Enterprise Architect Schema Composer Root Class Cardinality - enterprise-architect

I am trying to create a custom script that generates a schema from the EA schema composer.
For this script I need to access the cardinality of specified root classes (you can set cardinalities for classes that you mark as root class in the composer).
I have looked through this specification: https://www.sparxsystems.com/enterprise_architect_user_guide/15.1/automation/sc_schematypeclass.html
I have tried calling IsRoot() which returns True or False and calling GetFacet("root") which also returns True or False. Is there any way to get the values of the cardinality from a root class using automation in EA?


TYPO3 Extension Error: Cannot create empty instance of the class

My FE plugin created using extension builder shows me the following error :
Cannot create empty instance of the class "TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage" because it does not implement the TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\DomainObject\DomainObjectInterface.
What does it mean and how do I resolve it?
TYPO3 version 6.1.0
My Domain Object named Subject has relations Category_Id m:n relation and Location_Id 1:n relation . I did not map these two to any table during the creation of the extension.
How do I mention this in the extension that these relations are related to certain tables (Category_table and Location_table)and are to be looked in their respective domain model objects to retrieve data ?
The problem is a little confusing, I hope I made myself clear
Thank You
You need to set up the relation within the TCA.
Make sure to clear the cache and to remove the typo3temp/Cache/.
Then you will need to annotate your model properly such that extbase can resolve the reference.
Remember: TCA for core and annotation for extbase

Auditing #ElementCollection/#Embeddable with hibernate-envers

I'm trying to audit a collection of #Embeddable objects using hibernate-envers.
According to https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HHH-6613 support for auditing #ElementCollection was added. This feature doesn't seem to work well: when trying to save several #Embeddable objects with the same revision number NonUniqueObjectException is thrown.
Does anyone have a working example of #ElementCollection+#Embeddable audited with Envers?
As of Hibernate 5.2.8, we managed to make it work by these steps:
Define the java type as Set for the collection of embeddable elements
Implement hashCode() and equals() methods in the class of the embeddable elements
Be sure to create an int column named SETORDINAL in the table that holds
the audit log of said elements (or let hibernate create the tables for you
by setting the appropriate configuration key).

Manage #NamedNativeQuery and schema

I have many EntityManager, one per schema that I have (I use entity-mappings file to map EMs with schemas). It works.
When I use #NamedQuery it's working like a charm but when I use #NamedNativeQuery schema is not used. I have to qualify with it SELECT foo FROM schema.table.
Is it the right behaviour ?
I think it's not possible to parameter #NamedNativeQuery to dynamically pass schema (I believe only columns can be dynamics not tables or schemas or anything else) so how can I use #NamedNativeQuery with dynamic schema please ?
Prefix your table name with "{h-schema}", e.g.SELECT foo FROM {h-schema}table
(courtesy of getting hibernate default schema name programmatically from session factory?)
Excerpts from documentation :
NamedNativeQuery : Specifies a named native SQL query. Query names are scoped to the persistence unit.
NamedQuery : Specifies a static, named query in the Java Persistence query language. Query names are scoped to the persistence unit.
It isn't specified directly that NamedNativeQuery is static, but both are same scoped & can't be altered afterwards & it's the desired behaviour.
Named queries are mean to be accessed by multiple modules - application wide, identified by unique name, so they are static & constant. You can try building a query string dynamically & can create a native query from it, instead of named native query.

Entity framework - having the same table in more than one edmx

I have two edmx files .
Both contain the table "applicationType".
That means I have two objects applicationType with different namespace.
When I try to query from one
I get the following error -
"Schema specified is not valid. Errors: \r\nMultiple types with the name
'ApplicationType' exist in the EdmItemCollection in different namespaces.
Convention based mapping requires unique names without regard to namespace
in the EdmItemCollection.\r\nThe relationship
'myModel.FK_ApplicationAttribute_ApplicationType' was not loaded because the type
'myModel.ApplicationType' is not available.\r\n"}
System.Data.EntityException {System.Data.MetadataException}
can anyone suggest how to query it ?
If the two Models are in the same namespace, you must have different names for these objects. Eg:
Model 1 - namespace: myApp - table: applicationType - entityName: applicationType
In your second model you must use another namespace, or, another entityName.
Open one of yours edmx diagrams
right click at the replicated entity and rename it
Save it, build the project
Adjust errors that possible will appear with code that uses the entity you just rename (only update entity name).

In Tastypie is there a way to change a resources excludes based on the authentication?

Consider the example of a user resource that has profile pic and email fields. Where any user may see any other users profile pic but a user may only see their own email address.
Is it possible to setup tastypie so that the set of excluded fields can be varied based on the authenticated user?
I realize that an alternative approach is to create separate full and restricted user resources. But for the moment I just want to know whether the approach of limiting the fields based on user authentication is even doable in tastypie.
Also it doesn't have to be the excludes, in the same vein is there a way instead to change the fields property based on the requesting user?
I dont think excluded fields can be brought back into the picture in an elegant fashion. You could probably manipulate the object list based on the request using some object manipulation by including the get_object_list in your resource
But it would be much better and more logical for you to use the apply_limits method in your custom authorization class.
Yes there is a way to do it.
If you define email to be a separate field, not the one of the User(might work and with that but never did it).
You can define dehydrate_email where the bundle.request contains the current request and you could get it. It won't be exactly excluded as a field but it will be None for others.
I created a ModelResource subclass that can be multiple inherited into the required ModelResource instances. Like:
class ResourceThatNeedsToExcludeSomeFields(ExcludeResource, ModelResource):
It takes in the fields to be excluded via GET parameters (like "&exclude=username")
class ExcludeResource(ModelResource):
Generic class to implement exclusion of fields in all the ModelResource classes
All ModelResource classes will be muliple inherited by this class, whose dehydrate method has been overriden
# STACK: How to exclude some fields from a resource list created by tastypie?
def dehydrate(self, bundle):
# I was taking the exclude fields from get paramaters as a comma separated value
if bundle.request.GET.get('exclude'):
exclude_fields = bundle.request.GET.get('exclude').split(',')
for field in exclude_fields:
if str(field) in bundle.data.keys():
del bundle.data[str(field)]
return bundle
You can modify this to get the exclude fields based on user group (or whatever criteria you base the fields on) like this:
class ExcludeResource(ModelResource):
Generic class to implement exclusion of fields in all the ModelResource classes
All ModelResource classes will be muliple inherited by this class, whose dehydrate method has been overriden
# STACK: How to exclude some fields from a resource list created by tastypie?
def dehydrate(self, bundle):
exclude_fields = <get a comma separated list of fields to be excluded based in bundle.request.user>
for field in exclude_fields:
if str(field) in bundle.data.keys():
del bundle.data[str(field)]
return bundle
However, this snippet will not work for related resources specified with "full=True"