link from a web page to facebook messenger with a token - facebook

I have a web app where user can open sort of a ticket.
I would like to create a link from this web app to facebook messenger (ideally to a mobile app via deep link) bot (by my page) in a way so that the user after starting chat or choosing an option in the messenger can be automatically matched with an existing ticket opened in that web app. Wondering if this is achievable.

there's actually a rasa chatbot template like this in github. check out the 10_freshdesk_customer_support_bot sample project.
It's using RASA and call serviceNow APIs using actions.


facebook app requires me to add a platform when I don't have one

I am building a simple Facebook app to connect the backend of a project to Facebook Messenger.
I am trying to send my app for review but it requires me to send a platform for the reviewer to test my app on.
the only place to interact with the app is the test Facebook page i created but i cannot add Facebook urls to the platform. What am I doing wrong here or what am I supposed to do?
I am building a simple Facebook app to connect the backend of a project to Facebook Messenger.
If you don’t have any end-user facing frontend, this would be considered a “server-to-server” app.
The documentation has specific instructions on how to submit those:
Platform refers to the platform that your app users use to interact with your app. Since your app does not have an interface and your users don't interact with it directly, set this to Website and provide the URL to your company's website.
(Make sure to properly describe the purpose of your app and how it works, so that the reviewer does not try to go to that URL and look for a login button there.)

Embed Facebook Customer Chat Plugin without creating a Facebook app

It seems in order to embed Facebook Customer Chat Plugin, dev has to create a custom Facebook app to act as hook receiver to be called from the embed. The flow is somehow this way:
Embed on browser ---custom app id,page id---> Custom web server ---page access token,text response--> Facebook Messenger Server --> Back to Embed on browser.
This is good for making a chatbot but can it be simpler to chat directly between visitor and a Facebook page owner, this way:?
Embed on browser ---Messenger app id,page id---> Facebook Messenger Server ---> Page owner on ---text response--> Embed on browser.
Facebook Message Us Plugin and link are other options but overlay embed (Customer Chat Plugin) is more interesting as visitors can chat right on the web page.
PS. link is nice on Android, it opens Messenger app.

Facebook Chat bot not working for public

I have a chat bot working fine for a single page.
My app is currently live and available to the public.
I generated page tokens using Facebook Login.
But I want to integrate same chat bot with other pages also.
I follow below guidelines to subscribe other page in my app.
But other pages are not hitting my webhook.
Screenshot of may app and messenger review are below.
Second image of messenger review
Please suggest me how i integrate my app for multiple pages.
Am I missing any step?
Thanks in Advance

Can I build a bot using Facebook Messenger Platform to integrate on my own website or does it work only on FB Messenger having a FB page?

I am new to chat bot. I want to ask if I can build a bot using Facebook Messenger Platform to integrate on my own website or does it work only on FB Messenger having a FB page?
Like can be integrated to different platform, so can bot build Messenger platform be integrated to different platform? If yes can you please share the link for tutorial.
Yes you can integrate your chatbot built on FB Messenger Platform on your own website :)
Integrating your FB Messenger chatbot onto your website
With FB's latest Messenger update, it is now possible to embed your chatbot onto your website so that users can interact with your chatbot while browsing your website. The full feature & implementation details can be found in FB's documentation here. Here's a nice tutorial on how to do it here too. However, you still need to have a FB page linked to your FB Messenger bot to do so because bots are mainly used for talking to users via your FB page.
Can FB Messenger Platform be integrated to a different platform?
Well, no, but various other platforms such as (DialogFlow) or have integrations with other messenger platforms such as Telegram, Slack, Kik, etc.
I hope this helps! I recommend (DialogFlow) as a platform for making chatbots since it's relatively easy to learn and has good documentation. If you want a quick way to prototype a chatbot, then I recommend using ChatFuel, before making one from scratch :)

Option to create App in Facebook Community Page

I have create a Facebook Community Page in Facebook. On the other side i have a web based mobile application built in jquery which supports Facebook Authentication ( like login using Facebook stuff)
Now to support facebook authentication i need to create a App in facebook and
assign the App ID/API Key and set the Site URL but i don't see any option to create app in community page which i can see in my own personal normal facebook account as follows
Please look at the image , this is the way i set up an app using my personal facebook account but i dont see this option in community page tht i have created. how can i create app into that
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
In Community page i am getting following page when i try to create an app
Community pages are intended to be used like a wiki and Facebook does not allow for the creation of apps under community pages. So unfortunately you will have to use a personal account to create the app.