Flutter web: SVG in Firefox - flutter

Does someone know a way to display a SVG in Firefox using Flutter.
I tried using websafe_svg. It works great apart from Firefox, the images are not visible.

Using flutter_svg in addition with --dart-define=FLUTTER_WEB_USE_SKIA=true behind flutter run seems to work for me.

every thing depends on your SVG Format ... and I think best way is Changing Svg to a Right Format that you tested ...
I always use Adobe Illustrator for changing svgs Format. and below Format Working For Me on Both Android And Web... (Use Adobe Illustrator Action for saving Time )


Flutter webview is not showing image even thou it's so simple html

I am making a Flutter app, and I am using webview here.
It all goes fine but when it comes to image, it just fails.
Other text contents are all fine.
I tried several things but all failed.
You can replicate the test by this url
It appears fine from the browser but images never appaer only in flutter webview
This is my flutter code for the webview
I found the answer by myself. It was because the image source was referred as "http:". I just put the following tag and it solved like a charm

custom svg not displaying properly in fluttericon

I am trying to create custom icons (so svgs) in Adobe Illustrator for flutter so I am trying to load svg files into fluttericon. However, once I upload the svg file to fluttericon it only shows an outline and the actual symbol is not showing.
In Illustrator, I tried to Saves as SVG, Export as SVG and Exports for Screens -> SVG but none of them seem to work.
Am I missing something? If I upload another svg I got online it works perfectly fine.
I figured it out: In Illustrator, you need to turn the shapes into a compound path first and then export as svg (Object -> Compound path -> make). That way it shows up fine in fluttericon.
fluttericon has a good explanation for that as well: https://github.com/fontello/fontello/wiki/How-to-use-custom-images#importing-svg-images

How to customize file_picker UI in flutter

I find it difficult to customize the UI of the file picker. I want to implement a picker with my own new UI rather than a native picker. What should I do?
waiting for a good answer!
I'm not good at English, so I got help from a translator. thank you for reading.
Is it possible to customize with this plugin?
You can use the photo_manager plugin to get all the photos and make your own file picker, but there is no way to modify the file_picker ui as it calls native file pickers directly.
you can use file_manager plugin it support android and linux by the time this answer was written .

How to tap to copy html text in flutter app

My developer is building an educational app for me and we kind of have a problem. I want to know how to tap a word or phrase on the screen to show copy, highlight, web search like the image below. The app was built with flutter and the code is in dart. This feature is really needed. Will appreciate if someone can help with a plugin or just a way to do this.
If you are using webview package you have a gestureRecognizers property in webview widget, just add this line:
gestureRecognizers: {}..add(Factory<LongPressGestureRecognizer>(() =>
Flutter has selectable text for that
If he is using webview, maybe this could help?
How to enable text selection modal(copy/paste/select) in flutter webview?
They is a package for copy and paste text in the flutter.
FlutterClipboard.copy(item.code).then((value) {})
package link
Well I got your problem.
There is a possible solution. Here you are doing is sending data from server in html format and displayed it using html_viwer. But there is no functionality I found to select and copy so far.
The possible solution is send string data from server and use SelectableText() to show the text and you will be able to select and copy your text.
There's a solution for this, just use SelectableHtml widget instead of only Html

Unity WebGL Mobile browser workaround and keyboard input fix?

Hey everyone so I read that unity doesn't really support mobile browsers for WebGL games. im using 2020.1.4.And sure enough, the game gets a bit distorted by not being scaled properly. it's like the camera is bigger so it shows on the screen that blue color. I tried some things, setting width and height to auto or removing config.devicePixelRatio = 1; as suggested by a friend but nope! still looks horrible! And if that wasn't enough the keyboard doesn't show up when clicking on form fields. i tried this one
which displayed an error when pressed on and this one
https://github.com/dantasulisses/WebMobileInputFix which just didn't even compile!
Any ideas, please?
I did my research and tried every plugin I could find. I used Unity 2020.3.28f1 and tested both on Android-phone and iPhone.Here is my report.
These plugins don't work:
This plugin works, but you should use different settings for IOS and Android on same input field game object. If you use "prompt", it works for IOS only, and "overlay" works for Android only. Look for documentation in page:
And this plugin works best at the moment. Yes, it is a bit ugly though, but it works.
And there is a fix for Unity 2021 for it:
There's a keyboard that overlays, when using it you just need to tap the notification to access it and then click the "back" button to hide it https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fishstix.gameboard
I made this project that simply recreates a keyboard using buttons in unity.
I implemented it in a WebGL build successfully.
I would recommend using the native js window.prompt() fields as of writing. They have great cross-platform support, allow for extra features like special characters, emojis, copy and paste etc. and are pretty easy to set up. Once (or honestly if ever) Unity adds their own reliable implementation you can easily remove this lightweight implementation.
Create a .jslib file that has a function opening a window.prompt(description, currentText)
Return the result at the end of that function back to a unity object with a recipient script
Make a derivation from Unity's event system overwriting the OnApplicationFocus(bool focus) function (leaving it empty), to fix a sneaky Chrome Android bug.
That's it. The result should look something like in this demo: https://pop.demo.neoludic.games
If you want to save some development time on a feature that really should just be native in Unity, you can also check out my plugin based on the method above. https://neoludic-games.itch.io/pop-input
I also need to enable mobile virtual keyboard for running webgl on mobile device.
I've tried the code from your mentioned url. It gives you some idea on how to do
it, but the code are totally buggy and unusable. Now I am trying to implement it
by myself.