I'm trying to audit a collection of #Embeddable objects using hibernate-envers.
According to https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HHH-6613 support for auditing #ElementCollection was added. This feature doesn't seem to work well: when trying to save several #Embeddable objects with the same revision number NonUniqueObjectException is thrown.
Does anyone have a working example of #ElementCollection+#Embeddable audited with Envers?
As of Hibernate 5.2.8, we managed to make it work by these steps:
Define the java type as Set for the collection of embeddable elements
Implement hashCode() and equals() methods in the class of the embeddable elements
Be sure to create an int column named SETORDINAL in the table that holds
the audit log of said elements (or let hibernate create the tables for you
by setting the appropriate configuration key).
How can I tell JPA how to behave with different column types in my database when it tries to generate the entities from tables?
For example when I have a column like the following in my MySQL:
`deleted` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
I want in the generated entity by JPA have boolean instead of byte, but what the JPA will generate is something like this:
private byte deleted;
However I want to have something like this:
#Type(type = "org.hibernate.type.NumericBooleanType")
private boolean deleted;
I think there must be a way that I tell JPA how to translate the column types in my tables in the entities in Java!?
I don't like to modify the entities by hand!
If you're asking how to configure the Eclipse wizard to map TINYINT onto boolean, the answer is you probably cannot.
Using Hibernate tools looks more promising, though. There's a hibernate.reveng.xml config file you can use to control type mapping.
As a side note:
I don't like to modify the entities by hand!
Note that reverse engineering tools in general lack the business knowledge required to generate a business model structure that is completely sensible. You will likely have to do some tweaking (e.g you likely won't get any #ManyToMany associations, even if they are the more natural solution domain-wise).
In the last page of that wizard we can define the expected type for each column. The interesting part is, eclipse stores somehow the selected types for each column and in the future when you try to regenerate the entities you don't need to do this step times to times!
I am following the example provided here by eclipselink.
When I start my tests, it fails with:
javax.persistence.RollbackException: Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.7.1.v20171221-bd47e8f):
Internal Exception: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation "event_history" does not exist.
The framework isn't creating the table as I would expect. I have the following configuration:
<property name="eclipselink.ddl-generation" value="drop-and-create-tables"/>
From this link, I don't feel it's necessary to add the DescriptorCustomizer class to the persistence.xml file. But I may be wrong.
My question is, do I have to create the table manually? Or I am doing something wrong? The examples I found relative to the feature are quiet poor.
Some solutions are discussed in eclipse link forum.
Clovis Wichoski CLA Friend 2016-01-02 15:29:19 EST
The problem still occurs with 2.6.2
Follow a StringTemplate to be used to easy the creation by hand (for Postgres database)
CREATE TABLE <tableName>_audit (
audit_date_start timestamp,
audit_date_end timestamp
Here is another possible solution:
Peter Hansson CLA Friend 2016-03-25 05:30:42 EDT
Yes, I've had the same issue.
I've explored a couple of avenues in order to get EclipseLink to generate the history tables for me (so that they always reflect their base table). I haven't been able to come up with a method that would work, less one that would be db agnostic.
I do believe the only way to solve this is in the core of EclipseLink, for example by adding a new annotation, #HistoryTable.
I'm thinking something along the lines of the following:
Suppose you have base class, Person:
public class Person {
private Long personId;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
Then we could define a history entity for that entity as follows:
#HistoryTable(base=Person.class, primaryKeyFields="personId,rowStartTime")
public class PersonHist {
// Add here the extra fields/columns that should exist for the
// history table.
private Date rowStartTime;
private Date rowEndTime;
The #HistoryTable annotation would replicate all fields from the base entity, including most field annotations, except for annotations related to relations, which wouldn't be relevant on the history table.
By definition the history table's primary key will always be a composite of columns in the base table, typically it will be like in the example. In the example the PersonHist entity will think it has an #Id notation on fields personId and rowStartTime. (yeah, this area needs more brain work :-))
My project is migrating from Grails to Java so I have exisiting Audit data in a single table pushed by Grails Audit plugin, now I am using Java envers for Auditing in java. I have below doubts:
-> If i want to push data from single table to different Audit tables(in Java) manually, how can i generate Primary key of revision table for history data manually which will not collide with primary key generated from Java annotation?
As for new entries I am generating primary key like below:
#Column(name = "ID") #NotNull
private Long revisionId;
-> Any other way to push data from single audit table to segregated Audit tables(In java) instead of doing it manually?
Please let me know about this.
Envers should be creating sequence named REVISION_LISTENER on Oracle.
Therefore you should be able to use Oracle's syntax SELECT REVISION_LISTENER.NEXTVAL in order to get the next sequence value and use that in the REV field both in your audit table and the revision entity info table too.
This only applies to DefaultAuditStrategy.
If you intend to use the ValidityAuditStrategy, there are other fields which you'll have to understand the internals of Envers in order to be able to populate the relevant fields. If you are using this strategy, let me know and I'll add more details that are specific to it, but its very complex and quite tedious.
I'm using Spring JPA with hibernate and have an entity with a lot of properties, let's say it has five; as illustrated below:
public class MyEntity{
Object properties1;
Object properties2;
Object properties3;
Object properties4;
Object properties5;
Spring provides a very nice feature; it generates JPQL query based on method name in the repository. For example:
List<MyEntity> findByProperties3(Object properties3);
In my situation, users have an html form to search for a MyEntity. This html form has five fields respectively which correspond to the five properties on the MyEntity class. User also can leave any field empty so that the search will include all values of this property in the query.
I have idea of how to implement that but it would break away from the Spring convenience methods and need a lot of coding. My idea is to create a method on the repository interface for all possibilities: user leaving all field empty, filling one field, two fields, etc; up to five fields. Unfortunately, that means that there would be:
possibilities. How can I avoid this path? Ideally, I would create just one method:
List<MyEntity> findByProperties1andProperties2andProperties3andProperties4andProperties5(Object p1,Object p2,Object p3,Object p4,Object p5)
But, if some of the pXs are null, then Spring JPA will explicitly find MyEntitys with propertiesX equal to null, as opposed to all possible values of, say, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and null.
I am still hoping to get an answer from someone about a Spring JPA solution, but I've used javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder in the mean time for my solution.
I have one table named PLACES with one composite primary key (parent_id, version_id). It is a tree of objects, which are linked through the keys. One child has just one parent, and one parent may have many children.
How can I describe it with JPA entity?
Use a ManyToOne relation from the child to the parent.
This is for OpenJpa. Might even work.
public class Place{
PlaceId id;
#JoinColumn(name="PARENT_ID" referencedColumnName="ID"), // ID = matching primary key
#JoinColumn(name="PARENT_VER" referencedColumnName="VER") //etc
public Place parent;
#OneToMany(fetch=FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy="parent")
public List<Place> childPlaces;
The OneToMany relation might be omitted if it's not needed. If I remember correctly, it needs to be managed, ie childs need to be inserted there too when creating child-places, by you, using java.
I would advise against using a version column in a composite key in order to manually keep old versions of your data (for auditing or similar purposes) as that slows down and complicates all joins, and generally will make you miserable at some point in your life - As opposed to using a version column that is not part of a composite key, used for optimistic locking.
You might want to look into some kind of build in support for auditing/logging. OpenJpa has auditing support (OpenJPA Audit) and most database provide some support, either out-of-the-box or by using triggers. All alternatives are faster and better than using composite keys.