h5p Interactive Content and Video Display in Flutter - flutter

I am trying to display and implement Interactive Content and Interactive Video and Quiz. But I can't able any way in the flutter platform. I have also checked the dart package but I didn't found anyone support package like the H5P. Anyone know then please suggest me and help me.
Thank you in advance 🙏


How can I set up AdMob service in Flutter?

can you help to install google_mobile_ads 2.0.0 version in flutter? There is no content about it on the web.
Welcome to StackOverflow. To get the best possible help, present the code of your best effort.
In this case, it seems you could have spent a bit more time searching the web.
The package you refer to has a page, which links you directly to a guide for getting started.

Is there an alternative to downloads_path_provider for flutter?

The package "downloads_path_provider" is deprecated so are there any new alternatives? I want my app to download a pdf to my device and access it. Any help would be highly appreciated.

Flutter Detect Notification Tray Pulldown

I'm trying to implement a feature based on the background/foreground status of a Flutter app.
Does anyone know of a way to detect if the notification/system try on a device is pulled down over the app?
Welcome to SOF
You can detect this using special permission in Android (https://developer.android.com/reference/android/Manifest.permission#EXPAND_STATUS_BAR).
But you need native code to run in Flutter.
There is a similar (almost) package out there, you may fork it:

Add Unity WebGL to Flutter Web

I am trying to add the unity WebGL to a flutter website.
I have searched everywhere on how to do this but no answer seems to help me do this.
Does anyone know how to do this?
This is possible with Unity-webview plugin
I had tried using the same build it with webGL and follow up it file structure errors in browsers. You can achieve this same.
I was able to get it working using easy_web_view2 package. The Unity game was hosted on a different domain and it was called within this widget. The package more or like mimics IframeElement.

Flutter Printing over WIFI

I am developing an app for school project using flutter and it should have a feature of printing a PDF document over WI-Fi (using WI-FI printers).
I didn't find any tutorials on printing using flutter so I want to know if flutter supports such thing and if not, is there a way around it?
Thanks in advance
It looks like there is a printing package available for flutter here that might be what you need:
They even have example code that you can use: