How does Kafka provides next batch of records to poll when commitAsync gets failed in committing offset - apache-kafka

I have a use-case regarding consuming records by Kafka consumer.
For instance,
I have 1 topic which has 1 partition. Currently, it has 10 records and while consuming the first 10 records, another 10 records are written to the partition.
myConsumer polls the first time and returns the first 10 records say 0 - 9 records.
It processed all the records successfully.
It invoked commitAsync() to Kafka to commit the last offset.
Commit response is in processing. It can be a success or a failure.
But, since it is an asynchronous mode, it continues to poll for the next batch.
Now, how does either Kafka or consumer poll know that it has to read from the 10th position? Because the commitAsync request has not yet completed.
Please help me in understanding this concept.

Commit Offset tells the broker that the consumer has processed the corresponding message successfully. The consumer itself would be aware of its progress (except for start of consumer where it gets its last committed offset from broker).
At step-5 in your description, the commit offset is in progress. So:
Broker does not know that 0-9 records have been processed
Consumer itself has the read the messages and so it knows that is has read 0-9 messages. So it will know to read 10th onwards next.
Possible Scenarios
Lets say the commit fails for (0-9). Your next batch, say (10-15) is processed and committed succesfully then there is no harm done. Since we mark to the broker that processing till 15 is complete.
Lets say the commit fails for (0-9). Your next batch, (10-15) is processed and before committing, the consumer goes down. When your consumer is brought back up, it takes its state from broker (which does not have commit for either of the batch). So it will start reading from 0th message.
You can come up with several other scenarios as well. I guess the bottom line is, the importance of commit will come into picture when your consumer is restarted for whatever reason and it has get its last processed offset from kafka broker.


Pub/Sub Lite Delayed Consumer

I am implementing Kafka delayed topic consumption with consumer.pause(<partitions>).
Pub/Sub Kafka shim turns pause into a NoOp:
Is there any documentation on how to delay consumption of a pub sub lite topic by a set duration?
i.e. I want to consume all messages from a Pub/Sub Lite topic but with a synthetic 4 minute lag.
Here is my algorithm with Kafka native:
call consumer.poll()
resume all assigned partitions consumer.resume(consumer.assignment())
combine previously delayed records with recently polled records
separate records into
records that are old enough to process
records still too young to process
pause partitions for any records that are too young consumer.pause(<partitions of too young>)
keep a buffer of too young records to reconsider on the next pass, called delayed
processes records that are old enough
rinse, repeat
We only commit offsets of records that are old enough, if the process dies any records in the “too young” buffer will remain uncommitted and they will be revisited by whichever consumer receives the partition in the ensuing rebalance.
Is there a more generalized form of this algorithm that will work with native Kafka and Pub/Sub Lite?
Edit: CloudTasks is a bad idea here as it disconnects the offset commit chain. I need to ensure I only commit offsets for records that have gotten an ack from the downstream system.
Something similar to the above would likely work fine if you remove the pause and resume stages. I'd note that with both systems, you are not guaranteed to receive all messages that exist on the server until now in any given poll() call, so you may add extra delay if you are not given any records for a given partition in a poll call.
If you do the following with autocommit enabled, you should effectively delay processing by strictly more than 4 minutes.
call consumer.poll()
sleep until every record 4 minutes old
process records
go to 1.
If you use manual commits, you can make the sleeps closer to 4 minutes on a per-message basis, but with the downside of needing to manage offsets manually:
call consumer.poll()
put records into ordered per-partition buffers
sleep until the oldest record for any partition is 4 minutes in the past
process records which are more than 4 minutes in the past
commit offsets for processed records
go to 1

Does kafka partition assignment happen across processes?

I have a topic with 20 partitions and 3 processes with consumers(with the same group_id) consuming messages from the topic.
But I am seeing a discrepancy where unless one of the process commits , the other consumer(in a different process) is not reading any message.
The consumers in other process do cconsume messages when I set auto-commit to true. (which is why I suspect the consumers are being assigned to the first partition in each process)
Can someone please help me out with this issue? And also how to consume messages parallely across processes ?
If it is of any use , I am doing this on a pod(kubernetes) , where the 3 processes are 3 different mules.
Commit shouldn't make any difference because the committed offset is only used when there is a change in group membership. With three processes there would be some rebalancing while they start up but then when all 3 are running they will each have a fair share of the partitions.
Each time they poll, they keep track in memory of which offset they have consumed on each partition and each poll causes them to fetch from that point on. Whether they commit or not doesn't affect that behaviour.
Autocommit also makes little difference - it just means a commit is done synchronously during a subsequent poll rather than your application code doing it. The only real reason to manually commit is if you spawn other threads to process messages and so need to avoid committing messages that have not actually been processed - doing this is generally not advisable - better to add consumers to increase throughput rather than trying to share out processing within a consumer.
One possible explanation is just infrequent polling. You mention that other consumers are picking up partitions, and committing affects behaviour so I think it is safe to say that rebalances must be happening. Rebalances are caused by either a change in partitions at the broker (presumably not the case) or a change in group membership caused by either heartbeat thread dying (a pod being stopped) or a consumer failing to poll for a long time (default 5 minutes, set by
After a rebalance, each partition is assigned to a consumer, and if a previous consumer has ever committed an offset for that partition, then the new one will poll from that offset. If not then the new one will poll from either the start of the partition or the high watermark - set by auto.offset.reset - default is latest (high watermark)
So, if you have a consumer, it polls but doesn't commit, and doesn't poll again for 5 minutes then a rebalance happens, a new consumer picks up the partition, starts from the end (so skipping any messages up to that point). Its first poll will return nothing as it is starting from the end. If it doesn't poll for 5 minutes another rebalance happens and the sequence repeats.
That could be the cause - there should be more information about what is going on in your logs - Kafka consumer code puts in plenty of helpful INFO level logging about rebalances.

KafkaConsumer resume partition cannot continue to receive uncommitted messages

I'm using one topic, one partition, one consumer, Kafka client version is 0.10.
I got two different results:
If I paused partition first, then to produce a message and to invoke resume method. KafkaConsumer can poll the uncommitted message successfully.
But If I produced message first and didn't commit its offset, then to pause the partition, after several seconds, to invoke the resume method. KafkaConsumer would not receive the uncommitted message. I checked it on Kafka server using, it shows LOG-END-OFFSET minus CURRENT-OFFSET = LAG = 1.
I have been trying to figure out it for two days, I repeated such tests a lot of times, the results are always like so. I need some suggestion or someone can tell me its Kafka's original mechanism.
For your observation#2, if you restart the application, it will supply you all records from the un-committed offset, i.e. the missing record and if your consumer again does not commit, it will be sent again when application registers consumer with Kafka upon restart. It is expected.
Assuming you are using consumer.poll() which creates a hybrid-streaming interface i.e. if accumulates data coming into Kafka for the duration mentioned and provides it to the consumer for processing once the duration is finished. This continuous accumulation happens in the backend and is not dependent on whether you have committed offset or not.
The position of the consumer gives the offset of the next record that
will be given out. It will be one larger than the highest offset the
consumer has seen in that partition. It automatically advances every
time the consumer receives messages in a call to poll(long).

Kafka, consumer offset and multiple async commits

I'm trying to understand how Kafka handles the situation where multiple manual commits are issued by the consumer.
As a thought experiment assume a single topic/partition with a single consumer. I publish two messages to this topic and they are processed async by the consumer and the consumer does a manual commit after message processing completes. Now if message 1 completes first followed by message 2, I would expect the broker to store the offset at 2. What happens in the reverse scenario? Would the broker now set the offset back to 1 from 2, or is there logic preventing the offset from decreasing?
From reading the docs it appears that the topic 'position' is defined as the max committed offset +1, which would imply that Kafka is invariant to the order the messages are committed in. But it is unclear to me what happens in the case where a consumer disconnects and reconnects to the broker, will it continue from the max committed offset or the latest committed offset?

Kafka Consumer is getting few (not all) old messages (that was already processed earlier)

We have topics with retention set as 7 days (168 hours). Messages are consumed in real-time as and when the producer sends the message. Everything is working as expected. However recently on a production server, Devops changed the time zone from PST to EST accidentally as part of OS patch.
After Kafka server restart, we saw few (not all of them, but random) old messages being consumed by the consumers. We asked Devops to change it back to PST and restart. Again the old messages re-appeared this weekend as well.
We have not seen this problem in lower environments (Dev, QA, Stage etc).
Kafka version: kafka_2.12-
Any help is highly appreciated.
Adding more info... Recently our CentOS had a patch update and somehow, admins changed from PST timezone to EST and started Kafka servers... After that our consumers started seeing messages from offset 0. After debugging, I found the timezone change and admins changed back from EST to PST after 4 days. Our message producers were sending messages before and after timezone changes regularly. After timezone change from EST back to PST, Kafka servers were restarted and I am seeing the bellow warning.
This log happened when we chnaged back from EST to PST : (server.log)
[2018-06-13 18:36:34,430] WARN Found a corrupted index file due to requirement failed: Corrupt index found, index file (/app/kafka_2.12- has non-zero size but the last offset is 2076 which is no larger than the base offset 2076.}. deleting /app/kafka_2.12-, /app/kafka_2.12-, and /app/kafka_2.12- and rebuilding index... (kafka.log.Log)
We restarted consumers after 3 days of timezone change back from EST to PST and started seeing consumer messages with offset 0 again.
As on Kafka v2.3.0
You can set
"" : "true",// default is true as well
"" : "1000"
This means that So after every 1 second, a Consumer is going to commit its Offset to Kafka or every time data is fetched from the specified Topic it will commit the latest Offset.
So no sooner your Kafka Consumer has started and 1 second has elapsed, it will never read the messages that were received by the consumer and committed. This setting does not require Kafka Server to be restarted.
I think this is because you will restart the program before you Commit new offsets.
Managing offsets
For each consumer group, Kafka maintains the committed offset for each partition being consumed. When a consumer processes a message, it doesn't remove it from the partition. Instead, it just updates its current offset using a process called committing the offset.
If a consumer fails after processing a message but before committing its offset, the committed offset information will not reflect the processing of the message. This means that the message will be processed again by the next consumer in that group to be assigned the partition.
Committing offsets automatically
The easiest way to commit offsets is to let the Kafka consumer do it automatically. This is simple but it does give less control than committing manually. By default, a consumer automatically commits offsets every 5 seconds. This default commit happens every 5 seconds, regardless of the progress the consumer is making towards processing the messages. In addition, when the consumer calls poll(), this also causes the latest offset returned from the previous call to poll() to be committed (because it's probably been processed).
If the committed offset overtakes the processing of the messages and there is a consumer failure, it's possible that some messages might not be processed. This is because processing restarts at the committed offset, which is later than the last message to be processed before the failure. For this reason, if reliability is more important than simplicity, it's usually best to commit offsets manually.
Committing offsets manually
If ‍ is set to false, the consumer commits its offsets manually. It can do this either synchronously or asynchronously. A common pattern is to commit the offset of the latest processed message based on a periodic timer. This pattern means that every message is processed at least once, but the committed offset never overtakes the progress of messages that are actively being processed. The frequency of the periodic timer controls the number of messages that can be reprocessed following a consumer failure. Messages are retrieved again from the last saved committed offset when the application restarts or when the group rebalances.
The committed offset is the offset of the messages from which processing is resumed. This is usually the offset of the most recently processed message plus one.
From this article, which I think is very helpful.