Add lines to the circle at a given angle in Core Graphics Swift - swift

I create this circle view like this:
override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {
if let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
let width = fmin(self.frame.size.width, self.frame.size.height)
let offset_x = abs(width - self.frame.size.width)/2
let offset_y = abs(width - self.frame.size.height)/2
let padding = CGFloat(0.5)
let radius_size = (width/2) - (padding*2)
let circle_width = radius_size/4
// Draw a circle
for i in 0 ..< 4
let offset = CGFloat(i) * circle_width
x: padding + offset + offset_x,
y: padding + offset + offset_y,
width: (radius_size - offset)*2,
height: (radius_size - offset)*2))
How can I create a line to the circle center, if I have an array, of angles for the most top circle? And how can I do the same, for the middle circle?
For example, I have an array, with the given angles in degrees: [87.0, 112.0, 150.0]

Here's a function drawLine that draws a line from a center point at an angle with a specific radius. To change which circle the line reaches, just change the radius:
override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {
if let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
let width = fmin(self.frame.size.width, self.frame.size.height)
let offset_x = abs(width - self.frame.size.width)/2
let offset_y = abs(width - self.frame.size.height)/2
let padding = CGFloat(0.5)
let radius_size = (width/2) - (padding*2)
let circle_width = radius_size/4
// Draw a circle
for i in 0 ..< 4
let offset = CGFloat(i) * circle_width
x: padding + offset + offset_x,
y: padding + offset + offset_y,
width: (radius_size - offset)*2,
height: (radius_size - offset)*2))
let angles: [CGFloat] = [87.0, 112.0, 150]
let angles2: [CGFloat] = [210.0, 250.0, 330.0]
let center = CGPoint(x: width/2 + offset_x, y: width/2 + offset_y)
for angle in angles {
drawLine(context: context, center: center, radius: radius_size, angle: angle)
for angle in angles2 {
drawLine(context: context, center: center, radius: radius_size * 3 / 4, angle: angle)
func drawLine(context: CGContext, center: CGPoint, radius: CGFloat, angle: CGFloat) {
context.move(to: center)
context.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: center.x + radius * cos(angle * .pi / 180), y: center.y - radius * sin(angle * .pi / 180)))


How to round corners of this custom shape SwiftUI?

I used this tutorial to create a hexagon shape:
My goal is to try to round the corners of my hexagon shape. I know I have to use the path.addCurve somehow, but I cannot figure out where I need to do that. I am only getting weird results. Has anyone got an idea?
struct Polygon: Shape {
let corners: Int
let smoothness: CGFloat
func path(in rect: CGRect) -> Path {
guard corners >= 2 else { return Path() }
let center = CGPoint(x: rect.width / 2, y: rect.height / 2)
var currentAngle = -CGFloat.pi / 2
let angleAdjustment = .pi * 2 / CGFloat(corners * 2)
let innerX = center.x * smoothness
let innerY = center.y * smoothness
var path = Path()
path.move(to: CGPoint(x: center.x * cos(currentAngle), y: center.y * sin(currentAngle)))
var bottomEdge: CGFloat = 0
for corner in 0 ..< corners * 2 {
let sinAngle = sin(currentAngle)
let cosAngle = cos(currentAngle)
let bottom: CGFloat
if corner.isMultiple(of: 2) {
bottom = center.y * sinAngle
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: center.x * cosAngle, y: bottom))
} else {
bottom = innerY * sinAngle
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: innerX * cosAngle, y: bottom))
if bottom > bottomEdge {
bottomEdge = bottom
currentAngle += angleAdjustment
let unusedSpace = (rect.height / 2 - bottomEdge) / 2
let transform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: center.x, y: center.y + unusedSpace)
return path.applying(transform)
struct Hexagon: View {
#Environment(\.colorScheme) var colorScheme
var body: some View {
Polygon(corners: 3, smoothness: 1)
.frame(width: 76, height: 76)
Haven't found a fix but this library does what I want:

Create a centered and rotated UILabels, between drawn lines in Core Graphic

I have the following code, to draw a circle, with segments inside of it :
override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {
if let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
let width = fmin(self.frame.size.width, self.frame.size.height)
let offset_x = abs(width - self.frame.size.width)/2
let offset_y = abs(width - self.frame.size.height)/2
let padding = CGFloat(0.5)
let radius_size = (width/2) - (padding*2)
let circle_width = radius_size/4
// Draw a circle
for i in 0 ..< 4
let offset = CGFloat(i) * circle_width
x: padding + offset + offset_x,
y: padding + offset + offset_y,
width: (radius_size - offset)*2,
height: (radius_size - offset)*2))
let angles: [CGFloat] = [87.0, 112.0, 150]
let angles2: [CGFloat] = [210.0, 250.0, 330.0]
let center = CGPoint(x: width/2 + offset_x, y: width/2 + offset_y)
for angle in angles {
drawLine(context: context, center: center, radius: radius_size, angle: angle)
for angle in angles2 {
drawLine(context: context, center: center, radius: radius_size * 3 / 4, angle: angle)
func drawLine(context: CGContext, center: CGPoint, radius: CGFloat, angle: CGFloat) {
context.move(to: center)
context.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: center.x + radius * cos(angle * .pi / 180), y: center.y - radius * sin(angle * .pi / 180)))
I want to be able, to create a centered between the segments UILabels, with rotation to the right angle, I made an example in photo editor:
Thanks in advance.
I found the answer:
func drawCurvedText(angle: CGFloat, text: String) {
on: textView.layer,
text: NSAttributedString(
string: text,
attributes: [
NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: UIColor.white,
NSAttributedString.Key.font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 15)
angle: -angle,
radius: 130)
func drawCurvedString(on layer: CALayer, text: NSAttributedString, angle: CGFloat, radius: CGFloat) {
var radAngle = angle.radians
let textSize = text.boundingRect(
with: CGSize(width: .max, height: .max),
options: [.usesLineFragmentOrigin, .usesFontLeading],
context: nil)
let perimeter: CGFloat = 2 * .pi * radius
let textAngle: CGFloat = textSize.width / perimeter * 2 * .pi
var textRotation: CGFloat = 0
var textDirection: CGFloat = 0
if angle > CGFloat(10).radians, angle < CGFloat(170).radians {
// bottom string
textRotation = 0.5 * .pi
textDirection = -2 * .pi
radAngle += textAngle / 2
} else {
// top string
textRotation = 1.5 * .pi
textDirection = 2 * .pi
radAngle -= textAngle / 2
for c in 0..<text.length {
let letter = text.attributedSubstring(from: NSRange(c..<c+1))
let charSize = letter.boundingRect(
with: CGSize(width: .max, height: .max),
options: [.usesLineFragmentOrigin, .usesFontLeading],
context: nil)
let letterAngle = (charSize.width / perimeter) * textDirection
let x = radius * cos(radAngle + (letterAngle / 2))
let y = radius * sin(radAngle + (letterAngle / 2))
let singleChar = drawText(
on: layer,
text: letter,
frame: CGRect(
x: (layer.frame.size.width / 2) - (charSize.width / 2) + x,
y: (layer.frame.size.height / 2) - (charSize.height / 2) + y,
width: charSize.width,
height: charSize.height))
singleChar.transform = CATransform3DMakeAffineTransform(CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: radAngle - textRotation))
radAngle += letterAngle
func drawText(on layer: CALayer, text: NSAttributedString, frame: CGRect) -> CATextLayer {
let textLayer = CATextLayer()
textLayer.frame = frame
textLayer.string = text
textLayer.alignmentMode =
textLayer.contentsScale = UIScreen.main.scale
return textLayer

Swift Draw Custom Circle [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Animate CAShapeLayer path change
(1 answer)
Circular Progress Bars in IOS
(7 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I am trying to implement a custom circular analysis view.
The view should be circular but cut-off.
My Code:
let circlePath = UIBezierPath(ovalIn: CGRect(x: innerRect.minX, y: innerRect.minY, width: innerRect.width, height: innerRect.height))
if trackBackgroundColor != UIColor.clear {
if trackBorderWidth > 0 {
circlePath.lineWidth = trackBorderWidth
// progress Drawing
let progressPath = UIBezierPath()
let progressRect: CGRect = CGRect(x: innerRect.minX, y: innerRect.minY, width: innerRect.width, height: innerRect.height)
let center = CGPoint(x: progressRect.midX, y: progressRect.midY)
let radius = progressRect.width / 2.0
let startAngle:CGFloat = clockwise ? CGFloat(-internalProgress * Double.pi / 180.0) : CGFloat(constants.twoSeventyDegrees * Double.pi / 180)
let endAngle:CGFloat = clockwise ? CGFloat(constants.twoSeventyDegrees * Double.pi / 180) : CGFloat(-internalProgress * Double.pi / 180.0)
progressPath.addArc(withCenter: center, radius:radius, startAngle:startAngle, endAngle:endAngle, clockwise:!clockwise)
Current Output:
How do I draw the custom circle described as Goal.
Here's a rough implementation of what you need. This draws the two arcs.
class CircularProgressView: UIView {
var trackBackgroundColor = UIColor.lightGray
var trackBorderWidth: CGFloat = 10
var progressColor =
var percent: Double = 0 {
didSet {
// Adjust these to meet your needs. 90 degrees is the bottom of the circle
static let startDegrees: CGFloat = 120
static let endDegrees: CGFloat = 60
override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {
let startAngle: CGFloat = radians(of: CircularProgressView.startDegrees)
let endAngle: CGFloat = radians(of: CircularProgressView.endDegrees)
let progressAngle = radians(of: CircularProgressView.startDegrees + (360 - CircularProgressView.startDegrees + CircularProgressView.endDegrees) * CGFloat(max(0.0, min(percent, 1.0))))
let center = CGPoint(x: bounds.midX, y: bounds.midY)
let radius = min(center.x, center.y) - trackBorderWidth / 2 - 10
print(startAngle, endAngle, progressAngle)
let trackPath = UIBezierPath(arcCenter: center, radius: radius, startAngle: startAngle, endAngle: endAngle, clockwise: true)
let progressPath = UIBezierPath(arcCenter: center, radius: radius, startAngle: startAngle, endAngle: progressAngle, clockwise: true)
trackPath.lineWidth = trackBorderWidth
trackPath.lineCapStyle = .round
progressPath.lineWidth = trackBorderWidth
progressPath.lineCapStyle = .round
private func radians(of degrees: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
return degrees / 180 * .pi
let progress = CircularProgressView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 500, height: 400))
progress.backgroundColor = .white
progress.percent = 0.95

Drawing hexagon image using Swift 4

public func roundedPolygonPath(rect: CGRect, lineWidth: CGFloat, sides: NSInteger, cornerRadius: CGFloat, rotationOffset: CGFloat = 0) -> UIBezierPath {
let path = UIBezierPath()
let theta: CGFloat = CGFloat(2.0 * M_PI) / CGFloat(sides) // How much to turn at every corner
let offset: CGFloat = cornerRadius * tan(theta / 2.0) // Offset from which to start rounding corners
let width = min(rect.size.width, rect.size.height) // Width of the square
let center = CGPoint(x: rect.origin.x + width / 2.0, y: rect.origin.y + width / 2.0)
// Radius of the circle that encircles the polygon
// Notice that the radius is adjusted for the corners, that way the largest outer
// dimension of the resulting shape is always exactly the width - linewidth
let radius = (width - lineWidth + cornerRadius - (cos(theta) * cornerRadius)) / 2.0
// Start drawing at a point, which by default is at the right hand edge
// but can be offset
var angle = CGFloat(rotationOffset)
let corner = CGPoint(x: center.x + (radius - cornerRadius) * cos(angle),y: center.y + (radius - cornerRadius) * sin(angle))
path.move(to: CGPoint(x: corner.x + cornerRadius * cos(angle + theta),y: corner.y + cornerRadius * sin(angle + theta)))
for _ in 0..<sides {
angle += theta
let corner = CGPoint(x: center.x + (radius - cornerRadius) * cos(angle),y: center.y + (radius - cornerRadius) * sin(angle))
let tip = CGPoint(x: center.x + radius * cos(angle),y: center.y + radius * sin(angle))
let start = CGPoint(x: corner.x + cornerRadius * cos(angle - theta),y: corner.y + cornerRadius * sin(angle - theta))
let end = CGPoint(x: corner.x + cornerRadius * cos(angle + theta), y: corner.y + cornerRadius * sin(angle + theta))
path.addLine(to: start)
path.addQuadCurve(to: end, controlPoint: tip)
// Move the path to the correct origins
let bounds = path.bounds
let transform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: -bounds.origin.x + rect.origin.x + lineWidth / 2.0, y: -bounds.origin.y + rect.origin.y + lineWidth / 2.0)
return path
public func createImage(layer: CALayer) -> UIImage {
let size = CGSizeMake(CGRect.maxX(layer.frame), CGRect.maxY(layer.frame))
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(size, layer.isOpaque, 0.0)
let ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
layer.render(in: ctx!)
let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
return image!
let lineWidth = CGFloat(7.0)
let rect = CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, 150.0, 150.0)
let sides = 6
var path = roundedPolygonPath(rect, lineWidth, sides, 15.0, rotationOffset: CGFloat(-M_PI / 2.0))
let borderLayer = CAShapeLayer()
borderLayer.frame = CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, path.bounds.width + lineWidth, path.bounds.height + lineWidth)
borderLayer.path = path.CGPath
borderLayer.lineWidth = lineWidth
borderLayer.lineJoin = kCALineJoinRound
borderLayer.lineCap = kCALineCapRound
borderLayer.strokeColor = UIColor.blackColor().CGColor
borderLayer.fillColor = UIColor.whiteColor().CGColor
var image = createImage(borderLayer)}[enter image description here][1]
I cannot convert the Swift 3 with CGRect and CGSizeMake functions to latest Swift 4.
The following errors is due to the conversion of Swift 3 example. I have found,
'CGRectMake' is unavailable in Swift
Extensions may not contain stored properties
'CGSizeMake' is unavailable in Swift
*Im trying to draw the path **
Instead of CGSizeMake you now can use CGSize.init, e.g. CGSize(width: 100, height: 50).
Instead of the static function CGRect.maxX you now can use the member method of the same name: CGRect.maxX(layer.frame) becomes layer.frame.maxX.

Swift, polar coordinates

I have to draw 12 points in a circle with different radiant. From point 1, draw a line to point 2, from point 2 to 3, etc. The lines will not be a problem.
I can not find a formula to find the 12 * (x,y), but I think it's something with polar coordinates / circle?
Is anyone working with it and maybe want to share with me?
See the picture which might explain better than I can:
This is the result I got:
And This is my Playground:
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import Foundation
import UIKit
class DemoView: UIView {
override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {
let origin = CGPoint(x: frame.size.width / 2, y: frame.size.height / 2)
let radius = frame.size.width / 2
self.createCircle(origin: origin, radius: radius)
self.addLinesInCircle(origin: origin, radius: radius)
func createCircle(origin: CGPoint, radius: CGFloat) {
let path = UIBezierPath()
path.addArc(withCenter: origin, radius: radius, startAngle: 0, endAngle: CGFloat(2 * Double.pi), clockwise: true)
func addLinesInCircle(origin: CGPoint, radius: CGFloat) {
let path = UIBezierPath()
let incrementAngle: CGFloat = CGFloat.pi / 6
let ratios: [CGFloat] = [3/6, 5/6, 3/6, 1/6, 5/6, 2/6, 4/6, 2/6, 4/6, 4/6, 4/6, 4/6, 3/6]
for (index, ratio) in ratios.enumerated() {
let point = CGPoint(x: origin.x + cos(CGFloat(index) * incrementAngle) * radius * ratio,
y: origin.y + sin(CGFloat(index) * incrementAngle) * radius * ratio)
if index == 0 {
path.move(to: point)
} else {
path.addLine(to: point)
let demoView = DemoView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 320, height: 320))