Using OSRM with big queries? - osrm

I am experimenting with table service, the first restriction I thought about is the URL query length, as it work by http get request.
I need to send 5000 location, considering location is 35 characters long as for example:
thus, I will be sending 175000 character in the url, which is not possible I think for all browsers.
I will pass the result of durations matrix into the vehicle routing problem solver of Google Optimization Tools with the duarion matrix of a 5000 input location.
Here is an example of my query for small number of locations:,31.949649689353226;35.88357925415039,31.974007590177635;35.92055082321167,31.948830365146534
Any advice?


Pushing key/value pair data to graphite/grafana

We are trying to see if graphite will fit our use case. So we have a number of public parameters. Like key value pairs.
Http status: 400
6-7 more similar fields (key values pairs) .
This data is continuously posted to use in a data report. What we want is to draw visualisations over this data.
We want graphs that will say things like how many 400s by sites etc. Which are the top sites or callers for whom there is 400.
Now we are wondering if this can be done with graphite.
But we have questions. Graphite store numerical values. So how will we represent this in graphite.
Something like this ?
Clicks.metric.status.400 1 currTime 1 currTime 1 currTime
Adding 1 as the numerical value to record the event.
Also how will we group the set of values together.
For eg this http status is for this site as it is one record.
In that case we need something like
Clicks.metric.status.{uuid1}.400 1 currTime{uuid1}.xyz 1 currTime
Our aim is to then use grafana to have graphs on this data as in what are the top site which have are showing 400 status?
will this is ok ?
Graphite accepts three types of data: plaintext, pickled, and AMQP.
The plaintext protocol is the most straightforward protocol supported
by Carbon.
The data sent must be in the following format: <metric path> <metric
value> <metric timestamp>. Carbon will then help translate this line
of text into a metric that the web interface and Whisper understand.
If you're new to graphite (which sounds like you are) plaintext is definitely the easiest to get going with.
As to how you'll be able to group metrics and perform operations on them, you have to remember that graphite doesn't natively store any of this for you. It stores timeseries metrics, and provides functions that manipulate that data for visual / reporting purposes. So when you send a metric, 1 1522353885, all you're doing is storing the value 1 for that specific metric at timestamp 1522353885. You can then use graphite functions to display that data, e.g.,: sumSeries(prod.*.application-xyz.grpc.GetStatus.return-codes.400) will produce a sum of all 400 error codes from all hosts.

restful query signature in webapi

My understanding of REST is that anything that does not change state to the underlying system (e.g. query) should be a GET request. This also means that query parameters have to be put into the URI like so:
or as query strings as discussed here:
REST API Best practice: How to accept list of parameter values as input
Sometimes the query may require a lengthy vector (number of x/y points). How do I overcome the length problem of URIs here? Should I just use a POST? Thanks.
If the vector really is big enough to start worrying about you should really consider moving it out of the query params and represent it as a RESTful resource.
For example, create a collection at:
Then your API clients can POST their large vectors and then in another request refer to it by a single id number.
This reduces the size of the query length drastically, abides by REST, and allows for these vectors to be easily reused. If you are worried about storage you can expire vectors after 30 minutes or longer.
Another option is to go down the JSON-LD road which is similar except you don‘t host the vectors. You just provide an #context object and API clients will host the vector on their own server and reference it to your API by URL in a query parameter.

How to pass a large number of input parameters to RESTful service?

I have a RESTful service that returns detailed data about a machine by the supplied list of Ids. GET api/machine/,2,3,4
Up till now this has been fine since I am getting a small number of machines at a time, but now I need to get all machines (more then 1000). This exceeds the 2000 character limit on URLs.
I have gotten both of the options below to work and I'm looking for some community feedback on which way to go.
Option 1: Split up my GET. Make multiple calls with a subset of the ids. Pros: I am doing a get so using the HTTP verb GET makes sense. Cons: If a person new to the service doesn't know about this limit, or doesn't use my client, it would cause problems.
Option 2: Add a PUT/POST method and include the full list of ids in the body. Pros: Makes 1 call to get all data. Cons: I am now doing a get from a PUT/POST.
Probably your best course-of-action would be something in the lines of option 2, you can create a JSON on your side with an array of the numbers you want to send in the Body of the message. If there's the possibility of it still being far too large, you can split it in several messages, when you receive the response of one you'd send the next item in the queue, and so on.
Another option, used by the Facebook API among others, is to create a "/batch" POST method which can be used to make multiple requests in one go.
So instead of having,2,3,4,5,.... you'll have a batch of requests with /machine/1, /machine/2, /machine/3, etc.
The advantage is that you keep clean RESTful URLs (no more coma-separated values) and it scales very well since you can batch as many requests as you want.
The disadvantage is that it is slightly more complex to build.
See there for more information -

Can response data from core reporting api be grouped?

I am able to query the Google Core reporting APIv3 using the client library to get data on pageviews for specific URLs of a website I am working on. I want to get data(pageviews) for each day within a specified range. So far I am simply looping through the range, sending individual request to the API. in each request I am setting the same value for the start date and the end date.
Obviously this gets the job done, BUT it is certainly not the best way to go about it. Because, assumming I want to get data for the past 3 months for each of about 2000 URIs. Then I will need 360000 number of requests and that value is well over the limit quota defined by Google.
Potential solution: So one way I thought of solving this issue is probably to send a request setting start-date and end-date to be a week apart but the API will return a sum of the values rather than the individual values.
main question: So is there a way to insist that these values should not be added up and returned as a sum but rather returned (as associative array or something like that) separately for each.
I hope the question is clear and that there is a solution! Thank you!
Very straightforward:
Metric: ga:pageview, Dimension: ga:date, Set a filter for your pagepath, and set a start-date and end-date.
This will return the pageviews for that the faq.html& page for each day in the time-frame.
You should check out the QueryExplorer. Great tool to find out how to structure queries.

REST Webservices - GET but for multiple objects

I have already gone through this
How best to design a REST API with multiple filters?
This does help when you have say 3 or 4 filtering criteria and you can accomodate that in the query String.
However let's take this example
You want to get call details about 20 telephone numbers, between a certain startdate and enddate.
Now I do agree ideally one should be advised to make individual queries for each number and then on the client side collate all data.
However for certain Live systems that would mean 20 rounds of queries on the switches or cdr databases. That is 20 request-response cycles plus the client having to collate and order them again based on time. While in the database level it would have been a simple single query that can return an ordered data and transformed back into a REST xml response that the client can embed on their system.
If we are to use GET the query string will get really confusing and has a limit as well.
Any suggestions to get around this issue.
Of course we can send a POST request with an xml having all numbers in it but that is against REST Get principles.
In case of GET use OData queries. For example when your start and end dates represented as numbers (unix time) URI could look like:
GET$filter=Date le 1342699200 and Date gt 1342526400
What you seem to be missing is an important concept of REST, caching. This can be done, as an example, in the browser, for a single client. Or it can be done as a shared cache between all the clients and the live production system (whatever it may be). Thus reducing queries against a live production system, or in your example, actual switches.
You should really take some time to read Fieldings thesis, and understand that REST is an architectural style.
I found a solution here Handling multiple parameters in a URI (RESTfully) in Java
but not quite happy with it.
So in effect we will end up using /cdr?numbers=number1,number2,number3 ...
However not too pleased with it as there is a limit to Query String in the url and also doesn't really seem to be an elegant solution. Anyone found any solution to this in their own implementation?
Basically not using POST for this kind of Fetch requests and also not using cumbresome and lengthy Query Strings.
We are using Jersey but also open to using CXF or Spring REST