How to override the Kafka Topic configurations in MongoDB Source Connector? - mongodb

I am using MongoDB Source Connector to get the data from a MongoDB collection into Kafka. What this connector does is that it automatically creates a topic using the following naming convention:
In the MongoDB Source Connector's documentation, there is no mention of overriding the topic configuration such as number of partitions or replication factor. I have the following questions:
Is it possible to override the topic configs in the file?
If not, is it then done on Kafka's end? If so, can we individually configure each topics' settings or it will globally affect all the topics?
Thank you!

Sounds like you have auto.create.topics.enable=true on your brokers. It is recommended to disable this and enforce manual topic creation.
Connect only creates internal topics for itself. Source connectors should ideally have their topics created ahead of time, otherwise, you get the defaults set in the broker Changing the values will not change existing topics


Disable mirrormaker2 offset-sync topics on source kafka cluster

We're using MirrorMaker2 to replicate some topics from one kerberized kafka cluster to another kafka cluster (strictly unidirectional). We don't control the source kafka cluster and we're given only access to describe and read specific topics that are to be consumed.
MirrorMaker2 creates and maintains a topic (mm2-offset-syncs) in the source cluster to encode cluster-to-cluster offset mappings for each topic-partition being replicated and also creates an AdminClient in the source cluster to handle ACL/Config propagation. Because MM2 needs authorization to create and write to these topics in the source cluster, or to perform operations through AdminClient, I'm trying to understand why/if we need these mechanisms in our scenario.
My question is:
In a strictly unidirectional scenario, what is the usefulness of this source-cluster offset-sync topic to Mirrormaker?
If indeed it's superfluous, is it possible to disable it or operate mm2 without access to create/produce to this topic?
If ACL and Config propagation is disabled, is it safe to assume that the AdminClient is not used for anything else?
In the MirrorMaker code, the offset-sync topic it is readily created by MirrorSourceConnector when it starts and then maintained by the MirrorSourceTask. The same happens to AdminClient in the MirrorSourceConnector.
I have found no way to toggle off these features but honestly I might be missing something in my line of thought.
There is an option inroduced in Kafka 3.0 to make MM2 not to create the mm2-offset-syncs topic in the source cluster and operate on it in the target cluster.
Thanks to the KIP-716:
Tim Berglund noted this KIP-716 in Kafka 3.0 release:
So, to make MM2 to operate on the mm2-offset-syncs topic in the target cluster you should:
set option src->dst.offset-syncs.topic.location = target
manually create mm2-offset-syncs.dst.internal topic in the target cluster
start MM2
src and dst - are examples of aliases, replace it with yours.
Keep in mind: if mm2-offset-syncs.dst.internal topic is not created manually in the target cluster, then MM2 still tries to create this topic in the source cluster.
In case of one-direction replication process this topic is useless, because it is empty all the time, but MM2 requires it anyway.

Kafka Connect configuration and the "consumer." prefix

I was hoping to get some clarification on the kafka connect configuration properties here
We were having issues connecting to our confluent connect cluster to our kafka connect instance. We had all our settings configured correctly from what i could tell and didn’t have any luck.
After extensive googling some discovered that prefixing the configuration properties with “consumer.” seems to fix the issue. There is a mention of that prefix here
I am having a hard time understanding wrapping my head around the prefix and how the properties are picked up by connect and used. It was my assumption that the java api client used by kafka connect will pick up the connection properties from the properties file. It might have some hard coded configuration properties that can be overridden by specifying the values in the properties file. But, this is not correct? The doc linked above mentions
All new producer configs and new consumer configs can be overridden by prefixing them with producer. or consumer.
What are the new configs? The link on that page just takes me to the list of all the configs. The doc mentions
Occasionally, you may have an application that needs to adjust the default settings. One example is a standalone process that runs a log file connector
that as the use case for using the prefix override, but this is connect cluster, how does that use case apply? Appreciate your time if you have read thus far
The new prefix is probably misleading. Apache Kafka is currently at version 2.3, and back in 0.8 and 0.9 a "new" producer and consumer API was added. These are now just the standard producer and consumer, but the new prefix has hung around.
In terms of overriding configuration, it is as you say; you can prefix any of the standard consumer/producer configs in the Kafka Connect worker with consumer. (for a sink) or producer. (for a source).
Note that as of Apache Kafka 2.3 you can also override these per connector, as detailed in this post :
The Post is too old, but I'll answer it for people who will face he same difficulty:
New properties, they would like to say : any custom consumer or producer configs.
And there is two levels :
Worker side : the worker has a consumer to read configs, status and offsets of each connector and has a producer (to write status and offsets) [not confuse with __consumer_offsets topics : offset topic is only for source connector], so to override those configs:
consumer.* (example: consumer.max.poll.records=10)
producer.* (example: producer.batch.size=10000)
Connector Side : this one will inherit the worker config by default, and to override consumer/producer configs, we should use :
consumer.override.* (example: consumer.override.max.poll.records=100)
producer.override* (example: producer.override.batch.size=20000)

Kafka Connect - Delete Connector with configs?

I know how to delete Kafka connector as mentioned here Kafka Connect - How to delete a connector
But I am not sure if it also delete/erase specific connector related configs, offsets and status from *.sorage.topic for that worker?
For e.g:
Lets say I delete a connector having connector-name as"connector-abc-1.0.0" and Kafka connect worker was started with following config.<>.internal.offsets<>.internal.configs<>.internal.status
Now after DELETE call for that connector, will it erased all records from above internal topics for that specific connector?
So that I can create new connector with "same name" on same worker but different config(different offset.start or connector.class)?
When you delete a connector, the offsets are retained in the offsets topic.
If you recreate the connector with the same name, it will re-use the offsets from the previous execution (even if the connector was deleted in between).
Since Kafka is append only, then only way the messages in those Connect topics would be removed is if it were published with the connector name as the message key, and null as the value.
You could inspect those topics using console consumer to see what data is in them including --property print.key=true, and keep the consumer running when you delete a connector.
You can PUT a new config at /connectors/{name}/config, but any specific offsets that are used are dependent upon the actual connector type (sink / source); for example, there is the internal Kafka __consumer_offsets topic, used by Sink connectors, as well as the, optionally used by source connectors.
"same name" on same worker but different config(different offset.start or connector.class)?
I'm not sure changing connector.class would be a good idea with the above in mind since it'd change the connector behavior completely. offset.start isn't a property I'm aware of, so you'll need to see the documentation of that specific connector class to know what it does.

Kafka Connect writes data to non-existing topic

Does Kafka Connect creates the topic on the fly if it doesn't exist (but provided as a destination) or fails to copy messages to it?
I need to create such topics on the fly or programmatically (Java API) at least, not manually using scripts.
I searched this info, but it seems topics have to be already created before migration
Kafka Connect doesn't really control this.
There's a setting in Kafka that enables/disables automatic topic creation.
If this is turned on - Kafka Connect will create its' own topics, if not - you have to create them yourselves.
By default, Kafka will not create a new topic when a consumer subscribes to a non-existing topic. you should enable the auto.create.topics.enable=truein your Kafka server configuration file which enables auto-creation of topics on the server.
Once you turn on this feature Kafka will automatically create topics on the fly. When an application tries to connect to a non-existing topic, Kafka will create that topic automatically.

Kafka-connect sink task ignores file offset storage property

I'm experiencing quite weird behavior working with Confluent JDBC connector. I'm pretty sure that it's not related to Confluent stack, but to Kafka-connect framework itself.
So, I define property as default /tmp/connect.offsets and run my sink connector. Obviously, I expect connector to persist offsets in the given file (it doesn't exist on file system, but it should be automatically created, right?). Documentation says:
The file to store connector offsets in. By storing offsets on disk, a standalone process can be stopped and started on a single node and resume where it previously left off.
But Kafka behaves in completely different manner.
It checks if the given file exists.
It it's not, Kafka just ignores it and persists offsets in Kafka topic.
If I create given file manually, reading fails anyway (EOFException) and offsets are being persisted in topic again.
Is it a bug or, more likely, I don't understand how to work with this configurations? I understand difference between two approaches to persist offsets and file storage is more convenient for my needs.
The is only used in source connectors, in standalone mode. It is used to place a bookmark on the input data source and remember where it stopped reading it. The created file contains something like the file line number (for a file source) or a table row number (for jdbc source or databases in general).
When running Kafka Connect in distributed mode, this file is replaced by a Kafka topic named by default connect-offsets which should be replicated in order to tolerate failures.
As far as sink connectors are concerned, no matter which plugin or mode (standalone/distributed) is used, they all store where they last stopped reading their input topic in an internal topic named __consumer_offsets like any Kafka consumers. This allows to use traditional tools like command-line tools to see how the much the sink connector is lagging.
The Confluent Kafka replicator, despite being a source connector, is probably an exception because it reads from a remote Kafka and may use a Kafka consumer, but only one cluster will maintain those original consumer group offsets.
I agree that the documentation is not clear, this setting is required whatever the connector type is (source or sink), but it is only used on by source connectors. The reason behind this design decision is that a single Kafka Connect worker (I mean a single JVM process) can run multiple connectors, potentially both source and sink connectors. Said differently, this setting is worker level setting, not a connector setting.
The property only applies to workers of source connectors running in standalone mode. If you are seeing Kafka persist offsets in a Kafka topic for a source, you are running in distributed mode. You should be launching your connector with the provided script connect-standalone. There's a description of the different modes here. Instructions on running in the different modes are here.