Making a flutter app that gives push-notification whenever new notice is posted on university homepage - flutter

I am creating a Flutter app that gives push-notification whenever a new notice is posted on my university's website. The university's web page needs login(the web page allows information only to university members). Currently, I have almost finished the front-end part(with dart language) for the app, and to move on, I thought I needed to enable login function first, in order to access the website information. So, I have been googling with keywords something like 'Flutter app login to web'. However, I could only find the answers for 'how to make [web app] with Flutter'. I wanted to implement login with the current front-end state because I have almost completed the front-end rather than making a 'web app' from the beginning. I don't know if searched wrong, but I could not find how to make login on the app, and how to give a push-notification whenever a new announcement is posted on the university's web page. Could anyone tell me the big picture of how I should move on to finish my app project? Would it be better if I begin my project with a 'web app' from the beginning, or is there a way to implement login to the web from my current front-end and implement a push-notification?
I am thinking to make an app that the user logs in to the app with the user's webpage account(once the user logs in after installation then the app logins automatically whenever the app is executed) and the user could register specific keyword to receive push-notification(when the new announcement posted on the website contains that keyword). With this function, the user would not need to type id, password to login to the website from a browser every time just to check if the specific notice(that the user wanted) is posted. So basically this app simply eliminates the process of logging in to the website and checking manually for specific posts.
To conclude, I want to know two things.
How to implement login to the website from the app (and automatic authentication)
How to implement push-notification for the post that contains the keyword user has registered.
Sorry for my awkward English and long question. I wrote my best to make my question understandable. I would be so much thankful if anyone could tell me how should I implement to finish my app project.


Facebook app id for website social plugins

I have like/share buttons on my website and am not currently using an appid. Finding information on whether this is a necessity for the above configuration is difficult to confirm. When going through the Facebook app "create" forms, I'm really confused by a lot of the requirements as it seems to be more focused around actual apps rather than websites, which login via fb etc.
In the past I have created an app for one of my other websites and I don't believe there was any verification/submission process at this point (about 2-3 years ago). Reviewing my old app configuration now I can see that it is not "live" - does anyone know whether Facebook implemented this submission process in the last couple of years, and then de-activated any live apps that were created prior to this?
I now want to setup a new app for my new website and I'm unsure what the different 'action types' mean and what I would need to simply use like/share buttons on the website. Could someone give me a quick run down of what I'd need and what they are?
Any other info/tips people can provide would be greatly appreciated. I'm finding that the like/share DO still work without the app, but sometimes the share button doesn't work properly (I have a feeling this is something to do with the app).
If you are just using the Social Plugins, you don't need to have a Facebook App ID.
If you want more integration, it will be required. Creating an App ID is like registering your App, wether an iOS or Android App or just a website, so that you can make Graph API calls for it.
The easiest way to register your website is to go the quickstart: (or There you can type a name and follow the steps.
You can then follow the "Sharing best practices" ( on how to use the App ID. For example, by including an fb:app_id meta tag on your pages.
There is a review process, since last April, but that is only needed if you use permissions for your App. If you just use the plugins, that is not needed.
Can you explain more what is exactly not working?
The time you create a page the Facebook crawler does not know yet what the Opengraph data for that one is. This will happen after the first share, but if you want to ensure it is correct from the first share on, you can force a re-scrape.
This section explains how that works:
When an app triggers a scrape using an API endpoint This Graph API
endpoint is simply a call to:
POST /?id={object-instance-id or object-url}&scrape=true

Determining kind of facebook app
Can anyone tell me what kind of facebook app it is? canvas or something else?
I would want to create an app in php but have no clue where to start from. Can i create a test app and start the process? please help.
I have tried creating an app but that needs to be approved before even starting the development and showing us as a page on facebook app
Any app with an address of* is the Canvas link to the App, which means this app has a canvas page at the minimum. It may also have a website and mobile app associated with it, but that's harder to determine.
You should so some research before trying to create an app. You do not need to get any sort of approval to develop an application, even if you use excessive permissions. However, you will need to get your app approved for any extra permissions prior to launching to end-users.
You should visit the Facebook Developer website and pick a SDK you're comfortable with. I would recommend using the JavaScript one to get started, but the choice is yours. Then you should follow the starter guide to creating your first app. Everything you need to create an app is discoverable through Google, and I have a few handy tutorials on my site for using the PHP and JavaScript SDKs.

Is Facebook Connect (Login) a good solution for an app to use?

I have seen many web apps supporting Facebook Connect...
But when i login through those apps sometimes the authentication is successful but nothing is returned to the app and the login page just goes to a blank page in that new windows and stops... The whole process fails... And this has not occurred once but many times...
So my question is:
Is Facebook Connect a good solution to use in apps or should i use something like Google Login or Twitter Login or OpenID or just a simple password based login or all of the things and let users choose what they want?
And if your answer is app the solutions then wont my database become messy and the app slower because it has look for more data now?
I know it depends on various factors but I just want your opinion, what would u choose and why?
Supporting Facebook connect as login function make sense only if your app has something to deal with Facebook (which is the most of our app today ;-)).
The behave of some app when sucessfully Authenticated and then Authorized is up to these app.
FB login give you all the tools to build you own user experience.
The things become a bit more difficult when you want to introduce FBConnect within already existing login base, while you have to find a way to bind the Identified FB user with your user account.

Creating Facebook App

Im new to facebook applications. I recently created a webapp that consisted of html & php. But recently Ive decided that integrating my webapp within facebook would be useful. Any tips on where to start? Ive looked over and im confused. It appears they are in the process of updating. Ive come across a few guides but there from a few years ago. This app will run completely within facebook and im probably gonna have to rewrite all the code. Any guides or suggestions?
You didn't specify the programming language you're using but if you're developing asp, start by looking into Facebook c# sdk here:
If you're using any other language (i.e. php), try looking into respective software dev. kits (i.e. facebook php sdk). They will facilitate your job in comparison to starting raw development all by yourself.
Tim, if you want to get into the business of working with Facebook, you need to know right away that they are always in the process of updating. That being said, you should learn some Facebook terminology so you can do more research and figure out what you want to do.
Applications that run within the Facebook interface are called Canvas Apps. Your application is hosted on your own server, and Facebook simply adds an iframe in their UI that points to your app's URL.
Another way to go to create a webapp that uses your own design, but still utilizes a single sign-on system from Facebook. This used to be called a Connect App but now they don't really have a name for it. Basically, you can use Facebook's authorization system to pull Facebook user data into your own database, which basically eliminates the need for a registration page. The authorization system prompts the user to allow your app to get specific data about them - once they authorize it, your app has access to do whatever the user gave it permission to do.
The best document to wrap your brain around is about authentication:
Give that a whirl, and good luck!

starting iChat session in iPhone from web app

This is really just a "what-if" type question, so forgive me if it is either ridiculous or ridiculously easy...
I have a client whose site offers a "chat with a consultant" option that you see on many sales and support sites. We were wondering if there was a way that iPhone users (or any user, in theory, but mostly iPhone) could click this option and after giving the basic form info (name, question,etc) the actual chat itself could open up in the chat client.
Is this as simple as the "click here to send me an AIM message" syntax?
The XMPP (jabber) server is Openfire and the webchat uses the Fastpath plugin. Would this feature need to be enabled deeper than the page's HTML/PHP? Does the server/plugin need to modified as well?
Would this threaten the security of the XMPP server (which is behind a firewall and can only be accessed externally via the above plugin)?
Does this even sound like something that iPhone users would appreciate, or would it simply be confusing/obtrusive?
Sorry for the objective last question, but I'd hate to spend time on this only irritate users.
Referrals to resources and documentation welcome. I'm not looking for someone to walk me through the whole thing, I just want to get an idea of it can be done and where to start reading.
I'm a little confused by what you want to do - the user fills out a form on a web site and then they are put into a "chat room" on their iPhone?
This is possible. However all of them require that the user has already installed your app, so it may be a hurdle to what you are trying to do.
However if it's using a pre-existing chat service (such as AIM), you may already be OK if the user already has a chat client installed on their iPhone. You could launch the app using custom urls or push notifications - however, this is assuming that the app developer has enabled such hooks, and if so if they are published.
If you want to go with your own client, if the user is filling out the form on the iPhone, then on submission you could redirect them to a custom url for your application. From mobile Safari, this will directly launch your app. Note that the user must already have the app installed for this to work, or else they'll see an error, and it won't be a particularly user-friendly one.
Another way, if the user is filling out the form on their computer, is via push notification. Again, they must first have the app installed. They would receive a notification that, on acceptance, launches your app.
The final way, if the user is filling out the form on their computer, is that they would have to download your app first and run it, so that it could communicate with a desktop client of yours via network services.