Rundeck won't start after patching (RHEL 7.8 latest patches added today) - rundeck

Here is my error. Comes with a stacktrace but guessing this will be good enough. This project worked fine before the patches.
[2020-07-28T10:20:45,262] WARN services.ProjectManagerService - Discovered filesystem project RossNapOISOperations, importing...
[2020-07-28T10:20:45,824] ERROR boot.SpringApplication - Application run failed
grails.validation.ValidationException: Validation Error(s) occurred during save():
Field error in object 'rundeck.Project' on field 'description': rejected value [Build/Deploy/Maintenance on ROSS, NAP, and OIS Projects]; codes [rundeck.Project.description.matches.error.rundeck.Project.description,rundeck.Project.description.matches.error.description,,rundeck.Project.description.matches.error,project.description.matches.error.rundeck.Project.description,project.description.matches.error.description,,project.description.matches.error,rundeck.Project.description.matches.invalid.rundeck.Project.description,rundeck.Project.description.matches.invalid.description,,rundeck.Project.description.matches.invalid,project.description.matches.invalid.rundeck.Project.description,project.description.matches.invalid.description,,project.description.matches.invalid,matches.invalid.rundeck.Project.description,matches.invalid.description,,matches.invalid]; arguments [description,class rundeck.Project,Build/Deploy/Maintenance on ROSS, NAP, and OIS Projects,^[a-zA-Z0-9\p{L}\p{M}\s.,()_-]+$]; default message [Property [{0}] of class [{1}] with value [{2}] does not match the required pattern [{3}]]

That's related to how Rundeck 3.3.X interprets the project description after an instance upgrade, a good way to solve it is back to rundeck 3.2.X, edit the projects descriptions without "special characters" and update to Rundeck 3.3.1 again. You can add your issue to this GitHub thread.


How to fix error By in-app parameter in Sentry

My question is on a Sentry integration in an electronjs app.
We have some errors in Sentry that show a warning: 'Source code was not found'
Which usually means that source code mapping is not properly set. So I read the doc and made sure that our source code maps are properly set. Which is the case in my opinion.
Still according to the doc, I installed sentry-cli and run this command:
sentry-cli sourcemaps explain ec9d14e80e464fe49fb917a5d383cc61 --org outmind
Which return:
✔ Fetched data for event: bec1792b5c8048ce9663f35d07936369
✔ Event has release name: desktop#3.29.29
✔ Event has a valid exception present
✔ Event has a valid stacktrace present
✖ Event exception stacktrace has no in_app frames
And I do have a warning on the sentry page:
X By in-app with a hover: Non contributing variant: exception of system take precedence
Most of this scenario happen on axios call that return 401 errors - which is expected.
And I have absolutely no idea what's the issue here or what I'm supposed to do... Send a mail to the support, didn't get any answers.
Any suggestion on what I'm supposed to fix is welcome,
Thanks all

Error upgrading Jasperreports server from 7.2 to 7.5 (keystore problem)

The upgrade procedure is pretty simple and well documented. I have been upgrading jasperreports server since version 4 always using the same procedure (buildomatic).
Now, in 7.5 version I get
java.lang.RuntimeException: KeystoreManager was never initialized or
there are errors while instantiating the instance.
Failed to instantiate
[com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.crypto.KeystoreManager]: Please make sure
that create-keystore was executed;
Error creating bean with name 'keystoreManager': Invocation of init
method failed;
Error creating bean with name 'passwordEncoder': Unsatisfied
dependency expressed through field 'keystoreManager';
The keystore is in /root folder, as it should.
Have you tried the process mentioned in this link
"If the JasperReports Server cannot find the keystore files - maybe because of permissions as noted above, you will get an exception on server start like:
Failed to instantiate [com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.crypto.KeystoreManager]: Please make sure that create-keystore was executed; nested exception is java.lang.RuntimeException: KeystoreManager was never initialized or there are errors while instantiating the instance.
To fix this, you need to move the keystore files into a directory that is accessible by the user running the web app process. See Updating keystore files below."

TYPO3 Upgrade Wizard Fails on DatabaseRowsUpdateWizard

i updated a project from TYPO3 7.6 to ^8 by following the official guide. latest steps were the composer update. i removed extensions/packages not compatible with ^8 and updated the ones available for ^8. im able to reach the install tool, the TYPO3 admin backend and the frontend (with errors).
so i ended up at the step were i should use the upgrade wizards provided by the install tool. i completed a few wizards without any issues but then faces a pretty one - first i tried to run DatabaseRowsUpdateWizard within the install tool but that failed with a memory error - i tried the cli approach with
php -d memory_limit=-1 vendor/bin/typo3cms upgrade:wizard DatabaseRowsUpdateWizard
the processing worked but it ended up with following error:
[ Helhum\Typo3Console\Mvc\Cli\FailedSubProcessCommandException ]
#1485130941: Executing command "upgrade:subprocess" failed (exit code: "1")
thrown in file vendor/helhum/typo3-console/Classes/Install/Upgrade/UpgradeHandling.php
in line 284
the command initially failed is:
'/usr/bin/php7.2' 'vendor/bin/typo3cms' 'upgrade:subprocess' '--command' 'executeWizard' '--arguments' 'a:3:{i:0;s:24:"DatabaseRowsUpdateWizard";i:1;a:0:{}i:2;b:0;}'
and here is the subprocess exception:
[ Sub-process exception: TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Exception\InvalidPathException ]
#1320286857: File ../disclaimer_de.html is not valid (".." and "//" is not allowed in path).
thrown in file typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Resource/Driver/AbstractHierarchicalFilesystemDriver.php
in line 71
im pretty much lost and dont know were to start to get this fixed - help is much appreciated
Issues like these usually stem from broken URLs in RTE fields as can be seen in the error output:
File ../disclaimer_de.html is not valid (".." and "//" is not allowed in path)
In this case you should manually prepare the database and run SQL statements which replace the broken/obsolete ../ prefix from all affected records. An example query:
UPDATE tt_content
SET bodytext = REPLACE(bodytext, 'href="../', 'href="')
WHERE bodytext LIKE '%href="../';
Notice that this query is very basic and can destroy your data, so make sure you run some SELECT statements first to make sure nothing breaks. Also keep a backup of your database at hand.
Sometime, custom or TER extension also have RTE such as tt_news where you might come across same issue. To fix that, you just need to run the same query with the according table.

Undefined method `FactoryGirl' -- upgrading from 2.0.2 to 3.4.2

I'm in the process of upgrading from factory_girl (2.0.2 to 3.4.2) and factory_girl_rails (1.1.0 -> 3.4.0)
and I'm having issues with my rspec tests seeing factory girl.
I think I've successfully altered my factories to deal with the new syntax, and have removed the extra require statements that were bringing in multiple copies of the same files. My server now starts up, so I know that the factories.rb file is correctly getting parsed.
Now when I run my rspec tests, I'm getting this error:
NoMethodError: undefined method `FactoryGirl' for #
it 'can be created' do
course = FactoryGirl(:course)
With Factory Girl 3.4.2, you will need to explicitly use the create method.
course = FactoryGirl.create(:course)

V8 version in node and ChromeDevTools?

My main questions are:
What version of V8 am I running from node 0.4.10?
How can I tell if this version is compatible with ChromeDevTools 0.2.2 in Eclipse?
Background: I've almost got Eclipse working for debugging node.js remotely. In fact it works perfectly (after adding a server proxy) for a simple "Hello World" app, but it won't hook up properly when I add "express" to the mix. The Eclipse error is:
An internal error occurred during: "Debug session initialization:
Remote NodeJS". Exception occured in callback
...which I tracked down to line 61 of the this source code (Thanks to the misspelling of "occured".)
I'd like to eliminate version skew possibilities before going further.
EDIT: Dug the stack trace out of the error log. Hmmm, maybe I have an encoding problem in my server proxy?
java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception occured in callback
at org.chromium.sdk.CallbackSemaphore.tryAcquire(
at org.chromium.sdk.CallbackSemaphore.tryAcquireDefault(
at org.chromium.sdk.internal.JavascriptVmImpl.getScripts(
at org.chromium.debug.core.model.VProjectWorkspaceBridge.reloadScriptsAtStart(
at org.chromium.debug.core.model.LaunchInitializationProcedure.execute(
at org.chromium.debug.core.model.LaunchInitializationProcedure.access$0(
at org.chromium.debug.core.model.LaunchInitializationProcedure$
Caused by: java.lang.Exception: Exception saved from callback
at org.chromium.sdk.CallbackSemaphore.callbackDone(
at org.chromium.sdk.internal.DebugSession$ScriptLoader$2.callbackDone(
at org.chromium.sdk.internal.StandaloneVmImpl$4.messageReceived(
at org.chromium.sdk.internal.transport.SocketConnection$
at org.chromium.sdk.internal.transport.SocketConnection$
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.ResourceException: < is an invalid character in resource name '<eval #83>.chromium'.
at org.chromium.debug.core.util.ChromiumDebugPluginUtil$4.tryCreate(
at org.chromium.debug.core.util.ChromiumDebugPluginUtil$4.tryCreate(
at org.chromium.debug.core.util.UniqueKeyGenerator.createUniqueKey(
at org.chromium.debug.core.util.ChromiumDebugPluginUtil.createFile(
at org.chromium.debug.core.model.ResourceManager.createAndRegisterResourceFile(
at org.chromium.debug.core.model.ResourceManager.addScript(
at org.chromium.debug.core.model.VProjectWorkspaceBridge$2.success(
at org.chromium.sdk.internal.DebugSession$ScriptLoader$1$
at org.chromium.sdk.internal.DebugSession$ScriptLoader$1.processCall(
at org.chromium.sdk.internal.DebugSession$ScriptLoader$1.success(
... 5 more
Caused by: org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.ResourceException: < is an invalid character in resource name '<eval #83>.chromium'.
at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Resource.checkValidPath(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.File.create(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.File.create(
at org.chromium.debug.core.util.ChromiumDebugPluginUtil$4.tryCreate(
... 20 more
process.versions in the repl reveals this information:
> process.versions
{ node: '0.4.10', v8: '', ares: '1.7.4', ev: '4.4', openssl: '1.0.0d' }
There shouldn't be any version-related problem here, at least at initialization stage.
V8 debug protocol is evolving quite slowly.
Unfortunately the message you cite is too general. Do you think you can find a stacktrace somewhere? The message may have 'details' button (but you would probably spot it), also the exception is usually logged. You can try to open a view "General->Error Log" (available in most Eclipse configurations), or you can take a look inside a file in your Eclipse workspace: /.metadata/.log.
The code indicates that there is a cause exception, which is missing from the error message.
Thank you for the spelling error report. :)