AWS Route 53 CNAME with long destination URL not allowed - amazon-route53

I'm adding a CNAME entry into Route 53. The URL I'm trying to redirect to (i.e. destination) has a large number of characters. When I try to add it I get this error:
Error occurred
Bad request.
(InvalidChangeBatch 400: DomainLabelTooLong (Domain label is too long) encountered with '<my-url>', Unparseable CNAME encountered)
After some fiddling it looks like it gives me this error if the URL is longer than 70 characters. If the URL has less than that, it works fine. I can't find anywhere documenting this limit, so is it a bug? Is there any way to increase this limit?

Here is the relevant information from the Route53 documentation:
Domain names (including the names of domains, hosted zones, and
records) consist of a series of labels separated by dots. Each label
can be up to 63 bytes long. The total length of a domain name cannot
exceed 255 bytes, including the dots.
Wikipedia provides similar information:
A label may contain zero to 63 characters. The null label, of length
zero, is reserved for the root zone. The full domain name may not
exceed the length of 253 characters in its textual representation. In
the internal binary representation of the DNS the maximum length
requires 255 octets of storage, as it also stores the length of the


outlook EntryId syntax

I am writing a tool to backup my mails. In order to understand if I have already backed up a mail I use the entryID.
The Entry ID is however very very long and so I have problems in serializing my datastructure with JSON, using the entryID as index in a hash.
Furthermore I noticed that the first part of the entryID remains identic throughout all my mails. Therefore my suspect, that the first part identifies the Outlook Server, and the last part the e-mails themselves. Therefore there should no need to use the whole entryID to identify a single mail in my account.
Anybody knows the syntax of this entryID, I did not find nothing on the Microsoft Site, maybe I did the wrong query.
Thx a lot
Example of EntryID:
quite long, isntĀ“t it ?
All entry ids must be treated as black boxes. The first 4 bytes (8 hex characters) are the flags (0s for the long term entry id). Next 16 bytes (32 hex characters) are the provider UID registered with the M

How to find maximum update domains/fault domains available in an Azure region

The only way I know of to enquire maximum update domains or fault domains allowed for creation of an avaiability set in Azure is by passing very large values and then parsing the error message. Is there a better way to query for the maximum values?
For example, executing New-AzureRmAvailabilitySet -PlatformUpdateDomainCount 100 -PlatformFaultDomainCount 100 <other parameters> will fail with an error that looks like below:
ErrorCode: InvalidParameter
ErrorMessage: The specified fault domain count 100 must fall in the range 1 to 2.
StatusCode: 400
ReasonPhrase: Bad Request
Maybe you can find the maximum fault domains in this article:
The maximum update domains is 20 by default.

Using OSRM with big queries?

I am experimenting with table service, the first restriction I thought about is the URL query length, as it work by http get request.
I need to send 5000 location, considering location is 35 characters long as for example:
thus, I will be sending 175000 character in the url, which is not possible I think for all browsers.
I will pass the result of durations matrix into the vehicle routing problem solver of Google Optimization Tools with the duarion matrix of a 5000 input location.
Here is an example of my query for small number of locations:,31.949649689353226;35.88357925415039,31.974007590177635;35.92055082321167,31.948830365146534
Any advice?

What is the maximum size of JWT token?

I need to know the maximum length of
JSON Web Token (JWT)
In specs there are no information about it. Could be that, there are no limitations in length ?
I've also been trying to find this.
I'd say - try and ensure it's below 7kb.
Whilst JWT defines no upper limit in the spec ( we do have some operational limits.
As a JWT is included in a HTTP header, we've an upper limit (SO: Maximum on http header values) of 8K on the majority of current servers.
As this includes all Request headers < 8kb, with 7kb giving a reasonable amount of room for other headers. The biggest risk to that limit would be cookies (sent in headers and can get large).
As it's encrypted and base64ed there's at least 33% wastage of the original json string, so do check the length of the final encrypted token.
One final point - proxies and other network appliances may apply an abitrary limit along the way...
As you said, there is no maximum length defined in the RFC7519 ( or other RFCs related to JWS or JWE.
If you use the JSON Serialized format or JSON Flattened Serialized format, there is no limitation and there is no reason to define a limitation.
But if you use the JSON Compact Serialized format (most common format), you have to keep in mind that it should be as short as possible because it is mainly used in a web context. A 4kb JWT is something that you should avoid.
Take care to store only useful claims and header informations.
When using heroku the header will be limited at 8k. Depending of how much data are you using on jwt2 it will be reach. The request, when oversize, will not touch your node instance, heroku router will drop it before your API layer..
When processing an incoming request, a router sets up an 8KB receive
buffer and begins reading the HTTP request line and request headers.
Each of these can be at most 8KB in length, but together can be more
than 8KB in total. Requests containing a request line or header line
longer than 8KB will be dropped by the router without being
See: Heroku Limits

What is the maximum length of a facebook name?

What is the maximum length of a facebook name, the one you get in the parameter "name" from the graph API.
Maximum length of a Facebook username is currently 50 characters.
While trying to create a "really long name" as #BK suggested, the Facebook user account view complains with anything of 51 characters or greater:
I'm pretty sure that its not documented anywhere, but my guess would be 50 as the longest one I've seen after looking over several hundred thousand users is 49.
Ron Bowes posted a torrent with over 100 million Facebook user names. You could pull that down and query it if you really wanted to know. Or try creating a Facebook account with a really long name.
I recently encountered a unicode name (first & last name combined) that exceeded 255 bytes, unfortunately I don't recall how many characters specifically, but it broke our varchar(255) database field.