Asammdf extracting more metadata - asammdf

Hi I am using asammdf library for handling MF4 files. When I open the file using asammdf GUI , in Info tab I can see information . I am trying to extract the same info by calling .info() function on the same file as below.
data = MDF(r"C:\Users\vaasu\Desktop\data\Recorder_2020-06-05_10-22_0120.MF4")
But this is only giving channel group information. But I need "program identification" and "Measurement comment" as well. How can I read that using asammdf API?

You can see what attributes are accessed starting with this line


Flutter | Retrieve ffprobe data

I'm using flutter_ffmpeg package, specifically I'm trying to retrieve information regarding the chapter marks from a .m4b file which is an audiobook. By using this method:
_flutterFFmpeg.executeWithArguments(['-i',, '-print_format', 'json', '-show_chapters', '-loglevel', 'error']);
I was able to output this data as a JSON map in the console. The thing is, I need to use this data inside my application, is there a way to get access to those chapters as a variable using another approach, or maybe to access this data directly from the console log printed by the method shown earlier.

SpreadsheetGear - Save Specific Workbook Sheet to CSV

I am opening an existing Excel file using SpreadsheetGear, using the following code:
SpreadsheetGear.IWorkbook xlBook = SpreadsheetGear.Factory.GetWorkbook(fileName, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
xlBook.SaveAs(fileNameCSV, SpreadsheetGear.FileFormat.CSV);
This works, but the saved CSV file contains the wrong sheet.
Can anyone help with a code snippet on how to open an Excel file in SpreadsheetGear, then save only a SPECIFIC sheet to a CSV file.
Please note I am working with SpreadsheetGear and want a solution for that library. Thanks!
The IWorksheet interface includes a SaveAs(...) method for just this purpose:
using SpreadsheetGear;
using System.Globalization;
IWorkbook xlBook = Factory.GetWorkbook(fileName, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
xlBook.Worksheets["My Sheet"].SaveAs(fileNameCSV, FileFormat.CSV);
I'll also mention that there is also an IRange.SaveAs(...) method if you want to save just a particular range to CSV / UnicodeText (tab-delimited).

How do I capture the output of tSampleRow/tFileProperties?

I have this flow where I am trying to fetch the details of the last modified file at the SFTP location. While I am able to do that and print the required file's name in the tLogRow component, I am not sure how to use that info to capture more details about the file / pass that info to the tFTPGet component. Any pointers?
Used the tSetGlobalVar with row11.CURRENT_FILE. Can use the global var now.

Creating PDF documents and exporting download links from the Tableau server

Is it possible to create PDF documents (e.g. on a nightly schedule) with Tableau and have those documents exposed by a URL by the Tableau server?
This sort of approach is common in the Jasper Reports and BIRT world, so I was wondering if the same approach is possible with Tableau?
I couldn't see any documentation on the Tableau site for creating PDFs, other than print to PDF
With Tableau Server, you can access your published workbook in a pdf format with this URL:
Simply, the url is the url of your view + you add ".pdf".
The pdf file will be generated dynamically when accessing the URL.
Another option is to program your own script with tabcmd.
You can have more info on tabcmd here:
The same technique also works for PNG. You can control filters using ?field_name=value. You can even select multiple values like this ?field_name=value1,value2.
Parameters can be set the same way.
Personally I've had the best luck with discrete dimensions instead of continuous ones.
I use the Windows Task Scheduler with batch files and Tabcmd.
Programs needed:
Windows TaskScheduler (All Programs- Accessories - system tools)
(tabcmd, how it works?)
Batchfile (create a text file and then save with file extension .bat):
1- Locate tabcmd and login
2- use function tabcmd get "http:\..." and -f "C:...pdf" to save to file.
3- concatenate the filters you want to use to the end of your URL as shown in other answers(all filters on the view must be included(filled out))
4- Save Batch file
Windows Task Scheduler:
1- create a task that will execute the batch file
You can do this by typing
Another option will be using javascript api like below..
function exportPDF() {

How to save message file in RAW format

One of our client does not know how to save/generate/produce/provide swift messages in its raw format via their swift alliance system, neither do i. By raw format i mean following format
:61:1112061207D110,00NCHKFDD388407 //071211WDM9103
291111 GUJ
:61:1112061207D200,00NCHK3927611471 //071211WDM9104
090911 KAR
Is there any way/interface to integrate with SWIFT and extract these files Or is there any possibility to schedule SWIFT to generate these files Or even manual steps to do it?
Edit 1
Messages are saved by creating a profile from the application and setting connection type to "File Transfer". It will then keep generating files in ISO format to a shared location.
to get output file from swift you need to configure message partner CBSOUT
to do so do the following
enter to swift application SAE or SAA with super user.
click on
Application interface.
from the list right click on
CBSOUT and then enable
to configure CBSOUT double click on it.
Data format :select RJE
output path name : put the folder you want to store the files
output the extension : put the file extension example :out or txt.
session initiation select Auto.
number of message =1
good lucky.
Messages are saved by creating a profile from the application and setting connection type to "File Transfer". It will then keep generating files in ISO format to a shared location.