Install Raspberry Pi for Desktop hangs in boot loop - raspberry-pi

I have installed Raspberry Pi for Desktop on a Lenovo Laptop following these instructions. The installation ran without problems. On restart the computer hangs in a loop: Every time I am asked in the boot menu from which drive I want to boot.
Here I select the hard disk and after a short time I am asked again from which drive I want to boot...
Anyone have an idea what is going wrong?
Thanks for the help


Problem Putting Alpine Linux in Sys Mode on Raspberry Pi Zero

I'm trying to setup Alpine Linux on a Raspberry Pi Zero W in Sys Mode (normal Desktop mode) but it doesn't seem to be working.
I've followed all the instructions given on the Alpine website for installations.
After setting up the setup-alpine setups, I'm choosing the "Sys" mode in the mmcblk0p1 disk (SD Card). It creates a boot partition (FAT FS) then says installation is complete, please reboot. But after reboot the Alpine doesn't boot and it throws a big "Kernel Panic not Syncing" error or something like that.
I'm even having trouble installing packages as all the installations seem to be going to the RAM memory instead of ROM.
Can somebody please help me with this.
I'm not all that good with Linux systems and OS/Kernels but can learn really quick.

Write Raspberry Pi program, without a Raspberry Pi

Im soon gonna buy a Raspberry Pi, but I dont want to wait until I get it to start writing my program.
My PI is gonna be connected to the TV, and have a GUI.
Im gonna write my program in Python
Can I just start writing a GUI application on my computer, and just push it over, or is is something that I need to think about.
Sure, you can setup a virtual machine with linux on it. This way you can test the compatibility of your code. If it runs on linux, it will most surely will run on the raspberry (which also runs linux).
In the case of Python, it should even run fine when tested on windows, unless you use OS specific features.
Well when you want program in python is simple on windows but you have to choose version (raspberry pi has both) Python In this gui you can program what you want and after raspi comes only transfer program :) have good fun :)

win10 IOT on raspberry pi3 or raspberry pi2

I have a raspberry pi3 but I am having tremendous issues with trying to install win10 IOT on it. When I download the core and try to boot it I only get the "rainbow" screen. When installing noobs I dont even get the option for win10 IOT. Anyone else had problems with this? Will it work smoother on a raspberry pi2 rather then the pi3?
Im not asking if anyone know solutions for booting win10 IOT on pi3, I have tried most of it :) Just asking if anyone has better experiences using pi2 for it?
If you follow the link to Manually set up your IoT Core device Microsoft there explain how to install with a Windows computer.
If you are using UNIX however, there isn't much help for you. As an experienced Unix user who last used Windows seriously about six years ago I found it quite intimidating to have to
a) log into my Microsoft account (that I last used from a different continent)
b) sign up as a "Windows Insider"
Even after going through these hurdles I only stumbled across the ISO file by accident, and even then nothing for the Raspberry Pi.
This answer isn't given to help you achieve your aim, which I despair of doing, but to let you know that the whole process perplexed someone of considerable experience. I don't see myself using Win 10 for my Pis without buying a pre-configured SD card.
What you're going to need to do is follow this link and do what it says:
Load up your microsd card onto the PC
Use the wizard
Insert card into the Pi
And boot it up.
i working in windows 10 iot core.
first time when i install windows 10 iot core i follow the following list.
how to install windows 10 iot core
follow the link.
i things your problem is solve...

How to 'factory reset'/reinstall OS on the Intel Edison

I've filled up my Intel Edison 100% and have no room for anything more. I've emptied all logs and am still at 100%. I decided I want to factory reset and reorganize next time with the SD card better. Unfortunately I cannot find out how to reinstall completely the OS.
I've tried downloding the Yocto linux image off the intel downloads page, and uploading that to the Edison. However, it still is running the same as before...
For some reason I distinctly remember (pretty sure anyway...) reading a command to 'reset' everything. I just can't find any documentation now that I need it. Does anyone know how to do this?
Found the command, it's reboot ota
This is my checklist
Install dfu-util (on Linux: sudo apt-get install dfu-util)
Download Release 3.0 Yocto* complete image and unzip it
Connect the module using both USB connectors.
Run sudo ./ --recovery
Wait for the script to finish and then a few extra minutes for the module to boot.
I've found one USB hub that didn't work, I had to connect directly to the USB port on the computer.
I'm not sure if you need both usb connectors but at least the one for main power is needed. is found in the unzipped directory.

OS harddisk if installed on other machine, restarts

I have installed Win7 on one machine. After some days, if I put that hard disk in another machine, it keeps restarting and does not boot up. How can I solve this?
Does the hard drive have the Win7 installation on it? If so, it probably won't boot in another machine, as each installation is customized to whichever machine installed it. You will probably need to repair/re-install the OS to make it boot.