I'm using Install4J 8.0.8 and I'm observing a cosmetic issue in the installer when showing component descriptions:
The second component is positioned too high and collides with the description of the first one:
Is that a known issue or can I solve that problem myself (other than by limiting the description length for the first component)?
The offending install4j configuration file is available here.
The installer was built and run under Win10 64b with OpenJDK 14.
KR. Vicne
I was able to reproduce this bug and fix it for 8.0.9. Please contact support#ej-technologies.com to get a build where this is already fixed.
I have a problem with Oracle SQL Developer. When I use it on a Windows Server 2003 machine, it works fine. When I use it on my Windows 7 desktop, I get a lot of redraw problems in the query results grid when I scroll either horizontally or vertically, like so:
Edit: ImageShack was the original image host for my screenshot, and it's no longer a valid url. Since my problem is fixed now, I can't repro this. The gist is that the client area of the result grids was repainted as gibberish during scrolling.
This makes it tricky to assess the results of your queries. Clicking on the header and on individual cells causes it to then redraw properly, but it's goofy to not be able to just scroll normally. Is there any way to fix this? I am using the current version of SQL Developer 1.5.5 with the included JVM.
I couldn't even see the dropdown list when I clicked Tools. Here's what I did.
Click Tools
Try to locate Preferences by moving your mouse downwards starting from the Tools button.
When in Preferences, do the same in step 2 for the left side of the panel and try to locate Environment.
When in 'Environment', try to locate 'Look and Feel'. You won't be able to see the caption but it has these values: Windows | Oracle. You'll know you found it when you see a dropdown with an actual value of Oracle.
Change it to Windows.
That solved my problem.
To hell with these kinds of stupid problems.
You need to turn off DirectDraw -- see http://tiredblogger.wordpress.com/2009/05/29/configuring-oracle-sql-developer-for-windows-7/, specifically the bit where they add the following to sqldeveloper.conf:
AddVMOption -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true
I finally solved the problem:
Go to \sqldeveloper\bin\sqldeveloper.conf and add this line:
AddVMOption -Duser.language=en
The problem was de user language (in spanish do not works)
I finally solved the problem after many tries in windows 10. Oracle should fix this without tricks...
What I did:
Download lastest sqldeveloper 4.1.5 with JDK bundled.
Run sqldeveloper and import settings from previous install.
Close sqldeveloper, and go to USER\AppData\Roaming\sqldeveloper erasing config folders of older versions.
Modify file \sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin
Change this option value to true
AddVMOption -Dsun.java2d.ddoffscreen=true
Comment line:
#AddVMOption -Dsun.locale.formatasdefault=true
Add this options before IncludeConfFile sentence at then end:
AddVMOption -Dsun.awt.keepWorkingSetOnMinimize=true
AddVMOption -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true
And finally always start sqldeveloper with sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\binsqldeveloper64W.exe
And change sqldeveloper theme to "windows style".
This problem still reproduces in 2015, I'm using W7, jdk version 1.8.0_40-b25 and sqldeveloper version Version
I had the same problem and nothing seems to help, not even William Rose's answer, until, in my desperation, I put the AddVMOption from his answer in the last line of my sqldeveloper.conf file and Voila! It worked. It seems that somehow the option is shadowed if you put it at the begging.
Just wanting to add this bit of information, but I can't comment yet due to lack of reputation.
i had the same problem with vista and win 7.
just downloaded the latest sql developer 1.5.5 version WITHOUT jdk included
exported my connections from the previously installed sql developer and
deleted my installed version!
then downloaded the JDK 1.6 update 16 from sun and installed it: http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp (32bit version! even if you have win x64. sql developer doesn't accept JDK x64!)
then i unzipped the sql developer 1.5.5 i downloaded (without the jdk)
on first start sql developer asks you for the path to java jdk: given it the path that i installed the jdk 32bit from above and it now runs fine!
even without switching from aero to basic windows design and without redrawing-problems.
hope this helps you too...
Just install old version Oracle SQL Developer 3.2.2 ( and jdk-6u35-windows-x64.
That's how I solved the problem.
I made this step after solved
Add or replace the attribute of the following config file.
AddVMOption -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true
Turkish developer can see this site
Remove or comment out the line below in sqldeveloper.conf:
# AddVMOption -Dsun.locale.formatasdefault=true
I'm trying to get VSCode working with my Unity projects, and every time I select the Project icon (the little fire at the bottom) I get the following error:
Error: Failed to connect to OmniSharp
Is anyone else getting this?
You need to download the most recent version of "mono". Open up terminal and pass in brew install mono. Then "Pick a project" and select the ..-csharp.sln file and you should be up and running.
Ok, made some progress and gotten a few Unity projects working. It seems that you need some prerequisites installed, a clean up of your Unity project folder, and possibly some hand editing of your .sln and .csproj files.
I posted a (possibly) better answer over on Reddit. Hope that's not breaking stack etiquitte.
i get this on windows when my project directory has a space in it
i removed the space and removed the error
i expect it will be fixed soom
I have a completely different answer: it's the runtime that VSCode is using. It doesn't match up with what it thinks it needs. I have to remember that we're still in beta and that things are changing rapidly. I had my dnvm running beta 7, but VSCode (and OmniSharp, by extension) is looking for beta 6, so it was failing. I updated my runtime using this this post as a clue. Now I have VSCode 0.7.0 using the beta 6 runtime. I have no idea how to tell what it's looking for...I just guessed based on when they were both released. HTH
I'm new to unity and I am trying to use a plugin named Scaleform and I'm following the steps indicated in readme file, I've created a new project, imported the plugin, selected Main Camera object and attached the specified script to it, but when I want to play, I get this error:
DllNotFoundException: libgfxunity3d
SFCamera.OnDestroy () (at Assets/Plugins/SF/SFCamera.cs:163)
I googled and all I got was this: http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/Scaleform-Unity-Development/dll-not-found-exception/td-p/4242779
I've downloaded and installed DirectX too, but still no change! :(
Does anyone know what should I do?
We also ran into this problem on Windows. Ultimately, reinstalling the DirectX runtime did fix it for us (the person who had the problem was missing the d3dx9_43.dll that the Scaleform dll depends on).
You might also check and make sure you have put the right key into the appropriate location in your inherited camera script. (In the example, I believe it is called MyCamera.cs.)
Finally, you should check that your build target matches the version of the Scaleform trial you have installed. If your Unity build setting is Android, for example, you need to have the Android runtime for Windows, not the Windows runtime proper.
I downloaded the Depends application from http://www.dependencywalker.com/ and loaded libgfxunity3d.dll. I was missing msvcr100.dll, IEShims.dll and wer.dll. I threw those dlls into the System32 directory and my program ran great. Hope this helps!
New to Android. I'm trying to build the HelloCompute sample code for API 17 with ADT v22.0.1 under Windows 7. I do File:New Project:Android Sample Project, and select HelloCompute. In the Package Explorer I see HelloCompute.java and mono.rs in src under com.example.android.rs.hellocompute. However, I don't see any reflected layer code under gen, and I get the error "ScriptC_mono cannot be resolved to a type". I have tried re-installing eclipse / adt, and re-installing the sample code.
Is there some manual step I need to perform to generate the reflected layer?
I ran into a similar problem.
I got around it by running llvm-rs-cc on mono.rs and generating the ScriptC_mono.java file. Eclipse then picks up this source and compiles everything successfully.
I do not know yet whether is there a way of telling eclipse to do it automatically.
The latest ADT does have a problem in generating RenderScript code as part of the build process, so you need to do this step manually right now (or look at other threads suggesting workarounds). Hopefully the upcoming ADT will actually fix this issue so that everything gets created automatically.
Had the same problem.
Win 7 64bit.
Eclipse 4.2.2.
Upgraded to:
SDK Tools: 22.0.5.
Platform-tools: 18.0.1.
Build-tols: 18.0.1.
Problem solved.
Renderscript compilation was broken in ADT 22.0.1. Fixed for non-Windows platforms on 22.0.4. Fixed for Windows platform on 22.0.5.
I have a problem with Oracle SQL Developer. When I use it on a Windows Server 2003 machine, it works fine. When I use it on my Windows 7 desktop, I get a lot of redraw problems in the query results grid when I scroll either horizontally or vertically, like so:
Edit: ImageShack was the original image host for my screenshot, and it's no longer a valid url. Since my problem is fixed now, I can't repro this. The gist is that the client area of the result grids was repainted as gibberish during scrolling.
This makes it tricky to assess the results of your queries. Clicking on the header and on individual cells causes it to then redraw properly, but it's goofy to not be able to just scroll normally. Is there any way to fix this? I am using the current version of SQL Developer 1.5.5 with the included JVM.
I couldn't even see the dropdown list when I clicked Tools. Here's what I did.
Click Tools
Try to locate Preferences by moving your mouse downwards starting from the Tools button.
When in Preferences, do the same in step 2 for the left side of the panel and try to locate Environment.
When in 'Environment', try to locate 'Look and Feel'. You won't be able to see the caption but it has these values: Windows | Oracle. You'll know you found it when you see a dropdown with an actual value of Oracle.
Change it to Windows.
That solved my problem.
To hell with these kinds of stupid problems.
You need to turn off DirectDraw -- see http://tiredblogger.wordpress.com/2009/05/29/configuring-oracle-sql-developer-for-windows-7/, specifically the bit where they add the following to sqldeveloper.conf:
AddVMOption -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true
I finally solved the problem:
Go to \sqldeveloper\bin\sqldeveloper.conf and add this line:
AddVMOption -Duser.language=en
The problem was de user language (in spanish do not works)
I finally solved the problem after many tries in windows 10. Oracle should fix this without tricks...
What I did:
Download lastest sqldeveloper 4.1.5 with JDK bundled.
Run sqldeveloper and import settings from previous install.
Close sqldeveloper, and go to USER\AppData\Roaming\sqldeveloper erasing config folders of older versions.
Modify file \sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin
Change this option value to true
AddVMOption -Dsun.java2d.ddoffscreen=true
Comment line:
#AddVMOption -Dsun.locale.formatasdefault=true
Add this options before IncludeConfFile sentence at then end:
AddVMOption -Dsun.awt.keepWorkingSetOnMinimize=true
AddVMOption -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true
And finally always start sqldeveloper with sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\binsqldeveloper64W.exe
And change sqldeveloper theme to "windows style".
This problem still reproduces in 2015, I'm using W7, jdk version 1.8.0_40-b25 and sqldeveloper version Version
I had the same problem and nothing seems to help, not even William Rose's answer, until, in my desperation, I put the AddVMOption from his answer in the last line of my sqldeveloper.conf file and Voila! It worked. It seems that somehow the option is shadowed if you put it at the begging.
Just wanting to add this bit of information, but I can't comment yet due to lack of reputation.
i had the same problem with vista and win 7.
just downloaded the latest sql developer 1.5.5 version WITHOUT jdk included
exported my connections from the previously installed sql developer and
deleted my installed version!
then downloaded the JDK 1.6 update 16 from sun and installed it: http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp (32bit version! even if you have win x64. sql developer doesn't accept JDK x64!)
then i unzipped the sql developer 1.5.5 i downloaded (without the jdk)
on first start sql developer asks you for the path to java jdk: given it the path that i installed the jdk 32bit from above and it now runs fine!
even without switching from aero to basic windows design and without redrawing-problems.
hope this helps you too...
Just install old version Oracle SQL Developer 3.2.2 ( and jdk-6u35-windows-x64.
That's how I solved the problem.
I made this step after solved
Add or replace the attribute of the following config file.
AddVMOption -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true
Turkish developer can see this site
Remove or comment out the line below in sqldeveloper.conf:
# AddVMOption -Dsun.locale.formatasdefault=true