I have a topic "topic-one" and I want to know if it has "log.cleanup.policy = compact" configured or not.
Is it possible with kafkacat, extract the properties and / or configuration of a specific topic?
kafkacat does not yet support the Topic Admin API (which allows you to alter and view cluster configs).
Suggest you use kafka-configs.sh from the Apache Kafka distribution in the meantine.
I am using MongoDB Source Connector to get the data from a MongoDB collection into Kafka. What this connector does is that it automatically creates a topic using the following naming convention:
In the MongoDB Source Connector's documentation, there is no mention of overriding the topic configuration such as number of partitions or replication factor. I have the following questions:
Is it possible to override the topic configs in the connector.properties file?
If not, is it then done on Kafka's end? If so, can we individually configure each topics' settings or it will globally affect all the topics?
Thank you!
Sounds like you have auto.create.topics.enable=true on your brokers. It is recommended to disable this and enforce manual topic creation.
Connect only creates internal topics for itself. Source connectors should ideally have their topics created ahead of time, otherwise, you get the defaults set in the broker server.properties. Changing the values will not change existing topics
Where does Zookeeper(or Kafka) keep its ACL list?
When you run scripts like kafka-acls --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=localhost:2181 --list --topic test, where does Zookeeper (or Kafka) get its list?
I am trying to find a file that stores all the ACLs.
You can access Zookeeper using the zookeeper-shell.sh script.
There is a znode called kafka-acl where information about ACLs for group, topic, cluster and so on are stored.
You can list for example information about ACLs on topics ls /kafka-acl/Topic.
Then getting information about a specific topic with get /kafka-acl/Topic/test.
Since I landed here searching for the same information and eventually stubbled my way to the answer, I thought to add some additional information. Since Apache Kafka ver 2.0, for topics with patternType=PREFIXED, the acls are stored under a zookeeper node /kafka-acl-extended, this is in addition to the /kafka-acl node which hold topic details of patterType=LITERAL.
For more details, read - KAFKA-KIP-290
For additional reference :
If you look at your Zookeeper configuration file (zoo.cfg or zookeeper.properties), you will see the dataDir parameter, which tells you where the zookeeper stores its data.
For example,
So, Kafka ACL list will be stored there, but in order to control it or view it, use
zookeeper-shell script. Because if you open the data to see, you won't be able to recognize it. See below for those who are curious.
Does Kafka Connect creates the topic on the fly if it doesn't exist (but provided as a destination) or fails to copy messages to it?
I need to create such topics on the fly or programmatically (Java API) at least, not manually using scripts.
I searched this info, but it seems topics have to be already created before migration
Kafka Connect doesn't really control this.
There's a setting in Kafka that enables/disables automatic topic creation.
If this is turned on - Kafka Connect will create its' own topics, if not - you have to create them yourselves.
By default, Kafka will not create a new topic when a consumer subscribes to a non-existing topic. you should enable the auto.create.topics.enable=truein your Kafka server configuration file which enables auto-creation of topics on the server.
Once you turn on this feature Kafka will automatically create topics on the fly. When an application tries to connect to a non-existing topic, Kafka will create that topic automatically.
I'm using librdkafka to develop in C++ kafka message producer.
Is there a way to create topic with custom replication factor, different than default one?
CONFIGURATION.md does not mention explicitly any parameter, but Kafka tools allow for this.
While auto topic creation is currently supported by librdkafka, it merely uses the broker's topic default configuration.
What you need is manual topic creation from the client. The broker support for this was recently added in KIP-4, which is also supported through librdkafka's Admin API.
See the rd_kafka_CreateTopics() API.
I have a Kafka cluster running on Mesos. I'm trying to increase number of partitions on a topic. That usually works with bin/kafka-topics.sh --alter command. Is this option exposed via dcos cli or kafka-mesos rest API? From what I see its not exposed.
If not, what is the best way to access kafka's cli within mesos installation?
Right now I use dcos cli to get broker IP and then in an adhoc way get to
Is there a more direct way?
We've just released a new version of the Kafka framework with DC/OS 1.7. The new version supports changing the partition count via dcos kafka [--name=frameworkname] topic partitions <topicname> <count>.
See also: Service documentation ("Alter Topic Partition Count" reference)