I am trying to left join Column A with Column B using a LIKE % but did not seem to get anything working until now
Column A
Column B
Expected Output
TPO1-Dest TPO1
HJUE-Main Main
Flight-JKO1 JKO1
If they are actually two separate tables, you could use:
FROM tableA, tableB
WHERE tableA.a LIKE '%' | tableB.b | '%'
I am trying to create a new table by using inner join to combine multiple tables. All, the tables have a primary key/column called reach_id. I have a primary table called q3_studies. I want all of the columns from this table. I then have multiple other tables that have reach_id + another column. I want to JOIN this table ON reach_id that matches q3_studies but only include the other columns (so I don't have redundant reach_id columns). My first attempt seems to work if I run it from SELECT * ... using a LIMIT 1000; at the end, but adds redundant reach_ids.
SELECT * FROM second_schema.q3_studies s
INNER JOIN second_schema.bs_trigger_q3 b ON s.reach_id = b.reach_id
INNER JOIN second_schema.mod_unmod_q3 m ON s.reach_id = m.reach_id LIMIT 1000;
How can I amend this to add only the additional columns (ex: bs_trigger_q3 has an additional columns called bs_trigger, mod_unmod_q3 has an additional column called mod_unmod)?
Secondly, if I try to create a new table, I get an error: column reach_id specified more than one. What am I doing wrong here?
CREATE TABLE first_schema.report_q3 AS
SELECT * FROM second_schema.q3_studies s
INNER JOIN second_schema.bs_trigger_q3 b ON s.reach_id = b.reach_id
INNER JOIN second_schema.mod_unmod_q3 m ON s.reach_id = m.reach_id;
Instead of select * you need to list the columns you want explicitly. This is good practice in any case. It also allows you to rename columns e.g. s.column_A as "foo_column"
In the future the schema may change.
CREATE TABLE first_schema.report_q3 AS
s.column_A, s.column_B,
b.column_C, b.column_D,
m.column_E, m.column_F
FROM second_schema.q2_studies s
INNER JOIN second_schema.bs_trigger_q3 b ON s.reach_id = b.reach_id
INNER JOIN second_schema.mod_unmod_q3 m ON s.reach_id = m.reach_id
If your editor does not help you with column names consider a different editor.
I would like to add to the table A all the column of the table B, doing a join based on a common column (type numeric). I am trying to do it using the LEFT JOIN but the columns added are all blank. this is impossible because table b stores, among others, the same ID values . Where I am wrong?
Select * from "2017_01" left join "Registry_2017" on '2017_01.ID' = 'Registry_2017.ID';
You are doing wrong.. I don't know why you can use right for Table calling "2017_01" and different with this '2017_01.ID'..
' = Single quote identifies as String
" = Double quote identifies as Table or Column to escape Naming
left join "Registry_2017" on '2017_01.ID' = 'Registry_2017.ID';
So when you doing this '2017_01.ID' = 'Registry_2017.ID' The condition will always become false because those 2 different String are not equal. Postgresql look the condition not as Table and Column but String because you are using Single quote
left join "Registry_2017" on "2017_01"."ID" = "Registry_2017"."ID";
So the query should be like that.. Even you already got answer and it got work i must tell this..
I have two columns in the same table that I want to join in Postgresql but for some reason I’m getting this error. Don’t know how to figure it out. Please help.
[42P01] ERROR: relation "a" does not exist
Position: 10
X table contains two pools(ABC,XYZ), ids, numbers and description. If an ID exists in one pool but not in the other, it should update description column to “ADD”. Pools need to be joined on number.
SET A.Description = 'ADD'
LEFT JOIN X AS B ON B.number = A.number
AND B.id = 'ABC'
WHERE A.id = 'XYZ'
AND B.number IS NULL
AND A.Description IS NULL;
With standard SQL you can't do a join as part of an update, but what you can do is include a subquery to select the id's to update. The subquery can contain a join. I'm not entirely clear on what you're actually trying to accomplish, but you could do something like this:
UPDATE x SET description='ADD' WHERE number IN (
SELECT a.number FROM x AS a
LEFT OUTER JOIN x AS b ON a.number=b.number AND a.id='XYZ' AND b.id='ABC'
WHERE b.number IS NULL
This will join the table x with itself and will select (and update) any numbers's that don't have a matching number in the 'ABC' and 'XYZ' zone.
PostgreSQL does have a UPDATE FROM syntax that does let you update with complex subqueries. It's more flexible but it's non-standard. You can find an example of this type of query here.
I have a table with columns FIRSTNAME LASTNAME and I want to create a third column that combines those two columns into FIRSTNAME_LASTNAME but ALSO uses a special dictionary to convert some of the names. Say I just want to apply it to the FIRSTNAME, e.g.:
Albert -> Funnyguy, Kathleen -> Nerd, Megan -> Weirdo
So the new column for the "Albert Jones" row would be "Funnyguy_Jones".
Currently I do this in psycopg2 by reading in all the rows (in batches because the db is huge), using a python dictionary to convert and create the new column, then sending out the updates with UPDATE table SET newcol = tmp.newcol FROM (VALUES ...) etc. This is very slow because of reading it into python. Any tips?
EDIT: not all of the names have conversions (only like 10% of them do, for those I want to keep the original name)
If left join has a match COALESCE will choose t2.newName, other wise you will choose t1.firstName
SELECT t1.firstName,
COALESCE(t2.newName, t1.firstName) + '_' + t1.lastName as combinedName
FROM firstTable t1
LEFT JOIN newTable t2
ON t1.firstName = t2.firstName
I just created a temporary table as:
create temporary table userAndProductSales as
select p.p_name, u.u_name, u.s_price, u.quantity
from product p
join userAndStates u
on p.s_id = u.s_id
Now I want to select some columns with a particular order. For example, I want the select to give me an output of:
u_name1 p_name1
u_name1 p_name2
u_name1 p_name3
u_name1 p_name4
u_name2 p_name1
u_name2 p_name2
u_name2 p_name3
and so on and so forth. How do I get this ouput? I've tried something on the lines of:
select (select u_name from userandproductsales order by u_name), p_name from userandproductsales
but I'm getting an error
UPDATE: Figured out that the table I'm joining isn't giving me the correct data I want. Thanks for the help though.
Here is how to use ORDER BY :
SELECT * from userandstatesales
order by u_name , p_name
Unless there is a reason for creating a temporary table (like needing to access it later in the same session), you should avoid the expense and simply do a order by from your select. For example:
select p.p_name, u.u_name, u.s_price, u.quantity
from product p
join userAndStates u
on p.s_id = u.s_id
order by u.u_name, p.p_name;