing that all along? I am Confused. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Kind regards,
$ gactions version

I'm trying start up a project too. I get that same error message, and I'm wondering if it's something on Google's side that needs to be fixed. For now, I'm just using gactions push when I update any code and going to Actions Console > Webhooks and clicking on Deploy. I wait for it to deploy to the server then I click on the Test tab to play with the simulator.


Can test users download add-ons from Google Workspace Marketplace when the user type is public-testing?

I'm going to publish the app using Google cloud console.
Less than 100 users will use it.
I'm going to use user type - External testing, but I have a question here.
Even if the user type is external-testing, if it is registered as a test user,
Can I download it in the Google Workspace Marketplace Regardless of the company's domain?
Even if the user type is external-testing
Do I need to set the app visibility to public in APP configuration of Google Workspace MarketPlace SDK API
and then go through the application qualification examination?
Please understand my lack of English. If there's anything you don't understand in the question, please leave a comment. Thank you.
Google Workspace Add On
To start, I would like to answer both questions:
The external would not be able to download or install the add on itself from the Workspace Marketplace due to the Add On not being listed at all for the external users (Gmail user).
It would not be necessary to make it public, also you would need to redo the process to make it public as it is already selected as internal. As long as they have the permission to access the project and the App Script that it was based on you can collaborate with external.
Collaborating with external users
If both the project and the App Script are share with external user (Gmail for example), you can edit the App Script manifest to something similar to what I have for a testing Sheet Add On:
// You would need to add this under the appscript.json file, You can find it under the settings of your App Script file.
"timeZone": "America/Guatemala",
"dependencies": {},
"exceptionLogging": "STACKDRIVER",
"runtimeVersion": "V8",
"addOns": {
"common": {
"name": "Sheet",
"logoUrl": "",
"layoutProperties": {
"primaryColor": "#2772ed"
"homepageTrigger": {
"runFunction": "welcomeMessage"
"sheets" : {}
Keep in mind that the manifest works for Google Sheet, however it would depend on what service you are using would need a different reference. You can then make a test deployment as a Google Workspace Add On:
This way you would be able to add the application and run some test on it or add it as a normal way and Add on would look like.
Sample of my configuration on GCP from a project of my domain:

"Error: We are currently unable to download the log. Please try again later." when trying to load github action log

I currently have a GitHub action that runs yarn list after a tag is created. I have been able to see the logs up until today (I created the action last week). the action runs successfully, but when I go to see the log of each run, it gives the "Error: We are currently unable to download the log. Please try again later." There have been about 60 tag creations since I implemented the action. How do I fix this?
There are currently issues with GitHub Actions that degrade the experience.
You can always view the current status at

Azure Function - Publishing Failed - RequestTimeout

I have a basic Azure Function app. When I try to publish the app, I receive an error that says "error : The attempt to publish the ZIP file through https://... failed with HTTP status code RequestTimeout.".
This app is a .NET Standard app. I followed the instructions here. The difference is, my app has an Event Hub Trigger instead of the Http Trigger shown in the documentation. I don't understand why i'm getting a Timeout during deployment. I also don't know how to get past this.
What am I doing wrong?
Here are the logs.
1>------ Build started: Project: MyProject.Functions, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
1>MyProject.Functions -> C:\MyProject\MyProject.Functions\bin\Release\netcoreapp2.1\bin\MyProject.Functions.dll
========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
Publish Started
MyProject.Functions -> C:\MyProject\MyProject.Functions\bin\Release\netcoreapp2.1\bin\MyProject.Functions.dll
MyProject.Functions -> C:\MyProject\MyProject.Functions\obj\Release\netcoreapp2.1\PubTmp\Out\
Publishing C:\MyProject\MyProject.Functions\obj\Release\netcoreapp2.1\PubTmp\MyProject.Functions - to
C:\Users\me\.nuget\packages\\1.0.23\build\netstandard1.0\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions.Publish.ZipDeploy.targets(42,5): error : The attempt to publish the ZIP file through failed with HTTP status code RequestTimeout. [C:\MyProject\MyProject.Functions\MyProject.Functions.csproj]
According to this:
you should be able to pass ?isAsync=true to the zipdeploy url (so it would be: ''
This requests resolves faster without a timeout and then you can grab the location header from the response, which you can poll to see the status of your deployment.
In my case this error was because of the version of packages in my .csproj file. After updating them there was not error and the publish was successful.
I faced this recently and spent 2 complete days trying to fix it. Tried most of the solutions suggested here and on other posts.
What finally worked for me is removing my Publish settings and creating a new one by uploading a brand new .PublishSettings file.
How to get .PublishSettings file?
On Azure Portal, on your Function App, click on "Get Publish Profile"
And will automatically start downloading it.
How to Upload Publish Profile?
When trying to Publish the project from Visual Studio, click on New -> Select "Import Profile"
And Browse your .PublishSettings file.
Then, just select this new profile (if it's not selected already), and click on Publish button as you would usually do.
In my case, it was an issue with two things:
1] Visual Studio and Azure are flaky. Timeouts in a working scenario are still somewhat regular, on a bad day happening about 50-75% of the time for me. This is with an 80mb function app, not super big and I have gigabit Internet.
2] Someone deleted the file share for the storage. I had to fix WEBSITE_CONTENTAZUREFILECONNECTIONSTRING to point to the right storage connection string, and I had to update WEBSITE_CONTENTSHARE to point to a valid file share name, which I had to create in the storage resource group matching WEBSITE_CONTENTAZUREFILECONNECTIONSTRING connection string.
If you are using a development and production function slot, I would suggest to make WEBSITE_CONTENTAZUREFILECONNECTIONSTRING and WEBSITE_CONTENTSHARE deployment slot settings, that way you can link to a production and development storage environment. This is especially handy if you are using tables or blob storage and don't want to have to prefix or suffix all your table names or keys. In my opinion these two settings should be slots by default.
Once I did these changes I could publish, still dealing with the intermittent timeouts.
The error messaging with Azure function publishing is bad to non-existant, with any kind of configuration or resource errors simply causing a timeout error.
I got the same issue when using Visual Studio. Very frustrating.
But then I just used the zip file that VS created and used
az functionapp deployment source config-zip -g <resource_group> -n \
<app_name> --src <zip_file_path>
to publish.
You can find more options in
I got the same issue recently.
I'm not sure if they are related, but it started working fine after updating the NuGet package "Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions" to v3.0.7.
Changing the profile to use WebDeploy was the only way i could update my Azure Function.
When downloading the Profiles from the Azure Portal, and importing to VS - i noticed it imported 2 profiles. 1 for Zip, and another for Web Deploy method for uploading.
Trying the Zip publish profile, failed, but the WebDeploy 2nd Profile - did work and update perfectly.

"Last Build Status: Failed" after uploading a build for analysis

We use Coverity's free scanning service for free and open source projects. We have not been able to utilize the service for the last two months or so. Prior to the service failures, we had half-a-dozen or so good analysis.
Submitting a scan results in:
Last Build Status: Failed. Your build has failed due to the following reason. Please fix the error and upload the build again.
Error details: :Failed to retrieve tar file
Coverity is very good about providing copy/paste directions, and we have copied/pasted them religiously. We verified there are no build errors, and we verified the build ends with "131 C/C++ compilation units (100%) are ready for analysis" and "The cov-build utility completed successfully".
We've tried to resolve the issue by verifying things from this generic solution provided in a "failed email" response from the service. We verified or performed all of them except number four.
We did not perform number four because Coverity's documentation is horrible (its the exact opposite of their awesome scanning service). Because there's no instructions or RTFM to read, we have no idea which knobs should be turned for bin/cov-configure. We don't want to mess with it since it worked in the past.
We also tried the following:
using the web submission form and browser
using curl from the command line
packaging cov-int/ in a tarball
packaging cov-int/ in a zip file
using all lowercase for the project name
capitalizing the first letter of the project name
We always get the same message ("Failed to retrieve tar file"), even with a ZIP file. Recall that prior to about 6 weeks ago, everything was working fine.
What is the secret to uploading a file to the service? What has changed in the last six weeks or two months?
After contacting the coverity support we just received the following answer and we could successfully submit a build. Seems there was some hickup on the coverity side.
"This was due to some behind the
scenes issues on our end – nothing interesting,, but it is back up and
running now. Thanks for your patience".

Click Once Deployment Error

I am new to Click Once Application deployment so I think I may have a simple problem. I have a window app that I created and deployed successfully as a ClickOnce App using Vis. Studio 2010 and deploying to a web service. I made some changes to the app and changed the deployment location so I started the click Once Process over. Now when I deploy I get an error. The app builds fine, runs fine in VS 2010, when I deploy files are created. Double clicking the App.application file will start the install of the app with a .Net framework error.
"Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately.
System.UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The URI is empty..."
I have double checked and triple checked the Publish Foldre Location and INstallation Folder URL to make sure they are pointing in the correct places and using the correct format. I double and triple checked the Updates dialog box when you click the Updates button. The combobox for the Application Updates matches the Installation Folder URL. "\MyServer\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Transfer\Deploy\" I double checked to make sure the required files are correct. Security settings did not change.
What could I be missing?
It seems you missed one backslash in your installation folder URL:
Please make sure that if you are using some image/sound or log files then its Build Action must be "Content" type.